Everyone Has Suspect Motives Except Agent Orange

In the past, the usual response to political criticism or opposition has been a substantive one.  Political positions were supported by expositions of circumstance and rationale. But the rise of conservative politicians has led to the ascendancy of the motivation behind the action argument. Because Trump’s behavior is often difficult to defend, conservatives have taken refuge in denigration of opponents, seldom even mentioning the original complaint. When any fact is revealed, Republicans are quick to say some variation on the theme they hate Trump, they’re a disgruntled former employee, they’re a socialist/radical Democrat etc, as if to label is to refute the point. It’s simple; requires no thought or additional investigation. And it works with the base. From these initial insults begins a campaign of innuendo which feeds into some conspiracy theory of complicated connections that uncovers the real motivation spread from Trump/FoxTV.  

This propensity to see malfeasance as the reason for every action is one of DJT’s personality quirks; for him, his lot in life is to be attacked and therefore, everything is personal. He likes to think it arises from envy. Projection bias, an implicit bias where one believes that everyone acts the same way that they do with similar intent, dominates his every thought. His paranomia that the world is out to get him frames his world view and enhances his susceptibility to conspiracy theory. He has difficulty envisioning those who oppose his views or his actions may have a valid perspective and since his motives are completely self interested, he’s thinking everyone else’s are too. 

The RealityTVPresident, having found his way into politics through this device, has elevated it to the primary modus operandi for his administration, the Republican Party and the conservative right although it has long been used in politics. Now, conservatives never make a judgment on the issue in the spotlight. The focus is always on who did/said it and what kind of person they are and why they would say such a thing. Not in reality, of course, because there’s never any documentation of any of these assertions. Some may hold a kernel of truth, but by in large, they boil down to character assassinations.

Marie Yovanovitch is an exemplary victim of the slur campaign. The former ambassador to the Ukraine was subjected to an attack on her reputation that began on Trump/FoxTV and then spread through Ukraine and the US State Department. If the president could have simply recalled her from the ambassadorship on a whim for no reason at all, why smear her reputation? Why not have some Pompeo deputy send her a cable terminating her post rather than “Take her out!” as Trump instructed Lev Parnas to do at a private fundraiser?  Apparently Yovanovitch, in carrying out the national diplomatic mandates for Ukraine, presented a stumbling block to the extortion of Ukraine’s president Slensky by the three amigos, Guiliani, Sondland and Volker. By some fantastical leap of the mind, she became part of the deep state and therefore had to be chewed up and spit out, rather than simply transferred to a different post. It is a measure of the meanness of spirit that motivates everything that Trump does.

Republican Senators can ignore John Bolton’s claim that the BullyPresident told him directly that he would withhold aid from the Ukraine until they agreed to an investigation into the Bidens because he’s a disgruntled former employee trying to sell a book. Colonel Vinman, the NSA analyst, born in Soviet era Ukraine is suspicious because he speaks Ukrainian, no doubt why he was on the fateful Selensky call, and may, according to Laura Ingraham, have “divided loyalties”. Lev Parnas, certainly a petty Ukrainian strongman of questionable integrity, is just making up his disclosures because of his indictment in New York even though he’s got notes and tapes of Trump speaking to him, despite Trump’s denials. Nothing new here Republicans say. Besides the Democrats should have gathered all this evidence in the House and since they didn’t, oh well. That’s the spirit, to hell with the pursuit of truth and justice. 

The only person whose motivations are never questioned are the president himself. There have been many instances of his subterranean dealings that have surfaced over the last three years. Actually, there are many from this Artful Dodger’s business career including unlawful tax manipulations with his father, but those are a question for legal prosecution in a different venue. Just this week, a NYT article reports that Bolton expressed concern to William Barr that Trump was intervening in an investigation into Halkbank, Turkey’s largest bank represented by Giuliani for violating Iranian sanctions. At first it was for a trader who turned state’s witness, but later, it was for actions against the bank itself. The lobbying included Erdogan and his son-in-law requests to Steve Mnuchin and asking Trump to speak to Barr about it. The case seemed to be in limbo until the Justice Department indicted the bank after Turkey invaded Syria. There was also some indication of irregular interference around sanctions against ZTE, the Chinese telecommunications giant, for work with Iran and North Korea. these sanctions were lifted which ultimately became were part of an exchange in the recently signed trade deal with China.   

Importantly, the manuscript of Bolton’s book was sent to the White House for security screening in November so somebody there knew this information then. PBS News Hour reported that the White House officially notified Bolton in a letter that his manuscript contained a significant amount of classified information and could not be published without deletions. Trump’s use of purported national security concerns to exclude information from the public eye has once again raised its ugly head. This is a sticky wicket that will no doubt end up at SCOTUS in the laps of a majority of justices predisposed to let the BullyPresident have his way. 

On the other hand, the national security claim must be greeted with a significant amount of cynicism. John Bolton has been in the national security business for decades and he knows his way around classified information. In the end, it’s all a wash. The book will be on the shelves in a couple of weeks even if the administration files an injunction. The Amazon lawyers must be pretty sure they’re on sure footing to proceed. Still, Trump forces have at least succeeded in keeping it out of impeachment, not that it would have made any difference anyway. I’m guessing that nobody on the White House staff had the integrity to inform the House impeachment investigation committee or maybe they passed it to Devin Nunes who immediately decided to keep it under wraps.

As the Greek tragedy entitled The Impeachment of Donald J Trump unfolds, the media keeps pitching it as a suspense thriller, each day hyping the possibility that there is some hope that Republicans will hear the evidence and vote to save the republic by removing him from office. The media has to pitch it in order to keep viewers watching, Twitter feeds scrolling, YouTube popping. There is a whole new cottage industry of podcasts around the impeachment alone. The Democrats try to pretend that their Republican colleagues are people who take their oath of office seriously, not wanting to offend in case there is some hope of future legislative deals. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of feality to the oath. Their actions for three years have made it clear that the only oath they honor is the one to stay in power as long as they can.

Spoiler alert, as a friend of mine is always saying, “if you’re counting on white people to do the right thing, you’ll always be disappointed”. Any snippet of the repeated nonsense being rolled out in the president’s defense presages the forgone conclusion that Trump will remain in office. Will Moscow Mitch make it possible for his members in questionable districts to put on a smoke and mirrors display of apparent impartiality? Certainly because that will allow him to maintain the party’s power. There will be 4 or 5 Republicans who will vote for calling witnesses on the first vote. But they will vote no for each individual proposed after that. Or perhaps by voting for Hunter or Joe Biden, they will turn it into the perfect KGB propaganda vehicle for Biden bashing. McConell may have made it clear that is a road too far, lengthening the trial unnecessarily. But when members go home to their constituencies to say they are not simply glued to 45’s ass, they know that the public is apparently gullible enough to fall for it. And the dog and pony show will continue on.

On January 31, 1964 Louis Allen, who witnessed the murder of NAACP activist by a white state legislator, is killed in Mississippi.

EJI calendar

Trump’s Vision of America Made Great through the Prism of Impeachment

45 is merely the frontman for a decades old campaign to move tenets to shrink government to the size of a pea and eliminate regulation from the far right fringe to the central governing principles of Republican administrations. A rampant opportunist, Trump slipped into a space that would provide a platform for his business interests to extend their tentacles into federal tax dollars and foreign markets. Yeah, he wants to shrink the size of government and deregulate, not from principled commitment, but to remove obstacles to his pillaging of federal and international coffers to prop up his failing businesses. He horned in on the rightward march of the party begun with Nixon, expanded under Reagan and perfected under Bush 43, or rather his puppetmaster, Dick Cheney.

It is Mitch McConnell who is fulfilling one flank of the mission, that of reshaping the federal court system to the “originalist”, minimalist government frame which elevates the individual and more importantly, the corporate voice. He has been less successful at creating a path to new legislation with a populist tinge to camouflage the intent to further aggrandize the rich and powerful. McConnell has had to battle the BullyPresident’s Trump/FoxNewsTV fantasies and conspiracy theories intermingled with decades old prejudices just to get his attention for legislative initiatives. In the end, it is safer not to mount any legislation at all, leaving issues like repealing Obamacare to the judiciary that he’s so carefully reconstructing.

Legislative action risks upending the delicately maintained gridlock in which Congress is now entrenched. That gridlock is no accident; it’s incentivized by the excuse that the status quo can’t alienate the legions of lobbyists and corporate interests the way change might. Absence of change keeps the dollars flowing to legislators. The other motivator is the desire to keep the party platform chocked full of the hot button campaign issues that appeal to the GOP base, among them Washington gridlock unresponsive to the needs of the electorate. In the meantime, legislative action has not been missed in the blizzard of the RealityTVPresident’s executive orders and his constant media blitz striking out in defense of his oft bruised ego while sucking the most adulation from his base that he can muster. Of course those not fooled by the smoke and mirrors feel that we’ve regressed on immigration, they are spending more of their income on housing, transportation and medical insurance against which that income tax cut is a mere pittance and they’re still working more than one job without benefits to do it.

The McConnell rules for impeachment are even more transparently a raw naked power grab. They are a middle finger to the Democrats, the devil incarnate on the other side of the aisle. There is not a hint of reasonableness in them. In an attempt to free his members from any inclination to read or listen to the evidence, he initially eliminated the documents and testimony from the House impeachment hearings. No one can have a pang of conscience if there is no information outside the party line. He’s replicating Trump/FoxNews in the Senate chamber. Our facts, just our facts. 

In the end, he had to concede to moderate Senators trying to hang on to their seats. He will allow the House records and documents to be entered into the record but not distributed to the members. The House and the President will each have 24 hours to present their cases, now over 3 rather than 2 days. The hearings are scheduled to run 12 hours into the wee hours 6 days a week, keeping whatever is going on out of sight of the majority of the general public and essentially muzzling Democratic Senators who will have no access to media outlets after sessions conclude. Not coincidentally, he has looped Democratic presidential candidates into a sound booth that effectively keeps them off the campaign trail except for a tiny window on Sunday. One silver lining, the way things are going so far, it’ll be over by the Iowa caucuses and the State of the Union address scheduled for February 4; if not, the MAWAPresident will reschedule. But Democrats will be free to campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The tyranny of the minority 63 million Trump voters, some who have since seen the monstrosity of the thing that they helped create, has left us with a wannabe dictator buttressed by his flock of spineless sycophants which threatens our republic. The GOP has the power bit between their teeth and they just can’t let it go, no matter what the electorate wants. 

It is extraordinarily difficult to respect a cast of characters who lie with a straight face all the time. I would hope that they toss and turn at night over the loss of any integrity they may have possessed in the past, but I seriously doubt that they do. Sure they have it rationalized that they must do anything and everything to save America from Black people, Latinx, LGBTQ, Hindu, believers in Allah, spiritualists and other nonbelievers in God, Jews (except those that support Bebe Netanyhu), women who want to create their own reproductive life plans and the men who support that, immigrants of color from the Middle East, Central and South America and Africa while Asians seem to have gotten a pass. For instance, white South Africans are welcome, Black ones no so much. This list is probably not exhaustive, but it boils down to people who don’t look or think like them. They don’t appear to mind living in that kind of mean world, no doubt because they think they’ll be on top and don’t really know or care about anybody else. 

Barack Obama is the recurring nightmare stoking their terror. Republicans thought they were sailing through what would be at least a century of party dominance when a Black face popped up and beat them. They were completely unprepared for his victory. In response, they doubled down on their efforts to contour the electorate to resemble themselves through voter suppression and gerrymandering. They then racked up victories in state legislatures and governors’ mansions, all a part of the strategy laid out by the billionaires grouped around the libertarian Koch brothers.

Koch funded foundations generated a faux grassroots movement, the Tea Party. They manufactured and often paid participants to attend “grass roots” demonstrations that, hyped by FoxNews, Breitbart and conservative media and campaign dirty tricks, landed a Tea Party block in Congress determined to stamp out government waste, balance the budget and kick people off the government teat. And now, those very same Tea Partiers, having simmered in the power pot of Washington, have latched onto the Trump teat, ballooning the federal debt, facilitating and condoning government corruption, the waste that goes hand in hand with the enhancement of personal fortunes. 

The McConnell impeachment “trial” eerily resembles the recent fracas in the Venuezuelan parliament despite the pomp and circumstance of the US Senate. The current dictator Maduro used troops to exclude Gaido, the elected parliamentary president, from the chamber in order to elect his own candidate. Simply put, Republicans are slavishly devoted to the BullyPresident because they see him as the glue to their power button. They truly believe that as long as those 63 million votes from 2016 remain in 45’s pocket, they will stay in-like-flint. They have shown that they will lie, cheat, steal, whatever to achieve that. Encysted in the bubble that is Trumpmania, they have no idea what is happening in the country as a whole. If they listen to Agent Orange, he’s the most popular president since George Washington, but then they accept that he lies about everything, even when he doesn’t have to. They’ve turned a blind eye to the polls, because even Trump/FoxNews polls have shown a movement toward at least hearing the evidence. But they believe they don’t need to because they only have to worry about the ballot box in 2020 and they have strategies to make that break their way.

Republicans have so far been able to carry out their own personal and corporate agendas, completely ignoring what the majority of Americans want, including some in the minority 63 million and the majority 66 million 2016 voters. They think they can afford to ignore their constituencies because they believe they are ballot proof. When it comes down to being removed from or staying in office, they are counting on their continuing efforts to reconfigure their actual vote counts into Republican electoral victory. They hope the presence of the Donald’s name on the ballot will buoy voter turnout to keep them in office riding his coattails. Despite the slippage in 2018, they believe their state level efforts with voter discouragement and suppression and gerrymandering will hold. With an eye toward those 66 million who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, Republicans are counting on a few votes in Idaho and a few in Wyoming to count as much as a lot of votes in New York and California. For instance, in the Electoral College in 2016, 1 voter in Wyoming was equivalent to 34 voters in New York and 65 voters in California. Similarly, 1 voter in Idaho was equivalent to 12 voters in New York and 23 voters in California. The fact that 568,300 voters in Wyoming had the same power as 37,341,989 voters in California seems an inherent violation of the principle of one person, one vote.

How have Trump defenders managed to float the argument that 45 did nothing wrong in pursuing government business as usual and have it stick for some listeners. It is a reflection of Americans’ general cynicism in government that they are want to believe that the very nature of politics is corrupt and so, it’s possible that an attempt to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing a bogus investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden is just usual conduct. Yes the country has a history of wrongheaded war policies, past CIA overthrows of foreign governments, the cover-up of torture in the Bush administration, the false narrative that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. But those were all US policy efforts to control politics abroad. 

The BullyPresident has taken a completely new tact, not done in history as far as we  know now. He has attacked a sacred cow. He has dragged present and former foreign government officials into intervening here at home through a series of shadowy characters clustered around Rudy Guiliani outside the official policies of the country, as reinforced by Congress itself. This on the heels of a presidential campaign stocked with characters who interacted with agents of Russia, a known enemy, if not at his proven direction at least with his knowledge and consent to assist his electoral win. But it’s another leap to believe that’s not wrong. If it is the way government business is conducted, it is wrong and we need to change that. It may be the way it works in Venezuela or Russia, but that is not the way we want our government to work. Or at least most of us don’t want our democracy to work that way because those countries are not democracies. 

Unfortunately, Republicans do seem to want it that way or at least that’s what they’re saying as they fight to keep their fearless leader in the White House. They argue that it is within the presidential remit to invite to a foreign government, actually 3 (Russia, China, Ukraine) so far, to interfere in US elections because he can do whatever he wants according to Article Two. The Republicans argue that Trump was just joking, but that isn’t reasonable. Other world leaders hear the words and what are they to think. Apparently the other governments didn’t get the joke. The Mueller Report documents that activity among Russian hackers against the DNC increased sharply after Trump’s invitation to find Clinton’s email in 2015. Newspapers have reported that recently the Chinese attempted to turn over information to the State Department alleging improper transactions by Hunter Biden. For the GOP to use Article Two to support unlimited executive privilege impunes to the Founding Fathers the antithesis of their most sacred guiding principle for their new government: there shall be no king or despot. They loaded their government with checks and balances to counter the potential power of the chief executive. 

The question that continues to pop is why are Republicans so fearful of disclosure. No documents, no government witnesses. None of the previously impeached presidents refused to comply with Congress. They all provided documents, testimony of government officials and even their own depositions. Trump’s lawyers contend that he was never given an opportunity to participate in the House proceedings or question witnesses. That’s a blatant lie. Agent Orange refused to participate and repeatedly tweeted about it contending that he didn’t want to legitimize the proceeding. It’s not within his purview to legitimize it; it is legitimate because the House has the power of oversight and impeachment. Here, is yet another exertion of the all encompassing power of the executive. 

Perhaps one of the craziest phenomenon of this administration is Agent Orange’s propensity to openly admit his transgressions and unlawful behavior. Asking for the favor from Ukraine, calling on Russia and China to intervene in US elections, declaring a state of emergency to call out federal troops to the southern border while casually mentioning that it wasn’t really an emergency and admitting obstruction of Congress through withholding documents and witnesses to name just a few of his public pronouncements. Counterintuitively, these confessions cause his behavior to appear to be the norm that he contends it is. The fact is, we expect perpetrators of shady doings and illegal acts to hide them, so if they’re not being hidden, maybe they’re okay. The BullyPresident understood the power of this device, as his campaign assertion about shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue without being convicted demonstrates. But more than that, it is a powerful snub that demonstrates his superiority and untouchability, characteristics that bullies must continually reinforce. It’s his assertion that he controls people’s perceptions of reality in the style of his spiritual leader Vladimir.

But if this is all normal activity, why not just disclose it so we can all agree? For one, secrecy and cover up is all part and parcel of aspiring dictatorship. For another, some GOPers might be taken aback at full disclosure of the nefariousness of the plot. If they think clearly about the issue, their individual slot on the power wheel could easily be erased by the vagaries of a capricious leader who might at some point in the future decide to dump them. One easy tactic is backing another candidate in a primary, buttressed by Trump campaign money and the underhanded politics of innuendo, false attribution and voter manipulation. Within that realm is the kind of faux scandal operation headed by Giuliani, Trump’s pitbull poised to tear apart any target he’s pointed towards. From another perspective, unless they have envisioned permanent Republican dominance forever to come, a risky assumption with a power hungry narcissist like Agent Orange, they should consider how they would respond if President Hillary Clinton had called Pierre Trudeau, an ally nonetheless, to create a scandal about pharmaceuticals involving Bernie Sanders in his challenge to her reelection in 2020. Or better yet, if she got Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to give a detailed description of his financial interactions with the Trump and Kushner families in exchange for more military weapons. I suspect “lock her up” would ring through the halls of Congress. 

However, there appears to be no danger of evidence cracking the GOP partisan shield. With all the press brouhaha about the gravity of the hearings, many are not even pretending to pay attention. Rand Paul was doing a crossword puzzle; senators were wandering in and out of the chamber, despite an admonition about being present for the full debate. Several Republicans sported an Apple watch, breaking the ban on electronics in the chamber. An NPR interview with a GOP senator exposed the impact of a partisan perspective. In general, we find what we look for; if one begins an investigation assuming that there is no wrong doing, they will find none because alternative explanations for the findings will inevitably crop up. For those approaching impeachment as “us against them”, the question of obtaining documents and calling witnesses pertinent to the president’s actions dissolves into one of reciprocity with the other side. Simply put, the rationale for 45’s unlawful actions doesn’t change the fact that 45 has abused his power and obstructed congressional oversight, something he freely admits. The why doesn’t erase the what. Hunter Biden, Crowdsource servers or no, the president has at his disposal a vast network of domestic and foreign investigative agencies; why monkey around with a bunch of shadowy nonprofessionals unless the objective lies outside the president’s remit and disclosure could have resulted in actions that thwart it.  Why engage in Michael Corleone style extortion with an offer Selensky couldn’t refuse?

If Republicans have already decided that these actions are perfectly lawful and constitutional, no amount of evidence can convince them otherwise. If they have sought middle ground in the assertion that he broke the law but it’s not bad enough to be removed from office, that’s in the realm of “constitutional interpretation” they say, making it all sound very rational and reasonable. 

But when else in our history has a chief executive breaking the law gone unpunished, at least as far as can be gleaned from the public record? Our system of justice demands that lawbreakers be tried and sentenced, right? Well not always. This argument brings to mind the thousands of white defendants found not guilty by a jury of their all white peers for crimes against African Americans. Fittingly, the Senate Impeachment will join history with the MAWAPresident found not guilty by a jury of his all white peers, except one.  Not guilty is not the same as innocent.

For those holding out hope that Republicans will suddenly be consumed by patriotism over party, the opening of the president’s defense in the impeachment trial should put that to rest. They understand exactly what they’re trading away, a chance at lifetime rule in exchange for our democracy.  The party has sold the country down the river. And they want to cram their partisan dominance down the throats of Democrats.

But GOP legislators should consider that the RealityTVPresident has established his reign riding roughshod over the other branches of government. He has shown loyalty to no one except himself. They should make note that his hero Vladimir Putin has recently released his plan to remain in power until death through amendments to the Russian constitution. There has been much speculation that there are secret communication channels between our Russian doll and Putin. Agent Orange could have gotten his Russian template for additional constitutional tinkering through one of them. Or perhaps, his source could have been the Russian agents recently discovered by the Swiss authorities spying from plumbers uniforms at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The tragedy of this administration is that nothing in these scenarios seems absurd. That is the gift of Trump’s vision of America Made Great.

On January 25, 1942, Cleo Wright was abducted from jail in Sikeston Missouri, accused of assaulting a white woman. The white mob dragged him behind a car and set him on fire in front of two Black churches as their services let out.

Equal Justice Initiative calendar 2020

Meghan Brought Racism Right to Windsor Castle

Princess of Kent with blackamoor brooch

For a white person, there’s nothing so eye opening to the nuances of racism as marriage to a Black person. Harry no doubt was gobsmacked by the subtlety of racist barbs launched at his love. Not just the press, but the Princess of Kent unsubtly wore a blackamoor brooch (depicting a black faced figure) to Meghan’s first meeting with the family. The princess, whose father was a Nazi SS officer has made her attitudes known before. She did issue a statement of apology this time that said she was sorry to have offended not that she was sorry to have done it. What can be expected from a woman who excused an earlier offense with an odd twist to the “some of my best friends…” theme by saying she once pretended to be a “half-caste African”, but her light eyes gave her away even as her black dyed hair did not. Move over Rachel Dolezal. One would think she could have afforded colored contact lenses but maybe they hadn’t been invented yet. 

I’m wondering if anything was said at the time of the blackamoor event or did Harry stay with that stiff upper lip thing. If he didn’t speak up, it was probably one of many micro-disappointments at his inability to stand up for her that Meghan will count up later when the fog of love gives way to the annoyances of cohabitation. 

Racist jabs against the duchess were common across the internet and later the tabloids and respectable press. There was that internet meme that pictured Harry and Meghan look alikes with baby Archie represented by a chimpanzee, a classic racist trope. On the other end of the spectrum is the contrasted coverage of Kate and Meghan over topics like holding their baby bump, or eating avocado sandwiches; there are a number of Twitter summaries and print stories easily accessible. For the white princess it was cute; for the Black one it was egotistical or damaging to the climate. No one should be fooled by the constant references to Meghan as biracial or mixed race, no doubt deferring to Her Highness’ preference. Internet racists are not so kind; they know a Black when they see one and they’re just saying what the whole country thinks: one Black ancestor no matter how far back makes you Black, skin color notwithstanding. Of course the jokes on them because Homo Sapiens walked out of Africa, thus evolutionarily lightening their skin tone in less sunny climes. By that reckoning, we’re all Black. 

But the adoption of the term “Megxit”, a parody of Brexit, by the tabloid and mainstream press (yes, I’ve heard the term on the BBC) has more salient roots. They didn’t stay in the realm of implicit racial bias; they jumped straight into explicit racist messaging. According to Vanity Fair, #Megxit originated among online trolls as a call out for anti-Meghan hate speech. Since at least the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, posts using the hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other platforms call for the former actress to go back to where she came from, a classic racist trope, and leave the royal family. These posts are filled with racist and misogynist hate. Sky News reported that associated hashtags such as #charlatanduchess and #maggotmarkle were regularly used to heap abuse on the American and that the language on 4chan and 8chan is too foul to be printed. 

Ironically or perhaps not, with the term’s migration to polite British Society, the hate campaign has accomplished its goal of ousting the princess from the royal family. Imagine that, the racists won (again)! Predictably, the press made no mention of the term’s origin. Harry’s head must be spinning. His life built on British royalty ensconced in various palaces with duties stretching out for a lifetime has suddenly been turned upside down for the love of his life, much like his great-uncle Edward who abdicated his throne for Wallace Simpson, another American divorcee. But the added dimension of racism made visible in his family as well as a good portion of his countrymen must be exploding his mind. From his sheltered view of the world, he never could have seen this coming.

Harry’s courage to explore new paths should be praised; he could have easily told Meghan to suck it up and deal with it ala stiff upper lip, being satisfied to bask in the public displays of affection with which they are greeted wherever they appear in person. He has inferred that his decision to bow out has been haunted by memories of his mother being relentlessly hunted by paparazzi at the cost of her life. 

At last word, the couple has agreed to renounce the “royal highness” designation while retaining the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex and to leave their recently renovated residence and repay the $3.4 million cost. They will no longer carry out official duties representing the royal family. Whether they will continue to receive money from Prince Charles has not been announced. They will keep their patronages and their charities but they will be free to sign commercial agreements without seeking the permission of the queen. It sounds like they’re going to drop into the Hollywood A lister sphere from which Meghan came. That sounds like a lot more fun at any rate even as it will be a lot more expensive.

We don’t need to shed a tear for them as they transition to an estate or two in Canada where they will spend the majority of their time, although their residence near Buckingham Palace will be the place they will stay when in England. This is essentially goodbye to the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and the royal family. No doubt, they are hoping to find a less racist reception in North America or at least, a less socially acceptable environment for racism. But then again, Pierre Trudeau, the Prime Minister, did admit to party Blackface on more than one occasion as an adult. If nothing else, the ex-royals can anticipate a lot of those Canadian apologies when things get a bit rocky.

There Are Many Roads to Low Voter Turnout


 During the impeachment debate, the GOP elevated the 63 million voters for their president to a graven image. Never mind that it was a minority of voters by over 3 million votes. And yet, those numbers represent little more than half of the country’s eligible voters. Voter turnout has always been a critical factor in all elections but it will be even more so in the 2020  presidential and congressional elections.

The US ranks 25th in voter turnout among the world’s democracies. Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands see over 80% of registrants vote with Israel and South Korea at more than 70%. Only 58% of registered voters in the United States turned out in 2016, which is about the average for presidential elections over decades. These numbers beg the question of why are states making it harder rather than easier to vote. It seems intuitive that a democracy would want to encourage every individual to have a voice in their government. Why it doesn’t; it’s politics, stupid.

The most recent wave of legislation to erect enfranchisement barriers was sparked by Republicans flashing the boogeyman, voter fraud which mingled well with attacks on immigration, later expanded into Trump’s Make America White movement. With the introduction of electronic voting under Bush 43, voter fraud became a lot more difficult, unlike in previous decades. Before the 1960s, all kinds of local political machines were infamous for packing voting booths with dead people, repeat voters and paid ballot checkers. All recent data verifies that in-person voter fraud is extremely rare. Government statistics estimate that between 2002-2005, only 26 voters were convicted of voter fraud out of 197 million ballots cast for a whopping 0.00000013%. Almost all 26 were simple mistakes without nefarious intent.

Republicans have long struggled with the reality that they are a minority party and long ago evolved a strategy to diminish voter turnout of non-Republicans. The fewer people who vote, the more likely a GOP candidate is to win, almost an exact quote. It Turns Out Voting is a Privilege Not a Right: Part I- A Retrospective

The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 launched GOP strategists into high gear in the states where they had legislative majorities to create the new poll tax, the government issued ID. In 2014, Republicans had 24 governors and controlled both houses of 26 state legislatures which increased to 32 in 2016. In contrast, Democrats controlled both houses in only 7 states. The majority of those GOP states were dominated by conservatives who had done an outstanding job of gerrymandering districts. It Turns Out Voting is a Privilege Not a Right Part II-Voter IDs, Gerrymandering and More .Their task was made easier by Bush’s electronic voting act, which required computerization of elections. Restructuring voting districts became a snap with precision computer drawn maps. Republicans circulated legislative templates for ID laws that could structure the appropriate circumstances to target the populations that had elected Barack Obama, the one intruder in the solid streak of Republican presidents after Bill Clinton. It stung even more that Obama had brown skin. 

Beyond voter IDs, there is the whack-a-mole closure and movement of DMV offices where IDs are obtained, usually away from areas with high minority populations and/or with few transportation options. What qualifies as a government ID has also been carefully crafted. For instance, in some places, public housing IDs don’t qualify even though they are government issued. In some cases, student IDs qualify, in others not. Young voters have been a particular conservative target; they were an important part of the Obama coalition and often represent a more liberal element in more conservative areas particularly in college towns. 

Republicans also instituted more frequent ongoing voter roll purges at varying intervals. The facile use of electronic voter roll purges to accidentally on purpose remove misidentified registrants through common names associated with likely Democratic voters made boosting the number of potential GOP voters easy as frying an egg. They have used failure to respond to mailings to verify addresses as the trigger or failure to vote for some period of years. In some states, registrants are not notified that they may be purged, a problem that is working its way through the courts. The removal of people from registration rolls who have died and those who have moved to other states or other counties is important. But much of these operations appear to have been done by stealth with partisan bias. 

wasn't allowed to voteDuring the last few weeks, over 300,000 voters in Georgia and over 200,000 in Wisconsin were purged from registration rolls after each purge was challenged in court. Mitch McConnell’s monthly stocking of the federal bench with conservative, less than qualified judges is not for nothing. It will increasingly pay off on the vast majority of federal court decisions done at the appeals level into the 2080s. The body of law feeds on itself. Once a decision has been made it becomes fertile grass for all other cases to graze on under the doctrine of precedents. Once a precedent exists, it takes a bold stroke, usually at the SCOTUS level, to overturn it. Republicans are so out in front of Democrats on this issue. Until it happened, Democrats naively believed in the goodness of their opposition and the sanctity of the courts. They are fools not to have seen conservatives for who they are and what they did until it is way too late.  

Theoretically, it is not clear why failure to vote should result in removal from the rolls. Intuitively, in a country that wants to encourage voter participation, one should have the option to vote without being penalized for not using the option. This is not the practice in other countries although there are a few countries where voting is mandatory and nonvoters are fined. An easy fix is universal same day registration which creates easy entry/reentry. Surely there is enough online information to make this a reality; Google or Facebook whose businesses are information about you, should be happy to assist.  

Poor people move a lot. They are frequent targets of eviction; they move in and out of low paying jobs. The last moving to-do is notifying the elections board of change of address if it ever comes up at all. Our election system puts a premium on addresses to assign districts which differ widely in candidates and issues. However, from an objective perspective, should the loss of a home be a reason not to cast a ballot for a candidate that could change the fate of the homeless? As the number of homeless people skyrockets across the country, a result of lack of new construction overall and particularly of affordable housing, rising rents, the preponderance of low paying jobs and the gig economy, the face of homelessness is increasingly families with children. The adults do not deserve to be disenfranchised and some would argue they are just the people whose voices should be heard. Similarly, not every chronically homeless man or woman is a substance abuser and/or mentally ill or PTSD sufferer. Some vets may have brain trauma or PTSD which makes it difficult to hold a job and therefore unable to afford housing. That does not render them less capable of voting than someone whose voting is based on partisan identification rather than consideration of the issues. At some point, the national discourse should take up these issues which must then be thrashed out in state legislatures.

So too should be re-enfranchisement of felons. Once a felon has served their sentence, there is no reason that they should not be able to vote. And since there is increasing evidence that a significant number of prisoners are innocent of the crimes for which they were sentenced, these men and women have been robbed of a lifetime of participation in government. The mechanism may have been false accusal or inappropriate actions by prosecutors or unlawful policing or plea bargains to crimes they didn’t commit. However, as the recent Florida referendum demonstrated, overwhelming majority support for suffrage for former felons can be derailed by hostile conservative state legislatures. Republican legislators felt they needed to “interpret” the will of the people according to their own Bible and enacted a law that requires that all outstanding fees and fines must be repaid before former prisoners can vote. As intended, this is a significant burden for a population that has difficulty finding employment and most often, what they can get is low wage. In some states, constitutional amendments may be a better target, since they are less likely to be overturned at the whim of punitive anti-crime (read racially biased) advocates.   

In 2018, one popular tool among conservatives for voter roll purges was an exact name match program created by the King of Voter Fraud Disinformation Chris Kobach. Typically, these programs mismatch common names like Williams, Johnson and Smith for African Americans, Lee and Kim for Asians, Garcia and Rodriguez for the Latinx with multiple individuals, all of whom are then purged. For instance, there may be a Willie Johnson who was a convicted felon, but he won’t be the only Willie Johnson purged because several others are also Black, one of the few other characteristics available in the database. 

Other problems with exact match come from typos and entry errors by registrars. Many registrars have difficulty with hyphenated Latinx names, transposing surnames. Voter registrants should not be penalized for election staff errors, particularly if they are not given notice of the purge in order to correct the error. Kobach’s program proved so fallible that many states have abandoned it. Kobach himself was so unpopular in his own state that he was trounced in his bid for a Kansas senate seat. 

 Polling places have also been consolidated to increase the distance voters must travel with the accompanying costs. Many closures have occurred in rural areas in states like Alabama and Georgia where there are large majority populations of African Americans and high levels of poverty. Conservative state budgets have cut funding to election boards leaving many strapped and unable to maintain facilities. For example in Georgia, two offices had no handicapped access which became the excuse to close them rather than renovate for economic reasons. Some offices have been closed because the population has become less dense. And yet, these changes most frequently shift open offices to areas where there are more whites and almost never in areas close to African Americans. Similar incidents have occurred with Native American voters. Statistically, these results can’t be by chance. Could officials be fearful that whites won’t want to go to Black areas to vote, thus lowering conservative turnout? Perhaps, but the general tenor of the changes has been to disenfranchise minorities and other likely Democratic voters, including the elderly, the poor and the handicapped. 

More refined tinkering revolves around wait times. For example, the number of voting machines can be inappropriately distributed. Officials often say they haven’t anticipated turnout at particular polling places or that mechanical dysfunction has lowered the number of machines. But machine allocation is one of the primary responsibilities of elections officials. Because elections are held during work hours, it is no accident that adding wait times to distance, means that some will not be able to wait before the start or during their work day or will wait until after work, when closing times can leave some voters in line after the deadlines. None of these circumstances encourage voting, particularly when it appears that a single vote doesn’t matter more than the hassle to cast it. One obvious solution to encourage most citizens to vote is to make voting day either a national holiday or to change it to a weekend. Mayor Pete has raised the national holiday idea during the campaign. 

Many states have adopted early voting to decrease the volume of voters on the designated Tuesday. For conservatives, early voting worked too well, so they have reduced the number of days allotted and/or omitted the weekend before the Tuesday and in some cases, eliminated the Sunday before election day used by get-out-the-vote organizers to ferry bus loads of church goers to the polls. Unfortunately, many minority and older voters seem wedded to the ritual of casting their vote on election day and are reluctant to take advantage of early voting. This makes it all the more important to oppose changes to schedules and polling places at the election board level.

Ibraham X Kendi has written an interesting analysis of the role of voter suppression in the Democratic hunt for the swing voter, reconfiguring the term to include voters who have voted in one election but elect to stay home when a candidate doesn’t speak to their concerns. Minorities are most often placed in this position with a string of what I have called Tweedledum Tweedledee candidates served up by the Democratic Party assuming that the GOP is a canker on minority interests. A vote for an array of third party candidates with a vampire’s chance in daylight of winning simply represents a vote for a winning candidate. It’s hardly worth navigating the jungle of interwoven vines strung to discourage your vote for the privilege of holding your nose and tapping the screen for someone who is likely to ignore your interests even as they are giving lip service to making your lives better.    

The Russians will not be the only definite meddlers in the 2020 elections. In light of recent events, the North Koreans and Iranians are prime candidate bad actors as well. In addition to their radio/TV advertising and targeted social media disinformation campaigns, partisan Republicans will remain very active at the state and local levels, crafting circumstances to disenfranchise groups that are likely to be anti-Trump voters, the young, the elderly and minorities. This is why Fair Fight 2020, launched by Stacey Abrams, will play a critical role in wrestling our elections from the tyranny of this conservative minority. Challenging improper voter roll maintenance and purges in the courts and ensuring equal access to polling places are all weapons in the battle for a fair election. Protecting voters from intimidation in or around polling places and mobilizing those who have difficulty getting to the polls by building organizations at the state level are other strategies. But beyond 2020, lies the state fights to ensure redistricting done based on the Census are not skewed to the advantage of partisan Republicans. In truth, neutral redistricting committees are the best solution for ensuring one man one vote, which in turn should represent the will of the majority of the people in a district as it was intended to be. Of course, the Electoral College is the constitutional undoer of that principle but that’s a whole different subject.

On January 10, 1966, Vernon Dahmer, Black businessman and voting rights activist, was killed in the firebombing of his Hattiesburg Mississippi home. From the Equal Justice Initiative calendar.

One More Nail in the Coffin of Democratic Campaign Diversity

different races

After Julian Castro dropped out of the race for Democratic nominee, the mainstream press is bemoaning the decreasing diversity of the field as if it is some mysterious otherworldly phenomenon rather than a reflection of the process itself. This can be no surprise as American commitment to diversity has been more about appearance than actuality. News reports have found that diversity is not a major determinant of voter choice. The societal adherence to colorblindness is simply another way to ignore real differences in the experiences of people of color from whites, providing the opportunity to opt out of trying to address those circumstances. It’s a Caucasian sleight of hand to shirk their obligation to a fair and just society.

In the current Democratic party climate of “guess who my neighbor will vote for”, voters have used the criteria of electability to camouflage their anxiety over presenting a minority candidate to an electorate surging with white rage. Barack and Michelle Obama provided the chance for the conservative movement, led by the GOP, to churn up historically predictable currents of white backlash into a fever pitch against what they perceive as any minor advancement for African Americans. In reality, Obama’s liberal conservatism was camouflaged by rhetoric on the right that cast him as a radical socialist or fascist or even terrorist.  Socialism and fascism are polar opposites if one spends the time to understand the philosophical underpinnings of the two movements, but who in the electorate has time for that. The rest of America was too busy congratulating itself on its liberalism to see that the election of Barack Obama could change little of the systemic racism that afflicts both government and society. But then again, most Americans refuse to acknowledge systemic racism, preferring to think of racism as imbedded in interpersonal relationships where pleas to hearts and minds are unlikely to change the world into a better place for minorities.

The mainstream media should not deflect from its role in the whitening of the Democratic campaign roster. Given that 90% of its bandwidth has been consumed with Agent Orange’s exploits and impeachment, the little space that was left has focused on the male front-runners with Warren featured in increasingly negative jibes about her changing positions as her poll numbers have crested and begun to fall. Mayor Pete and Bernie get far more mentions even if its just to ballyhoo the latest campaign contribution totals. At the same time, the amount of coverage for Klobuchar, Booker, Yang, Styer, Castro and Harris could fit in a thimble.  Frequent mentions about candidates’ lack of traction with Black voters, often an integral part of coverage of Mayor Pete, Harris and Booker, become self-fulfilling prophecies when voters are basing their choice on who their friends are going to vote for. “Well, if Chuck Todd’s polls say Biden is the most popular among Black people, I’d better support him if we want to beat Trump” runs the conventional narrative.

Colorblindness is a Caucasian sleight of hand to shirk their obligation to create a fair and just society.

Certainly, the impeachment of Donald Trump deserves the spotlight and the print press has made a tremendous investigative contribution to filling in the blanks that Congress could not with the refusal of the administration to turn over any documents or allow witnesses to testify. At the same time, how much investigative reporting has been done about the Democratic candidates, not that any have unseemly acts to report. Biden has gotten the most attention in an effort to debunk the KGB propaganda about Hunter Biden. The best in depth profiles of all the candidates have come in podcasts, which are initiatives from the individual campaigns themselves and far less widely distributed than the mainstream media especially to older and non-internet savvy voters.

The networks have devoted quite a bit of coverage to the debates which are their own product after all, but much of the “analysis” predigests the interpretation of the event for viewers and subsequent news organization coverage. We’re told who emerged from the debates as strong, who didn’t do much for their cause, etc. Noticeably absent has been much criticism of Biden with the prevailing opinion that if he doesn’t trip and fall down, he’s done well. Not my idea of a great debater who will have to face a man who commands a room and eats fumblers for breakfast. They say that the mainstream media is secretly supporting 45 simply because his entertainment value is driving TV advertising rates. (I thought I’d try originating a conspiracy theory here to see how far it might spread.)

On a whole, the Democratic Debates have been fairly vapid. The candidates have been subjected to a ridiculous focus on differences in healthcare proposals across all of the debates when any healthcare reform doesn’t have an ice cube’s chance in hell of passing a Republican dominated Senate. The constellation of Republican dominated low population states and gerrymandering makes an overthrow of the rule of the minority in the Senate unlikely, as much as we can hope something extraordinary will happen during the 2020 election. The most intelligent questions were posed in the PBS debate where moderators tried to push respondents outside the familiar campaign rhetoric, not always successfully. At last, there were questions about foreign policy and energy policy and even a more enlightened treatment of anti-abortion laws. 

This election is too important to lose, Democratic voters say. They are making their choices accordingly with candidate diversity taking a backseat to practicality. The majority of Black voters seem to be on board as well, acceding to the adage that the president should be an old white man. We felt the familiar power of that white rage which has spread to Muslims, Mexican, Central Americans, and all non-white immigrants.  The electability argument has a predictable end. First it was Kamala Harris, now Julian Castro, then Cory Booker to make the candidate array lily-white, with the exception of Andrew Yang. Most people would not include him in the category of people of color including the spectrum of Chinese descendant Asians and Indians who don’t self-identify that way. We all know that Yang will not be the Democratic nominee, no matter how long he stays in the race. Then it will be Amy Klobuchar, then Elizabeth Warren to create an all white male field and finally Major Pete will bite the dust for anti-LGBTQ prejudice. 

Looks like Joe Biden has a lock on the nomination, barring any major gaffs, a Democratic handicap that will translate into dueling stories about corrupt candidates, even though there is no truth in the Trumped-up accusations against Biden. Unfortunately, Biden does represent the elitist privilege of palm greasing politics in Washington, the aura of which lends credence to doubt about corruption. The RealityTVPresident is running as a Washington outsider who has accomplished all his goals while maintaining his outsider status. It’s a hard act to pull off, but impeachment persecution has secured his status as an outsider in the eyes of Trumpophants who take his word for anything and everything, no matter how contradictory or absurd. 

The nominee can’t be Bernie because he carries the stain of socialism which might work with younger voters but is the kiss of death for older voters, at least as far as Democrats are guessing. We’ve already seen the outlines of that part of 45’s propaganda. And we can’t discount that Michael Bloomberg can’t purchase the nomination after all, it’s all about the money.

The consolation prize floated out there in the buzz is that a person of color can shade in the ticket as a VP. The VP plays no role in voter choice, so a Black or brown candidate is a safe choice to recapture whites susceptible to Democratic appeals and keep the multicultural coalition in line. Taking the long view, as the narrative goes, that will set that VP up for a run in 2028, God willing, when white rage may have cooled to a dim glow. In all likelihood, conservatives will make sure that white rage will continue to burn like a bonfire unless the Democratic victory has shattered the GOP and ripped the clothes off Emperor Trump. Trump/FoxTV, the conservative media bubble and the Koch klatch won’t go down quietly. In fact, it’s still a toss up whether Trump will vacate the White House if defeated in 2020.

Once again, Democrats counsel African Americans to wait. Wait until the political climate is more conducive. Wait until whites get angry enough to destroy racism, their own invention spun from stereotypic lies that African Americans have been led to believe that only we could change. Caucasians made ‘em; they gotta break ‘em. The generation of white hot rage against racism is a seeming impossibility in this century or the next from what I can tell. In the meantime, Democrats will hawk their party as the only choice, so Black volunteers and voters gotta keep pouring out their energy for them. It’s either that or stay home.