Damn, trade can be nuanced

lumber logs

Desperate to get some action concretely on the scoreboard before day 100, 45 introduced a tariff on Canadian imported softwood products used in single family home construction. The target is just as soft as the wood. Canada, our neighbor to the north is seldom viewed as a difficult trading partner. Maybe it’s a signal that even our allies should watch out for the BullyPresident when the impulse hits him. Ok, it’s another executive order, so no legislation yet. Ok, it wasn’t any of the items in the campaign 100 day pledge. But, it is a tariff, emblematic of what could come, a frequent device of the president who hasn’t actually accomplished much, like a single piece of legislation from his to do list. 45 is talking loudly but carrying a little stick. So what’s the impact of this tariff?

Overall, the Canadian balance of trade is just about even, that is our imports are equivalent to exports. But Canadian lumber has been a longstanding area of dispute, dating back to an understanding between Reagan and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney which would end action against softwood lumber. Reagan reneged, but the subsequent agreement proceeded to form the basis for NAFTA. Over the next 3 decades, the dispute has continued to resurface.  While this is a relatively small issue for the US, the lumber industry is an important source of jobs in Canada’s rural areas. So softwood lumber is not a very impactful issue for the US, but may prove problematic for Pierre Trudeau, who has tried to make friendly overtures to Trump, even inviting Ivanka to a Broadway musical about passengers on planes diverted to Canada on 9/11 after he’d already paid a visit to the White House.

Central to the dispute, simmering since 1982, is the difference in ownership of forest lands in the two countries. The Canadian government owns most forest lands while in the US, forests are owned by private companies. Consistent with the past, American mills once again complained that Canadian provincial governments, by charging lower royalty rates for cutting trees, were subsidizing the sale of the wood products in the US.  

Now in its fifth iteration, negotiations to renew the previous agreement that expired in 2015 broke down, perhaps impeded by the presidential transition with accompanying delay in the Trump administration’s naming Robert Lighthizer as US trade representative. So, this was an easy mark for the BullyPresident. The negotiations were well underway before he took office; he just jumped on board when he needed to pull a rabbit out of his hat. The Commerce Department determined that the Canadian government was subsidizing the exports between 3% and 24%; Trump signed off on slapping equivalent tariffs on imports from each of the Canadian companies, retroactive for 3 months. It makes the President seem uniquely friendly to US business whisperings, but this decision is not new; it follows all those made in the past. It may not be radically different from Obama’s solution and that probably sticks in Trump’s craw.

Naturally, Canada vigorously denies the accusations. Canadians contend that US lumber companies can not fill all the country’s demand and that their lumber fills the gap; the National Association of Home Builders agrees. The US buys 69% of Canadian exported lumber. The Canadian government, anticipating the tariff announcement, is still looking to continue discussions, but an appeal to the World Trade Organization, where they have successfully beaten back every previous US attempt to levy a tariff, is already being planned. In the interim, Canada has already worked out a deal, which in the past has usually been to limit the amount of softwood exports. Trump bought a headline; the news story about the resolution is likely to go unnoticed.

But trade issues are complicated. Trade restrictions often have winners and losers. Theoretically, the balance should lie with more winners than losers, but that depends on how wins and losses are defined. Home Builders have never been enthusiastic about tariffs, which they contend will increase the price of houses. Homebuyers are sure losers. Lumber accounts for an estimated 17% of the cost of a new home. A 15% tariff would increase new home prices by about 4.2%, or $3000 as estimated by the Association of Home Builders, making houses even less affordable for new home buyers and renovators. A slowdown in home purchasing has wider implications for the economy.  Commerce Secretary Ross has denied the negative impact of the tariffs on home prices, contending that the largest component of house prices is the cost of the land. And, in a twist for an administration that is all about creating American jobs, an estimated 4700 full-time jobs will evaporate.

It maybe that Trump considers these jobs more expendable than campaign prominent coal or steel industry jobs, where almost no one sees a resurgence except him. Ironically, unlike coal or steel, the lumber industry in both countries is prospering, with big production increases in 2016. Seems like once again, Trump has touted a questionable trade solution to a marginal problem, all in the name of America First.  

cows-aug05-011Trump wandered away from remarks on Chinese steel dumping in the American market to bad mouth Canada on another dispute, the dairy industry. Seems like he’s got Canada on his mind. The milk issue is even more complicated than softwood lumber but revolves more around ways to support the American dairy industry. The milk canister runneth over for American dairy farmers, like others around the globe. There is a worldwide oversupply of milk, which is driving prices down, as dictated by the classical economic tenets of supply and demand. US dairy farmers are now dumping thousands of gallons of milk. After all, cow teats can’t be shut off; Bessie keeps making milk, day in, day out. Canada has managed to avoid the predicament by restricting the number of dairy farms and assigning quotas to keep prices high and further, by discouraging foreign imports with up to 300% tariffs.

A group of Wisconsin dairy farmers slipped ultrafiltered milk, a product used in cheese making, through a NAFTA loophole that hadn’t accounted for the new processing technique. This month, Canada slammed the door shut by instituting a domestic ingredient campaign. Canadian farmers had been hamstrung by mandatory minimum pricing rules. Ontario created an exemption and dropped the price of its ultrafiltered milk to undercut US competitors. As a consequence, the Wisconsin milk processors were nudged out of the Canadian market which forced them to cancel contracts with local farmers. With most other area milk processors already drowning in customers, the farmers were threatened with an abrupt end to their family farms, unless they could find some feasible milk processing capacity.

The administration seems to want to settle both the softwood lumber and dairy product issues outside the proposed negotiations to restructure NAFTA, but our crystal ball is clouded by our mercurial chief executive who likes to credit his “incredible flexibility”. One day he’s tweeting about pulling out of NAFTA, the next, he’s talking about moving to renegotiate a “fairer” deal. The idea that the US, the most powerful country in the world, has been suckered by almost every other country seems absurd on the face of it, but some folks are more gullible than others.  45, coincidentally South African slang for penis, having shifted his attention to tax cuts, could leave the details of trade agreements to professionals. But then again, it’s anybody’s guess.

Confederate Memorial Day

not-the-confederate-flagIt’s April 26, time to celebrate Confederate Memorial Day, at least if you live in Alabama and Mississippi. It’s an official state holiday, still. Fortunately, Georgia, taking a more progressive stance than can usually be expected, nixed the official holiday in 2016, so there won’t be any official celebrations in my state. But, make no mistake, there will still be celebrations across Dixie, with battle reenactments and whites decked out in Confederate uniforms and 19th Century dress, visiting Confederate grave markers freshly decorated with the most recent rendition of Confederate flags and basking in the glow of their glorious ancestral heritage.

Let’s think about a different approach to celebrating Confederate Memorial Day. After all, we should celebrate our national history, the whole national history. It seems absurd for two states that generally rank somewhere in the bottom five in terms of poverty, health care outcomes like maternal and infant mortality, educational outcomes and quality of life indicators to spend any state funds on official celebrations, even if it’s just police overtime for crowd handling. Be that as it may, it would be a welcome change for all of us to take the opportunity to recognize both sides of the Civil War conflict. The anniversary of Robert E Lee’s surrender at Appomattox took place only 17 days ago and that was a momentous occasion.

union soldierMaybe it’s because I’ve just learned that my ancestor fought with the union army, but I think those of us who supported the Union cause should rise up on Confederate Memorial Day to remind the Confederate celebrants that they LOST the war. The nation has never done that, for fear of irritating that raw confederate anger when the nation needed to heal. But, maybe it’s time to acknowledge that a gang of traitors, no matter their flimsy rationalizations, rebelled against the legitimate government of the United States and tried to destroy it. There is no other word than treason for that. When they fired on Fort Sumter, they started that war that killed 620,000 soldiers and caused 1.5 million casualties, about 5% of the US population. They killed 20% of southern white males. It was the Confederate Army that caused the devastation of the South’s landscape; as the Union Army was called upon to put down the rebellion, railroads, bridges and telegraph lines were destroyed; agricultural production was halted; and cities were left in rubble. It was Dixie that called out the Union troops in a desperate attempt to end the slaughter.

strange-fruitOf course, historians have chosen to write it differently, in the interest of national unity, just as the federal government chose to sacrifice African Americans on the altar of national unity by allowing the South to create a virtual police state through Jim Crow laws that lasted another century. The nation wasn’t ready then for equality and it’s still inching toward or away from it, given the recent turn of events.

Living in the land of Dixie as I do, there is no end to the reweaving of myths about the glory of the Confederacy. Believe it or not, there is still ongoing debate among Civil War conspiracy theorists that the reasons for secession were states’ rights or resistance to tariffs. The internet is electric with harangues, and they are always harangues, across all platforms. It’s a cottage industry, with potential for notoriety and cash. No matter how much they’d like to revise history, right there in black and white in every state article of secession, the defense of slavery is clearly stated as the Confederate cause because for them, slavery was the basis of their society and even civilization.

So maybe the nation should try a different approach when April 26 rolls around next year. We should all turn out on April 26, or the nearest Saturday or Sunday. Those of us who believe in the Union should wear our Union navy blue, carry a Union flag and a “THE UNION WAS VICTORIOUS” banner to the nearest public Confederate monument. Other signs might be “Now Maybe All of Us Will Get to Be Free” or “My ancestor whooped your ancestor’s butt”.

I should send a shout out to New Orleans and its’ mayor, Mitch Landrieu, for taking down the first of three Confederate memorials scheduled to be removed this last weekend. Even in the face of the bombing of the contractor’s car, masked workers clad in flak jackets dismantled the obelisk in the dead of night in the presence of a gathering crowd. Confederates can celebrate their heritage privately, but not on government land. Slave Market Memorial at Stone TownNow we just need to add a few slave monuments, recognizing their undaunted spirit of survival and yes, even rebellion. And those should be erected on public land.

Donald J Trump- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

jet firing missiles45 emerged from a couple of nights of Fox News viewing as a completely changed man. He must have missed TV coverage immediately following the sarin bombings of innocents in Syria, but having caught up, he moved from unconcerned with events outside the US to full throated grief for the lives of babies horribly murdered. In the space of 72 hours, he became a Warrior President, launching missile strikes on Syria, while dining with the Chinese president at Mar-a-lago. He instructed Nikki Haley at the UN to scold Russia for colluding in war crimes in Syria and not voting for a Security Council condemnation of Assad.

With the Generals as ascendant Trump whisperers, Trump’s head puffed up with a taste of the exercise of America’s international military might and the resulting adulation from Republicans. He moved on to out bully North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, naturally by tweet. Kim Jong may not be getting the message, since Twitter has yet to penetrate the North Korean firewall. North Korean internet communications are closed off from the rest of the World, although, the dictator most assuredly has internet access. In any event, international leaders haven’t fallen into Twitter monitoring as a substitute for international communications through diplomats and state departments. So naturally, the tweets are for us and the subsequent press reaction. The CelebrityPresident knows how to project the strong man image for his Trumpophants, and his ratings are always a top concern. Some may be a trifle concerned that 45 could be blundering into nuclear war; others are doubtful of this turn from America First to world’s policeman, something Trump said expressly that he’d put in the rear view.

The mainstream media is joyous with the emergence of the new Donald, with potential world leadership cred. Finally he has turned the corner to become a presidential figure they can place in the fabric of history; a knowable entity whose behavior they can predict or at least pundicate on implications and the future. They don’t seem to have done their homework on the career of Donald J Trump. They’ve unearthed a ton of facts, but can’t see the forest for the trees.

It’s abundantly clear that the Master Dealmaker is a one of a kind chief executive. He is governed by one principle, self-aggrandizement, not simply wealth but also personal adulation. The compliment’s the thing; fame’s the game. He’s switched political party hats to nestle  where he can get most return. The P in his most recent campaign is pragmatism not populism. He deserves credit for seizing on the birther controversy as a strategy, not to the presidency, not even a twinkle in his eye then, but to notoriety; a ticket to press and media outlets to promote his brand. When it registered with a small reactionary current against Obama, it kept Trump’s hat hovering until the time was right. The coalescence of the dissolution of the Republican party core after the 2008 Romney defeat and the staunch determination of the billionaire conservative right wing free market capitalists, Kochs, Mercers, DeVoss’ and the like, to resist the Obama government at every turn spawned the fomenting of a “grassroots” movement to recapture the presidency. These circumstances  provided fertile ground for a message of dissatisfaction with the usual suspect candidates and politics as usual that Trump’s charisma seized and stirred. But it was all for the sake of the brand. With the unanticipated win, Trump assessed the possibility for blowing up his brand worldwide. In a legal coup, he conjured up a way to hold the power of the nuclear codes in one hand and a greatly enhanced revenue stream in the other. And an endless supply of jobs for his children with expanded revenue streams of their own.


koch brothersThe anti-government billionaire Robber Barons were fooled by Trump’s fake populism initially, not understanding the commonality of their interests. Being devoid of political philosophy, the Reality TV candidate was never a part of their club, being a go-it-alone narcissist without charitable inclination or a fat enough wallet.  But during the transition between administrations, the meeting of the minds was clear. Trump’s agenda, to maximize his own personal accumulation of wealth, went unmentioned in his platform to drain the swamp of Washington corruption, restrict immigration of brown skinned people and limit trade to evade the reach of the global market. Similarly, the various Koch funded organizations propagandized to their conservative voters that the end of government regulation, the elimination of government safety net programs and tax breaks for the rich will insure economic prosperity, providing cover their objectives to allow even more of their own massive accumulation of wealth, particularly in oil, chemicals and mining industries, where environmental regulation has become an important barrier to expansion and profit. The commonality emerged in a cabinet and agencies stocked with swamp dwellers scooped up from the muck as well as Wall St walleyes, off and running with a flurry of executive orders to loosen the flood gates.

A separate stream in the administration, the Bannon-Sessions group ushered in from the campaign coalition with white supremacists, is primarily interested in making America White Again. Despite constant attribution by the press of populist goals to Steve Bannon, his political vision has nothing to do with benefitting the working and middle classes, only dismantling government to create a white nation state prepared to battle other nation states as other global alliances break down, as exemplified by Brexit and the the potential Frexit, which would likely be a death knell for the European Union.      

Trump has transferred his business style to the White House. As the head of a family business, he directed first his lieutenants, then his progeny, to carry out the intricate details required for his deals. Once the package is put together, the maestro strolls in, either to amicably settle or alternatively strongarm the final deal to signature. Trump brings the power into the room.

His style is well suited to his limitations. His short attention span, difficulty with reading, inability to capture and hold details means that he needs his staff to do the heavy lifting, which they, in turn, assign to lower level personnel. Notice the difficulty 45 has in retaining the names of leaders, even those he’s just met with. Notice how he often searches for phrases when he speaks, only to land on the few stock phrases he uses repeatedly. Those who don’t read have limited vocabularies. This contrasts sharply with Ivanka, whose vocabulary is finely honed to be as elusive as possible, fluffy as cotton candy melting in your mouth. How much of Trump’s modus operandi is attributable to his aging brain is yet another question. There’s the confusion about the destination of the missiles launched, either Iran or Syria, contrasted with the details about the chocolate cake. And the “armada” streaming toward Korea by way of the opposite direction. Was this an error, based on misinformation from others? Was it an unintentional blunder or intentional lie to mislead the enemy or just another brain fart?

Ruled by self aggrandizement, Trump’s career is littered with broken promises and reneged contracts, visible in the constant need to find new partners for his famed deals. He has no compunction about welshing on contracts with partners as well as contractors and has done so matter of factly. Yet another example is found in the defiance of campaign rhetoric about the sanctity of American made goods, while both he and Ivanka continue to manufacture their clothing lines in China.

Trump’s style is an outgrowth of his transactional view of relationships. His instincts are to go one on one to hammer out a one dimensional deal, where his prerogatives dominate. Note his rhetoric that disparages most multinational agreements, even decades old alliances like NATO. He talks about freeing the country from these entanglements which have essentially screwed the US when most Americans think we’ve dominated.  So, he meets with foreign leaders, surrounded by subordinates helping with the detailed information. But the real work of diplomacy is done by the minions of professionals in the diplomatic corps, hammering out the nuts and bolts of relationships, encompassing a wide range of interactions between countries like entry and departure, commerce, presence or absence of diplomatic personnel, etc. The TV show “Madam Secretary” is great at illustrating some of these not easily envisioned details. Meanwhile, the Secretary of State is making the rounds, making statements that sometimes seem contradictory to what 45 is saying or tweeting. Who to believe? The often impulsive, sleight of hand barker at the top or the taciturn, quiet spoken Secretary of State.

Meanwhile, network news programs are busy analyzing what are 45’s new foreign policy objectives or if he has a policy at all. This week, the speculation has now switched to the administration’s 100 day milestone and the bustle to resurrect Repeal and Replace Obamacare legislation, pass a government spending bill and roll out tax cuts by then. As the segment in Trump country or revisiting supporters from the campaign has become a staple in news broadcasts, we get a glimpse into the CelebrityPresident’s report card. It’s an effort to show that the media case for disillusionment with Trump has had the desired effect. The media asked when will they realize that Trump has not delivered on his promises; that proposed legislation is poised to hurt those supporters more than it will help; that contrary to campaign promises, the wealthy are the primary beneficiaries of the Republican agenda? Not surprisingly, Trumpophants are thoroughly convinced that the liberal media continues to wage an all out attack on the president, not without some justification. They have seemingly infinite patience with their hero, and really 100 days is not enough. Some blame the Democrats for interfering. That is credit the party would love to claim, but the credit far exceeds the reality of their numeral impact. After all, outside of a few executive orders seated in a flurry of hype, he’s done nothing that will affect their lives. Even the promised immigration ban bottled up in the courts isn’t going to affect the unemployed white guy in Middleton, Ohio except to confirm his status as part of the superior white majority. The group is too deeply embedded in the emotional halo of empowerment generated from the movement Trump designated as Make America Great.

ivanThe peripheral Trump voters who took a chance because the alternative seemed unpalatable may be moving toward agreement with the millions of voters who chose any of the other candidates, but they, similar to Democrats in Congress, can do little to change the course of the administration except nibble around the edges until elections in 2018. Some suggest that  hope may lie with Jared or Ivanka’s Trump modulation but we don’t even know what either’s political positions are except to say that Ivanka has been an effective spinner for her Daddy since her teens. If her proposed childcare plan for tax credits is any indication, she is clueless about the needs of most working mothers, a natural outgrowth of the rarefied circles in which she’s always lived. Well, she probably talks to the company secretaries but it’s unlikely that the conversation is honest. But whomever the current Trump whisperer may be, the Republican agenda is in no way friendly to anyone who isn’t wealthy, but people will have to find that out for themselves. Shifting to the international front, we may be dependent on the level headed largess of our allies and the restraint of our generals to keep us out of international war.

It Turns Out Voting is a Privilege Not a Right Part II-Voter IDs, Gerrymandering and More


We continue the saga from the last blog, It Turns Out Voting is a Privilege Not a Right Part I. The manipulation of voter rolls to disenfranchise minority voters has been one component of GOP strategy to dominate government for the foreseeable future. In the wake of Obama’s victory in 2012, Republicans redoubled their efforts in expanded tactics around the theme of voter fraud. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative organization financed by the Koch brothers, developed a legislative template for voter ID legislation that was distributed to state legislatures like Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. All this, without any evidence from any source (except Breitbart and friends news media) that widespread voter fraud has occurred in any recent elections. In fact, all the evidence supports the contrary. In a Bush campaign study of federal elections from 2002-2005, only 0.00000013% of voters were convicted of voter fraud, mostly incidences like convicted felons unaware that they were not yet eligible to vote.

Republicans have crafted their voter ID laws specifically to target those voters who elected Barack Obama- minorities and the young in order to “put the White Back in the White House” as one Romney supporter said. Poor whites, the handicapped and the elderly are just collateral damage as well as judicial cover to camouflage racial intent. The NAACP estimated that more than 6 million African American and 3 million Latinos would be kept away from the polls, 25% of Blacks and 16% of Hispanic voters. Only 8% of white voters would be affected. The disenfranchisement campaign only accelerated as more Republican governors and state legislatures have been elected since 2008. Since 2011, 141 voter restriction statutes have been introduced in 41 states legislatures. 214 electors, or 79% of electoral college votes, come from 16 states with voter suppression laws.  

The requirement of a government issued photo identification card is a poll tax, plain and simple. The details of the process vary but most include proof of citizenship, either a birth certificate or passport. Birth certificates are more economical than the over $200 for a passport, but most states charge between $10 to $30 for a copy of a birth certificate. Primarily the elderly, poor and minorities lack this type of documentation; my 98 year old father, a Black man born at home in rural Kentucky, never had a birth certificate. He used a 1920 census tract entry as proof of birth. In addition, many may be unfamiliar with the process to obtain birth certificates, including online access in many states. Many lack internet access as well as the cash to pay these expenses.

image-Obama-Long-Form-Birth-Certificateobama-Obama-Long-Form-birth-Certificate-facebookJumboSome states also require a social security card or W-2. Many people know their social security number,  but don’t have a copy of the card. With increased security measures, a replacement card requires a birth certificate and additional identifying official documents, either mailed or presented in person. A W-2 requires employment; considering that the unemployment rates of African Americans varies from 16-80% in some areas compared to 3-5% for whites in most areas, the implications are obvious. Additional verification of residency, usually 2 pieces of mail, like a bank statement or utility bill can also be a barrier. Young, elderly and poor people often live in multifamily settings, more so since the economic downturn. There is only one person named on a utility bill, who may be the landlord. In addition, many poor and minorities do not have bank accounts, note the rise of check cashing and payday loan businesses. Beyond the documentation costs, there is the cost of the ID card itself. In addition, the time needed to obtain or present the documentation, often during work hours that many low wage earners can ill afford to miss. The accumulation of barriers are enough to deter even the most  zealously committed to voting.

Several states moved to make voter IDs less accessible by shortening hours of DMV offices or even closing them. In Wisconsin, the government closed a number of offices in Democratic strongholds and opened new ones in Republican areas. About 25% of DMV offices in the state are open only 1 day a month. In Texas, a state whose population is spread over long distances, more than one third of the counties lack a DMV office. In 2011, Alabama shut down the DMV offices in counties with concentrated Black populations, exactly those counties that Obama had carried in 2008. The state relented to have an office open at least 1 day a month after a national uproar.

Voter IDs are only part of the strategy. Others include limiting access to polling places as well as making the voting experience both inconvenient and unpleasant. Long lines pictured in news photos during 2016 are a testament to intentional inadequate staffing with resulting extended waits in states with Republican electoral officials. Another ploy is to limit early voting periods by eliminating it altogether or shortening the length or hours of availability. Harassment of voters through questions about eligibility and categorization of ballots as preliminary, only later to be ruled invalid, are others. Other more subtle moves are also employed. William Rehnquist, former Supreme Court Justice, developed a dirty trick that called on Republicans to send “do not forward” letters to residents in known Democratic areas. At the polling place, voters’ residences were questioned based on returned mail to their address, making them ineligible or at best, provisional.

long-lines-at-the-polling-placeIn states like Wisconsin, the government moved to limit access to polling places by curtailing the length of early voting. Early voting is critical to workers who can’t take time away from work or who have to travel long distances from work to their polling places.  In Florida, where over 60% of early voters are African Americans, voting on the Sunday before the Tuesday of election day was eliminated, aimed at reducing church organized bus trips to polling places. Florida also used DMV address mismatches to remove voters from rolls. Timed just months before the 2012 presidential elections, people had little opportunity to appeal and were taken by surprise when they showed up to vote.

Republicans have also used “grassroots” groups to rabble rouse about voter fraud. True the Vote, a Tea Party inspired group funded by the Koch brothers through Americans for Prosperity, appointed itself to monitor voting in Black neighborhoods. On election day in 2010, dozens of its white members descended on precincts in Houston Congressional Representative Sheila Jackson’s district to challenge voters, intimidating poll workers and voters in scenes reminiscent of Mississippi in the 1960s, perhaps even evoking memories for some of the older voters. Jackson won re-election, but notified the DOJ to investigate voter intimidation. True the Vote contended that there was a high degree of voter fraud in African American districts and began espousing the views of Matthew Vadum: “It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country-which is why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote. . .it’s about helping the poor to help themselves to others’ money.” Wow! A throwback to the idea that only property owners should vote! Of course only the benefit of a doubt would lead to the conclusion that “nonproductive segments” wasn’t just a code word for people of color. This is the postracial society at it’s best.wasn't allowed to vote

Gerrymandering, or the redrawing of congressional and state legislative districts, has proven an even more effective method to augment Republican political control. As the party has come to control more state legislatures, they have gerrymandered more legislative districts in more states. The practice of redrawing districts is desirable and practical, a necessary response to change in population, in order to insure one-man-one-vote. Thus both parties do it and use redistricting to their own advantage. But technological advances have allowed surgical precision in construction of districts with a particular objective in mind. For example, Democrats were able to remove the block where a near winning Republican candidate lived from his district to eliminate him from the ballot in the next election. In 37 states, drawing of legislative districts, both federal and state, is controlled by the state legislatures.

There are two commonly used techniques, one is known as packing or caging, where most of the voters of interest are crammed into a few districts. Caging is considered illegal under the Voting Rights Act; Republicans have been specifically enjoined under federal court order from using the practice. And yet, the party has continued to defy the court order, without a hint of prosecution.  

The other gerrymandering technique is called cracking, where voters are sprinkled across several districts to dilute their influence as a group. While gerrymandering is illegal for racial purposes, or it used to be when the DOJ was interested in enforcing anti-discrimination laws, it is considered a perfectly acceptable practice for partisan political reasons. Still, in practical terms, redistricting against Democratic party strongholds often involves disenfranchising the poor and minorities.

gerrymanderingThe effectiveness of their handiwork is visible in the midterm elections of 2012 when the party with the most popular votes still lost control of the House of Representatives. Republicans won a 234-201 majority, even though the Democrats received 1.4 million more votes.

To further solidify gains, the GOP invested in the 2012 REDistricting Majority Project (Redmap)  strategy to focus critical resources on legislative chambers in states projected to either gain or lose Republican congressional seats in 2011, based on 2010 Census data. The project summary is 100% transparent about motive:

“Controlling the redistricting process in these states would have the greatest impact on determining how both state legislative and congressional district boundaries would be drawn.  Drawing new district lines in states with the most redistricting activity presented the opportunity to solidify conservative policymaking at the state level and maintain a Republican stronghold in the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade.”

Pouring more than $30 million into state level races to implement its strategy paid off big time over a couple of election cycles. Examples at the state level include Pennsylvania where 44% of voters chose Democratic representatives in 2014, but two-thirds of districts are represented by the GOP; in Ohio, 40% voted for Democrats but 12 of 16 seats or 75% are represented by Republicans. In 2016 in NC, Republicans won 53% of votes in house races and yet they control 77% of the legislative seats. This is how gerrymandering subverts the democratic process. Clearly the proportion of citizens voting for the candidates of their choice does not translate into representation by those candidates. With blatant disregard for voter wishes, some would say that state representatives seem to be choosing their voters rather than the voters choosing their representatives, as it should be. At the state level, legislators are free to ignore the opinions of their constituents because they’ve created ballot-proof seats, much as the Southern Dixiecrats established Congressional dynasties based on voting by a few in one party primaries that seldom required campaigning until the 1970s.

One other factor is relevant here. One consequence of the massive incarceration of African Americans, begun under Reagan’s war on drugs but widely expanded by Bill Clinton’s three strikes rule and mandatory minimums, has been the creation of a large pool of minority felons stripped of the right to vote. Nationally, 1 in 9 African Americans have some relationship with the criminal justice system, either currently imprisoned, pending cases, on parole or on probation. As a result, one report estimated that up to 30% of Black men could lose the right to vote at some point in their lifetime. A recent illustration of the impact of felon disenfranchisement is seen in Virginia Republican opposition to the Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe’s efforts to restore the vote to over 200,000 felons who had completed their sentences and parole. After the state Supreme Court ruled the governor’s April 2016 executive order unconstitutional, McAuliffe signed individual pardons for 13,000 felons. His rationale was the reversal of Jim Crow prisoner labor laws designed to suppress Black votes. Republicans charged that he was trying to garner Democratic votes in the upcoming election.

One final leg of the Republican assault on voting rights was the gutting of important sections of the Voting Rights Act by 2013 the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v Holder. Section 5 of the VRA required specifically designated districts with a history of minority voter disenfranchisement to have planned changes to election procedures, voting qualifications and district boundaries pre-approved by the Justice Department. In the case, Shelby County Alabama gerrymandered district boundaries to lower the percentage of Black voters from 69 to 29%, without submitting it to the DOJ. The DOJ required that the election be held again using the original district lines, but county officials balked and filed suit, charging that the oversight was no longer needed, making the 2006 Congressional reauthorization of the VRA unconstitutional. In a 5-4 decision, SCOTUS ruled that the rationale for the VRA was obsolete; the law had already effectively ended Black disenfranchisement and unfairly singled out southern states. The evidence belies the former and the latter ignores actions in Arizona, Idaho, Alaska, California, New York, Massachusetts, etc, etc. Note that during the legal maneuvering from 2011-2013, the elected officials took office and continue to govern in ways that disadvantage minorities. In fact, after the decision, another redistricting map was drawn, using packing, to further diminish Democratic Party voting strength.

Now liberated from any oversight, Republicans rushed to make changes in preparation for 2014 midterm elections. Thirteen states passed voter restriction laws which now can only be challenged under Section 2. However discriminatory intent must be demonstrated, a high bar given Supreme Court criteria in the recent two decades. In 2016, as many as 608,000 Texans and 300,000 Wisconsinites were disenfranchised. In North Carolina, there was a 9% decline in African American turnout. Republicans have honed the language of disguise to precision over the decades. And court cases take time. So, even after favorable rulings in Texas and North Carolina, the court ruled that the rulings were too close to the election and let the status quo remain in effect for 2016. It seems that the federal government, even under a Black president, has turned a blind eye to upholding the right of minority citizens to vote.

Make no mistake, the road through the courts is long and treacherous; decisions occur long after the votes have been counted and the elected officials have taken office. We can expect the rulings in federal courts to become less sympathetic to arguments for civil rights, much as they were during Jim Crow days. Even beyond his most recent Supreme Court Justice pick who may or may not change the conservative balance on the Court, 45 will appoint hundreds of federal judges to the bench over the next four years. And then there is the next Supreme Court justice pick who most certainly will change the balance on the Court. And all of those appointments will be in effect for many years to come.

Now that Jeff Sessions has become the Attorney General, enforcement of current legislative prohibitions against discriminatory practices as well as initiation of cases challenging voter exclusion will disappear from the DOJ agenda. In fact, Sessions, who summarized his feelings in 2006 about the Voting Rights Act as “an intrusive piece of legislation” applauded the Shelby County v Holder decision, the case having been filed in his home county.super sessions

With new Republican state legislatures poised to pass new, more restrictive voter ID laws and gerrymander new legislative districts, newly appointed conservative federal judges, recent rulings by SCOTUS against equal treatment of minorities and a likely more conservative turn of the new court, prospects for the future far beyond the present administration are dim. We seem to have found our way back to the days when African Americans could not turn to law enforcement, local, state and federal government agencies or the courts including the Supreme Court to guarantee for the them the rights of every American citizen. Effectively, voting once again has become a privilege, not a right, for millions of citizens.

This is a cautionary tale. The CelebrityPresident’s agenda to undermine democratic traditions of government is broad: from rampant conflict of interest violations, administrative nepotism, administrative procedures as shrouded in secrecy as the president’s business interests, attacks on the free press, constant disinformation and falsification, to continued refusal to acknowledge the threat of Russian sabotage of our elections and possible collusion with Russian agents or at least the cover up of such collusion by campaign associates. But more nefarious is Republican Party efforts over several decades to define the electorate as those who will vote for their candidates, funded by a small group of conservative multimillionaires intent on controlling government policy to further their continued accumulation of wealth, free of government regulation while being granted favorable political treatment. So called “democratically” elected despots throughout the world have used just such delineations to gain and remain in power. Our country is slowly inching its way toward an oligarchy, not unlike Russia. Names like Charles and David Koch, the DeVoss family, Rebekah and Robert Mercer have emerged as some of the shadow manipulators, investing in libertarian, free market government. But in the American model, the oligarchs select the titular head of government while in Russia, the head of government selects the oligarchs. Donald Trump is not the head as the front whose interest happen to dovetail with theirs.

Beware, the path away from the edge of the precipice is not through protest. Only conscious, organized electoral opposition at the polls to reclaim state legislatures, Congressional seats and governorships can break the hold of Republican billionaires on our democratic institutions. The connection between the state legislatures who determine the composition of Congressional districts is clear. We are fighting for our freedom. The billionaires will fight back. And it’s going to take years.

It Turns Out Voting is a Privilege Not a Right: Part I- A Retrospective

vote-hereThere’s no question that Trump’s mania about 3 million fraudulent votes costing him the popular vote victory that he so desperately wants to claim is the stuff of his narcissistic worldview. It is, literally insane. Our 45th President was as surprised as we all were that he won, despite repeated assertions by Kellyanne, mistress of momentary memory. Over the months, the burden of Trump’s perceived micro- and macro-aggressions against his success as president-elect have loosed his innermost demons. 45 must be the biggest and the best (pun intended from South African slang for penis, per Trevor Noah (http://www.cc.com/video-clips/uq05c6/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-laurence-fishburne—becoming-nelson-mandela-in–madiba-). The rumor is that a German golfer told Trump that when he was turned away from the polls as a foreign national, he saw that South American-looking people who should have been ineligible were allowed to vote. That combined with Fox News segments fed Trump’s mania.

While Trump is pursuing his own personal hell, Republicans will continue to use voter fraud as cover for their all out assault on minority voters. Other administration staff, like Stephen Miller, asserted that millions of dead people voted in 2016 and that some voted more than once.

Republicans have several national and state efforts to restrict minority voting already in the works. They can expect an additional boost from Jeff Sessions, Alabama boy become Attorney General. The prospects are even brighter with new Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch. For example, the Justice Department first delayed a pending Texas voter restriction case, no doubt waiting for the SCOTUS bench to be complete and then announced it was switching sides to support disenfranchisement. Deputy Attorney General Filip under Obama understood the law as clearly discriminatory against minorities, another plank in Republican legislative assaults of minority voting rights. Sessions, on the other hand, is all too familiar with long established methods of voter exclusion. He’s hoping to score a reversal of the lower court decision to overturn the Texas statute.

Discussion about fraudulent voting will continue to percolate in the public discourse as long as local Republican politicians are in the incumbent column on state ballots. It’s not enough that with the last election, the GOP sculpted supporters in less populated areas to stack against more densely packed Democrats in urban districts to capture most of the elected government apparatus. Trump’s war on people of color is bound to propel more moderate and liberal white as well as non-white opposition voting toward Democratic candidates in the midterm elections; that is, if Democrats can get organized. So far, in a few scattered special elections, Democrats have failed to show up at the polls and Republicans have won. In any case, Republicans are as well prepared to minimize minority impact at the polls in 2018 as they were 2016.

Thirty two states now have both Republican controlled state legislatures and governors, covering over 61% of the population. Democrats claim similar control in only 5 states. In short, the Democrats were more devastated than almost any other time in the party’s history. In the blush of the Republican sweep of both houses of Congress, 32 governorships and state legislatures, it’s hard to remember that the Republican party had been the minority party for decades. But the party was never interested in having the largest number of voters identify as Republican.

As far back as the early 60s, Republican party officials understood that their party was more conservative than the general population. Despite that, they wanted to win the White House. At that time, capturing undecided voters was the strategy for both parties. Back then, there were lots of unaffiliated voters who considered themselves independents. Each party vied to win over the undecided which generally moderated party platforms to more centrist positions.

The opportunity to expand Republican support presented itself when LBJ ramrodded civil rights legislation through Congress and then proceeded to enforce the law in the South. Southern Dixiecrats fled in droves to the only other alternative. Given the opportunity to attract disaffected segregationists, Republicans adopted what would become known as the Southern Strategy. What began as Goldwater’s isolated victories in the states of the Deep South, matured through the Nixon campaign to win conservative minds throughout the South. As the issue of civil rights took front and center in national politics, outright racist appeals were transformed into coded messages about law and order, closely linked with characterizations of Black people as criminals and permanent welfare roll occupiers, both threatening whites and draining away their taxes. The 1980 presidential run by George Wallace, declared Alabama segregationist, helped stimulate Republicans to codify their political messages. It would have been difficult to out “nigger” a long time “nigger calling” politician.

By 1980, Paul Weyrich, Heritage Foundation founder and leader of the Moral Majority summarized the Republican position foreshadowing the time when the party would add the updated appeal of social issues to attract a burgeoning conservative evangelical movement. Weyrich wrote that it was not advantageous for everyone to vote in elections because elections were not won by the majority of voters; Republican leverage in elections would increase as the number of voters went down, since the party  still remained outnumbered by Democrats. In an extraordinary rewind; in this, the world’s exemplary Democracy, elections are not won by the majority of voters, a consequence of the less than 50% turnout in most presidential years and 20-40% at the state and local level. In this scenario, who enters the voting booth is more important than how many.

Republicans made strong gains with the two Bush administrations, 41 and 43, integral to heightened social and political polarization, pushing people into increasingly closed opposing liberal and conservative enclaves. The party was instrumental in both creating and exploiting growing tensions, advancing social issues by mobilizing reaction to Bill Clinton’s lascivious activity that led to threatened impeachment and an attendant mistrust of government. In addition, growing antipathy to the assertiveness of the LGBTQ community and the aggressiveness of the Pro-Life movement planted moral divides that became unbreachable. When a view is infused with the blessing of God, the opposing view becomes “sinful”; there can be no compromise with the Devil.

The public further fractured over fallout from the ill conceived wars in the Middle East, one driven by intelligence report manufactured threat of weapons of mass destruction to settle a family vendetta; the other by differential reactions to the rise of terrorism. Bush 45 became the poster boy for national security intrigue and government sanctioned torture, adding fuel to misgivings about government. Conservative think tanks funded by multimillionaire conservatives developed strategies to widen divides. This was social and political polarization comparable to that in 1859 pre-Civil War US.

Yet somehow, the Democrats managed to breakthrough with, amazingly enough, a mixed Black candidate graced with a Muslim sounding name, carrying a message of reuniting the country with shared hope. Republicans were shocked; Sarah Palin seemed to have perfected a sure fire appeal to the working man, but went off the ranch to progressively alienate moderates. Emerging from the post election analysis was a glaring fact: minority voters weighed in heavily. Obama scored 65% of votes cast by Hispanics and 95% of African Americans, pretty much a given from campaign rhetoric. However, the knockout punch was delivered by voter turnout. The largest percentage of eligible voters in 40 years cast ballots, including 15 million first time voters, 69% of whom voted for Obama. Embedded in this analysis, was an historic first, Black voter turnout was essentially equivalent to white, 65% compared to 66%. Republicans found no joy; the outpouring of new voters added insult to the injury of record turnout.

Other aspects of the voter turnout were troubling. The only group overwhelmingly voting for John McCain were elderly white men. In contrast, new voters under 30 years old went 62% for Obama. One other group with generally low turnout is the poor–Bernie Sanders wasn’t wrong when he said poor people don’t vote. But twice as many people with incomes at or below the poverty line voted in 2008 than 2004.

However, even before 2008, the GOP was plotting to ensure a long reign in the White House. In 2008, over 2.7 million votes that were cast were not counted, categorized as either provisional, “spoiled” or absentee which just weren’t counted. Some states, like Georgia, don’t count absentee ballots unless the race is close. Another 250,000 ballots were only partially counted for some offices. Beyond these 3 million votes that weren’t counted, there were another almost 3 million would-be voters who were barred from the voting booth; 2.4 million whose registrations were rejected, over 490 000 registered voters who were inappropriately purged from the rolls and 320,000 who were blocked by a poll worker’s decision that the voter’s identification documents were unacceptable. That’s a cool 6 million disenfranchised voters! And still, it was not enough to keep Obama out of the Big House.

_90297157_rejectedNo doubt, the country has witnessed local manipulation of election results at the polls, particularly in the days of party machine politics. But the advent of computer ballots has provided more efficient data mining methods at the state level to disenfranchise large numbers. For example, Katherine Harris, the Florida Secretary of State had purged 91,000 felons from the state voting rolls before the 2000 elections. Greg Palast, in Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, using the state’s computer data, found that their only crime had been “Voting While Black”, not a felony prosecuted under Florida law. Computer algorithms linked Black voters through similarities in common names, like William Jones, to convicted felons, to eliminate registered voters from the rolls. Just as a reminder, Florida was the state that put George Bush 43 over the top; who knew that minority voters who couldn’t vote, courtesy of Ms Harris, were just as instrumental as the Supreme Court.  

Republicans, the party that has perfected coded race politics, will necessarily have to continue to write off minority voters, in large part because the narrative they’ve sold their base precludes any actions that the base would interpret as favorable to the supposed purveyors of their woes. Given those limitations, the party chose to return to time honored traditions of voter disenfranchisement. In truth, it wasn’t a choice; it’s just been the Republican way. Karl Rove, never shy about party motives, observed that if 0.25% of black voters in the US could be eliminated, the party’s candidates could score more electoral victories.

Accusations about voter fraud began popping up in Republican political statements at the national, state and local levels. Bush 43 responded to the revelations of Ms Harris’s fraudulent felon purges by launching the Help America Vote Act to “reform” the voting system. The law requires every state secretary of state, the official in charge of electoral process, to computerize and update voter lists statewide. This process provides the backdrop for various ongoing actions against “illegal” voters. So in Arizona, an Hispanic voter is 500 times more likely to be struck from the registration rolls than a white voter. In Colorado in 2012, 20% of voters were purged, seemingly for Voting While Brown. In Florida, the legacy of Mary Harris lives on, with continuing elimination of African Americans from registered voter list. Many of these purges rely on the same tactic of linking similar names to felons, without verifying the identities of either party. In California, voters are rejected for a certain type of unusual name that Republicans don’t generally have, like Hispanic, Vietnamese, Filipino.

In 2012, the Republican National Committee contracted with DataTrust to build a database of every potential voter in the United States. Charles and David Koch financed their own comparable effort at defining which citizens can vote with a data-mining operation called Themis supported through the organization, Americans for Prosperity. The handiwork of these operations have been touted by Carl Rove:

In Florida and Iowa, Democratic registrations are down from their 2010 levels, while Republican numbers are up. For example, nearly 29,000 Democrats have disappeared from the Iowa registration rolls since January 2011. . .In Arizona, Democrats are down 58,000. . . and there are now 176,000 fewer Democrats registered in Pennsylvania than in November 2010.”

The Republican Party, a minority party since the days of FDR, has strategized to win power and retain it. The CelebrityPresident is the culmination of the party’s successes. Ironically, his ardent supporters see their superhero as “anti-Republican Party”; for them he conquered the party. In Part II, we explore the broader dimension of the GOP strategy that left the Democrats devastated in 2016 by electoral victories that swept governorships and state legislatures despite 3 million more votes cast for Hillary Clinton. Similar patterns of Republican victories, even in the face of higher numbers of Democratic votes, can be seen at the state level, a result of Republican Party handiwork.

If Only Trump Wanted to Deliver on Populist Promises



As I listen to mainstream media and various progressive commentators, there seems to be an underlying assumption that Trump actually wants to deliver on populist promises to working and middle class voters. Commentators are all quick to point out that this comment or that action is antithetical to what will help “the little guy”, as if simply pointing that out will alter 45’s or his administrative aims. The dream budget is a clear statement of where the administration is going and the direction is much more rooted in Republican austerity.

Trump is an opportunist without political philosophy except to promote his brand to maximize his income. While his ascent to POTUS was a surprise, the potential for expanding his business prospects was immediately clear. So far the CelebrityPresident has managed to defy long established presidential traditions to keep his business interests intact and enhance his income through the normal conduct of government business, for instance, the trips to Mar-a-lago or any of his properties, since all are commercial concerns, and for that matter the continued dwelling of Melania in Trump Tower.

President DealMaker has danced circles around the ethics office, by claiming Presidents are exempt from ethics rules. He has seemingly extended the exemption to his staff, at least as far as his family staff members are concerned. In a Friday night document dump of staff business disclosures, long delayed after several missed deadlines likely in an effort to clean them up, nonfamily staff members revealed a gaggle of conflict of interests as well.

trustbusterWith great flourish and a table of folders containing blank papers, Trump announced he had created a trust of his business interests that would be managed by his sons, without revealing any details. Both the Donald and his lawyer, Sheri Dillon, assured us that his trust arrangement was compliant with ethics standards. As it turns out, his business trust includes quarterly reports from Donald Jr and a clause that allows Trump to draw out funds whenever his heart desires. Like so much of Trump, the trust is pure fiction. He is not separated from the companies’ decisions, or income either. This is flagrant violation of the intent, if not the letter of the law. While the GAO concluded that the Trump lease of the old Post Office which was renovated into a Trump hotel was allowable since the president did not receive income from it, that is now proven false by the terms of the trust. Recently, Wallace Global Fund, a client of the firm, Morgan Lewis & Bockius where  Dillon is a partner, fired the firm in a scathing letter that characterized the trust as “it empowers and even encourages impeachable offenses and undetectable financial conflicts of interest by America’s highest official”. The letter details the myriad ways in which Trump’s continuing conflicts of interest and self-dealing violate the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, including the Trump DC hotel’s continuing attempts of to steal foreign business from rival hotels.  Sean Spicer, in an attempted sleight of hand to draw attention away from conflicts of interest, held court for the donation of the $78,000 of 45’s salary so far as president, constitutionally designated as the only allowable presidential income, to the National Park system. The less than $100K is like a drop the ocean of the proposed dream budget cut of $1.5 million.

Trump has proven masterful in this stunt; the White House lawyer, who would be responsible for pursuing treasonous financial behavior, is Trump’s lawyer tasked with advising him on how to elude legal consequence. Perhaps a few Democratic legislators can turn up something more actionable, given that news investigations seem to be unearthing numerous details on business connections and conflict of interests in the evolving Trump like monarchy.

While Trump has responded to the Bannon ideas of deconstructing government convergent with the party’s cut and slash approach to federal programs that severely limit funding of almost everything except defense, he has no qualms about extravagant expenses for his comfort and leisure.  In the first 6 weeks since Trump took office, he had spent all but one weekend at one of his properties, costing taxpayers $10 million, $2 million less than Obama spent each year during his administration. On the one weekend he spent in DC, he dined at the restaurant in his hotel near Capitol Hill where he ran into Nigel Farage, the magic behind Brexit. It’s almost as if he can’t spend a week away from a building with his name on it. By mid April, $16.5 million of our tax dollars will have been spent on trips to Mar-a-lago. Our next investment is a helipad on the property to improve access; no cost estimates on that yet.

Taylor Jones / Cagle CartoonsIvanka, flush with her own independent business interests, has another complicated web of conflicts of interests. Both she and her father have applied for patents in China, including her jewelry and clothing lines. When 45 assumed office, Ivanka’s job in the company was to search for locations of future Trump branded ventures, which conferred an enormous advantage over other hotel corporations, simply by being the daughter of the president. She had red carpet access to heads of states, like the Prime Minister of Japan, Angela Merkel, Teresa May and probably other unpublicized dignitaries. Her access to financial institutions and businesses in any country, supplemented by information known only to those within government, exponentially magnified her sphere of influence and disadvantaged competitors. In addition, Ivanka is emblematic of the brand and the lifestyle which Trump businesses sell.  

The tangle of international financing in the Trump family businesses is obscure, but clearly involves international investors. While shrouded in shadow companies, evidence of the involvement of banks and businessmen from countries in the Middle East, China and Russia raises the possibility of government decisions compromised by international influence, including those hostile to US interests.

Now that Ivanka has assumed a special advisory position in the West Wing with security clearance, the business possibilities are endless. She joins her husband Jared Kushner as the power advisory couple. His sphere of influence is much wider, making his conflicts of interests even more problematic. Kushner has his own extensive real estate holdings and with them financial obligations to international financial institutions. As he joined the diplomatic team in Iraq, one wonders how much his own economic interests dovetail or conflict with US policy. His advisory portfolio now includes Mexican trade, national security issues, tax reform and restructuring the government. He’s also been designated the point man for relationships with China, including the visit of the Xi Ching Ping.

666-fifth-ave-jared-kushnerPerhaps Kushner’s expertise on China stems from his business deals with the Chinese. The Chinese government has not been subtle in trying to curry favor; in fact, business in China is notoriously rife with corruption. Soon after the election,  Kushner personally negotiated a sweet deal with Anbang Insurance Group, the Chinese firm that owns the Waldorf Hotel, to unload a white elephant New York office building, 666 Fifth Avenue, which had languished since the Recession. The purchase price of $2.85 billion, the highest in history for any Manhattan building, does not include the additional $400 million cash payout to Kushner Companies, an amount some consider overly generous. Kushner has created another Trump family fake divestiture, where he sold his assets in the building to his brother and a trust controlled by his mother. The beauty of that kind of trust is that it’s completely retrievable at any time. Still, he retains some real estate holdings in Kushner companies which, with typical Trumpian transparency, have not been disclosed. After 5 Democratic Congressmen wrote to the White House lawyer with reservations about the deal, the deal has suddenly been halted, just days before Xi Ching Ping’s projected visit. Apparently, several other firms are now interested, perhaps nudged toward obscuring Kushner’s egregious conflicts of interests as the other party got more interested in it.

The Obama administration considered Anbang suspiciously tied to the Chinese government and he broke tradition to stay elsewhere in New York after the purchase, citing national security issues. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which include the secretaries of the Treasury, Energy, Defense, State and Commerce, also cited national security when it objected to the firm’s bid to buy Hotel del Coronado near the San Diego Naval base. The Chinese government is notorious for cybertheft of trade secrets and intellectual properties, in addition to commercial espionage; the Chinese are one of the main global sources of copycat merchandise, from videos to trucks.

Trump has been rhetorically aggressive on China by calling the country a currency manipulator, by denouncing them as our country’s worst trading partner as well demonizing the government for job stealing. But he was happy to manufacture his ties there, even as he put America First. He’s still got his eye on more Chinese business; soon after he was elected, the bottleneck with the Chinese government suddenly evaporated, ending a 10 year fight and granted him 38 patents, including massage parlors. If the administration’s position on China softens after the upcoming visit of the Chinese president, the Chinese may have moisturized the shift. Or not. That, in a nutshell, is the crux of conflict of interest. From a cultural perspective, it’s pretty likely the Chinese will view it as a leg up and proceed to try more commercial inducements, many potentially lucrative for Trump/Kushner family businesses.

That this is the first time that these types of conflict of interest have arisen probably reflects more the type of men who have occupied the White House in the past. The Founding Fathers would never have envisioned a presidential aspirant who did not hold the patriotic interest of the country above personal gain. Trump is the first to have sought office for ego self fulfillment; he ran as a party disrupter. He got more ego involved when he actually claimed the nomination. And he was just as surprised as the rest of us that he won the election, thanks to the help of Citizens United enabled dark money funding from crackpot billionaires, specifically the Mercers and others, who have no national agendas, only personal ones. The assistance from Russian sabotage has yet to be elucidated. A critical element in the victory is Steve Bannon, Mercer financed strategist, who does have a dystopian agenda grounded in building a  racially pure American nation state that will battle it out with other nations for dominance of the world. On their way, they will pick the government clean, drain more income from the working and middle classes and maximize corporate and personal wealth accumulation for the top 10%.

The Koch brothers have a libertarian approach to government, where the federal government is small and governance is centered at the local level. Corporate economic policy, theoretically free market forces, dictate societal discourse. It sounds reminiscent of the days of the Robber Barons, when industrialists like the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers reigned supreme over government and society. In that America, workers were sacrificed in unsafe working conditions, making subsistence wages; the planet served as industrial dumping ground. We thought we are both more knowledgeable and more sophisticated than that now. And yet, the robber barons have simply gone underground; the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United has made it possible for the billionaires to just purchase elective offices and government policy with dark money without any voters even knowing who’s buying.

stephen-bannon-cartoon-fitzsimmonsBillionaire dark money conservatives coalesced behind Trump once he captured the nomination as their only hope, although some like the Koch brothers, were late to support. But much like the larger Republican umbrella, they have different political approaches. The Mercer Foundation of Robert and Rebekah, a father and daughter team, are primarily anti-Clinton, believing since Bill was Arkansas governor, that he had opponents murdered. Bannon, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and some of their protegees installed in White House staff positions are the source of the America First high notes in Trump’s rhetoric, like the Wall, intense vetting of Muslim refugees, aggressive ICE raids on Mexican immigrants, the Muslim ban, and more restrictive immigration. Domestically, the pair’s updated white supremacist nation state with global dominance philosophy has focused on extending minority voter disenfranchisement as well as reinforcing discriminatory criminal justice policies.

Trump, committed only to self-aggrandizement, has taken positions, retracted them, then reformulated them, depending on who’s whispered loudest or last in his ear. His political compass points toward whatever bathes him in the continuing adulation of the TrumpPack. None of those interests include the populist outpourings of the CelebrityPresident. The disgruntled white working and middle classes were merely the key to open the White House door, ripe for an emotional appeal of a group that has felt displaced, displaced from their perceived role as dominant cultural arbiters in the country.

In moves reminiscent of all other oligarchs, Trump has relied on nepotism to create a circle of special advisers. He has imported close advisers from his campaign financial backers, among them Kelleyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, and Jeff Sessions, all Mercer Foundation protegees. For his cabinet, he’s chosen a panoply of billionaires, all vowing to deconstruct their agencies by both elimination of government regulation and trimming personnel. None of these people hold the interest of the TrumpPack dear. The Trump administration will lurch ahead as the various interests battle it out to plot set the national agenda.

America First in the Trump administration boils down to Me First.

Jeff and Steve, Brothers in Arms

sessions and bannon

The darkness and doom of the Bannon-Miller Inaugural address, while at odds with the realities of US life in many communities, strikes an emotional chord among those whites who are swirling in the displacement of their own communities that are strangely transformed by shuttered businesses, abandoned houses and often, HIspanic laborers. Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions have poured enormous media resources into exploiting that anomie to advance their agenda of an American nation state which is essentially white supremacy retooled with a dash of wealth transfer to the top 1%. [For more on their definition of nation state see post The Mysterious Steve Bannon Peeked Out From Behind a Curtain] Jefferson Beauregard Sessions has modernized his Alabama heritage; risen as a phoenix from the remnant ashes of the flames of the civil rights movements. In the near Armageddon scenario which the two envision, they evoke the need for emergency measures to justify executive orders to ban immigrants as well as eradicate a veritable mountain of regulations that constrain corporate assaults on middle and working class incomes and the environment while rolling out the deconstruction of the federal government. Health insurance and medical care are early on the chopping block with the Ryancare proposal.

The Brothers in Arms are on a mission to Make America White Again; to preserve America’s white protestant culture from the onslaught of the brown peoples of the world. Never mind that the white man came late to the continent, stole it from brown people, built the nation with the labor of Black people and financed it on their bodies by bonds, securities, banking and manufacturing markets that spurred the Industrial Revolution. But isn’t possession nine-tenths of the law?

white powerHow did Jefferson Sessions and Steve Bannon become Brothers in Arms? Sessions, while Alabama senator, was a regular Breitbart reader and credited it as a major force in defeating a Congressional bipartisan immigration reform effort in 2014. Bannon and Sessions had known each other for over 2 years when, working with Stephen Miller, a top Session’s aide, they jointly developed a strategy to block immigration reform. Breitbart writers met with Sessions’ staff weekly during that period. Immigration for Sessions and Bannon was a central issue in their shared vision for a Christian European US.

Sessions was years ahead of his Senate colleagues in pitching his worldview when he proposed a Senate bill to curb legal immigration while they were focused on illegal immigration. Sessions reaches back to the 1924 immigration quota system which barred Asians and tightly limited the entry of Italians, Jews, Africans and Middle Easterners to find an example of what is good for America, in what he perceives to be a dangerous period of transition hurtling toward white men losing the reins of control. Bannon is right on the same page; “A country is more than an economy. We’re a civic society” Bannon said on the radio with Trump in 2015. He quoted a figure that ⅔ or ¾ of the CEOs in Silicon Valley were from Asia and South Asia as indicative of a serious problem. These figures are of course exaggerated as Breitbarters are prone to do.

In August of 2015, Bannon saw Trump as a potential presidential candidate to support. After Sessions crafted an immigration policy for Trump which included extensions beyond the usual Trump rhetoric to visas for high-skilled workers, he became the first Senator to endorse the RealityCandidate. Later that month, Bannon took over Trump’s campaign.

Now, all three, Bannon, Miller and Sessions have ascended to the right hand of President Trump with Bannon probably the most influential advisor he has. The idea that minority and foreign-born residents are the key internal threat to America is what brought Sessions and Bannon together. Both are horrified that the white population is on the brink of  becoming a minority in the country that they hold dear. In their view, white people own this land, as a right.

There is no question that the immigration narrative is unabashedly about race, as an unconstrained by political correctness Breitbart declares. The reality about immigrants is that undocumented Mexican immigration has been falling since the Great Recession and that immigrants are less likely to commit violent crimes than US citizens. While they may have a small downward impact on wages of non-high school graduates, immigrant additions to productivity increase the pay of more educated workers by up to 10% and serve as engines of economic growth and entrepreneurship. In addition to the taxes they pay, many contribute taxes to Social Security through falsified Social Security numbers. These are benefits that they can never collect; they are essentially an investment in senior benefits. And their wages make them solid consumers.

Team S&B are working on several fronts. One, the Wall to keep out southern immigrants and massive efforts to export undocumented immigrants. They wound up their white supporters with misinformation that pointed to this group as one of the major threats to their security. Misinformation because the largest group of undocumented immigrants arriving in the US now is from Asia, including Indians, who overstay their visas. One advantage to Asians and Indians for the government pair to consider is that both groups have remained semi-enclaved and have not influenced the American cultural milieu to any great extent; the downside is that they bring several non-Christian religions. They have not been overlooked, Sessions and Bannon are shifting to widen their focus in restructuring immigration laws with proposed changes to visa programs which would discourage importing STEM based workers using the rationale that they displace US tech grads. Numerous Indian firms contracted with US companies to provide cheaper computer based workers are extensive users of H2B visa programs.

While Homeland Security is the home of immigration agents, the DOJ plays a significant role in deciding who stays and who goes. Recall, that the Trump executive orders expanded the definitions of immigrants who could be detained to include the discretion of the officer on scene. But Sessions will have a major role in DOJ oversight of the nation’s immigration courts. The original guidelines called for the dispersal of a surge of judges to the border to speedily remove people back from whence they came before they had a chance to become enmeshed in clogged immigration courts where long intervals until hearings allow people to melt away into the fabric of a community. This nominal legal process has now been expanded into the interior.

Before any expansion to meet these needs, the 397 immigration judges had a 2 year backlog of cases and 20% vacancy rate. The probability that the judgeships will be exempted from the hiring freeze and additional resources allocated is questionable. Budget conscious Republican Congressmen may want to spring for more border guards but balk at funding judges and courts. The lack of resources could furnish a rationale for Sessions to move to streamline appeals by expanding the cursory review process used during the Bush era. The point is to make it harder to stay outside of concerns for immigrant rights or an appeals process. For Sessions, a seasoned trampler of rights when he finds it convenient, the objective is to wall off immigrant entry until the Great Wall can bring the iron curtain down.

trump_sessions_cartoonFor undocumented immigrants from south of the border, aggressive ICE raids are designed to make their targets feel hunted and unwelcome, fearful to live their lives as they have. Sessions has conceded as much; it’s an effort to get them to “self-deport”. Remember when Romney was ridiculed for that suggestion. His remarks were made without the full weight of law enforcement now in Sessions’ merciless hands. The February 20 guidelines call for immigration agents to refer “appropriate cases for criminal prosecution” which, in some cases, holds the prospect of long prison terms, obviously a worse alternative than deportation.

Here again, Jefferson Beauregard’s home state Alabama led the way in scare tactics with the most restrictive immigration law in the country passed in 2011. The law mandated arrest for those without proper documents who could be stopped while driving to check for documents and required proof of citizenship to register a child in school or interact with a government agency. And it worked; immigrants scattered to surrounding states. The Obama DOJ successfully sued Alabama blocking most of the law. If Sessions’ is successful on the national level, Alabama’s law will be extraneous.cartoon-jeff-sessions alabama

Sessions may also find a way to repurpose Obama’s DOCA waiver for children brought to the US illegally by their parents into a search and seizure list. New York was so concerned that they expunged information from their database after Trump’s election.

Another front for the cleansing of America is to keep out those who are not white protestants. The ban on immigration from Muslim countries is a naked gun. The crusading White Guys felt the ground had properly been seeded to come out with guns blazing. The essential arguments had been plowing the ground throughout the campaign: Radical Muslim terrorists, and by extension any Muslim because they all look alike, are the biggest threat to the ordinary citizen. The country can’t afford to allow any more Muslims. Those that are here not only provide cover for terrorists, they produce them on our own soil. The Muslim religion, if one accepts that it’s a religion at all, has strange traditions that encourage violent practices. The religion, the dress, the culture is unAmerican. These are the staple building blocks of Steve Bannon’s nation state- Us versus Them.

It appears that Congressional representative Steve King also caught the nation state bug when he tweeted “we can’t restore our civilization with someone else’s babies”, a statement on which he later doubled down. In a nutshell, if Americans want to save America for white Americans, they’ve got to get busy making more babies, just as King said later. There’s some truth in that; whites are reproducing at a zero population growth rate which means they will not have enough children to retain the same population proportion into the future. Hispanics, on the other hand, have the highest fecundity rate in the country which means that they are having proportionally more babies than other groups and the percentage of Hispanics in the population is rising fastest. And of course, their numbers are also being augmented by immigration. Worldwide, Muslims have the highest fecundity rate, well on the way to becoming the religion with the largest number of followers. Muslims are having more babies, even in the face of multiple wars and large refugee camp populations living with food shortages, poor sanitation and lack of medical care; neither of these circumstances seem conducive to rampant reproduction.

The long term investment in the narrative led the Sessions, Bannon and Miller cabal to believe they could whip out their Muslim ban executive order as a surprise. In part, this may reflect that the nexus of the proposal was the Strategic Initiatives Group. What is the Strategic Initiatives Group? It is a new White House policy think-tank that operates under the auspices of Bannon, Jared Kushner and Reince Priebus, former RNC chair now Chief of Staff. No doubt, the latter is a perfunctory nod to the party, so it has some idea what the administration will be rolling out.  Just in anticipation of mop up spin with the media. The group is run by Christopher Liddell and includes Sebastian Gorka, a self proclaimed terrorism expert writer for Breitbart, who followed his mentor into the White House. Apparently, Kushner has been working closely with Bannon for a couple of years. Kushner, as a Trump family business son-in-law, has operated completely out of sight in business circles and apparently political circles as well. A strange position for a Jew, since historically, racial purity philosophies eventually get around to Jews and there have been no exceptions.

With the government outsiders now insiders, they ignored customary government protocols and common sense implementation policies when they immediately executed their Muslim ban. Missing in the SIG decision making was input from NSC members, DOJ lawyers and Homeland Security as the primary implementation arm at the borders including airport security and immigration and border enforcement. The airlines could have used a heads up as well. Sessions thought he could be the stand-in for the DOJ, clearly a bit of an overreach.

The result was massive disruptions at US international airports that precipitated not only massive airport demonstrations by those who had not drunk the Make America White Again koolaid but also created multiple sympathetic narratives of long term permanent residents, Iranian allies who assisted American troops and parents reuniting with families rebuffed at the gates. Perhaps worse, were those trapped at originating airports with visas that were suddenly invalidated.

The executive order, like some of Sessions earlier efforts, ran afoul of the Constitution and was almost immediately enjoined. This sent the Band of Brothers back to the drawing board, to come out with a more structured order with the intent better disguised. This time, they included responses to adversarial legal arguments. Of course, court challenges were filed immediately and that has thus far not gone their way either. Still, immigration officials have been exercising their prerogatives at border crossings, harassing Middle Eastern looking travellers with demands for passwords to digital devices to view content, judged acceptable or unacceptable by border agents to enter. This type of activity has discouraged what used to be routine trips across the Canadian Border for work or shopping.

Turning to another piece in the American nation state puzzle, crime, in the eyes of the S&B bosom buddies, always attributable to colored people, is another harbinger of civil society collapse. The immigrant narrative, both Muslim and Hispanic has been laced with the language of crime. Terrorism looms large, but so does the rapist, drug dealer and gang crime narrative that glorifies the Trump Wall and deportation raids.

Once again, crime is resurrected in the traditional assault on African Americans. While Breitbart, a leader in racial propaganda, has articles, often false, about violent Hispanic immigrants, the site also features specifically tagged articles called “black crime” and #BlackLivesMatter demonization as “blood-lusting junkies”. That is a return to characterizations of old, like the tried and true rapist Black buck, who has threatened white women since slavery. Civil rights activists were always called outside agitators, lawbreakers, criminals who deserved the vicious law enforcement meted out by local sheriffs and police. Technically, of course, they were breaking the law since Jim Crow laws prohibited African Americans from “loitering”, congregating, service in “white only” facilities and voting. But their viciousness of the response was grounded in that all out assault on the southern way for life.

The Reagan era ushered in “tough on crime” language and the “war on drugs” that featured drug addicts and dealers with their associated criminal activities while adding welfare cheating mothers. Later it became clear that the Reagan administration was responsible for the crack epidemic as part of a CIA operation to overthrow the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. In order to fund weapons for the Contra rebels, the CIA helped set-up cocaine distribution networks with Panamanian ruler Manuel Noriega who transported weapons to the Contras paid for by Colombian cocaine distributed through the LA Bloods and Crips who converted it to crack. Oliver North, deputy director of the National Security Council, ran interference to ensure that the DEA and FBI did not interfere with the CIA supported drug trafficking operation. Who would have thought that Ronald Reagan dropped crack into American ghettos to create his “War on Drugs”, all in the service of overthrowing an anti-dictatorial regime in Nicaragua?

A new phrase “black on black crime” became fashionable, as somehow different from any crime. And as the prison-industrial complex exploded under Bill Clinton, not to be outdone by Republicans, nightly news showcased video of thousands of African Americans, arrested in raids, drug busts, robberies. In the broadcast world, 99% of crimes in the US are committed by Blacks; the exceptions are white collar crime, seldom publicized or prosecuted.

In the latest iteration, we have the “cop killing Black”-#bluelivesmatter. Sessions has loudly chimed in to condemn assaults on racially discriminatory justice system practices that fuel the prison-industrial complex and opposed effort at criminal justice reform, warning against “signing death warrants for thousands of American innocent citizens.”

super sessionsThe Justice Department will be Grand Central for Sessions nationalist plans. Here is where the grip of law enforcement on minority communities will be tightened and shifted away from Obama initiated department programs addressing discrimination in law enforcement. Here, too, the judicial pursuit of voting rights enforcement will be replaced with enhanced efforts to disenfranchise minority and poor voters. Here, too, extreme limitation of immigration can be enforced and confirmed by judicial action while accompanied by aggressive ICE raids to enforce immigration laws under the guise of exporting criminals. It’s no accident that Sessions selected the DOJ for his Cabinet post. With the evocation of our national emergency, the path is paved to expanded powers. It is a post that will define who is an American and what rights they have. The Sessions DOJ will likely become a fortress buttressing the majority, such that majority can rule, rather than act as the defender of the minority as it has sometimes, but not always, functioned in past years stretching back to the days when it first established under President Grant to enforce Reconstruction.

Within the Justice Department is the Office of Solicitor General which decides federal positions in appeals and Supreme Court cases as well as the Office of Legal Counsel which advises the president on the legality of his actions. Both will be critical in the Bannon-Sessions collusion to reframe Court decisions to favor the majority. As an aside, they will also be central to the support of 45’s business exceptionalism and his roughshod trampling of ethical conduct standards for his staff, Cabinet and himself. The Justice Department employs over 10,000 attorneys. Some may find it difficult to make a legal about face from the Obama Administration perspective and those who are resistant, will become victims of departmental budget cuts or simply be pushed out, similar to firings under Bush 43 for failure to mount cases alleging voter fraud. In fact, recently Sessions called publicly for the 44 remaining politically appointed attorneys to resign.

sessions trash can earsThe Justice Department under Obama pursued use of excessive force, unlawful arrest and racially discriminatory policing investigations in 25 departments with 20 investigations resulting in consent decrees, legal agreements that entail remedial changes monitored by the courts. Sessions has been outspoken in his opposition to any suggestion that police officers discriminate in policing, with Trump garnering endorsements and then votes from nearly 90% of the law enforcement community. Sessions has called court-monitored consent decrees, which have been used in desegregation cases as well, “one of the most dangerous, and rarely discussed, exercises of raw power.” He sees the core offense as federal interference with policing, not the systematically unlawful behavior by police. It’s a short leap of imagination to think police departments will feel unleashed to stop and harass Black men without indication and to shoot more unarmed Black men, just as they have done since Reconstruction and further, to ramp up violence in confrontations with increasing numbers of protesters, particularly those of color.

On another front, after delaying the hearing, Jefferson Beauregard’s Justice Department announced that it would reverse its position on the Texas voter discrimination case pending before the Supreme Court, from supporting the key claim that the voter ID law was designed to discriminate to denying the claim. The delay, of course is to await the new Supreme Court Justice, since a tie would leave the federal ruling against disenfranchising voters in place. Trump’s outrageous assertion that 3 million fraudulent ballots were cast in the presidential election, the exact number of Hillary Clinton’s popular vote margin in the election, is only a single shot of Republican rhetoric since 2008 that spearheaded the onslaught of voter ID legislation in multiple states. Steve Miller, a junior bosom buddy, has claimed falsely that “14% of noncitizens” are registered to vote.

Republicans can’t be faulted for continuing to pursue their winning strategy of voter disenfranchisement that netted them the presidency, all but 5 state governorships and domination of those state legislatures. These efforts will continue in state legislatures, particularly because federal court suits are the only recourse to overturn voter ID legislation or redistricting, now that enforcement under the Voting Rights Act was gutted by the 2013 the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v Holder, Sessions’ own county. They are hoping for an assist from the new Supreme Court justice. The courts are slow with decisions handed down long after the  votes have been cast and elections lost. It is yet another piece in retaining control of the nation state’s quest to permanently alter the country’s future. Sessions has also signaled his intentions by selecting attorneys for interim heads in the civil rights division who have a record of defending voting restrictions. The Alabamian has his own early history, as a US attorney, who prosecuted Black civil rights activists for voter fraud.

At this point, the coast is clear for The Brothers in Arms to pursue their goals. Opposition from Congress is laughable unless 2018 brings some backbone into their chambers. While the courts have been the most effective stop gap, opposition is likely to diminish with time. The Supreme Court Justice appointment is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of vacant federal court judgeships and older judges who may soon retire. 45 is posed to appoint a greater share of federal judges than any first term president in 40 years. And with the “nuclear option” poised to eliminate filibustering of court appointees, the field is open to fill the federal court system, for a long into the future with Republican partisan judges hostile to minority rights and friendly only to the interests of corporations and the wealthy.

Bullet Proof Trump

Knight_Armor_Screen_v3_09.jpge69ab399-dd51-490d-9009-1d3dc5e3634eOriginal (1)Remember when The CelebrityPresident said during the campaign that he could commit murder and still retain his flock of supporters? He understood that they were mesmerized, cocooned in an alternative reality summoned up by his rhetoric.

An NPR radio interview one Sunday with four Trump supporters, soon after Ryancare went up in flames, presented a rare confirmation of that particular Trumpism. Strikingly, one woman said, “He’s got the media, the Democrats, Ryan and the party factions stacked against him; he’s working with one hand tied behind his back.” She’s been sucked into the vortex of Trump against the world.  In her mind, he is not a Republican; many in the party would agree, even as they like to claim him to complete the GOP wish fulfillment that they control the country.

One of the other supporters echoed this same theme. She felt that the CelebrityPresident’s agenda wasn’t popular with other politicians which meant that he had an uphill battle ahead, so it was going to take a while for him to make the necessary changes.

Another woman had a theory to explain the failure of Ryancare, as many supporters see it. She posited that Trump had his own plan. Ryan had always opposed Trump, but the Freedom Caucus is always on the same page with 45. She firmly believed that the caucus were Trump’s messengers to torpedo Ryan; they just let him hang himself. Essentially, they staged a coup against Ryan. This scenario may seem amusingly farfetched, especially in light of the NY Times story that detailed Trump’s alienation of the Freedom Caucus by trying to pressure them with what they considered to be pep talks rather than negotiate with them seriously. In one meeting, the BullyPresident embarrassed a leader enough to force him into a no vote. The Times is news that supporter will never see and it wouldn’t matter if she did.

The one male in the group seemed less dazzled by the Donald. He was disappointed that the Repeal effort fizzled. He was critical of the rapid push. He agreed with the Obamacare light criticisms, feeling that the bill was not a full repeal.

They all agreed that the Republican party deserved tolerance for their poor performance. After all, one supporter pointed out, this is the first time the party has understood that their actions were actually going to become the law of the land. They will need time to come together.

There are no more appropriate words for their responses than magical thinking. Like Judge Jeanine, they have created a new standard for governance in the country. The Judge screamed that no one expected a businessman unfamiliar with the ways of Washington to get the repeal and replace bill passed; that was Ryan’s job. Clearly, that defies Trump’s narrative. From his acceptance speech in the GOP convention- “No one knows more about Washington than me… That is why only I can fix it.” or “Day One, I’m gonna Repeal and Replace Obamacare…It’s going to happen!” Trump has done nothing but consistently maintain that he is a great leader.

The phenomenon of Donald Trump reflects what seems to be a sudden partial shift in the sociocultural atmosphere in the country. Historically, when a political party controls both houses of Congress by large majorities in addition to the Presidency, POTUS is the most powerful elected official in the world. And the expectation of seasoned politicians, some members of the House for decades, is that they carry out the legislative agenda laid out in their party platforms and campaigns. Many made their own campaign promises, hopefully more substantive than a commitment to follow Trump to the ends of the earth. People who did not support Trump thought repeal of Obamacare was a done deal. And yet, this set of Trump supporters felt the GOP should be given time to “get governing right.” To vote for candidates who needed practice with legislating seems ridiculously antithetical and certainly not what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

Is this, then, the result of voters who are unfamiliar with standard expectations of governance after witnessing the years of Republican obstructionism? Have people forgotten the functional legislature evident as late as 2007? Is memory so short? One supporter thought there wasn’t any point in reaching across the aisle to the Democrats because they support entitlements, government spending and more government debt while Republicans want to let the free market reign and to get government out of healthcare, and business regulation. Bipartisanship, the traditional hallmark of legislative action, is dead. Paul Ryan signaled his assent, as he planted his GOP coat-of-arms squarely excluding the Democrats from the Repeal action, desperate to preserve the impression of Republican revenge on an upstart Black president.

Granted this group is a small sample. But it does provide some insight into the minds of the TrumpPack. Trump supporters are on a different page. They believe Trump conquered the GOP; he decided to be in the party but not of the party.  don-quixoteTrump is their Don Quixote, jousting at windmills completely alone while fending off Paul Ryan, the factions in the party, the mainstream media and even the weakling Democrats. Their alternative media circus which includes their Twitter and Facebook feeds, has encircled them in all the faux facts that count. An added bonus is the pundit “analysis” that tells them what to think.

These observations track well with polling research done in the aftermath of Romney’s defeat which pointed the path forward to victory with Trump. In 2013 Patrick Cadell, a former Democratic Party  turned Republican pollster who developed the strategy for Jimmy Carter’s victory, noted mounting public anger toward wealthy elites, who many believed had corrupted government so that it only served their interests. This sentiment provided an opening for a populist presidential candidate who would run against the major political parties and the ruling class. After Cadell showed his data to Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer, a billionaire reclusive mentor of Bannon and funder of conservative causes and super PACs, they were on the search for a candidate who could stroll right through that gap into the White House. After 2014, Cadell, paid by Mercer, tested all the potential GOP candidates and found Trump the only outsider with the resources and the name recognition who fit the bill, even though people didn’t think Trump had the temperament. More importantly, Cadell noticed a disturbing public desire for a strong man to fix the country.

Much of what the CelebrityPresident says and does is to maintain that strong man persona while hyping his populist front. As a counterweight to the continuing drag of the Washington swamp, Trump has embarked on the first continuous campaign in the country’s history, with Trump 2020 and Keep America Great already registered trademarks. He scheduled his first campaign events within a month of taking office. A narcissistic showman like 45 thrives on personal adulation; he knows it waits for him out on the road, away from the constant criticism and ridicule in a White House felt to be under siege from the other branches of government, the intelligence community and the mainstream media. Trump entered office distrusting the larger world and has compounded it by his own erratic behavior.  As a candidate whose appeal lies not in party or in policy, but the emotional fervor he elicits, the master showman is using Keep America Great events to sustain campaign passions within his base. He’s throwing logs on home fires to keep them burning. At the same time, his presto-digitation draws their attention away from his ineptitude at governance.

A Trump rally is a well orchestrated tent revival. Anne Russell Hochschild, in her book, Strangers in Their Own Land, has characterized the emotional high that the TrumpPack experiences from these events. She described the concept of “collective effervescence”, the excitement felt when an individual gathers with fellow members of their tribe. The gathering affirms their numbers as well as their unity, creating feelings of both respect and security.

la-pol-updates-everything-president-trump-cheers-on-make-america-great-1490486267Like primitive tribes gathered around their totem, Trump rally attendees are swaddled in the American flag; enormous ones that drape the venue, multiple flag poles on the stage and a huge stars and stripes image projected on a screen behind the podium. Attendees wear flags on their T-shirts or painted on their faces; flag pins in their lapels, on and on. A red Make America Great cap covers most heads; vendors hawk an assortment of other MAG paraphernalia. These symbols of unity consolidate the group in collective enthusiasm and awe, not just for Trump but for the enormity of the group itself, which has the feel of a large majority. This is a DJT-ecstasy rave.

The Make America Great rallies follow a script designed to reinforce unity and infuse the crowd, now dubbed a movement with a moral consciousness. Identification of the “other” reinforces a sense of unity. In what appear to be spontaneous remarks, the Donald reviled ISIS,  the Mexican rapist/criminal and a demonized Muslim refugee. From the podium, his finger points out a protester, often exhorting the crowd to expel him in a communally violent discharge signifying group protection. In this act of purification, the crowd finds a common sense of their own “goodness”, much like the spiritual high of the Sunday service.

The raunchy, tough talk Trump directs toward identified common enemies brings liberation to the crowd from another nemesis. Crowd members have felt shackled by “political correctness” and not just what is expressed verbally. They believe that their feelings were being policed by all knowing liberal rules about the correct feelings toward African Americans, women, immigrants and gays. The liberal narrative that whites are not victims of those groups who want only to share in equity of opportunity, seems to be a denial of the righteousness of their own struggles. They refuse to own victimhood but feel that people of color, even Muslims are preferentially favored to achieve the goals that whites can no longer reach.

They feel like they are good people, even if they don’t empathize with the plight of Syrian refugees. It is their very goodness that is being impugned. In their lives these days, they have to maintain two personae, the surreptitious home entertainment one with family and friends and the public one, carefully corralled by political correctness. The BullyCandidate opened the corral gate, reveling in verbal eruptions that shocked the liberal establishment without fear of retribution. The Trumpophants happily skipped through that gate with an exhilaration that, for some, spilled out of the arenas into acts of harassment and violence.

The image of the white male has been buffeted in the decades since the 1960s. The emergence of each successive identity movement– the Black civil rights movement, Latino farm workers, the feminist movement, agitation for affirmative action, Southeast Asian refugees, the LGBT movement, anti-rape, sexual and physical abuse groups– has pointed another finger at white men as the offender. In Trumpophants’ eyes, the stature of the white male has crumbled and with it, a sense of self worth. And yet, the older white male, as dominant species, could never surrender to minority status as just another identity group.

This cultural disorientation is a substantial contributor to the rising suicide rate among  middle aged to older high school educated white men, gripped by the depression of no prospects. These men are chronically unemployed in areas that have lost their manufacturing capacity with the resulting withering of their towns. With the town went not only property values, causing devaluation of the single largest asset most people possess but also a community-based sense of security. Combined with a perceived sense of ridicule by bicoastal intellectuals who control a cultural conversation that marginalizes conservative views about abortion, homosexual unions, gender roles, racial attitudes and even the Confederate flag, they have felt disrespected and profoundly isolated.

Some of their sons, confounded by the lack of opportunity at home that means abandoning their family and friends, have also found their way  to the Trump ecstasy. These high school educated millennials voted in big numbers for Trump, having deserted the Democratic candidate as a representative of the you-ain’t-done-nothin’-for-me-lately party. The 2016 percentage of Hillary Clinton’s voter margins among 18-29 year olds in Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were 30-90% lower than Obama’s in 2012. White millennials in the Rust Belt are disproportionately non-college educated; for them, class and education now trump age (pun intended).

Trump has emerged as the white man’s identity superhero, and by extension his wife and daughters’; he is the political rebuke to continuing denigration of the white male. trump & freedom caucus

The parade of White House photos of old gray haired white men, surrounded by young aspiring white men are no accident; they are reminders of who is charge; for example, the Freedom Caucus standing to applaud the president, photos of Cabinet members, generally without Ben Carson. The white maleness of the Cabinet and other political appointees is another statement. The inclusion of Betsy DeVos and Ben Carson demonstrate the magnanimous heart of white men.

While progressives have trouble understanding how working and middle class voters would welcome 45’s billionaire cabinet, there are other attitudes in play for the TrumpPack. The pack is nothing if not anti-government regulation; they want the government out of their lives even while they bless the intrusion into the others’ bedrooms and vaginas. But more importantly, the crowd identifies with the businessman, both small and super rich. It is an expression of hope that they have invested in the American Dream; anyone of them can rise with hard work, just like Trump. He gets credit for having screwed up a few times and come back. While the head start of your father’s million dollars should remove him from the narrative of starting from nothing, Trumpophants are masters of denial; their emotional attachment to the persona is never sullied by details. This is a group that identifies with those on the rungs of the social ladder above them, not the poor and unfortunate below, having been primed by decades of dog whistle politics that vilify minorities and the poor. With a few different breaks, they could be walking in Trump’s shoes.

Likewise, they are unconcerned about the conflict of interest issues. If a businessman is successful, he should be able to spend his money the way he wants. Government should not force men to give away their hard earned business assets; that action is counterproductive to attracting the kind of business leaders needed to run the government. On the tax issue, supporters hate paying government taxes themselves; they resent their hard earned dollars being spent on the so-called Romney 49% who suck from the government teat. They are all for taking advantage of every possible loophole; Trump knew his followers would pat him on the back for not paying taxes in the one year of released tax returns. That’s the kind of behavior they wish they could indulge in.

As for charges of campaign Russian collusion, most of his supporters seem unconcerned. Many just assume it’s part of the never ending assault on their superhero, an effort to discredit Trump’s righteous victory. On the other hand, Trumpophants are ripe to believe that their nemesis, Obama, spearheaded the surveillance and that is the more important investigation. They so want to chalk up another Obama demerit. But none of them has a sense of an ever present danger that threatens American security, arguably far more than Mexican immigrants and terrorists attacks combined.

Today, when 81% of Americans can not agree on basic facts, we have parallel narratives, one based in a world of faux facts and conspiracy theories augmented by huge batteries of Russian fake Twitter and Facebook accounts planting fictional stories. This is an organized strategy to advance Soviet interest worldwide. The other narrative is based in mainstream media, the legislative branch and the courts. Trump is clearly holding his own, despite repeated surveys indicating low popularity poll ratings. The pollsters are probably missing the mark, just as they did during the campaign.

Right now, Putin seems to be winning and winning, not just in the cyberwar against the US, but in their widening influence in the Middle East, the impending Assad victory in Syria, continuing military harassment of Balkan states and in the Ukraine.  He’s not going to get tired of that.

Trump remains confident in his continuing mesmerization of his flocks. They are with him for the long haul; it will take catastrophic domestic events, which generally evolve over time, to dislodge their hero worship. No matter how many political or economic missteps the press or the Democrats or Congress or even the GOP unearth, the America First coat of arms will continue to protect TheCelebrityPresident.