Obamacare is still the law of the land

No-repeal-for-Obamacare-aThe collapse of the repeal of Obamacare is still shockingly difficult to digest. It was a crazy idea–revamp the system responsible for 18% of US spending in 4 weeks to mark the anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act. They had 8 years to develop comprehensive healthcare insurance legislation. This was the best they could do, a plan developed by HHS Secretary Tom Price while still in Congress. In fact, it had been incorporated into the GOP House “Better Way”, used in campaigning in 2016.

The American Health Care Plan was Ryan’s plan to dive right into two important stock GOP priorities, cuts to Medicaid and tax cuts for the wealthy. The decision to use the reconciliation device necessitated leaving much of the elements of Obamacare untouched; that proved advantageous in trying to convince Americans that popular advantages gained with Obamacare would continue. It seemed a reasonable strategy, but the public proved more savvy than anticipated and erupted. The horse trading frenzy ensued; remove subsidies, increase tax breaks. Moderates were alarmed that essentially the same number of people who had acquired insurance through Obamacare would lose it under Ryancare. The Freedom Caucus balked at any subsidies, the continuation of Medicaid expansion programs and so much more.

Let’s take a step back to see how the Republicans got into this mess. Recall that when Obamacare was first proposed, there was a groundswell of opposition to government intrusion into health care. There was conservative propaganda about death panels and rationing. There were charges of socialism and communism. The protest spawned the Tea Party. It took 14 months to pass the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Obamacare started shakily, hampered by states with Republican governors refusing to create state insurance exchanges, opting out of Medicaid expansion, and finally the dysfunctional ACA website. But Obamacare’s very existence began shifting the paradigm toward healthcare is a right, not a privilege. As more and more people who needed to get medical care joined the ranks of the insured, they felt the change that access to health care made in their lives.

But Republicans could not abandon their rallying cry. They drew support from healthy people who didn’t use the medical system, from young people and more libertarian elements who resented the mandate. And of course, politicians and elected officials listen more closely to each other than their constituents in order to maintain their rhetoric at a fever pitch. They didn’t notice as more and more people became comfortable with the idea of nonemployer healthcare insurance, particularly as more and more companies stopped offering health insurance as a benefit. Recovery from the Great Recession allowed employers to stop offering health benefits in a market with an oversupply of labor. Obamacare offered an alternative for growing numbers of part-time workers and contractors.

People not using the medical system had no a idea ho their insurance worked; lots of personal testimonials about people who opposed Obamacare until they got a life threatening illness emerged in the repeal debate. It was not just Obamacare, but their thinking about the principle of healthcare as a right that changed as they began to sense the societal need to maintain a healthy population. European countries realize this; healthy societies have healthy children that learn better and grow into healthy adults who are more productive. It’s pretty simple actually. But this is certainly not the niggardly Republican way. Every man for himself; if an individual doesn’t achieve in the free market, that’s on them.

It was only during the 2016 campaign that “Repeal Obamacare” evolved into “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” as the party tried to catch up with it’s supporters. And then there was the candidate, a populist pragmatist, promising essentially universal health care–the best healthcare for everyone at the lowest cost. Now, there were lots of supporters invigorated by The Celebrity Candidate who rallied to the Repeal and Replace anthem that didn’t understand that their insurance was Obamacare, not realizing that that was a nickname for the Affordable Care or that their insurance was Medicaid by another name, provided by Medicaid expansion programs. Trump was offering something even better.

The GOP had painted itself into a corner. The party does not subscribe to healthcare as a right; to the contrary, it is philosophically opposed to a role for government in the health insurance market at all. They believe free market forces can shape medical insurance costs and for that matter, medical costs in general. But this too is devoid of any connection with the reality of the healthcare industry. For a free market to function, transparency is paramount; consumers need information to make choices; companies advertise the merits of their products to attract customers. None of those conditions exist in the healthcare system or insurance industry. There hasn’t been a free market in health insurance for decades, certainly not since the advent of health maintenance organizations HMO. Truth be told, they care little about whether ordinary citizens are healthy or ill. It’s a shark tank; let the best man swim or sink.

Enter HHS Secretary Price’s “patient centered care” nonsense which supposedly puts medical choices back between the patient and their doctor”. Price, as a former physician, knows first hand the falseness of that claim; the most important entity in the care discussion is the insurance company. And insurance companies hold all the cards.

So Ryan jumped into the breach with a plan that would masquerade as maintaining access to “healthcare” while jump starting transfer of more wealth to the already wealthy and hopefully, weaning the public from the health care as a right mindset over time. It is important to note that Republicans, particularly Tom Price, were careful to speak about access to “healthcare insurance”, not access to care, which they wanted the public to believe was no longer available to many because of rising premiums, deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance. But actual medical care for US citizens is not a party concern; that’s for the free market to settle.

Republicans couldn’t deliver on Trump’s promises because they didn’t want to. Their agenda is different. Trump masquerades as a populist, the party is not that. Apparently, during a mere 8 years out of power, they forgot how to govern. The party is fractured by unruly factions who want what they want and will accept nothing less. PresidentDealmaker failed them. If only some entity could point “You’re Fired!” and get him off the show. It does seem curious that Trump didn’t want his name on the American Health Care Plan. Obviously atypical for a man who puts his name on steaks, vodka and even patent applications for Chinese massage parlors. Could it be that even in his state of legislative naivete, he intuited the debacle and studiously avoided being associated with yet another failure– a healthcare plan that offered none of what he promised. This is the losing streak that defies “there’ll be so much winning” that people will get tired of it.

The party is moving on. Healthcare is a quagmire they need to escape from. In their minds, the opportunity lost was the foundation for their tax cuts and restructured tax code. They will concentrate on the former because the tax code is an enormous task for which their factions will need some practice in compromise. And quick results are the theme of the day, perhaps because Republicans are afraid their days are numbered after the repeal debacle.

They have a propaganda strategy in place, kicked off by the BullyPresident himself. One, it’s the Democrats fault; two, Obamacare will implode; the Democrats own the dissolution of the healthcare system. Their implementation will be to do whatever it takes to help it along, quietly through changes in HHS regulations and to Medicaid through CMS (Center for Medical Services), the agency that oversees Medicaid and Medicare, where Seema Verma, the new director, can alter federal requirements for the federal dollars that support state programs.

In the interim, will GOP legislators who are genuinely concerned about health care, even in the Republican sort of way, try to float their own bills? Will they reach across the aisle to Democrats? It remains unclear if 45 is capable of creating his own legislative agenda or will he allow Ryan to take the lead. Here is a kernel of criticism that applies to the Obama administration. If a reliance on the executive order was the result of obstructionist Republican tactics, one never had the sense that Obama envisioned a presidential role in the down and dirty sparring of the legislative process as opposed to the loftiness of diplomacy. The legislative agenda in the current administration is more likely the bailiwick of strategist Steve Bannon, with logistical planning through the Vice President.

Tax cuts is sure winner. If there’s anything that Republicans agree on, it’s tax cuts. The party insists that tax cuts increase economic growth, grounded in staunch allegiance to economic theory that defies history. A graphic look at economic growth tells the real story; economic growth increases following tax increases, and falls after tax cuts. When Bush 41 and Clinton increased taxes, growth soared. After two successive tax cuts by Bush 42, growth continued to fall and dropped off the precipice in the 2007 recession.

But party that has been focused on devastating the middle and working class to transfer wealth to the rich can easily accomplish that. Restructuring the tax code is far more complicated. When the dust clears from the debate, Congress will probably lop out a few deductions, add some tax credits and call it a day. But the fight will finally put 45 in the winner column, something he sorely needs.

USA 2, Trump 0


As Trump emerged from the shelving of the American Health Plan, the Democrats suddenly came up in his banter. “We didn’t have any Democratic support.” Did you ask? Determined to use the Republican congressional majority to steamroll their signature issue Repeal of Obamacare, the party thought it could ignore the minority party. They spent 8 years trashing the signature accomplishment of Democrats, right up until after they pulled their opposition legislation. They set about undoing as much of the Affordable Heathcare Act as the constraints of the reconciliation process would allow. Not once did they consult Democrats for their ideas, even after it was clear that their constituents actually wanted to hold on to a lot of Obamacare and were not at all supportive of the GOP assault. Democrats with their ideas at the opposite end of the spectrum were summarily ignored.

The word Democrat only rolled off of Trump’s lips in his customary attempt to offload blame. Clearly, “the buck stops here” is not part of 45’s repertoire. He wanted to be kind to Speaker Ryan, because who in his right mind wants that job. He’s got a legislative agenda ahead which could suffer if he further alienates Congress. The Democrats are the perfect fall guys. But if Trump believes voters will blame the Democrats for any continuing woes with Obamacare, he has not anticipated their straight line thinking. He fancies himself a great orator, but he may stumble, even with the support of his conservative media tent. A majority of strategically placed voters elected him to be in charge, because as he said “Only I can fix it.” And the party promised to destroy Obamacare for 8 years. Trump’s silver tongue didn’t work on the Freedom Caucus; it may be a bit tarnished.

Although the RealityPresident managed to sweep back into office incumbent members of the do-nothing Congress which had the lowest favorability ratings of any political person or entity before the election, voters will not wait forever. Not to suggest GOP victories were grounded in sheer charisma; outrageous sums of money from the usual suspects, those billionaire funders of conservative PACs were a huge boost. Now the loudly trumpeted movement that 45 summoned up in his Inaugural address should be striding forward. Instead legislators are tripping over each other, still accomplishing nothing. It wasn’t Democrats who created the legislative quagmire since 2010. The GOP announced their strategy to stop Obama at all costs. The Party of No hasn’t yet found the key to transitioning to majority governance, as Ryan himself admitted.  

Apparently, the art of the deal is flawed, not a surprise given the multiple business failures in TheCelebrityPresident’s past. It wasn’t foolproof in the business world and so far it’s been disastrous in government.

"Is there a health insurance plan that covers the pre-existing condition of not being able to pay for one?"Congressional Republicans seem not only to have lost touch with their constituents, but also with each other. Many conservatives, in a multiplicity of stripes, seem to believe that their constituents voted for every idea in their heads, not a few slogans and popular issues touched on in their speeches. There is an inherent narcissism in their self righteous commitment never to compromise. The legislative process is built on compromise; it is that very absence of compromise that delivered the do-nothing Congress.

In this new era when still “Obamacare is the law of the land”, Democrats should not just settle in as the party of opposition. The point is governance. The country requires a functioning government and Democrats in Congress can not abandon their obligation to the American people. Some moderate Republicans have joined with some Democrats to form the Problem Solvers Caucus, a group with the slogan “Fix not fight”. They are committed to reaching across the aisle to advance solutions to the country’s problems, or at least the ones amenable to legislative action.  

Clearly, Obamacare needs tweaking and the Democrats should begin to propose legislation to improve it. It is unlikely to pass or even get a hearing in the House where the GOP is moving on to massive tax cuts for the wealthy. But where is it written that the legislature can only entertain bills from one source. (There may actually be some stupidly arcane Congressional rule about that, but I can recall a variety of bills being proposed in years past.) More importantly, proposals create a foundation for 2018 campaigns where Democrats can articulate their vision to improve the lives of Americans who will have had to suffer through two years of Republican deconstructing. Democrats should not sink into the party of No.

First the courts halted the Muslim travel ban, now repeal Obamacare fizzles. Hope still glimmers.

Under Obama’s Cover


Donald Trump used Obama to begin his political rise through the birther movement which endeared him to far right conservatives. As his signature issue, it portended both the madness and the method of our current president. Now he seems to be using Obama for cover again. Playing to his Obama-hating base, the CelebrityPresident dropped a most audacious charge–Obama tapped either his phones or the microwaves or the servers or something at Trump Towers during the campaign. Precisely because a Twitterstorm doesn’t allow enough characters to elaborate any topic, he left his spokespeople to clarify his nefarious observations.   

Multiple ironies abound. One, 45 didn’t need to tweet, he had only to ask US intelligence agencies; after all, they work for him. And if he has that kind of resource, why would he be listening to second rate pundits on cable TV? While 45 continually insinuates that he knows “something” that will later be revealed, nothing yet has surfaced except alternative fact  speculations peddled on conservative media outlets. Why would a Congressional investigation be required when POTUS has the highest security clearance in the nation? This is birther reborn reverberating through endless innuendo with no basis in fact. If the RealityPresident were honest, something he has demonstrated time and time again that he is not, he would let it go. He can’t. It is purposed to generate a passel of razzle-dazzle to keep the press humming while Congress is wasting our tax dollars on endless investigations, all in a frenzied dash to distract from the government sanctioned massive transfer of wealth from the working and middle class to the top 1%. It folds in with a cacophony of blunder, malfeasance, collusion, bravado. The one thing that’s missing is governance. The chatter provides infinite openings for surrogates to repeatedly trumpet administration messages while poking perceived enemies. The master showman loves a good show.

Additionally, why would Obama have wanted to surveill candidate Trump at a time in the campaign when Democrats were ensconced in a blanket of presumed electoral victory? If there was surveillance of Trump associates, in Trump Tower or beyond, as the stories in the mainstream media repeatedly quoted by the administration actually reported, that would have been within FBI or CIA investigations into Russian interference in the election or other investigations still not yet revealed. All would have been initiated independent of Obama. Those agencies literally just tripped over Trump associates.

comey:trumpIn coming weeks, a parade of witnesses testifying in Congressional hearings are unlikely to produce any definitive conclusions. FBI director Comey could not have been clearer that the Obama tapping Trump lie is complete bullshit. We’ve already heard from multiple sources that there’s nothing to Trump’s accusations. Still he persists, much as the stupidity of birther persists even today. (Okay, it’s among dummies, racists and conspiratorialists, but it’s still out.) Nothing can be disproved when people refuse to listen.

Intentionally, the chase for alleged wiretaps, distracts from the serious security issue raised by Russian cyber penetration of multiple systems, including Yahoo as well as NSA as revealed by recent WikiLeaks publication of NSA surveillance tools. The vulnerability of computer systems throughout the country is patently obvious, raising the threat of the vulnerability of the electrical grid, power plants, water systems, corporations and financial institutions. Arguably it’s the whole ball of wax that is susceptible to terrorists as well as foreign governments not to mention the thieves and scammers that are reported almost   weekly in the news.  Is the distraction meant by Putin’s domestic admirers to provide cover for his continued bad acts? Or to sabotage efforts to understand collaboration with Russian agents? Can it be an effort to blunt a concerted US response to cyber threats?

Comey was less clear about Russian penetration into the campaign, unable to reveal information in ongoing investigations without transgressing national security concerns. Russia has tried to influence numerous elections in the past, but this most recent attempt is in a whole different stratosphere, due to the sophistication of web tools. At the same time, the willingness of Trump associates to interact with Russians seems historic; it may be just a happy coincidence that the kind of of men who are willing to work for oligarchic dictators are also the kind of men who want to work for Trump. Is Putin just lucky to have had a American presidential candidate, now POTUS, with an bizarre infatuation with Russia appear at a judicious time in the progress of his master plan for global ascendence.

Although it is unlikely that Paul Manafort and Flynn were not schooled in the ways of the Russian surveillance state and of kompromat, the art of smearing reputations by real or fake media leaks, some of the others being investigated may not have considered that any Russian government officials, like ambassadors and envoys as well as any wealthy Russian businessman is a potential Russian agent. (Ok, Sessions probably did, let’s extend the benefit of the doubt.) No Russian business flourishes, particularly to the millionaire level, without the blessing of the Russian government, and probably specifically of Putin himself. Any Russian, excepting the Russian Mafia, wealthy enough to be buying property in the US, or for that matter internationally, could be a threat. Recall that a few years ago, Eric Trump reported a significant portion of Trump business income was Russian. Among people made less wary of Russia by the misguided idea of a future alliance, the atmosphere created a remarkable number of possibilities for clandestine Russian activity, unbeknownst to victims, which could have dated back several years.

devin-nunesA new revelation has just emerged from the Republican chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes. After calling for anyone to come forward with information pertinent to the wiretapping inquiry, he announced today that someone had provided him with de-identified transcripts of incidentally gathered communications of Trump transition team members. This information was likely gathered during routine monitoring of foreign officials; any American who interacts with a foreign citizen would fall under this routine surveillance, including journalists, business people or even Obama administration officials in the course of conducting business. As a likely complication of Trump’s attempt to “co-govern” before the inauguration while ducking daily security briefings, they may not have known, being government outsiders. 45 is likely to say at some point that this tidbit is the “something else that would emerge”, having learned since inauguration about routine surveillance and suspecting his associates could have been caught up. OK, it was probably Bannon who picked up on it in a security briefing while Trump was busy tweeting. 

Why were the transcripts de-identified? De-identification requires permission of a small number of top level agents. If it is true that the information was widely disseminated throughout the agency, it must have had some intelligence value, despite Nunes’ assertions. Nunes added that it was unrelated to the committee investigation.

A number of other questions immediately come to mind? What about the committee obsession with leaks of classified information. Maybe leaks are only important when it seems to undermine the RealityPresident, not when they can be added to some kind of rationale that would “somewhat vindicate” Trump, as he sees it. Nunes did not identify his source; that would seem to violate the committee’s contention that leaking is a crime deserving prosecution.

Why was Nunes’ first thought to run to his fearless leader to report his findings, then hold a press conference on the White House lawn? To garner a pat on the back for future political rise? This seems unlikely conduct for an independent Congressional committee chair where the normal protocols are to notify the ranking Democratic leader, then confirm the validity of the information in closed session with the head of the respective security agency. Importantly, the information has not yet been verified by national security. It appears that running to the President first puts the cabash to the veneer of impartiality Republicans have tried to maintain and raises, yet again, the need for an independent special prosecutor

There is also the possibility of kompromat. We know NSA was hacked. We know the Russians seem adept at cyberpenetration of US systems. We also know that Steve Bannon is a master of media manipulation and therefore planted evidence is not implausible. (I know this sounds conspiratorial and yet recent events, including this Russian collusion, have exposed the existence of real conspiracies.) The whole episode has the cliff hanging quality of a soap opera plot and just as slow moving.

A White House Without Glamor

Donald J Trump is a billionaire, right? Billionaires entertain on a grand scale. TheCelebrityPresident should throw enormous parties dripping in gold, right? In the past, foreign dignitaries have been treated to lavish state dinners entertaining dignitaries and celebrities, photographed as beautifully dressed and coiffed for official White House Records. What has happened to state dinners?

3183670500000578-3462055-Beauty_When_asked_about_Donald_s_strong_feelings_on_immigration_-a-24_1456327646970Maybe it’s a certain lost lady. America has no First Lady. Melania Trump opted out, refusing to leave the security of her gold penthouse. Publically mute beyond a magazine interview, she’s usually seen flashing a brief model’s smile which quickly fades as she stands by the Donald’s side at Air Force One’s door on the way to Mar-a-lago.  She almost always looks uncomfortable. She did say a prayer at one rally in Melbourne, more a campaigning spouse than a First Lady. She hasn’t yet appointed a social secretary.

She may be busy with her clothing line and business interests. There has been no word on what she’s done with those. It’s certain she didn’t divest; no one else in the family did and they’re actually involved in the administration. By opting out of First Ladyship, she is free to pursue her businesses without the questions of conflict of interest being raised. That’s the value of a low profile, hopefully conferring minimal scrutiny. 

The Whitehouse.gov website says that she has focused her First Lady platform on cyberbullying among youths. That seems like a topic she can work on from the safety of her New York penthouse. trump tweetMelania is familiar enough with cyberbullying among adults, perhaps she’s gained expertise on youths from her son. She may have been a model, but seemingly, she has no wish to be a star. Stardom is a leap; she traded that option in when she married; there isn’t room for even a Tinkerbell sized star in her household. Certainly Melania is working from a handicap; she may be on the back burner because her halting foreign accented English projects the wrong image for the America First Nation State.

We do have a First Daughter, Ivanka, who hosts foreign dignitaries and has visited grieving military families when she isn’t making her dad a better person. Melania recedes so far into the background that she’s invisible behind her stepdaughter. Perhaps it is not wise for the third wife to outshine the daughter that her husband adores and finds sexy. Ivanka has just acquired an office in the West Wing with security clearance to be Trump’s “eyes and ears”. Can’t you just imagine her telling a staffer to straighten up or I’ll tell my daddy! Air farce oneShe has graciously transferred management of her business interests; that is transferred but not divested. Ivanka’s position is similar in one respect to a First Lady, neither is salaried. A neat trick that keeps Ivanka immune from ethics rules since she is not part of the White House staff. But oohlala, the business opportunities abound, particularly in the international arena with access to national security foresight.

The First Daughter has certainly been an integral part of the meet-and-greet team so far. There was Pierre Trudeau, the tech giants, Shinzo Abe, Angela Merkel to name a few. The conflicts of interest abound; nepotism reigns. But that’s how 45 rolls. It has the feel of a monarchy ascending. Ivanka is probably too busy advising her dad on issues that are important to her and making him a better man to dabble in social arrangements. Perhaps staff for her new position can handle some social stuff as well. Ivanka seems like she might be someone who could ramp up the White House social profile.

angela-merkelThe RealityPresident is clearly ill at ease with world leaders; notice the difficulty he has making small talk and his avoidance of shaking hands with dignitaries in press photo sessions. One has to believe that though briefed on customary protocols, he can’t resist an easy snub. The BullyPresident displays the awkwardness of the uninitiated, but this may be an intentional announcement to his base that he is not a politician. Of course, he is simultaneously declaring to the rest of the world that he’s not much of a diplomat either. But the insult is Trump’s stock and trade.

Sexual basis is clearly a factor as well; Theresa May and Angela Merkel were gone by Friday night, but Shinzo Abe was treated to a weekend of golf at Mar-a-lago with dinner in the club member dining room, definitely a come down from a White House State Dinner. Frankly, it’s a national embarrassment. Can’t Trump at least entertain in his own quarters? Or why not a White House dinner Friday night, and flight to Florida early Saturday? A night spent in the White House must have its own percs. Abe must have been severely disappointed. But a White House reception doesn’t generate fees or Secret Service payments for Trump’s pocket like a Mar-a-lago visit does. Rumor has it that Chinese President Xi Jinping is also invited to weekend at Mar-a-lago.

Sean Spicer tried to sell business on the golf course as part of PresidentDealmaker’s  negotiating strategies, cited in the Art of the Deal. Take heart, America, our president is always working to keep America First, even when you think he’s just playing golf. Spicer thought to draw the contrast to Obama, who was just vacationing when he golfed. But then Obama worked long hours into the night, much like Steve Bannon probably does, while Trump retires early to wander the hallways near dawn before settling into the Fox morning shows to gather info for his tweets.

Remember the Obama White House events: children on the lawn, concerts, galas, state dinners. Let’s face it, the CelebrityPresident isn’t much of a mixer. He’s big on rallies where he strolls onto a stage and pretends he’s one of the people. He may call out to someone in the crowd or call someone up on stage, but he’s always elevated above the masses. He was never one for shaking hands on the campaign trail or sitting down in diners. For decades, he’s palled around with the rich, and sometimes the famous. Ensconced in the administration’s paranoid bubble, it’s hard to imagine 45 throwing open the doors to the public, unless they are dripping in money. He’s willing to dabble, by surprising a White House tour group for a 10 minute photo op on the day tours were restarted. And yes, he’ll do fund raisers as he continues his Trump 2020 campaign throughout his presidency, probably in his hotels and golf clubhouses, but the price of entry will guarantee the exclusiveness of the guests and each event will ring with a cha-ching in Trump’s business accounts.  

Similarly, 45 doesn’t immediately come to mind as a patron of the arts, note his beeline to ax the National Endowments of the Arts in his budget. You get the sense that if it isn’t on a flat screen, he’s not interested. He doesn’t seem like a theatergoer either. A play is probably too long to hold the attention of a senior citizen purportedly always on the move.

The weekend White House is quiet these days. And that’s sad.

The Reality President True to his Word Budget?

Pile of old thick magazines.

Can it be that Donald J Trump is true to his word? Well, at least to the last iteration. When 45 released his dream budget, it embodied his speech to the Joint Congress. Basically, he’s going to bulk up the military, cut departmental budgets and eliminate programs beneficial to those in need, slash foreign aid and trim the State Department to pull back from US global leadership. Democrats have reacted by pointing out an obvious disregard for the less fortunate. The two parties, as usual, are talking past each other. The words are similar but the meaning is vastly different, sprung from polar opposite world views. Republicans can’t be guilt tripped into caring; they have no empathy there. Progressives find it difficult to fathom.

The America First budget proposes cuts in what has been considered critical resources to support the welfare of Americans. For instance, in the area of science, there is an 18% cut of $5.8 billion to NIH research notwithstanding significant strides in cancer treatment in recent years, built on decades of basic research. An additional $900 million or 15% for the Department of Energy national labs research in clean air technology and advanced vehicle manufacturing would be axed.

5320352-research-lab-Stock-Photo-medicalAt HUD, this budget demonstrates exactly what candidate Trump taunted African Americans they had to lose, exposing 45’s rhetoric about being a president for everyone in the country and his false concern for the inner cities as just another Trumpian fake. Among programs eliminated by the 13% cut are Community Development Block Grants which help the elderly and handicapped through Meals on Wheels and support homeless shelters where temporarily displaced families, many veterans and the mentally handicapped are fed and periodically housed.

The 31% percent slashed from the State Department is designed to shrink the department. Gone are educational and cultural exchange programs and numerous envoys and offices created during the Obama Administration. Particularly hard hit is the United Nations. All US funding for the UN Climate Change Initiative is gone, as is a roll back of the annual US contribution to the organization and a cap of 25% contribution on UN peacekeeping efforts. The World Development Bank is slated to lose $650 million over 3 years, probably minimized because the bank is favored by several corporations. Saved from the chopping block is Israel’s $3.1 billion military aid and somewhat surprisingly, the Fullbright Program. Of course, the Global Climate Change Initiative is out. As Mulvaney, Budget Office director, stated at the press announcement, “We’re not wasting taxpayer money on that anymore.” The America First budget loudly proclaims that the US will concentrate on white Americans and to hell with the rest of the world. The Bannonesque besieged Nation State does not need to spread influence, particularly to the colored masses of the world; it only requires diplomacy to defend itself against attacks and to gather defensive alliances.

no climate changeFrom the campaign trail, the elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts and National Public Radio was a given. For the most part, artists and performers have demonstrated an antipathy to the CelebrityPresident but beyond that Trumpophants have an innate antipathy to artist expression outside a narrow acceptable range of christian orthodoxy and view the NEA as a principal patron of the heretical. NPR, as far as they’ve been told because they ain’t listening to it, is a progressive front for anti-Trump propaganda, not “fair and balanced” coverage. (Forgive me for appropriating the old Fox News slogan from the cable news forerunner of fake news.)

The 21% drop of $4.7 billion in the Department of Agriculture will focus on the National Forest Service and loan programs for water and sewage systems. The WIC program, now known as SNAP, which provides supplemental food for women and children, is slated for funding of $6.2 billion. This is an important exception for Trump supporters not to mention farmers. Many low wage workers as well as military families use SNAP, if only intermittently. Older white men, particularly in rural areas, have grandchildren who depend on SNAP. All farm focused programs, many of which constitute agribusiness welfare, will remain untouched, as will the Food and Safety Inspection Service, generally considered underfunded as the Salmonella peanut debacle and multiple E. coli epidemics would testify.

Over at the Labor Department, the 21% reduction of $2.5 billion targets job training programs, particularly for the unemployed, disadvantaged youth and seniors. In the Justice Department, most of the 20% reduction of $4 billion would be accomplished by shifting “mandatory” funds, such as those for the Crime Victims Fund, to discretionary spending. Of note, funding for 20 lawyers to battle over land acquisition in the Southwest for the Trump Wall is proposed.

$12.6 billion or the 16% proposed cuts from HHS include the NIH as well as community services programs like Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The Education Department budget reflects all out support for school choice and vouchers with a $1.4 billion dedicated increase, while eliminating funding for summer and before and after school programs, which also provide food, the only daily meal for some children and reducing funding for federal work-study programs.

Other programs proposed for elimination include the Legal Aid Services Corporation and subsidies for commercial flights from rural airports in the Department of Transportation, another swipe at rural Trump supporters. From HUD, Community Development Block grants which funds local anti-poverty program and homeowner assistance are part of a 12% reduction.

mexican-wallIt goes without saying that America First requires allocations for enhanced security. The distribution of the $54 billion or 10% increase for the Department of Defense is not clear; some will go for more warships and fighter jets and some nonspecific increases in the fight against ISIS. Homeland Security is in line for a $2.6 billion increase for border technology and infrastructure including the early stages of The Trump Wall. (What happened to Mexico footing the bill?) An additional $1.8 billion is earmarked for border patrol and ICE agents as well as detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants. In the Department of Energy, an additional $1.4 billion is tasked for upgrading and managing the national nuclear weapons arsenal.

Once again, it appears that only part of America will be first. Many progressives point out that many Trump voters will be worse off by their ballot choice than they are right now. Many, but not all, are up in arms over Ryancare. While this is true, many Trump supporters may not object to this budget. One rationale is that national security, e.g. military preparedness and iron clad borders is more important than individual needs. They are willing to sacrifice for a higher purpose. Some didn’t realize that Trump’s promises applied to them, like those with health insurance from Medicaid expansion programs who did not understand that they were on Medicaid because the state invented a name that didn’t have the stigma of Medicaid. But there are many with a deep seated philosophical view of government as intruding their lives.

Evangelicals particularly believe in helping their neighbors but think that is a function for the church or charitable groups, not the government. They believe the American myth of the rugged individual who is the master of his own fate.; if he or she can’t make it, they have only themselves to blame. Those who have had to “acquiesce” to government benefits are shrouded with an inherent sense of shame. They feel that the American character has been weakened by decades of government handouts that sustain the weak. They do not accept that affirmative action has always been white, except for a brief interlude when the door was cracked enough for a few African Americans to get through. Fanned by decades of propaganda that has embedded a “common sense” narrative in the national psyche, they firmly believe that Black people don’t succeed because of something innately flawed about their culture or their character or perhaps their genes. In their minds, Obama promised hope and change but the change was preferential for minorities, and immigrants and even sodomites. As they trudged up the hill to achieve the American dream, in spite of their hard work, they were shoved backward as “the others” got wedged in front of them. Trump promised he would rip government supports out from under the freeloaders and that’s what his budget presents. Fewer government programs means shrunken government. disability-cartoon-1As for the 10 million men in the US, one in six who are 25-54 years old who are unemployed or out of the workforce, they may have to abandon their government benefits and look more to community food pantries and church socials when they’re not playing video games at home. They’ll have to cut back on pizza while playing. If their cousin or brother or father has to lose their benefits, at least the freeloaders and line breakers will be “off the dole”; that is their sacrifice for a greater good. Progressives may be surprised by how little pushback comes from Trumpophants over budget issues, at least until they get down to the details that affect their lives. Republicans will do their damnedest to doublespeak, spin and obfuscate the true impact until it’s smacking those folks in the face.

Of course, the budget is Congress’s bailiwick. It’s customary for representatives to pack the budget with sweetheart pork for local projects. How that process collides with 45’s master plan will unfold over the next weeks. If PresidentDealmaker follows the lead of past presidents like the horse trading LBJ, he’ll be swapping support for pet budget projects for votes for the faltering Ryancare bill. That may require more compromise than the staunch members of the Congressional Freedom Caucus can muster.

The Mysterious Steve Bannon Peeked Out


steve-bannon-cartoon-earSteve Bannon swears that he is not a white supremacist. If that is true, it makes him even more sinister. If he were, then at least he would be true to his principles. As it is, he is a cynical manipulator; he used Breitbart as a weapon. He built a media organization designed to spew hate and create chaos in the perceptions of the less well informed by blurring the edges of truth. The platform became a universe for many and within that universe, lies became facts.

bannon mouse on trumpBannon used his platform to hitch a ride into the bosom of power by helping to engineer the election of Donald Trump, a narcissistic minor celebrity showman. The two lied so effectively that they fooled enough gullible voters casting ballots in the right locations to eke out victory. The 3 million popular vote margin for Hillary Clinton nags Trump so acutely because deep down, he understands that he did not score an overwhelming victory, no matter how many times he says he has. Trump has proven easily malleable to the demands of the Republican Party; the party hated him initially, but he brought them the golden trifecta-Congress, the vast majority of governorships and state legislatures. Now the Kochs and their friends can pursue their agenda with abandon- shrivel the federal government such that it can’t interfere with the further concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the 1% with the express consent of those being impoverished.

Alas, a closer inspection of the Bannon philosophy reveals that a core nugget of his world view is an American nation state where the US is white and protestant. It’s a more sophisticated white supremacist philosophy tied to global vision of nation state competition. Bannon, as an unethical pimp of a dystopian worldview, resembles Joseph Goebbels, the chief strategist of the Nazi regime. And while Bannon will benefit financially from the vision of wealth accumulation that motivates the Kochs and their cronies, he has an even more sinister philosophy of world chaos. 

Steve Bannon opens fire on a reporter.

Steve Bannon opens fire on a reporter.

We got a glimpse of the reticent Bannon at CPAC, the conservative Christian convention, in his joint appearance with Reince Priebus. “If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. Every day, it’s going to be a fight.” The audience, of course, thought the “you” referred to all of them, as the speaker intended. Bannon’s “you” meant only those selected few millionaires, billionaires, corporate giants and their associates– did anyone spot the Kochs or the DeVos clan in the seats? The vast majority of the audience is simply chaff separated from the wheat. Bannon spoke of the “corporatist, globalist media that are adamantly opposed to an economic nationalist agenda” like Trump’s. This is his (not America’s) enemy; the enemy of Bannon’s own corporatist, globalist media is the free press that adamantly opposes an economic nationalist agenda. Bannon has expanded his media creation to a global reach that includes Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, the United Kingdom and beyond to the Pacific in order to assault the free press where it exists in the world.

When Bannon speaks of economic nationalism, it is a reference to a more simplistic declaration of opposition to trade and immigration, not the traditional concepts of domestic control of the economy buttressed by protectionist policies against immigration and free trade. In this latest version of America First, it posits American interests as antithetical to the rest of the world; it is American exceptionalism at its worst. 

The chief White House strategist has mapped a plan for the deconstruction of the administrative state; “If you look at these cabinet appointees, they were selected for a reason and that is the deconstruction.” Bannon has conjured up a nefarious “administrative state” engineered by the Left to advance its political agenda. Far beyond the usual Republican propaganda about federal overreach through overregulation, Bannon sees regulation as the Progressives’ device to circumvent legislation; he has teed up the RealityPresident to spew out an executive order for review of federal regulations that would eliminate 2 for every new one. In usual fashion, the hype about the executive order was a half-truth; the 2 for 1 review was to identify those regulations that could be eliminated at some unspecified time in the future. This reflects the naivete of private sector executives now in government; regulations can’t be scratched out with a black line. They are generally pages and pages long and well integrated into agency policies, not just at the federal level but often emulated at the state and local level. Old regulations don’t die, they just fade away. Having said that, regulations that unleash business to plunder have been falling quickly, without much media attention except where activists have tried to publicize them. This is where Bannon has opened his second front of attack on American  government- Cabinet level implosion of their agencies and the dismantling of the “regulatory state”. Pruitt at the EPA, DeVos at Sessions at Justice are shining examples.

Trump has shown us Bannon’s last strategy for deconstructing the state–leave middle level government department positions unfilled. It is not just laziness or a limited pool of candidates or even general disorganization that has kept 45 from filling posts; now we know he thinks there are just too many government employees.“A lot of those jobs, I don’t want to appoint, because they’re unnecessary to have,” said Trump in a Fox News interview. A leaner staff can accomplish more, goes the narrative. That may be just a Trumpian excuse, in view of self imposed obstacles like the 5 year ban on lobbying, a loyalty test and a general impressions of upheaval within the administration. But PresidentDealmaker may have been easily convinced based on his business operations run by a tight knit family circle with few trusted confidants. Both he and his close advisor have stood outside government looking in and, as has oft been cited, neither understands the complex workings of government bureaucracy and regulations except in a common desire to destroy it. One can certainly argue for the streamlining of federal procedures, but it remains unclear if the best approach is the “neckless” executive branch with heads of departments but no deputies. Government bureaucracy is the continuity that sustains government between the 4 year POTUS. And yet, that is precisely what Bannon wants to interrupt.  So far, the minimalist approach doesn’t seem particularly effective in rolling out new programs. But that may be the point. This administration doesn’t want new programs; it wants fewer programs.

In addition, many of the changes to erase the Obama legacy are occurring in quiet places, places made more obscure by the deluge of daily Tweet-react whirlwinds that have overwhelmed news coverage. Small things, like shutting down the website that provides information on animal abuse or elimination of banking regulations, or changes in environmental regulations on coal ash dumping or the shut of public websites and data collection in the EPA. Cutbacks in enforcement are also effective. Thus cutting the budget of the EPA will eliminate inspections across multiple industries. And the DOJ  is supporting #bluelivesmatter by dismissing action on recommendations in already negotiated consent decrees that outline negotiated remedial programs. New investigations of racial disparities in law enforcement will cease.  

FASCISM-OF-TRUMPBannon is firmly anchored in the concept of the nation state; a concept that went out of fashion after WWII with the rise of international cooperation that evolved through the end of the Cold War to multinational economic cooperation. The rise of the nation state in the late 19th and early 20th century led to continuous warring between European nations that ended in the two world wars. Bannon’s nationalism is rooted in the idea that the natural state of the world is the clash of civilizations, embodied in national identities anchored in a core cultural identity. National sovereignty, then, is the defense of this core identity. It is this American sovereignty that must be protected through restriction of trade and immigration, as each dilute the “American brand”. He has said “The central core of what we believe, that…we are a nation with a culture and a reason for being.” Globalism is the enemy.

The difficulty for the US is defining what that culture is. American culture is an amalgam of many influences but for many Breitbart consumers that culture is white and protestant. So clearly brown skin is unAmerican. By this reckoning, the Spanish-speakers, whether Puerto Rican, Cuban or Mexican are excluded from the American cultural core. Slave descendants, be they US or Caribbean, are perhaps perceived as the biggest polluting influence on the culture because having been here since the country’s founding, they have had a pervasive influence on the culture.  Equally important, they are seen as having escaped their rightful status as inferiors. There are Asians, who haven’t had a large influence on the general culture, and most recently, Muslims in all skin shades have been the focus of vastly exaggerated fears of cultural influence; the myth of Sharia law is everywhere in propaganda aimed at the less well informed. The ascendence of a culture that forbids alcohol, music, even coffee and calls for prayer 5 times a day in the US is patently absurd; those product lines alone represent a significant amount of the country’s GDP.

As such, the history of whiteness in the US is complex. During periods of intense debate over immigration in our country’s past, the Irish, Polish, Italians, Slavs and Jews have all been considered undesirable. In the early 19th and 20th centuries, they were all considered separate races and NOT white. Back then, there were 22 races. Each immigrant group was eventually anointed “white” as the term “race” evolved more palpably into skin color and immigrants were cloaked in the mantle of hyphenated ethnic-Americans. Hard-core Breitbartists would parse out some of the newly white, like Jews and Catholics; perhaps others in the future will be on the chopping block.

The emergence of other nation state movements in Europe is in part, a reaction to the global refugee crisis. Chaos in the MIddle East, the fallout out from almost 15 years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq along with the collapse of authoritarian governments throughout the region and North Africa which left those countries ungoverned. A veritable alphabet soup of power hungry radical movements sprang up as alternative governments, the best well known being ISIS, DASH, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, the Kurds or at least constant agitators to other people trying to govern. The constant violence belched refugees across Europe, with over 8 million coming from Syria and Iraq last year alone, let alone northern Africa. European countries, with traditionally white populations who imported primarily imperial subjects from their various empires in Africa and Asia to perform manual labor, have been reticent to incorporate brown citizens into their mainstream cultures. Suddenly, Europeans were faced with an avalanche of refugees who brought with them terrorists acts. The EU economies, struggling to recover from the Great Recession, have high levels of unemployment and the weight of social support has created financial crises and austerity programs. Now these countries are filling up with brown people in strange clothes, eating strange foods, practicing a foreign religion while living in enclaves that take on a very different character from the rest of the country. Marie Le Pen’s whole platform is France for Frenchmen–only French customs, only French dress, a secular state. And she may become the next French Prime Minister.  

Sadly, Bannon’s philosophy seems to be the America First of the early 20th century made new again, when European nation states were ascendant and war was a constant in the world. Obviously, there are rumblings in the European far right today sprung from the same well. More disturbingly, it is rife with the aroma of Adolf Hitler, just as many in historical America First organizations favored the Nazi rise to power.  

Trump’s inaugural address echoed with phrases clearly inserted by Bannon from America First rhetoric, almost embarrassingly full. The dark highlights spring from a future envisioned where nations are hunkered down within their borders, trying to make temporary alliances for mutual defense if attacked by others. The American nation may try to remain aloof, but distances are a lot shorter now than they were even in 1940. Imagine a scene from any one of a recent spat of apocalyptic movies, the gray gloom and the warring nature of all citizens living in the breakdown of civilization. That then is the future Bannon is working towards.

Cabinet of Liars


Ah snap, now it’s Pruitt caught in a lie. And somehow, the media seems surprised.  Could it be otherwise? In an administration headed by the Lyin’ Guy, nothing less can be expected from his Cabinet. Most regular fokes have seen the general trend away from campaign 90% toward 100% fiction in the 45 administration. And Trumpophants don’t care. They get a different narrative from their news sources. And let’s face it, it’s just not that important to them. They’ve returned to their normal pre-Trump lives.

Trump leads by example. Pruitt, the erstwhile head of EPA reversed his Senate hearing testimony concerning his opinion of causes of climate change. This is the man who sued the EPA over regulations more than a dozen times using  arguments copied from oil and gas companies, using their stationary! Today, he admitted that he is not convinced that C02 from human activity is the major contributor to climate change and he wants Congress, an esteemed body of scientists, to decide if CO2 is a harmful pollutant. pruitt 2When he testified to the Senate committee, he said what he thought would lead to confirmation, e.g., that he would uphold “the law of the land”. He meant until he could change it.

Pruitt’s role as a fossil fuel apologist was well known before his nomination; it was the primary reason for it. He is one of the most obvious Bannon deconstructionist agents. And he’s been busy, dismantling EPA data collection and closing volumes of data sites that have previously been available to the public and researchers. Hundreds of regulations have been expunged, and that’s only in the last few weeks. His goal is to rocket back to the 60s when companies, large and small, were free to ravage the environment. When the scientific data was lacking and the tools of study had yet to be pruitt 1developed. The Republicans want to believe and, maybe they honestly have been misled, that unfettering business from inclusion of environmental cost in their bottomline will lead to unfettered economic growth. The growth is for the top 1%, not the laborers that produce it. The decline in real wealth over the last 3 decades and the rise in income disparities stands witness. But if they roll back the clock, they won’t have to worry about their children bowed under the burden of federal deficit spending; their children will have drowned from rising sea levels or have died from cancer or respiratory disease. We have only to look at the air quality in India and China to see the places from which we came. Remember Pittsburgh skies circa 1980s.

general-flynnPruitt is just the latest to reveal himself. As the Russian web of intrigue extends to a widening number of Trump’s campaign aides and appointees, falsehoods are popping up like crabgrass. Flynn was the first domino to fall, not for memory loss about the true nature of the phone calls with the Russian ambassador, but for the oversight lie to Mike Pence. Next Sessions dropped with another memory lapse of his meetings with same said ambassador. His punishment is recusal from any investigations into Russian meddling. Al Franken is still trying to get him back before a Senate Committee hearing to get a clearer picture.

Now, it appears Flynn had another secret that he failed to disclose publicly. Apparently he worried that he should have registered as a foreign agent due to his work for the Turkish government before joining the Trump campaign. There seems to be an affinity for dictatorships in this new administration. Ah, Trump’s promise that his administration would have the best people of any administration in history may have overstated “best ever” availability and left him with his current crew.

We can’t omit White House staff, like Kellyanne, a particularly skilled practitioner of prevarication and Sean Spicer, an obvious tool out of his depth, from the White House fantasy world.

People may be worried about their privacy rights in light of the latest WikiLeaks disclosures of NSA cyber surveillance protocols, but we have to acknowledge and appreciate security agency surveillance for unravelling at least part of the Russian connection story. Let’s hope there is more to come and that it’s safely secured against a Nixon type coverup.cloak of secrecy In fact there is much in the present scenario that recalls Nixonian Washington, when Nixon thought his White House was under siege. Similarly now, the lie has been elevated to the most likely utterance to issue from any CelebrityPresident staffer, spokesman or official. Alternative fact art has saturated the administrative canvas. It has further undermined waning trust in government. (I mean among more progressives because Trumpophants were already there) The country has acquired an eerie cloud of the unreal; we are struck with disbelief as we’re greeted by news of the morning presidential Tweet, just as you wake from a bad dream questioning if it happened. I’m sticking with the NYTimes, the Washington Post and The New Yorker for reality checks.

Oh Ben, their Ben

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Ben Carson, seriously? This country had immigrants “who came in slave ships” with dreams that one day their descendants “might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.” With that, he revealed himself as ultimate house nigger brainwashed by da master’s propaganda. We know he grew up poor; he sho didn’t learn no American history in those ghetto schools. He stands as a shining example of failed education in our schools. Likely, they probably spent only a hot minute saying slavery existed, but didn’t go into much in the way of other details until they skipped to the Emancipation Proclamation, proclaiming the goodness in the hearts of this white nation.

His mama didn’t teach him no Black history nor Black pride neither. The demands of his medical education and career probably precluded study in other areas. After retiring from the operating room, Bible study may have blunted his impulse to explore other areas. No matter, once he got rich, he wandered into the Republican Party and left all that ghetto shit behind. Here he found shelter as the house symbol of color-blindness. His dark face was worshipped and adored and he drank their koolaid. We are the colorblind party; we can make no decisions based on skin color. Republicans flipped affirmative action back right side up to reestablish white privilege. Using the clever argument that since consideration of race is unconstitutional, race can not be used to advantage any one person over another.  The history of over 200 years of white superiority codified into law and the decades long struggle of Black people to approach equality under the law can simply be ignored. The Republican Party parades its few prominent house negroes that have seen the light across as many stages as possible; their negroes achieved as rugged individuals without advantage, just the same as people like former Speaker Boehner, and there is no reason why other Black people can’t find a way to overcome bad housing, bad education and hunger through sheer determination. Although Carson has been known to wander off into imaginings about the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to store grain, not mummies, leading some to question his mental acuity, he can parrot the message, dripping in race based loathing of self.

Would that the world were as Carson imagines it to be. The unfortunate truth is that even today African immigrants, many of them refugees, still face an unequal playing field. Their skin color subjects them to prejudices that are unknown in their countries of origin where the majority of the population is Black. Often confounded by perceptions of the white people they meet, even speaking their name often, in a British accent or their status as emigre is not enough to rescue them from color-based assumptions or the types of microaggressions or outright disdain which African American experience. Sometimes the foreigner label adds even more to their burden.

Of course, speaking to the staffers of his department as their new Secretary of HUD, Carson probably thought that he would be addressing his usual audience of what Ta Nehisi Coates calls “those who think they are white”; as such, they would have been part of the club and wouldn’t have noticed the recasting of Blacks, stolen captives, into immigrants, groups who came to escape the hazards of life in their countries. slave ship diagramAfricans were happy with the opportunities in their lives; many captives lost their futures completely in the First and Second passages before landing on these shores. There are no figures for the total number of Africans captured inland before they marched in shackles to slaving ports for shipping, but between 1525-1866, an estimated 10.7 million of the 12.5 million men, women and children shipped survived the Middle Passage. That is equal to the combined populations of Massachusetts and Arizona in the 2010 census. This is a very different narrative than the lofty vision Carson tried to present.

I get it. Carson wanted to inspire his audience with the rhetoric of America the Beautiful. As the colorblind messenger of an American Dream unattainable for the majority of African Africans, he thought he would skip over the filthy parts. Having said that, his version is clearly at odds with his fearless leader’s or more accurately his leader’s Svengali, Steve Bannon. As a pragmatist without political philosophy who is anchored in the personal philosophy of wealth accumulation for family and friends by whatever means possible, 45 is on board with Bannon as long as these two intersect.

But Bannon and Jeff Sessions are on a mission to Make America White Again; to preserve steve-strategistAmerica and it’s culture for white, protestants against the onslaught of the brown peoples of the world. Never mind that the white man came late to the continent, stole it from brown people and built the nation with the labor of Black people and financed by slavery associated bonds, securities, banking and manufacturing markets that spurred the Industrial Revolution. Isn’t possession nine-tenths of the law? To the winner goes the spoils. The two cronies are trying their damndest to stave off 2020 when whites are projected to be a minority in the country. (More to come in Jeff and Steve, Brothers in Arms post)

As it happens, many HUD staffers are African Americans and reports are that they didn’t notice the remarks during the speech, giving Carson a standing ovation when he finished. His remarks were quietly delivered near the beginning of the talk, the slave equals immigrant phrase swallowed in the rush of words that followed. Perhaps they didn’t hear them. Or maybe it was Carson’s “star power” that distracted them. It was only later when they read about the remarks that they realized what had been said.  Or maybe they were not offended and just didn’t care.

While many Twitter and Facebook users were indignant, it is perhaps a good thing that the HUD staff didn’t object. They will have more weeks to bask in the bubble of positive feeling until Carson begins his mission to “deconstruct” his department as advocated by Steve Bannon. Part of deconstruction is budget cuts and that means pink slips and fuller work loads.  

Whispers That Morph


A quick update on the source of PresidentTweetMaster’s charge that Obama wire tapped his phones. Well, he probably didn’t mean phones, it just uses fewer of the 140 characters. A NY Times Opinion piece reports that the Guardian, BBC and Louise Mensch of Heat Street disclosed that the FBI had asked for FISA court authorization to monitor transactions between two Russian banks and people connected to the Trump campaign. This suggests that during monitoring of the Russian banks, the FBI stumbled onto Trump associates. Alternatively, they may have been investigating the Trump associates, perhaps in the context of Russian campaign interference inquiries.

The links between Russian banking and Trump are convoluted by the still shadowy business dealings of his empire. Recall that one of Trump’s sons said a few years ago that a significant portion of the Trump business income came from Russians. In addition, there is the possibility of Russian money in some of Trump’s multinational financing. And because the Russian economy is a state owned oligarchy, Russian businesses only thrive at the behest of the state and that involves interaction with Vladimir Putin. All of the richest Russians are Putin cronies. Thus Russian banks, investors and business have government ties. To everyone outside the Trump entourage, Russia remains a hostile adversary, led by a dictator whose vision is to reestablish the USSR and to make Russia a dominant global power.

Clearly, 45’s America First wants to withdraw from America’s global leadership. In the Bannon/Trump view, the US has been taken advantage of, used, and abused by every nation, not the beacon in the world for freedom, both political and economic; not the lifter of nations to a seat at the global table. This new view, US as victim, not powerhouse, is music to Putin’s ear; each American step back from the world stage is a foothold for his glorified Russia. Putin is astute enough to understand the CelebrityPresident’s weakness; he wanted to assist Trump into the White House as a much weaker opponent than Hillary Clinton.

Certainly, Putin was supporting what looked like a losing candidate at the time. But if nothing else, he could sow enough confusion to demonstrate his global reach to the rest of the world. And there does seem to be mounting memory loss about interactions among Trump associates that at least circumstantially suggests the Trump campaign may have taken the bait. Perhaps Russian efforts created just enough confusion in the country to help Trump squeak out a win. This is not to suggest that the responses from the Clinton campaign and the role of the press in promoting the Trump candidacy did not also contribute to Clinton’s loss. Certainly the Russians had analyzed Clinton enough over the years to ferret out some of her weaknesses in anticipation of evaluating her campaign missteps. (Yes, the Russians, like the US, profile their international adversaries).

No one can say that Putin’s bet didn’t pay off; 45’s administration is knotted up in charges and investigations into Russian meddling that are interfering with Republican party unity and any legislative agenda while stoking partisan fighting with Democrats. It looks like chaos in the White House, if not to Trumpophants, then to the rest of the world, which is shaking its’ joint heads. In the meantime, Putin can fist bump his government officials and move on to continue efforts in France and perhaps the UK where Brexit is shaking Ireland and Northern Ireland and the EU itself. In addition, Russia is expanding its’ influence in the Middle East by staging Syrian Peace talks that exclude the US and cozying up to the Taliban in Afghanistan. That information has slipped by us as we’ve been consumed by the conflagration of the TrumpTweet. Putin is looking at an unobstructed path on his way to Russian glory.  

Madness reigns

trump-tweetsHas the madness of King George descended on the West Wing? It is fitting that the insane claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the election dropped on Twitter. 140 characters gives no details, answers no questions. What should be social media fluff has been raised to a president’s right hand. It’s frightening that the RealityPresident is so besieged by the widening scandal of Russian influence in his campaign electoral victory that he has sought refuge in that most impressive accomplishment of his life on the con.

It’s no accident that he found something with which to indict Obama, still an idol for many Americans, in sharp contrast to Trump’s unpopularity with the majority of the country. We should first scour Breitbart to see where the charge came from. In fact, the well connected Bannon could easily have planted it there. The charge plays well with his base, hopscotching from Twitter to Facebook to conservative radio jocks, throughout the alternative fact circuit. In this country, it’s always safe to attack the Black guy; it’s a core Republican dog whistle that never fails.

Should anyone take this filth seriously? After all it is the president, albeit a doddering pretender, wandering the halls in a bathrobe in the early hours of the morning ; even so, it is the prestige of the POTUS office which demands attention. So what are we to make of this nonsense. First and foremost, did it happen?  In this vein, we have to worry if the current administration will create some evidence; they have shown their willingness and expertise in this arena. Or will they reprise the innuendo of the birther movement. That strategy is actually more effective, since it can not be proven or more importantly, disproven so it keeps returning like a sour belch.

What was PresidentTweetMaster’s source? We know it wasn’t Fox News, one of his favorites. Could it have been Breitbart or conservative radio jocks? Trump’s clean up squad hit the airwaves on Sunday talking about multiple news sources including the NY Times article that reported that after Obama ordered a thorough investigation of Russian efforts interference in the election, agency officials tried to ensure that investigative threads would remain when 45 took office. Some of the information came to light through routine wiretaps, intercepted communications of Russians officials and international intelligence agencies. There seems to be serious concern in the intelligence community that the Russians may have hooks on either Trump and/or some of his associates that could later compromise them. Mark Levin, a conservative radio host conflated this information into the accusation that Obama used the “instrumentalities of the federal government” to wiretap Trump. From there, it hit Breitbart and the conspiracy theory was off and running, right to Trump within 48 hours. So despite Donald J’s minions’ assertions,  the NY Times or other credible news sources did not report evidence for Trump’s accusation that Obama tapped his phones; it was just Breitbart. The only things other news sources reported were PresidentTweetMaster’s tweets and the administration’s cleanup agents double talk.

We do know that a wiretap would have required a FISA court order issued by a judge’s ruling on credible evidence which is shrouded in dense security protection. Authorizations for wiretaps emanate from the Justice Department, which was, at the time, involved in an investigation into Russian involvement in the election. And the FBI/CIA run their investigations independently of the president; they are, after all, career professionals. Thankfully, our president can not just order surveillance on private citizens, part of the constitutional guarantees that distinguish the US from other dictatorships.

I suppose the nefarious Obama could have hired a private eye to do the wiretapping illegally. An imaginative movie plot but really? Utterly ridiculous.

But wait, couldn’t Trump have tapped the numbers on his phone rather than the keyboard. He has the highest security clearance in the land. The CIA and FBI work for him. FBI Director Comey has already asked the Justice Department to make an official statement denying Obama ordered any wiretapping. Since Jeff Sessions is in charge, that’s not going to happen. No wait, Sessions had to recuse himself since he may be involved in Russian hanky-panky. Maybe Homeland Security? Well, PresidentTweetMaster should know. This is the fallout from an administration mistrustful of it’s own intelligence agencies. And the proclivities of a president whose first impulse is Twitter. Not only that, it is the RealityPresident who doesn’t read newspapers; doesn’t watch the full spectrum of news coverage; who mimics reports from the conservative cable news outlet; who sees every statement as publicity; who is easily insulted and ready to retaliate at the drop of a hate. In short, it is unique to Donald J Trump. Trump would rather have a Senate Committee investigation dribble out news stories over months and months, wasting taxpayer money on chasing shadows. No wonder legislators don’t have time to do what they were elected to do-solve the country’s problems.