Make America Hate Again


Seriously, is it a surprise that the Trump administration rescinded Obama’s executive order on school bathroom access based on self-identified gender rather than chromosomes? The announcement is timed aptly for CPAC conservative Christians meeting. Was there any reason to assume that 45 would be more truthful in this campaign promise than any of the other things that he’s said before or since? Should we have questioned that campaign promise to protect the LGBTQ community when he got muddled in the letters as he spoke them, as if they were foreign to his tongue? The Donald has correctly surmised that his pool of supporters in that sector is relatively shallow, primarily those engaged in self-loathing or denial or just plain opportunists; during the campaign, he was just throwing out the term to seem more inclusive to moderates; “Hey, I’m not showing hate; you can vote for me if you’re hatin’ on Hillary!” People demonstrating in the streets knew it was coming; that’s why they came out.

charter-public-schoolIt’s a little surprising that Betsy D was a little reluctant to get with the Sessions’ program. In light of her ideas to return decisions about schools to the states and local school boards as part of the rhetoric about choice, the policy change seemed appropo. This is the place where Republicans give free reign to any local variant of an -ism: racism, antisemitism, sexism. We have seen this movement before, when southerners doubled down on segregated schools and created, with public money, their own white academies to resist integration. Jeff Sessions isn’t a big proponent of rolling back the regulations for nothing; he’s had a lot of experience with this stuff in Alabama.

Sanitized in their little homogenized bubbles, Republicans speak of what “the American people think” as if it is the same as what Republicans think. The spectre of “deviant” behavior haunts these conservatives at every turn. They must regulate all relationships between the genders. They lost badly as sodomy was decriminalized, then on the marriage front with civil unions, extension of beneficiary status to same sex partners and finally equal status under the law. Now, they are holding the line at the toilet. Thus, legislators, rather than represent all of their constituents, the basis of representative democracy, are on a mission to ram their agendas down all of our throats. If you’re only talking to the people who think like you, you come to believe that all people “in their right mind” think like you and you just dismiss the rest.

There may be a silver lining in the elevation of local control to mantra status. Consider the concept of local LGBTQ welcoming charter schools, where students, faculty and staff value quality education conducted in a microcosm that reflects a cross section of society. These would be academies where knowledge is more important than who is sitting at the next classroom desk; where creativity and innovation are encouraged; where the atmosphere is free of fear, an important factor in allowing teaching and learning to happen. A place where students are free to use the bathroom of their choice.

Trump in 2020!


Can you believe that Trump filed to run in 2020 in January 2017? We thought that Trump was just reclaiming former glory during the rallies he’s held since his election, but he’s deadly serious. His Melbourne Florida event has been officially designated a campaign rally by the RNC. More importantly, there are several new PACs forming, such as a new America First variant, that will campaign around Obamacare, immigration laws, etc. The Koch brothers and cronies are deadly serious about responding quickly to any increased disillusionment of Trump voters by pouring out propaganda to keep them believing that the rich and super-rich have the interest of working men and women in mind.

They will dazzle with the language of choice. You can choose your school, you can choose your neighborhood without fear that “undesirables” will move in next door. You can choose to have health insurance or not, you can choose your insurance plan. Control over Medicaid is going to return to your state, so you will have local control of who gets benefits. They will plump up the idea of smaller tax cuts for working people by telling them that their taxes will no longer be spent on the “undeserving”, even though many will come to learn that the “undeserving” are in fact themselves, having fallen on harder times from which they are trying to recover. Three out of four men aged 25-55 has dropped out of the workforce; 50% of them are receiving some kind of government disability.

pollution Working and middle class families will be asked to wait in line as wealthy businesses and individuals get much larger tax cuts in order to create jobs while being liberated from “job-killing” regulations. They will be sold the idea that you can either have a job or a healthy family living in a clean environment but you can’t have both. And while they wait, diminished federal revenues will leave everyone except the wealthy with shrunken resources from which to choose. The choice will be among several different kinds of peanuts; there will be no roast beef or steak on the menu.

One example from the proposed ACA replacement plan is a change in insurance subsidies. Under Obamacare, subsidies are income based; under the replacement, it would be by age. It makes sense that plans for older people cost more because they use more medical services. But the age based subsidy means that someone making $150K/year will get the same subsidy as someone the same age making $30K. A perfect example of letting the rich guy skate with lower insurance premiums than the working man who will be paying a larger portion of his income for the same plan. Republicans sticking it to the working man whenever possible.

Republicans propose to transition Medicaid expansion under Obamacare by cutting the federal reimbursement to the states from 90% to 50%, thus shifting the burden to already strapped state budgets. At the same time, they propose to put Medicaid on a budget, with a choice of caps on federal support or block grants. Since the largest portion of Medicaid is spent on the elderly living in nursing homes, states will have to choose Granny’s care or prenatal care for expectant mothers.

Republican PACs will try to convince the country that Social Security converted to 401Ks provides opportunity for bigger benefits without mentioning that the vagaries of the market investment can lower the fund to zero. Added bonus, matter the outcome for the client, investment firms and brokers are going to make a killing in fees. Isn’t that what will keep the economy humming?  Rich conservatives are banking on holding onto some of the 65% who voted for 45 but are now already unhinged by the capriciousness of the TweetMaster, while remaining secure that the 35% of voters who are core supporters would follow Trump into WWIII.

So far that seems to hold true. While news outlets were questioning the RealityPresident’s performance in his last news conference, core supporters are ecstatic, at least as reported by those same news programs. Trump has been working the act so long that he knows how and what to deliver. Trumpophants don’t hear what non-supporters hear; their emotions are cued to phrases that resonate in their core. Trump has been evolving his appeals since the birther days; he may not be bright but he is savvy.  A well trained carnival barker, he knows how to reel you in. As long as he can keep the mirage going that a few named dropped companies actually translates into more jobs in those locations bereft of job opportunities; not necessarily the supporters’ area, but an area like his; as long as Republicans pass tax reduction legislation; as long as he sprinkles in his special brand of razzmatazz, he will keep his core happy. When the unemployment rate doesn’t fall from the current 4.6% which used to be considered full employment, the Administration will create alternative facts, or even change the variables used to calculate the rate, while claiming the mainstream media is pushing faux facts. And in the background, PAC fueled propaganda will run on a endless loop.

So, once again, the RealityPresident is proving innovative in the realm of politics. Most of us thought naively that the 4 years between elections were for governing. We groaned over the development of the 2 year presidential campaign in the last 2 election cycles. Apparently, thanks to the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, the infusion of big, big money into political campaigning, has made it possible to extend election cycles even further out.


We thought of campaigning as a distraction from governing; 45 will pioneer the fusion of the two. Recall that Trump pioneered the campaign where the candidate didn’t have to touch people; no baby kissing or hand shaking for him. No coffee shop breakfasts or diner dinners. make-america-great-capA jet, a ball cap, a T Shirt, Twitter, and a speech captured the White House for the RealityPresident. It should be interesting to see how the “fine tuned machine” in the White House can cope. The legislative branch has trouble functioning when candidates have to run for reelection every 2 years; the chambers stop working completely 6 months, and sometimes longer, before presidential administrations end. Fortunately, the civil service keeps the government running; the executive branch sets the policy vision and career workers translate the vision into day to day activity. The Cabinet is responsible for agency oversight. Unfortunately, there appears to be thousands of politically appointed jobs that remain unfilled which can leave the government lurching forward. It seems like the BullyPresident is having trouble recruiting the best and the brightest. They may have to settle for relatives of rich relatives. And while 45 is wandering among auditorium mics, Bannon is there to keep things running smoothly, just like Carl Rove and Dick Cheney were there for Bush 43. We’re watching history in the remaking.

A reality star is reborn!


As Trump relaxed in his latest news conference, he seemed to enjoy sparring with reporters, much like his celebrity days. He could ad lib; he could plump up his ego and sing his own praises. He relished the power of the pointed finger to pick winners- you can ask a question- and losers- very fake media. Once again, he was a reality show star, but this time, on the biggest stage in the world. Several times, he couldn’t resist talk about ratings; “I do get good ratings!” He took every opportunity to sing his own praises, kind of like plopping his tiny hands over his shoulders for double back pats. “There has never been a presidency that has done as much in such a short period of time.” No need to fact check that; Obama had issued more executive orders (none of them challenged in court) and signed the stimulus bill, the Fair Pay Act and banned torture in his first month.

Trump lied his way through denials of any Russian connections, “I have nothing to do with Russia. I own nothing in Russia. I don’t have any deals in Russia. Russia is fake news.” It may be true that he has no deals IN Russia, despite numerous efforts to make one, but that is not the same as no deals WITH Russians. He neglected to mention his financial entanglements (see Bloodless Coup). His companies have sold multiple properties to Russian billionaire tenants. Eric Trump has said that Russian money makes up a significant portion of the money that the Trump organizations are making on their properties. We should not forget, these are companies that Trump still owns, from which he continues to derive income. Russian oligarchs have multiple connections in their government. No one gets rich in the Russian state owned economy without government connections. Russian agents don’t wear badges.

gettyimages-631796322He soared in praise of his largest electoral college win since Reagan. When he was later called on his faux facts, with the information that Obama had a larger electoral count, he demurred that he was speaking only of Republican candidates. To the comeback that Bush and Clinton both had larger totals, he actually relented by saying this is just the information he was given. (I bet that aide will be moving to a different position.) A quick Google search could have cleared it up for him. No electoral-map-2008reading involved; just a glance at the red and blue colored maps. When asked why electoral-college-2016Americans should trust what he says when he gives false information, he simply sidestepped to insist that the reporter agree that his victory was “a very substantial one.” The elephant in the room is why is Trump so willing to broadcast information that is unconfirmed by multiple sources or patently false. This is obviously purposeful strategy fomented by Trump’s own Goebbels, Bannon. This is unmistakeable, given Bannon’s Breitbart history and his openly stated philosophical world view. He’s in mortal combat with his stated enemy, the media.

Trump insisted that he only fired Flynn because he lied to Pence. In his mind, Flynn was just doing his job; he was supposed to be contacting representatives from other countries. Seemingly overlooked is the problem that the events occurred in December when Flynn was not yet in government. He said he was just arranging a future call from Trump to Putin. That would be within his purview. But under the one president at a time rule, it is inappropriate to be discussing Obama’s sanctions with the Russian ambassador in some official capacity without Obama’s knowledge. I’m still sticking with treason, particularly if there was classified information involved. Let the tapes reveal and the FBI make their criminal case, if they dare. There’s still the hurdle of Justice Department prosecution, doubtful under the Sessions tenure.

On his stance toward Russia, The Donald honestly felt all Americans would cheer if he fired on the Russian war ship cruising off the coast of New England. Well, honestly may be too strong when referring to our president; honest he is not and probably never has been. Anyone except a small child would have to be an idiot to believe that firing on a Russian cruiser in international waters would be smart policy; it is tantamount to war. Just a little theatrical flourish with a misguided straw man.

steve-bannon-cartoon-earJust in case, he took the opportunity to hedge his failures in future Russian relations. He has grossly underestimated Putin, a fatal flaw for a MasterDealmaker. Bannon’s view that Putin is an ally flows from the desire to create Armageddon where all established governments fall. That is antithetical to American policy. He sees Iran and China as the principal US enemy, the first moving closer to Russia and the later a foe. For Trump to envision Russia as the wedge to allow America First to abdicate our role in the Middle East may even be prearranged, as Putin is well into the process. So just in case it goes awry, President Dealmaker said “Putin probably assumes that he can’t make a deal with me anyway because politically, it would be unpopular for a politician to make a deal.” Not a chance; the Russian bear hasn’t invested this much in their Manchurian candidate to fold easily. (Stay tuned for “Putin’s Octopussy Tentacles”) Putin will make the deal that most advantages him; as long as Trump is giving, he’ll keep taking.

On the leaks to the press, “criminal leaks”, he insisted that leaks were a larger problem than the information leaked. He floated the possibility that he would put Stephen Feinberg on the case, but wasn’t definitive. Remember he likes to surprise.

45 couldn’t help revisiting his glory days on the campaign trail with recycled charges against Hillary Clinton. When is he going to stop reliving old battles that he admittedly won. OK, he was talking to his base and Hillary plays well at rallies, even those broadcast from the White House.  Clinton is safely recovering, if she can, while on hiatus as Grandma and no threat to anyone. “I’ve done nothing for Russia; Hillary Clinton gave them 20% of our uranium” the MasterBully asserted. He was referring to State Department approval of a Russian state company purchase of a Canadian company with control of one-fifth of US uranium production capacity. Approval of the deal went through 9 agencies; Clinton had no input and she may not even been briefed on it. A pants-on-fire kind of lie.

As Trump scoured the room to find “easy” questions, he found a Jewish reporter who asked what should have been a slam dunk; how will the administration respond to an uptick in anti-Semitism? Something like the administration abhors anti-Semitism and we would never condone anti-Semitic activities and view them as prosecutable hate-crimes. Boom! Done! Trump’s initial response of how complicated anti-Semitism is and his own personal denial morphed into an assault on the reporter’s question as “repulsive” and “very insulting.” “ Quiet, quiet, quiet” Trump ordered. The reporter didn’t know what hit him. He accused the reporter of lying that his question was easy. Trump instructed him that he should have relied on Netanyahu’s endorsement, “instead of having to get up and ask a very insulting question like that.” All this anger for a reporter from an Orthodox Jewish weekly that has steadfastly supported Trump, unlike many other Jewish organization.

uncle-sam-trump45 went on to be even more playful in one of his frequent denials of racial bias-”I’m the least racist person you have ever met”. Then, in response to a question from an African American reporter about including the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) in discussion of his agenda in urban centers, he asserted that he wanted to meet with them and quipped, “ Are you friends with them? Maybe you could arrange a meeting with them.” Just pure cynicism. This is where the popular conception of racism fails to retain any meaning in the current climate. First, he clearly didn’t know what the CBC is. Next, The Donald played on the insulting assumption that because of her color, she would have some special connection to the Black Caucus. As if all Black people know each other, a common misconception of the wealthy who live in white worlds inhabited only by Black servants. As if the CBC isn’t an old established organization of Congressmen that shouldn’t need to be cornering friends to communicate with the president. Of course, it was all for theatrical effect. Trumpophants, many of whom don’t know about the CBC, would not have acknowledged race bias in this exchange; he just expressed what they think as they too live in the social isolation of their own groups. The Black Caucus’ multiple requests to meet with the President have fallen on deaf ears. John Lewis is a star, but not like Kanye or Steve Harvey although all three have insulted the Donald. And honestly, when the White House staff call Congressmen to meet, even those in opposition, they answer the call. Trump’s proving once again that he intends to be President for only some of the people, the ones with white skin tones. 

We learned a lot about our 45th president during that afternoon. Over 70 minutes of his many faces; shallow; egotistical and therefore insecure in need of constant praise; a pathological liar far above the politically expedient; easily flattered and therefore vulnerable; easily offended and therefore vulnerable. He seems to confuse reality and fiction as in his claim that God stopped the rain during his inaugural speech when clearly Milania sat under an umbrella while raindrops were visibly falling on the president’s shoulder. Maybe he didn’t feel the rain in the enormity of the moment, but he’s probably watched the tape a thousand times. He has this therapeutic need to talk to a wider spectrum of people outside his immediate circle. There is no question that he believes that his press conference was an unqualified success and that he will be crushed by the media interpretation of his performance, making him even more vindictive in days to come.

Maybe 45 is a shallow thinker; as not the brightest bulb, despite his protestations, he didn’t try to augment his education with extensive reading and curiosity. Or maybe it’s because his career has been based on the isolated existence of a wealthy businessman who have information fed to them by staff. We’ve heard he likes bullet points and maps for briefings; that he watches Fox News for his news (and doesn’t read newspapers). His Twitter feed confirms that he literally tweets what he’s heard on Fox moments after it’s broadcast. Or maybe it’s just because he’s an old man. Old men wander halls at night, with our without a bathroom, because old men don’t sleep well; they don’t sleep through the night. Trump is up at 3 am to tweet. Old men often just sit in front of the TV. Old men go frequently to Florida for golf in winter because cold weather is hard. Old men talk a lot about playing golf. And a lot of old men love telling stories about themselves, embellished through years of retelling. And the-madness-of-george-lll-007frequently, old men want what they want when they want it. Donald Trump is our oldest president, beating out Reagan by 8 months at inauguration. Now we know that Nancy was covering for her Ronnie as he developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s during his administration. As David Brooks, of the NY Times said “It’s [the administration] more “The Madness of King George”. He predicts that we on the verge of “a moment in which US economic and military might is strong but US political might is weak. Imagine the Roman Empire governed by Monaco.”

The Russians are coming! No, the Russians have already come

The razzle and dazzle of the Trump administration is on overdrive- Pierre Trudeau, the yummy Canadian Prime Minister, one day; Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, the next. 45 came out blazing with a matter-of-fact change in long standing policy to Israeli-Palestinian peace solutions; something like “you guys work it out and I’m on board with whatever you want. Either the two-state solution or a one-state solution; it’s up to you.” Statements made even before the two had talked. The TweetMaster still hasn’t learned that words count, offhand remarks at news conferences even more than Tweets because the whole world is watching- friend and foe alike. We can only hope that Trump’s support will stop short of condoning terrorism and genocide, but he’s supported that in other places at other times.

hillary-on-trump-as-russian-puppetFortunately, the press remained undeterred and shouted questions about the Russian connection as Trump retreated from the room, refusing to say anything. So back to the every growing buzz about Trump campaign aides’ connections to Russian operatives. Turns out, Trump like any competent Manchurian candidate, enlisted his aides to interact with agents of his overlords. And, sonofabitch, the FBI knew some of this during the campaign (and presumably briefed Obama), but chose to withhold this information. They were too busy dumping on Hillary to comment on her charges that Trump was a Russian puppet. Why the obvious bias here? Is it simply that the FBI did not have sufficient information or something else political?

Certainly questions about campaign aides were raised at the time (see Putin’s Bloodless Coup). Paul Manafort, Trump campaign chair until he was replaced by Kelleyanne Conway but somehow included in the mix with the transition team, had a history of consultant work in Russia. He was a political consultant for the former president of Ukraine, a Russian puppet, and worked for other Putin cronies. One Manafort effort was to keep a plank against Russian action in the Ukraine out of the Republican Party platform. Another Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page,  at the time, a board member of Gazprom, a Russian energy corporation, went to Moscow during the campaign. Now there are apparently a number of others besides Flynn with questionable contacts. Were they so naive to believe that the intelligence agencies were not competent enough to be watching and listening? Damn, don’t they watch movies and TV.

At last, the Russian bear has stirred some Republican action or at least talk of action. Democratic outrage goes without saying, but they seem to be gathering Republican support. The old guard remembers the Cold War; they frown on the BullyPresident administration backstage hand-holding with a nation led by a dictator whose primary mission is to recreate a Soviet Union even more dominant than Stalin’s. While Paul Ryan remains an uncritical bosom buddy to Trump, Congressional committees are gearing up to investigate, although they are still quarrelling over who’s going to do what in the usual jurisdictional battles. The Democrats have called for an independent nonpartisan committee, obviously uneasy to leave Republican syncophants in control of investigations. The potential for cover-up is, to use a standard Trump phrase, enormous.

trump-as-russian-puppetNot to be outdone, our Putin puppet has already taken steps to limit activities of intelligence agencies at a time it could be argued that they should be enhanced, particularly in cyberspace. He proposed Stephen Feinberg, billionaire founder of Cerberus Capital Management, to head a broad review of the intelligence agencies. Feinberg, already on 45’s economic advisory council, would occupy this position as part of White House staff, thus circumventing Congressional approval. Trump’s authoritarian brain at work- he wants what he wants when he wants it. He seems to have translated his ideas about shrinking the Federal government into bloating the White House staff, positions made attractive to billionaires by exemption from any reasonable salary caps. Your tax dollars put to work transferring wealth to the wealthy.  Feinberg, a close friend of both Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, is a way to slip a Trump loyalist into a world they view as hostile. Feinberg could bring Bannon’s worldview into harnessing intelligence operatives to respond to the will of the leader. This action could go a long way to plugging those leaks that at subverting the administration, leaks motivated by the chaos and confusion reigning down around them.

Feinberg had been considered for Director of National Intelligence or CIA Chief, a big step for a man with no intelligence experience. His firm includes private security companies and gun manufacturers with contracts providing security to several agencies including the State Department. Some think this appointment is a move to groom Feinberg to assume either post in the future. The current nominee to run the CIA is Mike Pompeo, a Kansas Congressman and his counterpart, Dan Coats from the Senate for intelligence director, culled from legislative ranks, hotbeds of anti-Trumpism, with support from Mike Pence. Trump can expect little support from that quarter in harnessing national security forces to his agenda. Reportedly, Coates is pissed at Bannon’s intrusion into national security briefings, sitting like Svengali, whispering his vision into the TweetMaster’s ear while displacing legitimate realities from the intelligence community.


Since the press wasn’t suckered off the Russian connection story by Trump’s head fakes, he lobbed another distracter their way. A purported news conference to announce Flynn’s replacement turned into yet another attack on the press in the form of a campaign stump speech. The nominee, Alex Acosta, was not present, unlike other nomination events and was so overshadowed by the harangue that it’s unlikely that anyone listening even remembers his name. It’s hard not to notice that the first Hispanic Cabinet nominee didn’t even get a photo op next to his fearless leader; not the best optics for his “Build the Wall” supporters. If they’d wanted to prepare the base, they could have instead hailed him as a shining example of the American immigrant success story. Of course, his success was built on the differential treatment handed to Cuban immigrants, allowing them to become millionaires and public officials. Still, that would only undercut the reigning narrative that immigrants can only be dangerous or a burden on public resources. In propaganda wars, it doesn’t pay to confuse the less well informed.  

In the news conference, 45 was , as he said, speaking directly to the American public, so his message could not be corrupted by the unfailingly untrustworthy media. He rambled on through a fictional rendition of his biggest, bestest electoral victory since Reagan. He threw in a little commercial for his rally that night in Melbourne, Florida while laying out the administration’s many accomplishments, triumphing over pesky Democratic party resistance. He focussed on jobs while name dropping corporations, immigration, and national security and the many initial steps taken on campaign promises. He, of course, dismissed references to Russia as fake news.

Once he completed his prepared remarks, a more relaxed Trump emerged and he seemed to revel in the give and take. So, 45 is doing as much as he can to distract, no doubt hoping to send the press into fact checking frenzies. Luckily the NY Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post have big staffs, so they can pursue more than one story at a time. We need the press to be as much of an enemy as Steve Bannon thinks they are.

Generals Just Fade Away

45 put down his faithful dog, Flynn and Flynn took the bullet for his Commander and Chief. So General Flynn’s out as National Security Adviser, after apologizing to Pence for “mischaracterizing” his phone call with the Russian Prime Minister; a call that occurred when Flynn was a mere nominee for the National Security Council. When private citizens negotiate with foreign officials, that’s treason. Perhaps Trump was saving his general from the hangman’s noose. Or perhaps not; consider the lack of evidence in that kind of trial for “reasons of national security.”

Trump doesn’t run the type of operation where his subordinates go rogue to act on their own, so we can assume that Flynn acted, if not under Trump’s direction, then with his acquiescence. Add to that, the information was given to Trump by the FBI over a month ago, so 45 has been sitting on it. Dare we say cover up?  In the interim, the administration doesn’t seem to have done an adequate amount of scheming to produce a polished response. The usual slick piling on by the usual suspects has even tripped up Kelleyanne. Did Flynn resign or was he fired?

As more details emerged, Trump’s explanation for the delay in acting was not that Flynn’s actions were espionage but that they were trying to understand the legal ramifications. Sounds like he planned on stick by Fynn, loyal staff. And that wraps the story up in a bow- Trump sent his dog hunting and hoped he’d be able to take down the game. But the chase got too heated and his dog broke his leg when he stumbled over a Pence. So Trump had to put him down. Sean Spicer said it was a question of the “erosion of trust” between 45 and Flynn. And with that statement, the Bully President said it all–Flynn had not done anything that displeased his boss.

Of course, you have to question the competence of a national security advisor who didn’t know that the FBI would be listening in on his call to the Russian ambassador and captured it on tape. The general public knows that there is routine surveillance of Russian operatives. Both Flynn and Trump are egomaniacs, but what were they thinking? I suppose 45 could just order the FBI to burn the tape but tape destruction would spring a media leak that would be hard to plug. Of course, the Tweetmaster has already focussed his attack on the real problem- so many unauthorized leaks coming out of Washington. He seems to be concerned about information leaking out about the response to North Korea. But if he’s worried about leaks concerning North Korea, he needs to look no further than the Mar A-Largo dining room and Facebook.

cia-lobby-sealAnd that’s the rub. Is it any wonder that the Bully President is feuding with the national security agencies? The FBI and CIA operate independently and they just keep peeking into 45’s business. An independent security force is an anathema for an autocrat; he must harness their power to his service if he is to succeed. He may want to alter the routine monitoring of Russians, but even he must realize that would be dangerous. While President Dealmaker may drive a hard bargain, it’s hard to do without information. He may be larger than life, but only God is that big.  We wait with baited breathe to see how Trump surmounts this stumbling block. We could have administration spooks spying on the government spooks!

Only in a capitol saturated with self-serving politicians pumped up by the recent Republican victory would the controversy be centered on lying to the Vice President. Really? Not treason or espionage? Not what did the President know? The answer to that is as plain as the noses on their faces, but that would mean impeaching the newly anointed before Congress can pass their tax cuts for millionaires. As for the FBI, their main concern was that Russia would have a hook into Flynn for future blackmail.

Some Republicans are nervous about the exclusion of Pence from Trump’s inner circle. Pence represents the one link from the Trump administration to traditional Republican political views. Pence has paid his penance; he has steadfastly flattered his boss in every statement while folding and refolding himself into every possible contortion to come to Trump’s defense. It is almost sad as we’ve watched a supposedly true believer leak his values from every pore. It’s like the Wicked Witch of the West dissolving into a puddle.

Congressional Republicans aren’t even interested in investigating Flynn (and thus Trump) because, as they have commented, it’s just an example of administrative dysfunction (John McCain) or even, just much ado about nothing. Hillary Clinton’s emails stored on a personal server was a national security crises worthy of multiple Congressional investigations. And yet, a private citizen, with a high security clearance issued as part of the transition team, talking about government activity to the country’s most powerful foe is a matter of “administrative dysfunction”. Congressional backbone has crumbled; slime is spreading across the chamber floors. Just more of the new normal. More terrible, horrible, no good, very bad normal!

Get out of that bubble! Part 1


Three cheers for Elizabeth Warren! She was set up for a great ad for her 2020 presidential campaign when silenced on the Senate floor by Mitch McConnell using an arcane Senate rule barring insults to fellow Senators. Warren was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King about Jeff Sessions. Seems innocent enough. But what has she accomplished? Sessions went on to be confirmed and DOJ enforcement of minority civil rights will come to a screeching halt. Screamer alert! Life is not happening on CSPAN.

While Democrats are now the party of opposition, given their paltry numbers in the legislature, giving speeches is not an effective oppositional strategy. The Republicans are running roughshod over the Democrats and the rest of the country. It’s more like fiddling while Rome burns.  

dictatortrumpWhile the Senators are playing games, Trump is quickly taking steps to establish a dictatorship. He’s using the classic moves. He’s undermining the free press, through constant attacks. He’s creating his own reality, saturated with his own lies and alternative facts. His Joseph Goebbels, Steve Bannon, first developed a fake news and social network, Breitbart, and linked it with a cable news outlet, Fox News through Roger Ailes, saturating all modes of communication. Throughout Trump’s campaign, they manipulated the media to broadcast his rallies; he could call into any TV or radio outlet at will, spreading his lies without a single contesting voice to his faux facts. His message was everywhere free of charge. Even his Tweets were rebroadcast worldwide, just as they continue to be. After election night, Trump launched right into “co-governing” with Obama, Constitution be damned! He even had General Flynn out negotiating with the Russian ambassador, as private citizens!  That’s espionage or at least it used to be. As in all things, Trump consistently created new normals, always outside established traditions, frequently unethical or illegal; and always less civil.

tumblr_inline_mvhnu0bof41qb7zxhTrump washed into the White House, bolstered by his oligarchic cabinet cronies and his Goebbels, firmly ensconced as the chief strategist with a seat at the National Security Council. And of course, a bevy of family “advisers”; like any good Napoleon, he’s crammed as many family members on the government payroll as he can fit.

And then the executive orders rolled out. Much of them, thank goodness, are campaign-promise-delivery-theater: the Wall, repeal of Obamacare, kill the TPPP (but surprisingly, not NAFTA yet), the Dakota pipeline. His cabinet picks will implode their departments, no doubt, siphoning off some big bucks to offshore bank accounts in the bargain (45’s admiration of Putin has much to do with his Russian counterpart’s methods of plunder).

And the hits just kept coming. The avalanche is meant to keep the public and legislators off balance, scrambling from one topic to another, reeling from each more outrageous action. Ever the bully, he’s got his tiny hands in every pie. His daily Tweets reveal his tender ego, bruised by SNL or obsessed with the Apprentice or even the size of the inaugural crowd. But these things are all meant to distract from the seriousness of governance. He’s got Congressional lips pretty much glued to his ass, but he’s not above goosing them with complaints about delays in cabinet confirmations, always couched in terms of the unfair treatment meted out to him compared to the support for Obama’s administration –ah, amnesia is a wonderful thing. Lost in the bombastic quips was the resistance of Trump nominees to submission of the appropriate paperwork and ethics reviews. Previous administrations initiated background security clearances prior to the announcement of their nominations. Trump enjoyed pulling the surprise rabbit out of the hat, without vetting. It kept the opposition scrambling to settle on appropriate lines of questioning.

Like any good autocrat, 45 wants what he wants and he wants it now. And yet, in his mind, he’s the one who’s being treated badly by everyone except his ever faithful American base. But if you get in his way, he’ll fire off a Tweet. He has to whittle down the tripartite government. If the judicial branch is impeding his orders, he begins bashing the judges. Trump implores, “Wouldn’t it be nice if judges weren’t so political and would just do the right thing?” The “right thing” is the Trump thing. It is Trump who’s created the political storm around the court, even before it had ruled. Despite Trump’s bellyaching, the courts are doing the right thing- following the law. His henchmen’s most recent charge is the court is trying to be the dominant branch, rather than an equivalent branch. At the same time, he’s charged the judiciary with the blame for any future US terrorist attacks (until he gets his ban, sorry, travel restrictions). It’s not out of the realm of possibility that we might soon have a surreptitiously administration assisted Muslim inspired attack, more real than the fabled unreported Bowling Green massacre.bowling-green-massacre

In whatever the administration does, they pollute public discourse with lies, deflections and misdirections. It’s hard to find the truth among the barrage of alternative facts. Is there a truth buried in Sean Spicer’s briefings? Is it his slips or his corrected statements that are true? Did something happen in Bowling Green that was kept from the public? Which Bowling Green? Or are these all fabrications. Thrown into the mix is constant denial. In response to the statement by Neil Gorsuch, the new SCOTUS nominee, that he was disconcerted and disheartened by 45’s attacks on the judge who stayed the Muslim ban, Trump just denied that Gorsuch said it, couched in another attack on the press for misrepresenting the judge’s remarks. This prompted a lot of air time documenting witnesses to the statement. Well, the airtime has to be filled with something; unfortunately, hasn’t been spent on something more substantive.

His global strategy is unfolding: insult as many allies as possible, including Mexico and Australia (seriously?) while cozying up to our strongest enemy. And, sowing  mayhem in the Middle East by turning Netanyahu loose to further antagonize the Palestinians with new settlements, torpedoing already shaky peace negotiations. The log that Trump placed on the fire is talk of relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem. The MaterTweeter went one step beyond his Putin-can-do-no-wrong routine–not murder of political enemies, massacres of civilians, cyber-sabotage of American elections, repression of political protest, annexation of Crimea- when he stepped up his adulation by disparaging the US for having done similar things in the past. Wow. As Former Gen. Barry McCaffrey remarked, that’s “the most anti-American statement” ever made by a US President.

Despite the talk of easing sanctions imposed on Russia, even in the face of some Congressional calls to double down on them, at the UN, Nikki Haley is sounding like the US will take a hard line on Russian action in the Ukraine. But she referred specifically to Crimea-related sanctions which target a group of Russian oligarchs. rosneftLeft unmentioned were the US and European Commision sanctions which apply to all major Russian banks and oil and gas companies; American oil and gas corporations and probably Secretary of State Tillerson, are anxious to put an end to those. The most recent set of sanctions imposed by Obama at the end of his administration were a response to Russian hacking activity, affecting several individuals and cybersecurity firms. These have already been altered by 45.

Beyond the free press, free speech is another target, using the excuse that the President has a right to his opinion, but the office of POTUS should preclude public expression. The fundamentally unAmerican Trump does not recognize free speech as a foundational right of democracy.  So he can oppine to his staff, but he can’t target companies whose executives have been critical of him. He can’t single out winners and losers in the marketplace: Ford should not have to defend its Mexican plants which in fact provide jobs to people on this side of  the border. Make no mistake, the Master Bully is creating an atmosphere of intimidation. Businesses will have to pause before making a move that could upset 45 because he can send their stocks tumbling or tank a merger; politicians have to make measured responses to the crazy things he does or fear retribution.

Three weeks of mayhem feels like 300. Some have speculated that the pace is meant to exhaust opposition. There is still so much to cover. Stay tuned for Part 2. The whole truth may be just out of reach. 

The White House website is just a preview


The new White House website is looking a lot less friendly these days. President Dealmaker is in the B&W header photo surrounded by his Trumpophants. America First and English only; gone is the Spanish translation from the good recent days. So much for the President communicating to all of the country’s residents and citizens. Oh yeah, and the link to start petitions; well maybe they’re working on that.

Under the policy tab “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community”, you find the President is committed to stopping the rise in violent crime, like an increase in the murder rate in 2015. Somehow stopping violent crime transforms a couple of paragraphs later into Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter.” And there it is; the code switch! How are rioters and disrupters related to the number of murders daily in our cities and suburbs?  Is it demonstrators that are driving the crime rate in the cities? Or is it rampant drug, gang and gun violence? Or unemployment, poverty, and urban decay? Trump is dipping back into the near distant past; remember Nixon and his war on dissenters. And harkens back even further to 1960s and 70s, when civil rights demonstrators were called lawbreaking troublemakers and antiwar demonstrators were tear gassed and beaten by National Guard troops. Remember Kent State. It’s all part of the same tradition to delegitimize dissenters and justify violence against the constitutionally guaranteed right to protest.  And so, Trump tweeted  one day that he might send federal troops into Chicago. And who will the troops attack? Take note, the website tells us that  “President Donald Trump will fight for the safety of every American, and especially those Americans who have not known safe neighborhoods for a very long time.Is Trump planning to protect Black neighborhoods from #BlackLivesMatters? Who will be protecting the neighborhoods from him?

More quietly, the Department of Justice announced a delay in the settlement with the Baltimore Police Department following the report that detailed consistent violations of the constitutional rights of minorities, using harassment and excessive violence. The violations resulted, not as Jeff Sessions suggested in his confirmation hearings, from a few rogue cops. These violations stemmed from lack of department training in constitutional rights and improper procedures for dealing with suspects and those with psychological or medical issues. My bet is that the agreement will be shredded and quietly disappear. The kind of policing in Baltimore and Ferguson Missouri is the kind of policing that a simple boy from Alabama like Sessions can appreciate. The agreement with Ferguson Missouri has not yet been finalized. Translation: Look out Black America, they’re coming to our neighborhoods.

The last paragraph of the statement is all about immigration. “President Trump is committed to building a border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities. He is dedicated to enforcing our border laws, ending sanctuary cities, and stemming the tide of lawlessness associated with illegal immigration.Amid a flurry of executive orders Trump redirected Homeland Security money to begin building his Mexican wall and build additional detention centers along the border. The plan would be to move decisions about asylum to the border itself before immigrants enter the country rather than wait for hearings in overcrowded immigration courts, affording opportunities to disappear. That’s not a terrible idea but I hope shifting money to Wall construction doesn’t compromise any cybersecurity operations.

There is more flourish here than actual activity. The funds will have to be located and reallocated. Congressional approval will be required for the additional funding needed to begin even planning for construction. But the Wall is the icing, another campaign promise fulfilled! Other new policies include elimination of federal funding to so-called “sanctuary cities” that refuse to pursue illegal immigrants, adding additional border agents and coordinating with local law enforcement to detain and deport illegal immigrants with criminal records. The Obama administration has actually been aggressive about deporting convicted criminals. But Trump, like a bull in a china shop, means to be indiscriminate. Criminal records means any record–being booked for any crime, even if the person was never convicted.  Without conviction-remember innocent until proven guilty-, a person is not a criminal.

The White House website predicted the most recent assault on decency and compassion- a 120 day halt to immigration from 6 predominantly Muslim countries who according to 45’s administration harbor ‘terrorists’’. The ban ignores countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia from which terrorists attacks on US soil were launched. In addition, all Syrian refugees, victims, not perpetrators, of vicious brutality at the hands of radical Muslim groups, are banned. Could Trump’s business interests have something to do with the unchosen countries? Bannon’s footprint is evident here. His paranoia about those in government, despite the fact that he is one, prompted the sudden implementation without notification of any of the other parts of the government, like State and Justice Departments, Homeland Security, etc. Trump’s legal consultations were with Guiliani, not the US Attorney General, although Sessions, awaiting confirmation, may have weighed in. He just wasn’t as stupid as Guiliani who let the naked baby out of in public; we’re disguising the Muslim ban promised during the campaign as a security issue. The whole escapade bears all the hallmarks of amateurs playing at governing a large country. If it weren’t so tragic, it would be comic. Being big picture-kind of guys, the implementation left to the underlings, got bungled in the details. Green card holders, in or out; detention or deportation; Iraqi interpreters, in or out? And yet, the confusion is itself an added benefit. The mercurial nature of the edicts, airport variable procedures, uncertain enforcement; all enhance the terror while disseminating the fear. Who is next?

Heads up, Hispanic and Muslim communities, Trump’s troops are coming to your neighborhoods too. He’s saving white Americans from brown people.