Photo by Jeffrey Czum on

A recent article in the Atlantic magazine sparked me to ponder the question, how can the US emerge from the chaos of the first, or perhaps second or maybe third wave of coronavirus infections without hundreds of thousands of more deaths? Seven months into the SARS-COVID-2 pandemic, knowledge about this novel virus has exploded as have treatments and effective strategies to slow viral spread across a variety of settings. 

Death rates have fallen as the chaos of the initial waves in NYC, California and Washington gave way to less hectic conditions. The atmosphere in hospitals was ripe for medical errors, which in normal times is a significant cause of injury and death. Understaffing, extended shifts, provider fatigue, time crunch, unclear protocols, fear of infection and the attendant fear of infecting one’s family are all factors that can lead to medical error. And the staggering number of deaths left providers reeling. They save lives; they had never been swamped by such an avalanche of corpses piling up in refrigerated trucks.

These same conditions have magnified the disparities in outcomes for darker skinned people. The urgency in overwhelmed conditions is the setting where implicit racial biases thrive, quietly creating different standards of care by skin color. Most providers are completely unaware of how their biases operate and are surprised when their outcomes are presented to them, something that hasn’t happened often as neither the data nor the time to review it has been available in the crunch. They meant no harm; they want to give the best care.

The media has helped support providers’ first reaction–deflection. It’s the risk factors in their communities they say, acknowledging but completely ignoring that the very existence of separate communities is the gift of systemic racism that keeps on giving. It’s the socioeconomic conditions, a piggybacked gift. Few providers know the scientific evidence that the daily battle to cope with racial prejudice is literally making Black and brown people sick through a process known as weathering. Weathering creates hypertension and cardiac disease while it accelerates aging. As adults age, their immune responses become blunted as evidenced in their increasing susceptibility to disease. This happens earlier in African Americans and contributes to their shorter life spans.

All of these themes blame the victims for fulfilling stereotypes sprung from white minds when their only options lie within societal conditions that force the vast majority of sufferers to resemble those stereotypes in the eyes of people primed with the superiority of whiteness. Nowhere in the narrative is the role of that priming in the implicit biases in all medical providers; a role that has been acknowledged by the medical community countless times. Somehow it never penetrates to the personal or the crisis at hand. George Floyd was not a thug; he was a gentle giant who struggled to recover from youthful mistakes and create a useful life.    

The effects of medical chaos were magnified in hospitals that were not large, because they had fewer personnel with direct experience. Medicine is best learned by doing, in situations that reinforce knowledge; those who don’t use an area of expertise lose how to apply it. They are less equipped for the unusual and unfamiliar; normally those patients would be transferred to other providers but there was no room in those facilities. These were traumatic circumstances for health care workers and the mental impact can not be underestimated. They never feared being infected if they followed proper protocols; they never felt their institutions could not protect them. They felt betrayed in the midst of new PPE restrictions that they knew were unsafe to their patients and themselves. This pandemic will have a lasting effect on healthcare over the next decade. 

Having weathered that awful first wave in sequential locations as it rolled through different states, this new wave of viral infections will produce better outcomes, hopefully for everyone. But as infection rates are rising in over 41 states totalling over 80,000 new cases per day and 25 states are at >80% ICU bed capacity, the death rates will begin to rise again from the current approximately 1000/day. Whether states or perhaps individual facilities have used the time to plan and stockpile appropriately for a resurgence can only be revealed as the story unfolds. Given the Coronavirus Task Force disappearance from the news cycle and the administration’s insistence that the pandemic is no more, it seems unlikely that FEMA or any federal agency will provide any better assistance than in the first round. In fact, it seems unlikely that governors will even look in that direction unless they’re chalking up points in a campaign.

In the meantime, the Superspreader in Chief is holding multiple rallies a day to crowds packed in like sardines yelling at the top of their lungs as they respond to the PiedPiperPresident’s manic mixture of disinformation, personal injury narratives and falsehoods from unmasked lips scattering aerosols which he claims are virus free. On the theory that he is now immune, is he even maintaining a testing regimen? His emittances may be sterile, but there is no objective source to verify his assertions about this or anything else. In general, 45’s pronouncements have been more false than true. His rallies are in open defiance of state regulations and unfortunately, when the president leaves after a couple of hours, state health officials, often in surrounding states, will be reporting these cases and resulting deaths over the next month. 

So let’s take a deep breath before all hell breaks loose again, no we haven’t gotten there yet, and take time to review what new information about SARS-CoV-2 has accumulated since January, 2020.

Remember this is a novel virus to humans and we had absolutely no information about it. We were starting from scratch, even after the Chinese made available sequenced RNA to create laboratory tests. There is scientific research on other SARS viral subtypes; there is one that infects pigs and even one that is part of the array of viruses responsible for colds in humans. Cases of MERS continue to occur, particularly in areas with camels. But COVID19 is not like any of those other viruses; it spreads asymptomatically. It can cause severe disease but it’s lethality remains unclear as cases mount but interventions and medical protocols and treatments have been evolving to lower death rates. We are still unsure of the range of short term complications let alone had time to assess long term complications and morbidities.

It’s hard to remember that early in the pandemic the importance of asymptomatic community spread was unknown. In the initial wave of testing, particularly with the shortages of supplies, criteria for testing were symptoms and a history of foreign travel. Those narrow indications meant that many cases went undetected but worse, many African Americans were excluded from testing and turned away from hospitals until their symptoms became severe or they died at home, adding to their higher death toll. Reports indicate that 41,533 of about 48,222,000 African Americans in the US, or almost 1 in 1000 have died from COVID19 so far and that by the end of 2020, that number will rise to 1 in 500.

Asymptomatic spread increased the urgency of viral testing to determine who was spreading the disease. From the beginning, testing was a disaster. In making the decision to create its own test rather than use the WHO test which was up and running very quickly, the CDC displayed a stunning lack of vision about the dimensions of the pandemic. The CDC test was meant to be used by CDC labs meaning that all specimens would be processed through the agency with assistance from public health labs. Remember how critically underfunded public health departments across the country are. It is simply the wrong model for the billions of tests needed in recurrent testing regimens.

After steering in the wrong direction, the CDC had the option of switching to the WHO test when it’s own test proved to be contaminated but bullheadedly forged right ahead. At the same time, it was refusing to allow academic centers to develop their own tests or to expand  their viral tests used in research labs more broadly to the population. Fortunately, the University of Washington was able to release some research findings to the health department which helped the state to move early to try to contain community spread of the disease. Afterwards the early problems with supply shortages slowly resolved into such long turnaround times for results that they became essentially worthless for isolation strategies to limit the spread of disease. 

Lately issues surrounding testing have disappeared from public attention. A recent Google search for my area listed almost exclusively private sites which required a referral and payment. Many drive-in sites have closed. Most hospitals including Emory Healthcare’s multiple facilities restrict testing to their patients only. Fewer people are getting tested even as the number of cases are rising precipitously in my state.  In conjunction and more disturbing is the escalation in the percentage of positive tests, in some states exceeding 20%. Remember when one criteria for reopening states was a positivity rate less than 5%, and then Republican states simply ignored it.

In states where cases are spiking, testing centers are being overwhelmed; ironically, that may not be as bad as it could be because politically invested right wingers who have asymptomatic and mild disease will take a “principled” stand against it. As long as El Trumpe hawks the inane idea that high COVID19 case numbers are the result of extensive testing rather than disease revealed in people who are the first part of a strategy to limit disease, that core will hold. This situation will complicate assessing the impact of disease and dampening the spread, but those people were never going to comply with quarantine anyway unless placed under house arrest or a life altering experience.  

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

In the interim, there has been considerable research in developing new COVID19 tests. Early FDA abandonment of pre-market evaluation of new products led to a proliferation of invalid and inaccurate tests that were being marketed over the internet to a frightened public and even government agencies. But the FDA’s retrenchment has created hurdles for subsequent inventors. The gold standard test, a PCR, has high sensitivity, meaning it correctly identifies people with infection, as well as specificity, meaning people who don’t have COVID19 infection will test negative. But it is so sensitive that a tiny amount of viral RNA will result in a positive test long after viral loads are so low that the person is no longer infectious. One NY Times investigation found that the number of positive PCR tests with low counts and therefore no longer infectious may be as high as 50%. And because PCR requires specialized reagents and equipment, it’s expensive and difficult to perform. Those characteristics limit who and where as well as the maximum number of tests that can be done. As for the big picture, the objective is not to document who has been infected, it’s to stop the spread of disease by removing infectious people from contact with others. Isolating people with positive tests who are not infectious costs both people and resources needlessly,

Lab tests that measure anti-COVID19 antibodies are also available. These are more rapid than PCR, but the test’s target is not the virus itself; it’s human antibodies formed in response to viral invasion. With COVID19, a novel virus, this means that infection could only have occurred recently. Since antibodies form only after viral invasion has occurred and remain after it has been purged from the body, their presence indicates that the virus has been present but not that it remains or whether the person is infectious. And that ultimately is the goal, to stop the virus from jumping to other hosts. At the same time, the type of antibodies measured, immunoglobulin G, take 1-3 weeks to develop; a person with a negative test could still fall ill if they have been exposed recently. They may be transmitting the virus while they are being tested. In the grand scheme of things, it is better to have a test that over-identifies positives than negatives since no one with a false positive will transmit the virus but someone with a false negative can.

Two Abbott Pharmaceutical rapid antigen tests which test for viral particles have been used at the White House for screening visitors and staff under FDA Emergency Use Authorization. The problems of false negatives were clearly demonstrated in recent White House superspreading events although it is not clear that the MAGAPresident was even getting tested regularly. Hope Hicks did have a positive test result which was hidden at the time she developed symptoms, but if she had daily testing, she would have been infectious in the days before that when her tests were negative because it takes 3-5 days before symptoms appear.

There are a couple of other types of rapid coronavirus tests in development and awaiting FDA approval that are even cheaper than the Abbott tests which cost around $5, although undoubtedly that is not what a patient would be charged. The newer ones are rapid lateral-flow antigen tests which can be done at home and produced in tens of millions or more per week. Lateral-flow antigen tests detect 100th or 1000th as many viral particles as PCRs, but if the goal is to identify people who are currently transmitting virus, that is adequate because COVID19 grows rapidly within the body and is transmitted when present at high levels. These tests improve with repetition, providing a map of increasing viral load and infectiousness which can change from morning to evening but that map more precisely pinpoints the infectious period and what contacts are at risk of disease.

Once Transactional Donald decided to privatize the federal response, the picture emerged that multiple private entities often requiring physician referral as part of the criteria, severely limited access to testing further. But it also corrupted the data flowing to the CDC and public health agencies because many private requisitions lacked standard demographic information, obscuring further the scope of the disease. Thus early in the pandemic, the number of cases going undetected may actually have exceeded those that were, a result of the restrictions limiting testing to the most severe cases. In June 2020, the CDC estimated the actual number of cases is probably 10X more than those reported. Not even COVID19 deaths could be determined properly because many home and nursing home deaths did not get tested. 

A couple of small studies using high doses of virus concluded that the virus could be spread on surfaces, but this mode of transmission has proven rare outside the lab. A recently released study found that viral particles can survive on cell phones for up to 28 hours and on other surfaces for as long as 48 hours. However, the crucial question is whether the presence of coronavirus on surfaces can be linked with cases of infection, a particularly daunting question to answer when asymptomatic spread is a significant mode of disease dispersion and viral testing has been so limited. Unfortunately this early perception has led to an enormous amount of time and energy wasted on obsessive surface cleaning, huge costs for just about every entity that interacts with the public and gigantic profits for disinfectant manufacturers.  

We better understand risk factors for severe disease, comorbidities like obesity,  diabetes, cardiac disease, hypertension and age over 65. Younger children are less likely to become infected but adolescents are as similarly contagious as adults. Both groups tend to have mild or asymptomatic infection, but occasionally will develop severe disease.

Authorities do agree that the rate of viral transmission is lower outdoors than in enclosed spaces, even large ones. Intuitively, this makes sense, particularly if the area of main concern is within 6 feet. An outside area allows for social distancing. One can envision in the open air, viral particles are blown away. That probably depends on the duration of the proximity and the activities occurring. We have seen that indoor choir practices have been the center of multi-victim infections. Is the same true for outdoor choral events, if they are on a stage displaced from an audience, if they are socially distanced? Those questions send us into the transmission twilight zone.

Also established early was that the risk of viral transmission is minimal with short exposure intervals, even close ones without face masks. Atul Gwande reviewing practices in Singapore and Taiwan, both countries that have controlled their epidemics successfully despite their proximity to China, wrote that officials aggressively trace contacts and isolate only those who have had close contact with that infected person. Close contact was defined as at least 15 minutes at less than 6 feet without a surgical mask in Hong Kong while Singapore uses 30 minutes. If the exposure lasted less than that time period at less than 6 feet but more than 2 minutes, a worker could continue to work if they wore a surgical mask and had temperature checks twice a day. Those with only brief, incidental interaction could self monitor for symptoms. The CDC has recently altered its definition of close contact for contact tracing to include one or more encounters less than 15 minutes at less than 6 feet.

Photo by Denise Raynor

Of course, there were the initial recommendations that the general public should not wear masks in an effort to reserve surgical masks for medical personnel as large shortages in supplies were emerging. Traditionally, surgical masks have been reserved for the healthcare space, although they have come into common use in yard care and construction, more to protect against dust and particulate matter than infectious agents. But clear evidence did emerge that cloth facial coverings were surprisingly effective in reducing the risk of transmission. Some authorities estimate that covering the mouth and nose can lower the chance of infection by 10% for cloth compared with 30% for surgical masks. The most effective, N95 masks, lower the risk by 80-90% when properly fitted because they form a seal around the mouth and nose while surgical masks leave gaps around the nose and at the sides. Note they must be properly fitted and be held in place with straps around the head not over the ears. Two layers of cloth boost effectiveness; an additional filter as simple as a coffee filter may add to the protection. While a 30% reduction in risk may not sound like a lot, modeling around trends in COVID19 cases suggests that face coverings and social distancing can lower case numbers by 60% which would go a long way in tempering the pandemic aspects of viral spread to more of a slow burn. Coronavirus would eventually become another endemic disease similar to influenza. . . and life could resume. But it will probably not disappear as 45 is so fond of saying.

Still, there is much about COVID19 transmission that is not well understood. Zeynep Tufekci points to a number of gaps in knowledge such as why did the northern region of Italy have the majority of cases accounting for over 75% of the deaths concentrated in the first few months of their outbreak? This is being repeated in Italy’s second wave. Why did cities of similar density, age distribution, weather and travel patterns have vastly different numbers of COVID deaths? How did Japan, a country of densely populated megacities with a significant population of the elderly, escape logically predicted catastrophic outcomes? 

Tufekci summarized epidemiologic data suggests that the virus tends to spread in big bursts, not a steady pace like influenza. The majority of people may not infect anyone else, while there are incidents of a single person infecting 80% of the other people in a room. A paper from Hong Kong, where there is rigorous testing and tracing, found that 80% of transmissions came from contact with only 19% of the cases while 69% of cases infected not a single other person. This type of cluster spreading means that in any one location, the level of infection is dependent on who was the patient 0 in that setting. For instance in New Zealand, only 19% of their many patient 0s caused more than one additional case. In contrast, in South Korea, one superspreader was responsible for over 5000 other cases at a megachurch event. Interestingly, SARS-CoV-2 seems to share this characteristic style of spread with its predecessor SARS-CoV which caused the 2003 viral outbreak in Asia. MERS also seems to share this overdispersed pattern of spread, but it doesn’t yet transmit well in humans.

Why are some people superspreaders and others not? Part of the explanation lies in the number of people who come in contact with that individual. The person who lives alone or stays primarily at home is in a very different position than a resident in an elderly facility, a prisoner in a jail, a student at school or a politician on the campaign trail. But there is emerging evidence about other factors that are intrinsic to different settings.

Although the WHO has been slow to accept aerosolized spread of coronavirus and the CDC has only recently signed on, recent evidence has demonstrated that viral particles do form larger aggregates with moisture in the air that then drift throughout a room and accumulate over time at distances far longer than 6 feet. Thus poorly ventilated rooms crowded with occupants who are talking loudly, singing or cheering over some extended period have been central to superspreader events. People eating in the path of an air conditioner vent in a South Korean restaurant were all infected by a person sitting at a table near but not in that air current. This information emphasizes the role of ventilation systems in fighting the spread of this disease. 

Even with this list of conditions that must occur at the same time, the risk may vary by setting and activity. The key elements are a highly infectious person, crowding, poor ventilation and prolonged exposure. There may be other factors not yet clear, but a strategy to decrease super-spreading settings even if the presence of a highly infectious person remains unknown could represent a big step forward.

Is the president really the Superspreader in Chief? He may not be a highly infectious person, a designation that is impossible to unravel from the tangle of events and large number of individuals involved in the White House outbreaks. But he is consistently creating the conditions for overdispersion. Even though his MAGA rallies have primarily been outdoors, some are in partially enclosed structures. No matter the location, they are all crowded with the majority of the audience unmasked and shouting. The larger the crowd, the higher chance that one or more highly infectious persons will be present. For instance, following one MAGA rally in Bemidji Minnesota, state health officials found 9 cases among those who had attended the rally during the window when they would have become infected. At least one person was likely infectious when they attended. Two other cases attended a protest against the MAGA event, an ancillary route of spread surrounding mass gatherings. The fact that these gatherings were outdoors may have tempered the spread somewhat but the data is incomplete, since participants from other states were likely in the crowd and Minnesota officials would not have access to data from those other states, or even knowledge of which states were involved.

 This is a major pitfall in this state based response concocted by the self designated Wartime President, although he seems to have dropped that moniker when he announced that the war has already been won. Still, a Trump administration laser focused on controlling the spread of coronavirus could have provided names of the attendees to the health department because the demographics and contact information of every ticketed MAGA rally attendee goes into a database which the campaign mines for delivering political propaganda, contributions, merchandising and soliciting volunteers. Still, at least 4 counties across 3 states have reported a surge in cases after a MAGA rally; attendees resume their normal routines shopping, eating, working.

But that guy is not campaigning to remain in the White House. If the AmericaFirst President has demonstrated anything over the last 4 years it’s that he’s a TrumpFamilyFirstPresident and to hell with everyone else who isn’t stroking his ego while greasing his palm. Mark Meadows, chief of staff, admitted that the administration is focused on treatments and vaccines but there is no way to control the virus. And there it was. Finally an admission that clarified the thinking behind the abdication of a federal emergency response at the outset. As Governor Cuomo of New York summarized it, 45 put up a white flag before firing a shot and surrendered. In his transactional mind, it’s either the economy or the disease and it’s not even a contest for 45, despite the successes of multiple countries around the world. But the AmericaFirstPresident can follow no other example, except perhaps Vladimir Putin whose response in Russia has been similar to his. Just today even Putin has imposed a national face mask mandate, and he has the machinery of state to enforce it.

So he produced one of his reality TV dramas which incorporated his favorite elements, profits for private corporations who smoozed him at various fundraising events. They were incorporated into every phase of federal action including PPE, testing supplies and outlets to do testing, vaccine development, potential treatments, logistics, etc. He added a competitive component by setting states vying for supplies against each other and FEMA, a contest that raised prices by multiples to profit his friends. Even the “persuasion” of companies to shift production to PPE and ventilators under threat of the Emergency Production Act proved extraordinarily profitable for those companies. One more touch, the MAGAPresident used his pulpit to bully political enemies, i.e. Democratic governors, to incite his Scrump of 2nd amendment supporters, white supremacists and associated Trumpophants to revolt against state attempts to control the virus. In all, it was quite a pageant, but it wasn’t meant to impact the pandemic, only the perceptions of his Trumpophants in a mad dash to remain in the Oval Office. And so it has not.

COVID19 cases in the US from the Washington Post 10.26.20

Tufekci suggests in Atlantic that overdispersion should inform contact tracing efforts, which admittedly have been lackadaisical and ineffective, in part because viral testing results are delayed. The other part is the politicization of the pandemic itself where Trump partisans have made a principled stand against government intrusion and are seized with a paranoid fear of being tracked by the government [deep state]. GOP governors waddling behind their orange tinged mother goose have not invested the needed resources into contact tracing either, in an effort to present a united front supporting the idea that the pandemic is not a threat. That is becoming an increasingly difficult dance for some as cases mount and ICU bed availability disappears. And almost no state has the necessary funding, given the stinginess of elected Republicans officials including the Senate holding up pandemic relief.

Still, there is a theoretical path forward by concentrating on eliminating superspreader events, either by eliminating the settings or isolating the spreaders. The idea is to identify transmission events rather than infected individuals. Tracing contacts backward from the case to find a superspreader and tracing forward from that individual will yield a much higher number of potential contacts than the traditional forward tracing from a case who may not infect anyone else. Think about it like this. Some people are connectors; they’re the glue in a social circle and also connect one social grouping to another. They’re the people who organize social gatherings. That individual is more likely to widely disperse infection because they are in contact with more people. 

The use of rapid testing is critical to this approach. As Tufekci details, using a rapid test for a coronavirus infected person and 10 of their 20 forward contacts can help determine who doesn’t have the disease because rapid tests are good at negative results but may miss some positives. If all of them are negative, there’s a good chance that none of the 20 are infected which can be confirmed with PCR testing. But, if a couple are positive, then a superspreader event has been identified and all 20 people can be treated as if they’re infected and should be isolated until a PCR test can be done on each of them individually. All of that information can be determined in less than 30 minutes. 

We are behind the eight ball already with trust in authority and government near zero, proven factors in the success in other countries. For better or worse the credibility of the CDC is in the toilet, both at home and abroad. There is a noted absence of an investment in the public good or even a belief there is such a thing. National cohesion has been replaced by partisan identification, particularly hostile on the right. And there is that American sense of rugged individualism that has hardened into freedom is the right to do whatever one wants and the hell with everyone else. The death of societal respect for science and focus specific expertise has elevated conspiracy theories over public health messaging.  Let’s hope that conspiracies control fewer people than the media has been telling us or those people will be outliers in a hopefully broader swath of the population who agree to a commitment to national recovery. 

 And finally, in the wake of the chaos that is the Trumpnado, Americans seem unable to “know” what they can’t see in front of their faces. The death of local news is one contributor; the AJC has more national stories than local news and its formerly excellent reporting from across the state has been reduced to a few items from the surrounding Atlanta metropolitan area. Many local papers have disappeared completely so while the AJC updates coronavirus numbers daily, that information is only available in quick summary fashion from the local news broadcasts, which are also disappearing or a state or public health website. That’s probably a less frequent stop than national paper sites like the New York Times or Washington Post which have elaborate daily dashboards down to state and county level. Both are read extensively, but how much of that readership is in small towns, rural areas or across the south is anyone’s guess. 

None of my Gen X children read newspaper websites; they check news or Twitter feed summaries of news organizations at best without filling in the details. And they only click on what grabs their attention. Watchers of Trump/FoxNews don’t hear any coronavirus statistics. In sum, most people don’t seem to comprehend the scope of the pandemic. The PiedPiperPresident tells them that it’s no big deal several times daily as it echoes through the news cycle and social media. Unconsciously, this simple repetition does impact the brain. If people don’t know anyone who lines up at a food bank or who isn’t talking about whether they can pay their mortgage or rent, then the pandemic is being overblown. People are pissed that their local bar is closed or their favorite restaurant has one third capacity or is only doing take out or closed altogether. They are tired of their kids being at home zooming into school. 

But incredibly, they seem unable to connect those things to rising coronavirus infection rates while the Trumpbeat “the pandemic is over” keeps reverberating through their brains. It is an unfathomable disconnect. As long as the virus is raging, people will not return to the level of previous economic activity, but if they did, the viral storm would upgrade to a tsunami. In fact we’re already seeing the uptick in reopened states where a significant number of people are not following proper public health behaviors. Is it because those boobs are spending more time at home? Is it because the virus is invisible? Is it because infection is invisible in a majority of people who have it? Or is it because they just don’t care about all the dying if they can drink at the local bar?   

Americans will have to make sacrifices but not necessarily in the form of a broad national shutdown which hasn’t yet happened in the US although it seems like it might have. Our lockdowns went state by state sometimes county by county or city by city as partisan politicians jockeyed for the glow of El Trumpe’s approval and by extension, better access to badly needed resources and local leaders fought back against poor public health choices.

The current recommendations for hand washing are givens. The first sacrifice is simply to accept scientific and public health expertise, which should not be considered a sacrifice but apparently is by some. But using that expertise, we can think about fashinoning more targeted strategic approaches to allow public interaction and isolates only those who are potentially infectious. This shift will make the pandemic response more palatable to disaffected individuals. But it does mean that the executive branch will have to name our situation as a federal emergency and mount a federal response. Clearly, that transition can not happen without a change in the Oval office save lightning striking it’s current occupant and rewiring his brain. If the right revolts at the change, referred to in their propaganda to loss of states’ rights and individual freedoms, there will be a tug of war but hopefully the federal government has emergency powers which not even the new SCOTUS can overturn. 

Returning to the theoretical from the political reality, a strategic approach to face mask wearing could incorporate consideration of the length of interactions at distances within 6 feet. If a mask is not covering both nose and mouth, an encounter that lasts less than 15-30 minutes without raised voices, or singing poses a low risk so people need not worry in that setting. For the general public, it is probably easier just to wear the mask all the time than to time interactions. Still people walking or running in the street or a park need not worry about wearing a mask for passersby. It goes without saying that face masks represent no sacrifice at all, no matter how much liberty people believe they are surrendering.

One element that can be dropped is the obsessive focus on surface disinfection because surface transmission of COVID19 is minimal. Surfaces can still be cleaned, but don’t need to be disinfected in between uses. News clips of primarily foreign countries where workers are spraying the streets and sidewalks may be reassuring to the populace, just like disinfection rituals here are, but represent wasted effort and resources that could be otherwise directed more effectively. The NYC subway system is a much nicer way to travel because it is being thoroughly cleaned, so cleaning is a nice thing, but detergent is fine. Cleaning will also help lower the spread of influenza as we enter the winter months. Filtering of ventilation systems however is a far more important matter.

One thing that will have to be sacrificed is large gatherings with their potential to super-spread the virus. Large gatherings will have to remain prohibited and even smaller gatherings that can’t be socially distanced or mask wearing is impossible like meals may not be feasible. However, as the holiday season approaches, there is a way to approach friend gatherings that make them safer and eliminate mask wearing. That way is to have participants test before gathering. Positives would stay home; negatives will gather and maintain their own bubble, while routinely observing  public health measures when leaving the bubble. As icing on the cake, attendees could retest on arriving home and notify the party if one of them had become positive. Probably testing should wait for 2-3 days to increase the probability that the virus will be detected. This is a feasible approach even with the irregular availability of testing and long result intervals, although that problem can be easily remedied by not reimbursing labs with turnaround times longer than 24 hours.

Home for the holidays: test before you gather, positives stay home. Maintain a bubble during gathering, taking usual precautions when someone goes out. Retest when you return home and notify others if you turn positive.

 A more strategic approach to restricted activity is possible if viral testing is made abundant, low cost if not free, easily accessible and includes rapid less sensitive tests that can also be performed at home. But individuals must test consistently and abide by the results, including notifying authorities and quarantining at home for a 10-14 day period during further assessment when the positive test result can be confirmed by PCR testing. This step will probably require something like fines for noncompliance. But imagine if everyone knew their status before they left home! That doesn’t actually sound like a big sacrifice, just adherence to the rules, something that appears to have gone out of fashion these days.

The strength of rigorous testing is evident from the success of the NBA and WNBA. It also demonstrated the importance of compliance with the rules, and that bubbles can’t be sealed, but testing can identify and isolation could prevent spread. Players could engage in close physical contact for extended periods without transmitting the disease. At the same time, the NFL, and MLB are examples of the importance of minimizing the intrusion of unknown sources of coronavirus. Travelling and playing in different stadia has led to multiple positive tests in football and baseball, causing games to be cancelled or rescheduled. The political lesson is that with enough money and the will, infectious coronavirus spread can be stopped. These were very wealthy private organizations who could take their own initiatives to protect their workplaces; similar efforts could be made by others that could limit spread. For instance, Amazon can afford to rapid test employees before entering the workplace and send positive testees home to isolation, with accompanying medical expenses paid and paid leave off. All the largest distribution centers, like Walmart, could do the same. Some universities have adopted frequent student testing as well, but unfortunately, most public school systems can’t afford even minimal testing of teachers and students. 

To have 100% compliance, the government will have to create a program that will support workers during their isolation which would also include medical costs for those without medical insurance and guarantee expedited access to medical evaluation, possibly through local health departments. Residences for those infected who live in shared households, the homeless and those institutionalized who are unable to quarantine must also be provided. 

Aggressive contact tracing is a critical accompaniment to a universal rapid testing approach. But the focus will concentrate on limiting superspreader events, using the backward contact tracing methods discussed above. Again, if rapid at home testing were available and people honestly stayed in isolation when positive, people could return to concerts, stage and movie theaters, college football, basketball sports arena and even, smaller sport seasons like lacrosse, ultimate frisbee or soccer. Until then, these events will remain off the table and private gatherings should be kept under 20 attendees, unless people pretest just before going. My family has used periodic testing to gather now a couple of times, so the strategy works even with current PCR tests turnaround times, although our negative results are not always available before we gather. In that sense, we’ve been lucky.  We have seen that churches and some synagogues will continue to break the rules and that is where identifying superspreading individuals can make a significant difference, especially in smaller districts with fewer medical resources that are likely to become overwhelmed. 

As far as reopening or keeping schools open, the low infection rate among younger children should guide who is in classrooms and who remains online. Schools includes pre-K and early childhood education which is critical to child development particularly during the first 36 months. We are battling lost time as pre-K is 2 years at the longest and almost a whole year has been lost already. School grades above elementary can resume classes in buildings with consistent viral testing and compliance with quarantine rules. But the buildings can be made safer by improving ventilation systems and incorporating HEPA filtering, whether in classrooms or attached to the ventilation systems. They might consider using ultraviolet lighting that is used to sterilize medical chambers. All of these changes are expensive and given the lack of investment in public school systems for decades maybe impossible but if they stopped spending on disinfectants and returned some of their stockpiles, they might be able to make small changes. It goes without saying that preferential treatment should be given to schools in the zip codes where nonwhite students and poor students predominate, since those communities have been the worst hit by COVID19 infections, deaths, job losses and  inadequate internet connectivity leading to educational neglect, all added on to pre-pandemic insufficient educational opportunity warped by implicit racial bias. Our children, the future of the country are something Americans must refuse to sacrifice. 

El Trumpe continues to say that Americans are tired of COVID19 and want to move on. SARS-CoV-2 has no ears. The virus has one purpose–to seek out a human cell that will reproduce a bevy of progeny that will ensure the survival of the organism. Not even the PiedPiperPresident can dissuade the virus from its mission. On the contrary, he has enlisted a COVID19 ally to do exactly the opposite. The embrace of the inane strategy to await herd immunity by his latest addition to the task force, Scott Atlas, is guaranteed to insure profligate viral growth. Atlas currently has 45 in his pocket, having auditioned as a Trump/Fox News pundit, the Chief exec’s favored route into his administration. Atlas is carrying the right message, so comfortably nestled into Trump’s penchant to look inward rather than consider the realities facing his AmericaFirst. The RealityTVPresident is about shaping reality, not living it. With reelection in mind, the task is to deny COVID19’s existence and ignore the economic realities for millions without jobs or savings or food or rent money or a sense of their future. He worships the stock market as an indicator of economic well being, a notion as shallow as the man himself. Atlas has emerged as the dominant influence on the Coronavirus Task Force and the illusion of a response that disguises continuing federal inaction is the rule of the day. 

Atlas Risen is definitely moving the country in the wrong direction. The President is creating multiple superspreader events every day as the campaign comes to a close. The Vice President emerging from a hotspot among his own staff has continued to add his own potential COVID19 particles to his superspreader events as well as endanger secret service agents, Air Force 1 personnel and staff rather than self isolate. There will be a lot more deaths before January, 2020 because many Americans have chosen not to do the simplest things. Right now, our death toll of at least 224,000 people is equivalent to exterminating the whole population of Des Moines Iowa. Why then do so many Iowans not care? Trumpophants say “I don’t know anybody who has it” as if that is the standard for what’s happening around them. And yet they are willing to believe in Qanon, none of which can be seen or verified. It says so much about the death of empathy in conservatives and the rise of a cult that engulfs people as thoroughly as a burqa covering noise cancelling headphones. Without empathy, we may not be able to change the course of COVID19. The death of empathy may strike a deeper blow to the nation than the deaths of so many of its citizens.

From the Equal Justice Initiative 2020 calendar

On October 27,1986 the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 created a 100-1 sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine possession drastically increasing mass incarceration of African Americans.


Photo by Pixabay on

Conservatives are salivating over their latest victory in their assault on the third branch of government. 45 has been saving Amy Barrett for a Supreme Court vacancy. Tragically, RBG died, although not totally unexpectedly given her health and age. To be more accurate, the Federalist Society had teed Barrett up as “the one” to be slotted next into the starting gate. The princess of pious religiosity will ascend the throne as fast as the judge wrangling Mitch can crown her.

The new Supreme Court will be the pinnacle of an over 20 year campaign to seize the federal court system. Their goal is to overturn legislation that is the result of decisions by a majority vote in a state legislature or Congress. Our elected representatives passed laws that reflect the wishes of the majority of Americans in a state or the country as a whole. This is the definition of a representative democracy. These laws did not sit well with the super wealthy who wanted a return to the Gilded Age when magnates who controlled vast industries and resources could do what they pleased.

But the liberalism of FDR which elevated and defended the common man against industrial abuse emerged after the captains of industry destroyed the economy with the Great Crash in 1929. Liberalism slowly eroded as Friedman economics glorified profit as the most significant determinant of national well being. Under the leadership of the Koch brothers who wanted to shift the libertarian philosophy of small government, no taxes and no regulation from the John Birch Society fringe to the Republican Party mainstream, wealthy industrialists created a wide ranging strategy to reshape our democracy. They infiltrated all influential institutions. They developed a conservative intelligentsia to fabricate the philosophical backbone. They invested in creating educational centers at prestigious universities; they funded alternative media resources, they created the Federalist Society and the minds that developed the originalist legal perspective. 

They supported political organizations to lure working people and the middle class into anti-government movements aligned with religious organizations around social issues against abortion, moral degradation in the form of extramarital sex, contraception and nonheterosexual relationships and the loss of prominence of a religious footprint in public institutions. They railed against the rise of a dark skinned middle class and it’s intrusions into their neighborhoods and schools which sent them in search of newer neighborhoods. They bemoaned the further loss of community as the displacements wrought by a globalized economy that took advantage of cheaper foreign labor and expanding markets and the sophisticated logistics which powered just-in-time order systems. Manufacturing communities collapsed. Mom and pop stores disappeared in the first wave of conglomerates like Walmart and then large retail chains collapsed under incursions from Amazon and the explosion of online marketing. 

As whites reacted to the increasing number of immigrants appearing across the landscape which industrialist funded politicians held up as the reason for lower wages and the shrinkage of jobs rather than industrialists’ decisions to reduce production costs and taxes by moving offshore while holding down domestic wages. All the while, their unsuspecting supporters seemed not to understand that their GOP representatives were beholding to the tycoons who created the globalized economy. Instead, the transformation of brown and dark skinned neighbors into the enemy within allowed the Koch financed Tea Party to use the rationale that extension of government benefits to non-deserving nonwhites was the major reason make extreme cuts in state budgets as well as slash federal spending to lower the federal deficit. Well they weren’t actually neighbors since minorities generally live in segregated areas and that separation made the transformation all the more easy.

Conservatives were thorough. Their political efforts reached down to state governor, legislative and municipal races, even school boards and dog catchers. As their victories accumulated, they were able to restructure local jurisdictions through gerrymandering district maps and voter suppression. SCOTUS decisions were instrumental in that effort. The Citizens United case opened the floodgates to extraordinary amounts of money for political activity, just what the super rich have lots of. And the gutting of the Voting Rights Act allowed redistricting and voter suppression under the false flag of voter fraud which has been repeatedly repudiated. Most recently, allowing the GOP consent decree that barred the party from intimidation tactics at the polls to lapse will certainly impact the 2020 election. Republican politicians and strategists have been amazingly forthright about their motivations and their penchant to lie, cheat and steal to gain and retain power. They assert that all is fair in war, their war to turn back the hands of time.

Leaving this condensed whirlwind history behind, conservatives have long attacked an activist Supreme Court, rhetoric derived from their narrative history of a court beginning under Warren that unraveled the constitution to comply with a liberal agenda of expanding individual and minority rights. This alternative reading claims that judges were legislating from the bench or at least, that’s what they say to the masses. That declaration elevated a campaign to reshape the court into a weapon of conservative malice that would reestablish the power of the white elite and their business interests over people of color, women and other minorities.

The long standing reality that this is a white man’s country finally crystallized into Make America White, I mean Great Again, the straight talk reclaimed from the dog whistles of past Republican party platforms. The RealityTV candidate tricked many a white man into thinking that he could join the powerful elite while the powerful laughed behind the scenes at the ruse. They still haven’t figured out that they’ve been completely shut out and robbed in the process. Their earnings haven’t gone up, but this time, in exchange for employee benefits they get social rewards like the promotion of evermore absurd conspiracy theories, the ability to openly denigrate and discriminate against other religions, non-cis white males and nonwhites and attack, possibly kill, them without retribution.  

Belief in an activist liberal court enshrined a campaign to reshape the court as a weapon of conservative malice that would reassert the power of white elite and their interests over minorities.

The newest tenet of the conservative approach to the constitution is originalism and it’s variant textualism. This tenet is a radical reimagining by the Koch sponsored Federalist Society best represented by Justice Scalia who scattered it throughout its membership. As the legal profession is a hierarchical apprenticeship system, Scalia’s elevation to the Supreme Court established him as the anti-RBG rock star which ratcheted up recruiting to clerkships with Scalia wannabe judges. One such recruit is the current SCOTUS nominee Justice Barrett.

Originalism is an exercise in divining the thinking of the Founding Fathers to interpret current events. This is an absurd notion. There is no way that a 21st century mind can envision the perspective of a 18th century thinker. Poised as it was at the beginning of science and discovery, much of the world was a mystery in the 18th century. They believed that much of the world’s population was subhuman, possibly a whole different species. They had yet to discover the vast array of variation in the human race. Darwin had yet to advance the theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. They believed that reason was the ideal form of thought which we now know is only philosophical and not the actual mechanism of mental processing. These lessons can’t be extracted from the 21st century mind except by a process of extreme denial, another important component of mental functioning. And yet, there are broad advances in discovery that can’t be expunged from our world because they are the facts of its physicality, even as flat earthers wish that they could be lost. Gravity exists in the 21st century, whether some want to deny it or not. And Osama Bin Laden is still dead.

Even the thought of straightjacketing the Constitution of a nation that occupied only the eastern coast of a vast continent is antithetical to the Framers’ purpose. They left parts of the document purposely vague to accommodate growth and change in a nation they hoped would prosper. They left room for the document to be amended to adapt to changes in the nation. Many including the enslaver Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery would fade away rather than lead to a Civil War that threatened the nation’s very existence. The Three Fifths Rule and the Electoral College were compromises that paved the way for Southern domination of the government for generations, with 9 of the first 12 presidents from that region. They could never have anticipated the United States, 50 states strong, as leader of the free world burdened with a decades long cold war against Communism which was not even a glimmer in their eyes. Originalism is a betrayal of what the Founders held dear. But it is a useful if inconsistently applied sleight of hand to support the dominance of a minority over the majority of the country. 


For the record, Republicans have, in the past, engaged in the flip side of court packing, shrinking the court. The refusal to even meet with Merrick Garland led to a 8 justice bench for over two years. At the extreme, Tom Cotton declared that had Clinton won, he would have opposed filling the SCOTUS vacancy for her entire 4 years. Other Republicans have proposed shrinking the 7th circuit court.

But the Supreme Court is only the tip of the spear. Conservative’s strategy is to reshape the nation’s entire judiciary. Mitch McConnell deftly maneuvered the Senate to block Obama appointees to all federal courts, an effort intensified when Obama did not fall to the senator’s vow to make him a one term president. Wading into that backlog of appointments, since January 20, 2017, the president has appointed 55 appellate judges, two of whom now sit on the Supreme Court and the remaining 53 sit on circuit courts of appeal. Of those 55 judges, 85 percent are white and 80 percent are male. Not one of those judges is Black. More than 90 percent of them identify as Christian. American jurisprudence will be influenced for years by these judges whose median age today is just 49. Several of them are still in their 30s. These appointments comprise nearly 30 percent of the total federal appellate bench.

Because 80% of all federally appointed judges are white and male, the bench in no way reflects the composition of our population which is 18.5% Latinx, 13.5% Black, 6 % Asian, 1% Middle Eastern, 1% indigenous Americans and 60% white. And over 50% of the population is female. The future shows increasing change as 14 percent of babies born in the United States in 2015 were multiracial, triple the rate of 1980. A judiciary that includes only perspectives of the dominant class will likely yield judgments that reinforce the experience and the values of that privileged group. This is the essential core of the history of the Supreme Court; it has included privileged, wealthy men who have little knowledge of the experience outside their own and no empathy for the vast majority of other Americans. Enslavers dominated the early judiciary and their rulings served those with similar origins and interests. The idea that the law is blind is pure fiction because it is written, administered and interpreted by human beings who see through biased eyes.

True to their penchant to project their own malevolent activity onto the other party, Republicans at the state level have enthusiastically pursued partisan reshaping of state supreme courts over the last several years, bringing court packing into the real world. Because conservatives believe that everyone else embodies the Devil, right wing individuals are unable to see themselves in other’s shoes. Conservatives who typically lack empathy for those not like themselves tend to think that their reactions to any situation are what the proverbial everyone else would do in a similar circumstance without understanding that their openly declared intentions to dissemble, prevaricate and cheat are not the strategy immediately adopted by progressives and liberals. Michelle Obama has called for her allies to go high when the opposition goes low and lower. She cautions Democrats not to get down in the Republican mud.

Most of these efforts at the state level have been initiated by Republicans, including the two successful ones. In general, court-packing attempts have become more openly partisan as they’ve become more common. In 2016, Republicans in Arizona successfully increased the state Supreme Court  to seven justices from five, even as the chief justice objected. The bill’s GOP sponsor said “if there were a different person appointing [the justices], I might feel less comfortable” as the governor from his party appointed two new justices.

That same year, Republican Gov. Nathan Deal appointed 2 additional justices to Georgia’s 7 member court after the Republican controlled legislature expanded their supreme court bench. The governor’s lawyer told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he hoped the court would be more favorable to businesses.

Unsuccessful attempts to expand state courts include one in 2007 when Florida Republican efforts to more than double the size of the court up to 15  justices stumbled. They were upset that the court had ruled the state’s school voucher system unconstitutional. In 2011, Republicans tried again to alter the high court by adding three justices and splitting it in two. That bill did not make it out of the legislature.

In 2009, when Iowa Republicans tried to add 2 justices to their Supreme Court after it ruled a same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional, they were thwarted by the Democratic governor and legislature. In South Carolina, Senator Robert Ford, a Democrat, introduced a bill to increase the size of the state Supreme Court every year from 1995 to 2010 without passage. By 2013, Republicans returned to the issue, but have not yet to be victorious. Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Washington are states where Republicans tried to alter the size of their state supreme courts; Louisiana and Alabama saw Democrats trying the same maneuvers. This history contrasts sharply with current Republican rhetoric about liberal and progressive discussions of expanding the Supreme Court as a response to the GOP’s unconcealed rush to pack it with conservative judges. They’ve conveniently forgotten their own party’s history with court packing. They’re gloating with unsportsmanlike glee, because, as 45 put it, “we won” and they can. As if this is a game. 

Was there a reason to hold hearings on the Barrett nomination especially since a number of attendees were on the contact lists of COVID positive individuals and refusing to wear masks? Lindsay Graham has refused to get tested. His opening statement said it all; this is the hearing to confirm Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court. GOP Senators had pledged to support the effort as well as whomever the nominee was before 45 even announced the name. This was never a hearing about examining the qualifications of the nominee, it’s simply rubber stamping the Federalist Society listee. It was a victory lap to bring their filly into the circle of roses. Democrats foolishly joined the production to play valiant Don Quixotes, jousting at windmills. They were simply campaigning for Joe Biden and down ballot candidates. Might as well, my tax dollars were paying for the platform, why let the GOP hog it all.   

Much like FDR facing a Supreme Court that overturned New Deal legislation that would rescue the country from the disastrous Great Depression, are there other steps progressives should be considering to rescue the country from Make America White-ism? For one, judicial term limits. Fixed terms would allow for orderly replacement of justices at fixed intervals, not surprise maneuvering after a retirement or death. In this country, the supply of competent jurists is deep; there is no need to have 80 or 90 year olds making judicial decisions. Which leads to the second change,  imposition of a judicial retirement age. Commercial airline pilots have to retire at age 70; don’t the legal opinions in the highest court of the land that will impact the country’s future for generations rate equal care for mental acuity, understanding that it declines with age normally, with all due respect to RBG, 87 at the time of her death. Seventy five or at most eighty years should be retirement age for Supreme Court justices, beginning with those currently on the bench. Justice Breyer is 82, Thomas is 72 and Alito is 70. Under the current system, if Biden is elected, Alito and Thomas will be hanging on for another 4 and possibly 8 years if they can. A mandatory retirement age is not a bad idea for all federal judgeships.

A Senate concerned about the country’s future should be concentrating on a pandemic relief package to prevent the looming conversion of the current recession into a depression. This Senate is not that. Instead, the Senator’s eyes are focused on maintaining their stranglehold on power made more urgent by the possibility of a defeat at the polls. They’ve established a bulwark in the judiciary to hold their place into the future when they can return to dominance in the legislative and executive branches.

From the Equal Justice 2020 calendar

On October 17, 1871 President Ulysses Grant declared martial law in South Carolina due to widespread Ku Klux Klan violence.


Photo by Skitterphoto on

Perhaps Donald J Trump’s most successful endeavor has been to dodge US federal income taxes. He paid tax bills of $145,400 to India, $156,824 to the Philippines and $15,598 to Panama but only $750 in the US in 2016 and the same in 2017, less than 5% of what he paid to foreign governments. But the original NYT’s  investigations into Trump’s taxes show that he succeeded in paying no federal income taxes for the majority of two decades using lessons learned from his father with the very same accountants, property assessors and lawyers. Unfortunately, it’s tax fraud. In the 2nd NY Times installment, the Donald has been nothing but consistent. 

What is common to both periods is extraordinarily large business losses, at one point, the largest of any business in the country. The Bragard in Chief is always claiming he’s achieved things that have never before been done in history and this is one of them. Even in the tortured mind of a reality TV businessman, surely his business strategies were aimed at making huge profits. Instead, it actually looks like Trump’s strategy has been to accumulate tons of losses to avoid paying money to both state and federal governments. That would be unusual, so it seems more likely that his infamous gut has simply steered him astray because he lacks any real business acumen. 

When he was burdened with debt and few prospects for an actual real estate empire, the Donald became a reality TV star which spawned licensing deals and promotions of a stream of falsely advertised products. Clearly he is good at selling his face and his name, if not real estate. He successfully closed international deals to plaster his name on buildings in which he provided no capital and played no role in construction, therefore taking no risk. No matter the fate of the project, built and sold out or gone bust, he raked in a bundle. It’s fancy footwork that for the most part is completely legal, although his partners have not always been legit in their respective countries. But there were also vitamin and video phone marketing pyramid schemes and Trump University. Companies were paying him millions of dollars to promote their products through speaking engagements and advertisements; the companies went belly up but Trump got paid and for the most part untouched by the lawsuits against them. These promotions  meant that he had to pay taxes during “The Apprentice” period. In essence, the Art of the Deal author actually made his money from a TV role playing a company CEO, far more than he made as the CEO of any company. Just as an aside, Art of the Deal was written by a ghostwriter, as were his other books, yet another part of the tycoon’s masquerade. 

If anyone should suffer from imposter syndrome, it should be this boy from Queens. While he is obviously needy of approval in the extreme, in his mind, he sees himself as a tough bully that dominates, an ideal for him that always pleased his father, not a character fault. His narcissistic vision literally can’t process his errors or allow others to get credit for anything with which he’s associated.

In fact he routinely assumes credit for things that are completely out of his control. A few examples from his presidency include the rhythm of the stock market, the addition of jobs to the economy, resumption of NFL, NBA and college football, etc. At the same time, he is never at fault; he will point the finger at anyone else for his errors. For instance, the Chinese for the spread of COVID19, as if they could stop a virus from spreading in a world of global travel and completely ignoring the virus strain that spread from Europe to New York. Even his much touted ban on travel from China allowed thousands of travellers to go to China and return. Like most of Trump’s pronouncements, it’s more theater than operationally effective. The problem is not that the virus spread but that the president has actively opposed any reasonable approach to stopping the spread. Even worse, he personally pursued and encouraged others to actively ignore public health measures, recklessly acquired his own infection and seems hell bent on personally spreading the virus. When asked if he felt any responsibility for the deaths from COVID19, now 213,000 and climbing, he responded absolutely not. 

His false claims are based primarily in citing the wrong cause for any problem. For instance, shutting down immigration because immigrants are stealing jobs from [white] workers when nobody white is lining up to displace immigrants now processing chickens or picking vegetables, even now as 13 million Americans are unemployed. Is there a finite number of jobs or isn’t an American tenet that the economy will create an endless number endlessly? If there will always be more jobs, isn’t there a need for more workers? Or blaming Democrats for failing to protect the country from national security threats from Russian intrusions that he supports. He’s exacting revenge on people who discovered that Russian intelligence assisted his victory and actively impeded any national response. His mission throughout his life has been to erase his actual history by substituting a figment of his imagination. And DJT has been extraordinarily successful at that, at least in some quarters.     

 As for the federal taxes Trump did pay in the post-Apprentice income bump, he received a refund of $72.9 million under a policy where the IRS pays the refund quickly and then later verifies that it was appropriate. When the IRS rescinded the refund, Trump launched a 10 year legal battle which serves as the basis of Trump’s repeated assertions that he’s being audited. Apparently, a Congressional committee must oversee audits of refunds over a certain amount, and that review is somehow now being stalled. Essentially, 45 has the money or at least he had the money and probably squandered it. Now he’s refusing to give it back and controls the reigns of government to prevent repayment. 

Either as a businessman or a golf fanatic, during this money making period, Trump began a property buying spree, including 11 more golf courses which ultimately consumed much of his ”Apprentice” related bonanza. Does his dedication to golf blind his business acumen and that explains why he continues to dump money into these properties as they accumulated losses year after year, eventually landing him in the 0 tax category again. It must be written in his stars, that the wannabe mogul will lose any fortune he accumulates. First it was the continuous transfers from his father and his inheritance and then the infusion of cash from “The Apprentice”. 

The Times goes on to conclude that the farther away from company decision making Trump stood, the more stable and profitable the business. The article cites Vornado partnerships as an example. Trump’s company owns 30% of two office towers controlled by Vornado, two of the most valuable real estate assets in the company. While Vornado conducts a considerable amount of business with the federal government, 6% of the company’s annual lease revenue, through its other divisions, the company decides how much the Trump company receives annually from the partnership. Here, Trump is the recipient of the profits of the business’s success but has no input in decision-making. This feels like yet another conflict of interest. Coincidentally, Vornado also has a business relationship with Jared Kushner, having purchased stakes in a couple of Kushner Company projects. 

In sum, the picture of Donald J Trump the charlatan and shyster is no different from what we’ve seen during his administration, proving the point that he has continued to be who he always was. Let’s face it, most people 70 years and older don’t change. Quite the opposite, they tend to harden their crust. Remarkably, the press keeps thinking that with each new episode,  Trump will somehow, transform. Each time, they posit that he will bend toward a norm. Ah, the eternal optimists.

The ChaosPresident is determined to do the opposite, evocative of Attila the Hun who demolished everything that wasn’t his own. No, 45 will spin, refute, dissemble, attack the NYT and distract with an alternative bombshell. The tricks in his arsenal are few and we’ve seen them all. Of course, his diagnosis of COVID19 infection has switched the narrative completely out of his control. As always, he has shifted to hide behind an alternative smokescreen even as the pandemic response is the one plot thread that he doesn’t want playing. 

But voters should not forget that Donald J Trump is an imposter whose origin story is pure fiction. Apparently, there are many outside the mesmerized band of Trumpophants who still don’t understand that, or more ominously, don’t care if a charlatan is the president. It is not completely outside historical precedent, but in our times, when we have more knowledge as well as easily accessible trustworthy information sources than at any other time, it seems that American citizens should care. Of course we are plagued by a plethora of misinformed sources and purposefully configured disinformation but that too is not new, it’s just more widely disseminated. That intense partisan identification has generated different information silos at war with each other is not new either. 

But we appear to be on the brink of a new precipice, a president who dares to challenge the peaceful transfer of power, the most sacred feature of American democracy. It turns out that peaceful transfer is based on decorum; the concession of one candidate to his loss. Trump has never conceded anything in his life; every loss is spun as a victory. Leaving that debacle loosely characterized as a debate, he announced that he crushed it. Through his magical thinking, he believes that giving voice to something can make it so, at least for himself and some significant section of voters. It works that way on TV; it’s worked that way throughout his administration.  45 is acting like a rabid raccoon backed into a corner. For the ChaosPresident, leaving the White House will be yet another precedent he will dynamite. On to 16 more years! (Imagine El Trumpe at age 90; you think he’s crazy now.)

From the Equal Justice Initiative 2019 calendar

On October 13, 1892, a lynch mob in Monroeville Alabama seizes 4 teenage Black boys, 15-19 years old from the jail and shoots them dead, without a trial

The COVID19+ President is a Threat to National Security

Last Thursday morning or maybe Wednesday night, the RealityTVPresident joined almost 8 million others who tested positive for COVID19. The timeline has been purposely obscured to help camouflage the willful actions that spread the infection. In fact, his diagnosis comes after what is probably a super-spreader event at the White House to celebrate Amy Barrett’s nomination to SCOTUS. People there were hugging and cheek kissing, maskless in the garden before moving inside to a reception. 

Interestingly, the first reactions from the right and the left were that the announcement was a hoax. The left thought it was a sympathy ploy or worse, a parody from which 45 would emerge as a superhero who clobbered the virus, just as Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler tweeted on his return to the White House. The symptoms and test results were thought fictitious, scripted from a reality TV palette. The right thought it was a Democratic conspiracy to degrade their hero. Theorized details and subplots exploded in the vacuum created by administration spokespersons’ initial reticence and alternative narratives. Good news statements for the right; serious concern for his condition for the left. Trump forces have advanced degrees in this disinformation game. How sad for a country subjected to a stack of lies higher than Jack’s beanstalk that many of its citizens react to a potentially fatal illness in their president with disbelief rather than concerned sympathy. Some never found that. Rather than holding its breath, the public was shouting bullshit!

But the president is not like any of those other millions sickened, including the 508,013,886 people diagnosed during his sojourn at Walter Reed. While they may have inadvertently exposed others, the ChaosPresident seems hellbent on spreading the virus in a vain attempt to pretend that a pandemic doesn’t exist. He’s unable to concede a single inch to the CDC guidelines, hell even the watered down guidelines issued by the federal government. As is his custom, his first impulse is to refuse to share information, critical to managing an outbreak. The White House staff has been living in the fantasy that testing will protect them, now exposed as patently unsafe.

The president’s physician, Dr Conley is a DO, not an MD which may explain his limited grasp of a host of public health principles. This is not to throw shade on osteopaths; it is only to note that they are not educated in the principles of scientific research or public health. He is the president’s physician who like his predecessors, is willing to sacrifice medical judgement to fulfill his loyalty to 45. The Hippocratic oath outranked by the Trumpophant oath of allegiance.  He is clearly overcommitted to advocating for his patient at the sacrifice of his best medical judgement. Or perhaps he has always been a yes man and so has no conflict in serving as a major pillar of the political script that 45 is crafting. Perhaps he’s simply an avid fan and so accepts disinformation as part their duty. There is room to question the truthfulness of many of his assertions and the reasons to refuse to disclose critical information to actually assess the chief executive’s condition. 

Dr Conley left open to conjecture whether someone ill with COVID should continue to be leading the free world. One could argue that the RealityTVPresident has never seen himself in that role; a quick look at his schedule shows that beyond phone calls, he spends his days in the residence watching Trump/FoxTV and playing golf. One hundred percent of his focus has been on remaining in office for which he has been officially campaigning since his swearing in on January 1, 2016. He has had no role in the most pressing problems of the day; he doesn’t attend now infrequent meetings of the Coronavirus Task Force; fearful of Nancy Pelosi, he refuses to be involved in any way, except by an infrequent tweet, in pandemic recovery legislation either.

Then out of the blue, he tweeted that the talks were over with a quid pro quo promise that he would create pandemic relief after he was elected. “Vote for me and relief from economic deprivation will be yours!” He probably heard that approach didn’t poll well, so he’s proposed some small deals that Mnuchin can resume bargaining about. In fact, he’s said COVID has inspired him with several ideas for economic packages, businesses like the airlines first of course but another pathetic $1200 for individuals. Is it the virus or the steroids that have him firing on all cylinders? It is difficult to tell if this is Trump being Trump or an even more erratic variant.

Bearing that in mind, he possesses the nuclear codes and the world has not stopped because the AmericaFirstPresident fell ill, so there is no way to predict what circumstances may present themselves. There is the possibility of a natural disaster as well. COVID19 seems to have vascular impacts including in the brain as seen with headaches, strokes, memory loss as just a few symptoms. Neurologic effects may last for some period after recovery. In addition, the mix of medications could also affect mental acuity including the dexamethasone which has been associated with a sense of enhanced power as well as steroid rage. Imagine the White Supremacist in Chief even angrier than he normally is!

Discussions on the best course should take place between advisors and physicians, but in this administration with dedicated yes men, there can be no discussion. But none of it could be honest because that’s not what they do, except behind Trump’s back. Ronald Reagan, another entertainer turned politician, refused to admit his mental compromise when he began showing Alzheimer’s symptoms during his second term. Other presidents have been reluctant to release the reins, except under anesthesia. 45, being the most narcissistic of them all, may not even yield to the evocation of the 25th amendment, done of course in full PPE. There’s no one in his orbit brave enough to even attempt that, so hopefully nothing will come up and the country’s various enemies will not see this as an opportunity to move against the country.

One of the things Dr Conley has refused to disclose is the timeline of Trump’s infection. Hope Hicks had not only a positive test but also symptoms on Wednesday at the rally. The administration says she returned on Air Force in isolation but there is no such thing on a plane and no matter the enclosure, they were all sharing the same air. It is unlikely that a White House in viral denial has installed any air filtering systems, although it would be consistent with Trump’s germaphobia as well as a smart defense for future biological warfare. 

And then there is the treatment. It is reasonable to expect the president by virtue of his office should have the best medical care available. But it actually sounds like the patient himself is dictating his care, basically throwing the kitchen sink at it. But a physician understands that’s essentially experimenting on a patient, never prudent given the age of this patient. The president has received one experimental treatment and two drugs used for severe not mild cases. Two physicians on MSNBC have speculated from the information that reporters dug up that his is the picture of COVID pneumonia. The fact that Conley refused to disclose what imaging was performed and the results would be consistent with that. Trump’s rapid recovery may be attributable to the use of this extraordinary therapy, one not ever used on any patient before or it may be the calm before a sudden downturn in the disease. The period of danger is usually around day 10, so it looks like the president “heavily influenced” or perhaps simply dictated his discharge. Fine, there is a medical unit in the White House residence, but if he needs a ventilator, he’ll have to be airlifted to Walter Reed.

45 misses the rapture of the MAGA rally, as essential to him as breathing. Plus, he’s running out of time as voters are currently early voting and no amount of play acting can change those already cast votes. His rapid exit from Walter Reed and early return to the Oval Office are part of a strategy to generate campaign agitprop.

The president is a noted germaphobe and is apparently paranoid of hospitals. As an aside, it would seem that germaphobia would have compelled him to support social distancing and masks, so perhaps that’s a misdirect. His history with prostitutes would weigh against it. Still, his fear of hospitals probably led as much to his premature discharge as his stage management. In addition, he couldn’t wait to get out there into the fray. He misses the rapture of the MAGA rally, as essential to him as breathing. Plus, he’s running out of time as voters are currently early voting and no amount of play acting can change those already cast votes. Clearly he is willing to take his life in his hands to confirm his fictional persona, but this isn’t like cheating on taxes or shirking debts. Trump has never confronted a life threatening moment like this one and certainly not with the weight of the federal government on his shoulders. Even in the face of his mortality, he can’t manage even a glimmer of concern for the country he’s leading. 

The RealityTVPresident has managed his illness as he does everything related to the presidency, its production value. He’s put out videos and tweets and presidential photos of perhaps his most common activity at the resolution desk–signing papers, this one blank. He is always in a suit and overly long tie surrounded by flags, the mandatory backdrop for AmericaFirst events. He ordered a “victory” parade in the presidential motorcade, all 7 cars, to wave at supporters outside Walter Reed. The Secret Service agents had on gowns and masks, but the car was airtight. Aren’t COVID19 patients supposed to be in isolation? Haven’t many, many, many victims died alone, without anyone except the nurses nearby, and sometimes not even them?

Of course, theBully President emerged from his unique experience announcing that people shouldn’t fear the virus or let it dominate their day. Did anyone doubt that he would emulate Bolsonaro rather than Boris Johnson. He is who he is and he never makes a mistake or changes a stance. True to America’s ever expanding inequities, most people don’t have access to his treatment options, or the medical team, or the attention of the medical providers that a president commands. They can’t use those great therapeutics that Trump says he’s developed. Many don’t even have access to testing, rapid or not. They need to have symptoms or a physician referral or insurance or cash because it appears that private testers are dominating testing and even health departments are using a sliding scale. It appears free testing expired with the Cares Act. If his real world understanding of the virus doesn’t take any of that into account, it is like all of his knowledge, self focused, without empathy and completely disconnected from the world of the average American.

In the meantime, back at the White House, positive COVID19 tests are popping up all over. We will only find out about those who tell the press, following in the path of the immediate response to suppress Hope Hicks’s infection, even from the Biden campaign who read it in the newspaper like everyone else. The aides and volunteers associated with the campaign will never be revealed, as the little people are not included in the routine administration testing protocols and are on their own to get it. Now it’s not clear what the testing protocol is. No doubt they have been brainwashed into noncompliance as an act of political support and the virus-is-not-a-threat mindset, so they will not get testing unless they develop symptoms. 

All of the attendees at the Rose Garden ceremony have scattered to the wind. Some legislators have returned to their home districts on commercial flights; others have gone about their daily routines in the DC area, dutifully maskless as their politics dictate. The number of contacts are infinite and the White House has forbidden the CDC from doing contract tracing, literally one of their most important functions for infectious diseases. Recently they said they would not be doing it either although they will notify some of the people affected. This explains why one of three infected press corps members has reported that no one contacted him about his contacts. And now the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are in isolation because a Coast Guard admiral has tested positive. Is this related because the Coast Guard Admiral attended a White House event on September 27? At this point, it’s already too late. Will nominee Barrett’s kids test positive? What about their classmates? Positive COVID tests have been reported at their school in Indiana, although authorities say they don’t include the Barretts. Did they do interviews at Washington area schools? No doubt these connections will remain a mystery. Maybe the CDC can back door into tracing outbreaks in the Indiana schools.

The ChaosPresident is blowing up things like Godzilla when it took a step. Not simply defying public health measures to prevent spread, but actively spreading the disease. It seems likely that the MAGAPresident was experiencing symptoms himself at his Wednesday night rally; he talked for only 45 minutes and looked fatigued on his return. As Hicks displayed symptoms that night, the appropriate measures would be to quarantine until test results were available and for all of her contacts to self isolate for 10-14 days. Both people had positive rapid tests and symptoms, clearly an indication to isolate while waiting for the confirmatory tests and notify others as well. And yet, 45 went to a maskless fundraiser at Bedminster the following day, extending to the $250,000 donors the privilege of paying to get infected. In the meantime, continuing to expose the Air Force One crew, the staff, the Secret Service, the military personnel and their families to disease. Is this magical thinking, intentional spread or blatant disregard for the people who service his needs. Seems like there are no relationships that get in the way of what this megalomaniac wants.

Photo by Markus Winkler on

Even after the press was notified of positive tests, the Trump family, White House staff, members of Congress and others continued their daily maskless routines including travel to their own events when every one of them should have been self-isolating at home and notifying their contact circles to get tested and do the same. The White House has told staffers to go get their own tests on their own dime so that they can be less easily tracked and use HIPAA to refuse to disclose results.

Chris Christie is hospitalized and appears to have been dropped from the news cycle. His weight and history of asthma put him at risk for severe disease and he doesn’t have that governmental lever anymore to ratchet up his care. He’s the Herman Cain of the Executive Branch outbreak; Cain died even as 45 contends that there were no problems with big rallies in pandemic times. He doesn’t have a problem because the impact lies in an analysis of data in the two to three week period after an event, data now intentionally separated by states using vastly different parameters. First, it’s too detailed for a brain like Trump’s. Secondly, he’s all about not knowing rather than knowing things outside his narrow window on the world.  

Among the collateral damage from wanton viral dissemination, no one has mentioned the residence staff of butlers, servers and housekeepers or the kitchen staff. They are in the least likely position to demand protective protocols. In the past, many were older nonwhites but perhaps the workforce has turned over under this administration, much like its political appointees. Working for a white supremacist is not something Black workers are forced to do any more. It’s hard to imagine that DJT would want his personal valet to be dark skinned, especially given his frequent use of pejorative names for minorities. In turn, they might be repelled by the thought of being in close proximity to naked anti-Black prejudice. As it turns out, his valet has contracted the virus.

The White House and executive branch are part of a bonafide hotspot and yet, they insist that business as usual will go on, even as a chunk of the staff has tested positive. They classified Kayleigh McEnany as an essential worker despite her exposure and COVID19+ test, but essential workers with a confirmed contact are supposed to self isolate, not continue to work, particularly maskless. That’s how they’ve ignored CDC recommendations to force chicken and pork processing workers to labor under conditions riff for viral spread with no penalties for their corporate bosses who just happen to be friends of El Trumpe. In the setting of the Executive Branch, it is equally as heinous.  

The ChaosPresident has launched biological warfare on our government. Equally horrifying, Trump continues to demonstrate his disdain for the office itself and the country. By continually exposing himself to what could be a life threatening disease, he places the country’s leadership at risk. By placing his staff at risk, he has compromised the functioning of the highest levels of government and all the branches, the legislative, court and executive, as they intersect in governing activities. These are primarily elderly men at high risk of death which could cripple the government.

Clear as day now is that 45’s scheme to get out of Walter Reed was designed to put him back in the Oval Office while he is infectious, as he has now done. That will create more theatre, a series of official White House photos of “the President hard at work despite COVID” all to bolster his false projection of strength when it is pure recklessness. The campaign will plaster social media with images, all while ignoring the plague that he’s spreading. All of this is absolutely unnecessary; whatever he’s doing, it can be done from the residence, including launching a nuclear weapon. Of course his routine nuclear football toter has already tested + for coronavirus and the current one soon might as well. By then maybe the original one will be “immune” to the disease after his recovery.

Outside the executive branch, how will Moscow Mitch confirm his Supreme Court implant if several senators are hospitalized and can’t vote?  Internationally, this is an opportune moment for foes to precipitate an international crisis, particularly as it is clear that 45 is wholly focused on domestic politics. If the past is any indication, 45 is more likely to weigh in on the side of traditional enemies than allies anyway. He leaves the country even more vulnerable to attack because for him, the planet revolves around DJT. Does no one else see this, not even the press or TV pundits? This is a high crime if not an act of treason. 

If a particular set of taxpayers may have enjoyed the PT Barnum inspired presidential exit from Walter Reed, the rest of us are all paying for their continuing indoctrination. The video had all the hallmarks of Trumpism, lots of flags, military salutes from the President (to no visible soldiers), climaxing with Trump ripping off his face mask. The message of his speech cast the former real estate mogul as Daniel in the lion’s den emerging triumphant. Trumpophant spokesmen are working this latest agitprop that he fought bravely and conquered the virus and his followers can too.

Ayeyeye! Trump as VIP patient was given a unique combination of drugs that are not available to anyone else. Those drugs made his improvement possible, not some spiritual shield from a higher power. And he has not conquered the virus; his disease is still in mid course as seen from his struggle to surreptitiously maintain a normal respiratory rate. This is normal for someone unaccustomed to taking a flight of steps with some respiratory compromise but probably worse for the pneumonia that is his likely diagnosis. But then that would admit that the RealityTVPresident is human, contrary to the message of the video that he is superhuman. The segment with the close up displaying his heaving chest was deleted from the final cut on social media, an edited composite that was reshot with the COVID19 superspreader maskless. How long will it take for the photographers and videographers to become infected or perhaps they have already had the infection? The argument that one leads by catching a disease and then infecting a vast number of people is clearly absurd, a bit like arguing that LBJ should have intentionally caught the H3N2 flu in 1968 to experience symptoms and in turn, to infect the leadership of the country, in order to support public health measures to prevent the spread. But the PiedPiperPresident’s gladiators will march forward with this nonsense as the voting proceeds. His supporters need no new arguments; are there any of the few undecided voters gullible enough to swallow it?                                                                      

The COVID Superpreader in Chief’s complete disregard for national security is also reflected in his willingness to preside over 210,000 deaths in 6 months without batting an eye or even a mention. Those deaths are simply an inconvenient truth that he must erase from public consciousness in order to add enough voters in specific zip codes and discourage or disqualify enough voters in others to remain in the White House. He isn’t concerned about the condition of the country over which he has power. He is laser focussed on his ability to continue to plunder its assets and corral enough big money fellow dippers to support his continuation in office.

 He’s tried to create a host of other distracting issues, like a heavy handed military response to peaceful protesters in BlackLiveMatters demonstrations and the threat of poor people [Black] invading the suburbs. These themes score well with his Trumpophants but on the wrong side of history to most others. He’s got sealing SCOTUS in a conservative cocoon that supports the tyranny of the minority as a base solidifier, but that too is only popular among a small minority. Their openly aired objectives are to use the Supreme Court to overrule legislation crafted by the people’s representatives, Congress who represent the majority will in favor of a well organized minority trying to turn the clock back to eras of their dominance. The country has moved on and they fear their influence will be dismantled. 

But the ChaosPresident is so confident he can turn his fate around that he stopped the Congressional negotiations to mount another pandemic relief package despite popular support and that of Republican legislators, even as he has played no role. Alternatively, he may be conceding the election fight. Now that he believes that he and his entourage are immune to the virus, he will barnstorm through the battleground states like a bat out of hell in a steroid induced haze for the orgasmic thrill of the MAGA rally. Likely he’ll have Dr Conley create a timeline that will put him in the air while he’s still contagious, just like into the Oval Office, even as he’ll deny it. No matter, he’s calculated that he has simply to mobilize his faithful supporters and armed poll intimidators to avoid an election day blowout and the Supreme Court, then 9 justices, will stand as his backstop or if necessary Congress. All the while, the threat of a race war hangs over the peaceful transfer of power.

On October 3, 1922, Black civil rights activist Octavius Catto killed after voting in Philadelphia.

From the Equal Justice Initiative 2020 calendar

Lessons from Donald J Trump’s Taxes

The most important lesson from the New York Times investigation of the president’s taxes is this: the US tax code is extraordinarily unfair to the vast majority of citizens. There are at least 200 loopholes in the US tax code making it one of the most complicated in the world. This is not the first example of this fact; Amazon is one of 90 companies on the Fortune 500 list that pays no US taxes, even as they, like the RealityTVPresident, probably paid taxes in other countries with stricter policies. But Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have probably paid taxes, although because they are private citizens this is unknowable unless they themselves release the information. Billionaire Warren Buffett has made the point several times that he pays less federal tax than his secretary. But here is a far less wealthy individual who has paid nothing in taxes in the majority of the years since the 1990s and what he did pay was refunded in a financial windfall of $72.9 million. In contrast in 2016 and 2017, the average middle class American laid out something like $2200 on an income of $60,000, triple 45’s payments on an income in the hundreds of millions.

Between 2000 and 2017, someone who earned about $150,000 paid roughly the same amount of federal income tax as The Donald. About half of all American families paid more in federal income tax than the current president. And none of those people have solid gold fixtures, own a jet and several residences.

Remember when the Republicans began hawking their tax bill as one that would simplify the tax code. While it seems like an eternity ago, the RealityTVPresident held up a postcard in his hand and said most Americans would be able to file their taxes on a postcard, without H&R Block’s help. But the bill that emerged from Congress did not simplify the tax code at all. Yes, the average American could use the higher standard deduction which could compensate for deductions like charitable contributions, but the cap on state income tax deductions hurt a lot of families living on the two coasts. The wealthy got more tax loopholes and a far lower tax rate; businesses got a real bonanza too, lower rates and targeted deductions which were particularly favorable to real estate businesses and “pass-throughs”. Middle class taxpayers were left holding the bag which will be even heavier in the year of reckoning with the pandemic come April 2021. Think deferred payroll taxes. Many middle class workers have continued to work from home, presumably with the same compensation. Others who were furloughed and hopefully, able to obtain unemployment insurance, will have lower income and perhaps a lower tax bite. Those who lost their job may even get a refund which for many will be too late to keep their residence and adequately care for their families.

The tax code allows people like the reality TV star turned president to merge their business income and losses into their personal income tax returns, so called “pass-through” entities. His supporters say he’s just savvy at accounting tricks, but NY DA Vance suspects he played fast and loose with his deductions by manipulating the valuations of his properties and claiming as business expenses the personal services that everyone has, for instance, hair styling ($70,000 for him and $100,00 for Ivanka) and wardrobe, but they can’t claim as well as those that most people don’t have, like the costs of his personal jet. He learned the trick of inflating the value of his holdings for bank loans and devaluing them for taxes from his father Fred, as detailed in an earlier NY Times investigation. It turns out, that’s tax fraud.

The IRS has not been particularly successful in tracking down rich tax cheaters but they seem to dog poorer ones. My 92 year old mother was audited 3 years after her returns were prepared by a friend of a friend who claimed to have been a former IRS employee. Unfortunately, she had begun to lose some of her faculties and didn’t remember some of her savings accounts. Her tax preparer came up with an innovative way to declare her social security and bam, she owed over $50,000. She was living on her social security, two small pensions and the interest from an investment of the money she received when she sold her home. Her assisted living unit cost $4000/ month. Fast forward to 7 years later, right after her death in December. The IRS was demanding that she pay $6000, even though she had no income and owed her nursing home $40,000 from the 5 month interval before she received Medicaid to cover that cost. By agreement, Ohio Medicaid seized all of her Social Security payments, now her only income, except $50/month. Why should a 98 year old woman on Social Security have to pay any taxes at all and the reputed multi-millionaire leader of the country pay no taxes at all?

Why should a 98 year old woman on Social Security have to pay any taxes at all and the reputed multi-millionaire leader of the country pay no taxes at all?

I digress. The county with the highest number of IRS audits in the US is a small poor majority Black rural county in Mississippi. Put simply, the agency most often audits people who used the earned income tax credit, the poorest earners. This is the result of conservative led budget slashing during the Obama administration which reduced the IRS budget by 20% and a subsequent 22% reduction in staff. Those changes included a 30% cut in the enforcement staff. Audits of poor people are efficient; they are simple and consume little time. Poor people are easily intimidated and less likely to have retained records, so they yield cash, generally discounted to maximize the possibility of collecting it. On the other hand, audits of millionaires require significant expertise, forensics and sophisticated cyber intelligence as well as attorneys to handle the long legal battles. The IRS isn’t staffed for that and the current administration has no interest in pursuing high rolling presidential supporters and cronies. 

Lesson number 2 comes from the extraordinary amount of debt facing 45 in the next couple of years. The irony is that he’s not paid the debt because he’s the very thing he denounces at every turn, a loser. Here, in black and white by the Donald’s own accounts, the charlatan who claims to be a consummate businessman has squandered away not one but two fortunes. His entire business history is more about losses than profits. Now he is mired in a whopping $421 million soon to be due loans for which he is personally responsible.  There is the disputed IRS refund plus interest which could amount to as much as $100 million and $385 million in business loans on 3 properties that will fall due by 2022. 

Given that the only bank in the world that would lend to Trump Inc was Deutsche Bank, the same bank holding a chunk of his debt, he will have few alternatives to cash payment of his debt. Typically, companies roll over their debt by taking out another loan, similar to refinancing a mortgage. Because Deutsche Bank itself is currently being scrutinized for its transactions with Trump and other money laundering activity, it is hardly in a position to extend additional credit. The bank is probably worried that he will try to wiggle out of their loan, just as he did before this latest one. In an audacious twist that only the Donald would dream up, he countersued the bank to cancel the debt under some obscure interpretation of a contract clause.   

With his brand enhanced by the presidency, his principal sources of income these days are foreign and domestic dollars finding their way to his properties to purchase some political favoritism and US taxpayer dollars spent on his properties and the care and feeding of his extended family entourage. He’s tried to pad his haul with international meetings, like the proposal to host the G8 at the Doral, but the coronavirus has put an end to big in-person summits. No foreigner is anxious to venture into our virus infested landscape with the highest number of cases in the world. And then there’s the probable under the table transfers between the campaign and Trump family pockets, a supposition based on his actual conduct beneath his concocted legend of success. No wonder he’s so desperate to stay in office.

The eventual resolution of Trump’s debt brings up several concerns, but primarily for the holders of his debt. If he remains in office, will Trump refuse to repay quietly to force modification of a part of the debt or extend the deadline? Will he offer some quid pro quo to creditors for some “special considerations” in federal policy or appointments? In or out of office, will he make a big political splash of countersuing, claiming political persecution in order to pressure a more favorable resolution? 

Every national security specialist insists that this is an enormous national security threat. If he hadn’t won the electoral college, he would never have obtained a high level security clearance. A large debt is among the reasons why traitors have turned on the country to become foreign agents, through blackmail or having their debts paid. But in terms of the president, it could have far reaching impacts on both foreign and domestic policy down through the cabinet agencies. The intelligence community has already been corrupted by the heavy hand of political steerage, aided and abetted by Bill Barr, to enhance the chances that Trump can win reelection. Understand that when US intelligence loses its eyes on the world, any bad actors besides Russia, like China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Islamic terrorists, North Korea, white nationalists and armed militias are less likely to be monitored.  Without information, it is impossible to defuse or deter threats let alone determine the origin and punish the perpetrators.

The tax documents also raise questions about conflict of interests resulting from Trump’s finances. One is the administration positions with Erdogan of Turkey, such as agreeing to force US Kurdish allies into a narrow strip of Syria next to the Turkish border which placed them at the mercy of Turkish forces determined to destroy Kurds as terrorists, rather than independence fighters. Could Trump’s love affair with the Saudis be related to the potential for their abundant cash to bail him out of debt, completely outside the banking system? This is similar to the influx of cash from Russian oligarchs through purchases at above market prices for Trump Towers space and Florida real estate. Eric Trump said freely that Russian purchases sustained the company in the period before Trump began diving into politics. He implies that it was the reason the company was able to purchase all those golf courses but the Times documented that income from “The Apprentice” and associated licensing fees and ventures generated the bulk of that financial windfall.

The threat to national security is an ongoing one even when or if Agent Orange leaves office. In truth for the rest of his life. The president has been privy to the full spectrum of top secret information as well as the operations of federal government agencies, Congress and even the Supreme Court. In addition, he’d have information on the people swirling around the DC Beltway nexus; dirty personal secrets are always marketable, particularly for Russian kompromat. He will retain connections to people who remain in government after his exit, people with whom he can use his legendary bully tactics to both plant and extract information in the future. Given his love affair with Vladimir Putin, there is nothing but patriotism and integrity to keep him from regularly giving information to the Russians but it is patently obvious that the RealityTVPresident doesn’t possess either. A Trump Tower Moscow deal might be enough to open the floodgates. He might be even more eager to cooperate in a fit of pique and vengeance over his rejection by the American electorate. 

The danger of betrayal is even higher if the legal system moves in to hold him responsible after his departure from office for tax evasion and obstruction of justice as detailed in the Mueller investigation. Undoubtedly, there are a host of other actions that we don’t yet know about, but they should be thoroughly investigated. However, the danger of a security threat should not deter prosecution. Donald J Trump has been a cancer on the US government and he and all his facilitators must be held accountable to reestablish the rule of law.

From the Equal Justice Initiative 2020 calendar:

On October 4, 1864, 150 Black men from 17 states and Washington DC met to demand citizenship, land ownership, and equal rights and opportunities. Later they formed the National Equal Rights League.