Withdrawal Don’t Work So Great

eggplant emoji(Post is based on a play on words where 45, as shorthand for Trump, the 45th president is also South African slang for penis).

Reacting to the productiveness of his considerably younger predecessor, the 71 year old 45 has committed to using the withdrawal method with multiple partners, in an effort to prevent any unfortunate accidental offspring. It is, however, the least reliable method when the objective is to avoid unintended consequences.  He is particularly wary of encounters involving multiple partners. The Transpacific Trade Partnership offered the allure of exotic Asian beauties, creating an urgency which demanded rapid withdrawal. Even though 45 was wrapped in a sheath of conservative climate change denial, he was still quick to pull out from the International Climate Accord, as well. There the tantalizing choice of available partners was as numerous as the world is round.

For the most part,  Trump has been quite active on the international scene. He will pull out of UNESCO, the United Nations educational, cultural, scientific organization, completely next year, although the US contribution had been withheld since 2011 in protest for the admission of Palestine to the UN. in the instance, Trump partnered with Israel. The State Department has also cited the failure of UNESCO to expel Syria from the human rights committee after the civil war was begun in 2012.

In his haste to quit international intercourse, 45 has left the field wide open to the country Steve Bannon has called our biggest threat, China. China has been aggressively building its solar industry and installing solar energy farms to power its economy at a rapid pace. The Chinese are poised to be the world’s leaders in alternative energy sources, despite the presence of extensive coal deposits which have powered their industrial development. The presence of choking air pollution in their industrial centers and large urban areas has prompted the intelligent shift to solar energy; that and the prospects of potential markets as the rest of the world is committed to switching to alternative energy sources. The Make America Great Again President is too busy looking in the rear view mirror to see the road in the front windshield ahead. The politics of coal for his Trumpophants has blinded him to the simple fact that power and business companies are switching to cheap gas, solar and wind power sources as the prices continue to drop. The politics is more important to him than the future well being of the country, including the air we breathe and the rise in sea level threatening our shores. Presently, there are more than three times as many jobs, 260,077, in the solar industry than in coal, 87,000. And it’s only downhill from here, even with the Energy Department “entitlement program” extended to power companies to keep them using coal unless those incentives are large enough to make the use of coal more profitable than cheaper alternatives.

China is salivating to slip cozily into the place abandoned by the US next to our Pacific regional partners. The TPP was designed to secure trade relationships with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries in direct opposition to Chinese influence. Trump continues to nudge partners out of bed with behaviors that demonstrate he is a fickle partner who bites when least expected. Now China stands lusting after an empty bed with the covers turned down with a chocolate on the pillow.

As 45 is nearing his climax with NAFTA, he is gearing up to slip out again, by proposing provisions that Mexico and Canada have strongly opposed. Of course backed into this campaign promise by just shooting off his mouth and finding that it resonated with some in his audience of the self designated forgotten, it was integrated into Trump’s America as “victim being taken advantage of” narrative. But Trump’s appeal is always an emotional one, never grounded in an understanding of any situation, let alone the complexities of trade between the three countries. The AmericaFirst president ignores established supply lines in the automobile industry organized around the strengths that each country brings to the production process. American automobile companies have assembly plants and the manufacture of specific components in all three countries. The termination of NAFTA would disrupt these supply lines with tariffs, thus costing jobs under the president who often claims he’s creating huge numbers of jobs. Agriculture is among other industries who could lose out if NAFTA disappears. These are negotiations in which each side will propose more than what they hope to get, but Trump’s art of the deal is firmly based in the bully tactic of walking away, as much of his rhetoric and past performance demonstrate. He really thinks that he has no skin in the game.

Worried about depleting his seed, 45’s threatened withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has much to do with demonstrating that he’s not flaccid outside of direct international interaction. He wants to repeat his domestic pied piper role on the international scene with mean talk about the edge of the abyss. He believes that the rest of the world must kneel before him and follow. Of course the Iran Nuclear deal is an international one that is effective because of sanctions applied by multiple countries, not just the United States. It makes no sense to explode a treaty that has effectively prevented Iran from developing a nuclear weapon on the pretense that it contains sunset provisions in ten more years; why not wait til then to renegotiate. This  nonsense is being perpetrated by people who were not in the room when the treaty was negotiated, now upset that the treaty doesn’t extend to other Iranian international activities that were never part of the negotiations. 45 pretends that if he strokes his balls, he can bully Iran into renegotiating with him. A pretense, because, although Trump’s mind often seems muddled, those moves would contradict 45’s need to withdraw from the world and leave it to fend for itself.  

One other international withdrawal has slipped under the radar for all but Christian conservatives. Under the tyranny of evangelical conservatives, always decrying government intervention in their lives but aggressively pushing the hand of government into all of our bedrooms, the Trump administration within its first week quietly reinstituted the Bush (43) Rule that will no longer fund medical programs internationally that offer abortion services in any country. Where programs operate in multiple countries, if they perform abortion in any one country, they can no longer provide services in any country, even those where abortion is illegal. This will seriously damage global initiatives to improve the health of women and infants. To actively support unplanned pregnancies and unwanted children which sentence mothers and children to abject poverty, malnutrition, and death seems extraordinarily unChristian. They have also curtailed funding for condom distribution in international HIV programs.

It’s patently obvious that 45 has also ventured to insert himself into women. . . reproductive health issues. Nowhere is that more evident than the executive order to eliminate health plan coverage of contraceptives from employee health plans forany whim the employer can think of, as long as it has some rhetorical connection to moral or religious language.  Always hyperfocused on hysterical evangelical anti-abortion forces that stand to increase the number of abortions performed in the US, conservative Christian zealots implanted in the administration have terminated domestic programs in comprehensive sex education, replaced contraceptive programs with abstinence only counseling, and reintroduced women’s health educational information that is not supported and sometimes contradicted by established scientific evidence, extending even as far as the CDC website. They have also substantially increased funding for falsely advertised programs that offer “pregnancy counseling” without associated nursing or physician personnel designed to bully women into continuing pregnancies rather than consider abortion services through medical misinformation. One of the big lies they propagate is that abortion has a higher death rate than pregnancy. This is patently false because abortion is over 25 times safer than having a baby. The maternal death rate in this country is 26.4 per 100,000 births, higher than any other developed country and at least 15 other countries. Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures performed with a death rate of less than 1 per 100,000 when performed before 12 weeks, as 90% currently are.  In the last few years, improved education and access to contraceptive services, notably expanded through required Obamacare coverage of contraception, has driven down the number of teen pregnancies and the number of abortions in the US.

No doubt spearheaded by Vice President Pence, a fanatical enemy of a woman’s right to determine her own reproductive course, a recently leaked administration memo presents their intention to emphasize “natural contraceptive methods” dependent on abstinence or withdrawal in government information and programs,  right in line with 45’s inherent personal propensity. They have begun implanting the falsehoods of the “forced childbirth movement” in government health documents. The new HHS draft strategic plan for 2018 has added to its mission statement the phrase “protecting Americans at every state of life, beginning at conception.”  [Of note, I see no reason to use the name the movement chose to dress up their nefarious purposes. They are by no means “pro-life”; they don’t oppose state executions. I had thought to return to “anti-abortion” movement, the original moniker, but I find that “forced childbirth” suits them better. See a future blog post]. The religious construct that life begins at conception, much like creationism, was fabricated as a political idea to build the anti-abortion moral majority movement in the 1980s with no basis in science. More recently, it has been broadened into the concept of fetal personhood used in court challenges.Many advocates of the forced childbirth movement object to hormonally based contraceptives, including Plan B which no doubt will go unmentioned and perhaps unstocked in Title X funded family planning programs as the HHS deputy assistant secretary who oversees Title X grants believes that Plan B is an abortifacient that destroys human life.

Always one to keep the public guessing, there is no telling what 45 will be wiggling out of next. Only Twitter will tell.

A Grieving Family

casket-myeshia-johnson-abc-jef-171018_31x13_992When General Kelly speaks, it is always careful with quiet gravitas. So when he stepped to the White House podium to translate what 45 had tried to say to the family of Sergeant La David Johnson, the youngest of the soldiers killed in Niger, he delivered the kind of message they deserved to hear. It’s a shame that he wasn’t the one to make the call. For the grieving wife and his family to hear condolences where Sergeant Johnson was referred to as “your guy” without ever using his name just added insult to the injury. 45’s “he knew what he signed up for” no doubt lacked the poignancy of Kelly’s remarks when he shared his thoughts with Trump about what to say before making these kinds of calls. Trump probably shouldn’t make them, the written word may work better for him or at least the recipients. We have only to look at the Donald telling storm survivors in both Houston and Puerto Rico, to “have a good time” for examples of his ineptitude in situations with regular folks. His remarkable lack of empathy compounded by his limited vocabulary is not ideal for situations that call for comfort. Didn’t Trump have a staff member nearby with the sergeant’s name? Dare we suggest that the Commander in Chief would have been more respectful if the soldier had been white?

Trump, unimpeded by concern for others, shoved Kelly into the line of political fire. In the past, he has insisted on withholding the loss of his son from public scrutiny and yet, called out by Trump he stepped up to mention his son’s loss in defense of his Commander in Chief. Kelly is probably accustomed to it and ever the good soldier serving his country, he delivered. He went on to describe details of what happens to the body of a soldier when it is recovered and transported back to the US, how difficult it is for a family to hear the news and the importance of support from soldiers with whom he served.

What General Kelly seems to have missed with all his gravity are the feelings of the family. It should have been their moment and their feelings should be respected. If Ms Johnson felt offended, that should be acknowledged and Trump should apologize but maybe in a letter. But that can’t happen, because the Donald never apologizes. No doubt, the family must have been further disappointed when 45, like the dick he is, chose to take a swipe at his archenemy, Barack Obama, as part of his defense of his actions. To say in one breath that only the Donald calls Gold Star families unlike Bush and Obama and then in the next breath to say he didn’t know what Obama did, ask General Kelly begs the question of why he brought it up at all. After Charlottesville, he told us that he likes to reserve his comments until he has all the facts, so how did it go so wrong? The president’s just a hot mess! And so disrespectful of American troops without even taking a knee.

Still, for Representative Wilson of Florida, no doubt mistaking her comments for resistance, to inflame the situation with her remarks guaranteed to evoke the sting of the Trump rattler was equally in poor taste. She tossed the family like a political football. They may have wanted to quietly settle in with their loss unilluminated by a glaring public spotlight. Perhaps they want to avoid it altogether. Wilson, as a long time family friend present in the car during the call, may have been expressing her own anger but perhaps there was a better forum or time. I have to agree with General Kelly that “at least that should be sacred.” And yet, one can’t help but think that it’s his boss that has politicized everything. It is president Trump  who devalued Gold Star families, among many other things, like truthfulness, civility and honoring women to name only a few.

Once Upon a Time

king trump

The reign of our monarch, King Donald continues to unfold before us. By all accounts, it is a theatrical reign, full of sound and fury. We are astounded by the rapid pace, some subjects being thrilled with the heights while others may be lost in despair born of loss of values held close to their hearts. Shrouded in a cape of mystery, the king’s comedies, penned in the wee hours of the night, appear as frequently as crickets chirp. Apart from his pen, our king has been laboring endlessly over the problems of the dominion five days a week, so arduously that he must of necessity remove to one of his residential palaces for respite o’er the next two. In the less formal setting of the residences, he mounts a hunt with his Twitter hounds.

The King is surrounded by his most intimate privy council, Fox News, who advise and forage for the targets of the King’s nimble thumbs. Fox News, it’s tendrils spread throughout the kingdom and beyond to worlds unknown, sees all and knows all. They are his window on the kingdom, laying the world open for this king crippled from mixing with the most part of his subjects by the shallowness of his emotions. Without the true interpretation of the Fox, King Donald knows naught, as if the events had not transpired at all.

Emboldened by the council’s sagacious wisdom, the monarch will often summon his inner jester to shoot arrows at those occupied in the spread of news throughout the kingdom, for there is none better than he in all the land. “The play’s the thing” as Shakespeare has writ. Our monarch is himself a player of some repute, having appeared for over ten seasons in the production, The Apprentice, and from such experiences has become a playwright in his own right. He spins tales of mischief and mayhem at home and abroad. Indeed, he is master of suspense as well, gifted at turning his subjects into dogs drooling for the next hunk of meat.

King Donald is ascendent on the backs of a handful of supporters who are vehement in their support. The House of Nobles now favored with the monarch’s grace are keen to press forward with their advantage in all haste, before the vagaries of the king’s favor have found other fertile fields. They have seen it thus, with Sir McConnell and Sir Ryan battered in a storm of disabuse that could prove ruinous. They are witnessing the undoing of Sir Rex now, still groveling to regain the king’s good graces, bowed but as yet unbroken. Others have fallen and been swept out into the dead of night.

the lying kingIt has become fair pastime throughout the kingdom, to guess the king’s course as it flows daily from one position to another. Thus, the kingdom has a new entertainment; what has King Donald said and where amongst his words can truth be found? Many convened panels of those who purport to know have contributed hours and hours of narration, sometimes engaged in outright verbal brawling, on the meaning of each word or phrase or turn of events. Their imaginations have run wild in guessing hour upon hour without end what course of events will unfold, even as subjects grow weary of the endless chatter swirling in every crevice of our townes. And yet we are caught up in the drama, for it is our very lives at stake. The kingdom has been seized by the elevation of opinion to a state of sacredness akin to that of the Bible.

The King has shown little regard for his own words, much like a drunkard who knows not what transpired the night before begins each day with an unwritten slate. This is much the story with the King’s businesses as well, as many merchants can testify to contracts left unhonored and thrown into the hands of magistrates to decide. Our monarch’s scripts are more for the entertainment of all who feed on the thrill of guessing the unknown. There is a certain thrill to watching noblemen engaged in the art of confabulation so necessary to realign with the King’s latest pronouncements and most notably, to refrain from appearing to criticize his Highness. Some, even outside the group of oppositionists, dare to gingerly criticize most notably those who will take their leave from service at the KIng’s court in the next year. The King is as fickle of heart as young men in pursuit of young maidens. His word has ne’er been his bond; it stands as a mirage signaling a temporary detente to be broken in due course, as fits the King’s fancy.

For example, the mischievous King Donald spawned a short comedy with Sir Pence, the Duke of Bloomington, his second in command. Sir Pence was sent to appear in the stands of a professional game of ball players, to signal his Highness’s displeasure with players kneeling to protest the tyranny of the guards in the principalities, so dear to the throne. The king brooked no hesitation to announce that it was his prank, not the prince’s own initiative, quashing any possibility that the prince could increase his popularity in possible opposition to the king. Our monarch is parsimonious in his praise of others, for the credit for all that is wonderful must rest squarely with the throne.

Our monarch will brook no criticism from any quarter. No comment with a negative overturn on his manners or his policies, as seen through the eyes of his privy council, Fox News, escapes his gaze nor passes unanswered by his crude tongue sweetened with the big lie and dipped in the venom of self-absorption and the insecurities of a youth spent unloved. His regal knack for picking a snappy nickname is a hallmark. Jesters and comedians are awash in a bounty of comedic scripts that abound daily.

The King is well versed in the appeal of war to cement support for his reign. In this, the 240 character missive is his most pointed weapon. If he can goad an old enemy, like the kingdom of Korea in the North to threaten the realm and our allies that lie nearby Korea, subjects must, of necessity, turn an eye toward preparation to defend the realm, dulling somewhat, the struggles with everyday life with prospects for bravery. Fear of hostile attack can also harden the heart of our realm to the King’s outrageous but subtly quiet internal obliteration of privileges long held dear, like the freedom to speak one’s mind without fear of reprisal.

Frustrated by the constraints of the House of Nobles failure to promulgate laws taken from the King’s feast of promised solutions to what he conceives to be the woes of the realm, even as most subjects have seen a different picture from their much lower perch, our monarch began rolling out regal edicts heralded with the greatest of fanfare. King Donald has been so drawn into the celebrations that he has needed reminding to sign the proclamations after turning to leave the room. Recently, he has strongly supported the Church of Conservatives, even granted the small numbers of believers, in his recent edict to force the Church’s beliefs against family planning on all subjects. Henceforth, virtually any merchant can refuse to grant the means to buy birth control to his workers, forcing many couples to abandon prospects for planning their families for the want of coin with which to buy it.  Further our monarch is allowing this church of social tyranny to decide how those that they deem sexually deviant will be treated, even though we all are now guaranteed the privilege to be treated like all other subjects.

For his own amusements, King Donald continues to fan the flames against purveyors of the news, planting his seeds among his most enthusiastic subjects to invalidate what they write. He is suggesting that licenses of news purveyors be revoked if they continue to publish investigations and criticism of the King’s most noble endeavors. We have already seen personal insults hurled many subjects across all platforms, made easy by the anonymity of these sites, as well as death threats and even physical attacks on news gatherers. Still, it is difficult for the king to suppress them at this moment, but there are many in the king’s court and subjects at large who follow him blindly. There are many unseen pressure points that may be yet applied, until we are gradually like so many other kingdoms where their knowledge of the world is parsed and censured through the lens of their ruler’s eye.

King Donald has decried the satisfaction of many throughout the kingdom with the use of purveyors of the healing arts. His signature on an edict to create an alternative method to help to pay for care through group associations is but another ceremonial stroke without the power to bring it to fruition. As always, the devil is in the details; edict has none nor is the path to the realization of such a program is littered with regulations in local principalities, perhaps some within the House of Nobles that conflict and of course, the companies must be persuaded to participate. Still, the edict can only serve to damage the system in place, as it was meant to do, in an effort to generate a popular outcry. 

As night draws nigh in King Donald’s kingdom, the subjects wait uneasily for the sun to rise through a volley of 240 character missives. They will breathe haltingly as they glimpse the ways in which their monarch has chosen to punish them on this day. The day’s political entertainment will still make people laugh, for laughter is an important remedy to keep tears at bay.  The King seems increasingly drunk with power, threatening many other kingdoms as well as subjects within the realm cursed with the King’s displeasure. A pale hangs over the kingdom. . .

The NRA is a Silencer


The biggest mass murder in the history of the United States. A crazy guy killed 58 people and wounding over 400 people as he rained down machine gun fire on country music concert goers from windows 32 stories up in the Mandalay Hotel, a distance of over 400 yards. So what else is new? In 477 days, there have been over 522 mass shootings, that’s more than one a day so it’s a daily occurrence. Not all of these events made the national news; undoubtedly, the local responses were probably similar.

First there are the prayers and multiple moments of silence. One was in Congress, that is the sum total of their action; that and flying the flag at half mast over the Capital, for which they’re not even responsible. Flag flying belongs to 45, who also observed a moment of silence, hand in hand with Milania and Pence and his Mrs. (That hand in hand thing was big because Milania doesn’t often concede the touching Trump thing). This is no time to politicize this solemn moment; no time to harp on gun control. And then, back to standard operating government business. The time for discussion never comes.

In the meantime, the media conversation turns to the shooter: why did he do it; did he have accomplices; any links to radical Islamist; how detailed was the plan; were there any signs of depression, suicidal or homicidal ideation? Then to the specific location: high rise buildings can shelter snipers; hotel security needs to be reevaluated; luggage needs to hand searhed; concert venues and security need to be reevaluated. And then to the weaponry, what’s a bump stock?; machine guns are banned, what did this guy use? It’s just white noise, needed to avoid confronting the elephant in the room – how come every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane can buy a gun or two or 20 in this country and nowhere else. And is that related to our status as the country with the most gun deaths in the world. Seems like there must be a link. Some would say that American exceptionalism, embodied in the Constitution make it so. Yet another dubious accomplishment of American exceptionalism.

Over ensuing days, a hue and cry goes up for the victims; we learn who they are and bemoan their loss. We praise the heroes who died saving others and good Samaritans who stood in harm’s way to save strangers. We praise law enforcement who took out the murderer and first responders who cared for and transported the patients and the physicians who save lives in the hospital.

Next, comes the bump in gun sales and gun company stocks on Wall Street. Yes, people rush out to buy guns, fearful that the unfettered supply of firepower will somehow be curtailed. Right now, bump stocks are practically sold out nationwide. This is of course, helped along by their NRA emails, which is shifting into fundraising mode.

Then, the Democrats will wring their hands that nothing has been done about the outrageous number of people with guns in the US and Republican inaction on gun control. Then they will start talking about gun control legislation. Then GOP minions will emerge, Second Amendment in hand, denouncing any attempt to limit an individual’s right to gun down as many innocent people or law enforcement officers as possible. And, they remind us, the National Rifle Association is a member organization made up of millions of people who cherish their weapons. As a representative of his, and occasionally her, state, they have to represent millions of residents who do not favor any limitations on their guns. Individuals kill people, not guns, they say. And yet if the person did not have the gun in hand, people would not die. Any other hand operated weapon, except perhaps a vehicle, is less lethal. The NRA’s position, with its finger on the pulse of America, is clear; absolutely NO limits on the Second Amendment. There is NO compromise. In fact, their vision is an America where every man has a gun or two on his hips and woman have a rifle at their side no matter where they go, even into the back yard. Oh wait, we’ve been there before, in the days when the Wild Wild West was lawless and High Noon was an everyday occurrence. What goes around, comes around.

Behind their political puppets, the NRA has an enormous footprint. Begun as an organization of sportsmen, the NRA took a right turn when Congress responded to the JFK, MLK and Robert Kennedy assassinations with gun control legislation. Then Congressional Representative John Dingell of Michigan, an NRA board member, raised the specter of an assault on gun rights and suggested the organization needed a lobbying arm. The board purged leadership focussed on recreational gun use and elevated the Second Amendment to the Holy Grail. The lobbying arm muscled up with infusions of gun manufacturers injected dollars, like homerun hitter Barry Bonds on steroids.

The organization, eying a vastly expanded gun market, then embarked on a crusade to convert the Second Amendment’s centuries old understanding that it protected only the right of militias to be armed to one that applies to individual gun ownership. The NRA was assisted by Supreme Court rulings of judicial appointees from the conservative Federalist Society culminating in District of Columbia v Heller. Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas from the Federalist Society were joined by Kennedy to overturn a Washington DC handgun ban and requirement that lawfully-owned rifles and shotguns be kept “unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock”. It sounds like those were all good ideas. The court struck down the law as a violation of the Second Amendment protection of an individual’s right to possess a firearm when not in a militia for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self defense.  Because the District of Columbia is not a state, but a federal district, the ruling two years later in 2010 in McDonald vs City of Chicago confirmed that Second Amendment protections were incorporated by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against states.

Dingell was instrumental in exempting guns from the Consumer Protection Act of 1972, defeating closure of the “gun show loophole” after Columbine and modifying legislation designed to provide states with funding to include records of mental health illness in background checks by making the money conditional on the right of those rejected, including convicted felons, to petition for a change in status, after Virginia Tech. Many states were so confused by the regulations that they opted out of the funds altogether. John Dingell accomplishments in this arena classify him as one of the good guys, dedicated to saving American life, or not!

While the NRA has an impressive list of Congressmen it has supported over their careers, among them John McCain ($7.7 million), Richard Burr ($6.9 million), Marco Rubio ($3.3 million) it is notorious for destroying political careers. It’s grading list, which ranks legislators by the rightness of their positions on gun legislation, can easily identify elected officials who vote for the NRA. An A+ official votes 100% with the NRA. Even one vote disliked by the organization can lead to an NRA primary challenge that pushes an incumbent off the ballot. One or two examples like that have GOP officials shaking in their boots, particularly in these uncertain times, where challenges can come from Trump-crazies or colorful just plain crazies like Roy Moore.

One might ask, how is it that a 60 year old white guy could bring a stockpile of weapons into a Vegas Hotel. (And only a white guy could do that). These particular circumstances are illustrative of the power of the NRA. Having locked up Congress, the NRA has shifted to state legislatures, easily captured as they are increasingly dominated by conservatives Republicans. Their efforts have led to the spat of open carry laws rolling out of state legislatures. Recently, Georgia approved open carry on college campuses. Now that’s a potent mix – adolescent testosterone, adolescent angst, alcohol, drugs and guns, a black kettle stirring up suicides, homicides and yes, even mass shootings.

Bucking the trend, Nevada narrowly passed a referendum for universal background checks which the state attorney general, Adam Laxalt, has pronounced is simply unenforceable. Laxalt, who appeared in NRA ads against the referendum before it passed, simply refused to set up procedures that other states who have instituted universal background checks have done successfully. Laxalt may have gleaned the nuts and bolts from the Trump playbook; if you disagree with it, just refuse to enforce it, much like Scott Pruitt with EPA regulations or the State Department practicing a Muslim ban at the embassy level by refusing to grant visas to whom it likes, just because it can. The will of the people just hit a dead end. And that is how a 60 year old white man brought a stockpile of weapons into a Vegas Hotel and mowed down more than 500 people.

Why are we asking questions about how to locate a needle in a haystack when we should be talking about pulling the haystack down?  We can’t search enough bags, detect enough metal or find the suicidal mental cases who want to go out in a blaze of glory. But we can keep weapons out of their hands. Every poll says 80 to 90% of Americans, including NRA members, support universal background checks. Some congressmen are suggesting that legislation to ban bump stocks may pass; they are only a part of a firearm, not an actual weapon according to ATF, so maybe it has a shot. Anything more than that, is unlikely.

So, the obvious response to Congressional inaction is to throw the bums out. We, in the 80%, must prioritize the issue of gun control and demand that our representatives at both the state and federal level support gun control. We must show up at town halls and demand that they take action. We need to vote for candidates in primaries who support gun control. Participation at the primary level is critical, because many elections are uncontested and the candidate whose name is on the ballot was put there by very few voters. Since, under the circumstances, these candidates are unlikely to be Republican, Democrats need to find viable candidates who can run competitive races, but any party affiliation will suffice.

Australia, after a mass shooting killed 35 in 1996, took a coordinated approach at gun violence prevention through coordination of state and federal laws. The country banned all automatic and semiautomatic weapons, implemented a mandatory national gun buyback program that netted almost 25% of guns. It required registration of all guns and that they be stored separately from ammunition, both in locked areas. The program allows rifles for recreational use as well as on farms with no restriction on the number of rifles an individual can own. Individuals must get a shooting license  from the state after safe use has been shown. All local licenses and registrations from the states are shared with the federal government. No one would suggest that every Australian is compliant with the law, but those who don’t comply are subject to arrest. The Australian prime minister and other government officials waged an extensive educational campaign through town meetings to change the culture from “there can’t be too many guns” to one in which people began to consider whether they needed a gun at all, incentivized by the buyback. The result is that there have been no mass shootings in Australia since. The program has greatly reduced accidental shootings and homicides and suicides, estimated to have saved 200 lives annual.  Added 28 day waiting period for buying guns.

In this country, baby steps in reducing the numbers of gun deaths include collection of statistics on gun violence, currently banned, even at the Centers for Disease Control and reinstitution of the assault weapons ban, weapons with no earthly use except mass killing. Strict state licensing laws with periodic relicensing requirements, ATF linked databases across state lines will improve background checks and tracking movement of weapons. Anything that attempts to coordinate state data is always viewed with suspicion and nearly unachievable in this country unless it can be parlayed into a national security threat; we can’t even convince states to use something as harmless as a standardized birth certificate form. And yet, a girl can dream.

To quote Wendy Whitmyer from Moms Demand Action, “if more guns made us safer, we [the US] would be the safest country in the world”. US residents are 10-15 times more likely to die from a gunshot wound than Australians; even a country like Italy is safer. We can not eliminate every mass shooting in our future, but we can significantly reduce the number of accidental shootings, homicides and suicides. But only if we can harness our political will to do so. The silent majority needs to shot as loud as the NRA.