Is Trump an Anti-semite?


Sarah Huckasands says Trump doesn’t hate Ivanka or Jared, so how can he be? The old “one of my best friends are…” defense. But she’s right. Trump has only one “ism”–Trumpism. He believes only in his own personal gain; his is a transactional approach to life. All of his thoughts, reactions, words revolve around him first. His prism on everything begins and ends with Donald J Trump. Without intelligence, empathy, sympathy or emotional engagement, his only metric in every setting is what’s in it for me?

And so, his response to the assault on the PIttsburgh synagogue was swift, unlike in any other domestic terrorist attack. Well, first he said something stupid off the top of his head. He pondered if only the synagogue had had an armed guard, it would have been different. With 4 policemen cut down in a hail of semi-automatic bullets, the likely difference would have been one more dead body. It was the stupid mistake of someone who has consistently resisted circumstances where he would have to return fire in the face of a gun up close and personal.

Later with teleprompter running, someone scripted his condemnation of anti-semitism in oblique ways. The now self designated White Nationalist-in-Chief talked about “no place for hate” as if it was an abstraction. No where did he condemn the people who put hate out into the world, who recruit new members around hate and who commit acts of hate. The statement pointed out it had been around for a long time and by implication could not be attributable to Agent Orange.

Why? Because he’s got a solid base of Jewish people, particularly elderly, who love him for his buddy status with Bibi Netanyahu and the new US embassy in Jerusalem. They’re rich, they don’t like paying taxes and that’s more important than social security. Of course, they want social security because they don’t want to be jilted out of their contribution. But they don’t need it.

On the other hand, Agent Orange is acutely aware of his support among white nationalists, neo-Nazis and various white supremacist groups. Does he agree with their rhetoric? Only as it intersects with his own misgivings about globalism as a zionist plot, again from the vantage of interference with his accumulation of wealth and the thought that someone else is taking advantage of him.  But he does understand the usefulness of anti-semitism in maintaining and expanding his posse of Trumpophants. So he must thread that needle between his Jewish zionist supporters and his anti-semitic ones. He can be “on both sides”; he wobbles in emphasis between the two although the bulk of his support has shaded more white than Jewish. The latter are happy with a few crumbs. In fact, white nationalists converge with supporters of a Jewish state. They want every “race” to have their own place to go, so they can get the hell out the US.

His strategy seems to be working. In south Florida, old Jewish ladies are shouting down 45’s critics as being the true anti-semites because they hate Israel and they support the now defunct Iran nuclear deal. They ganged up on Jonathan Weisman, a Washington editor at the New York Times  who had been targeted since 2016 by white supremacist groups. Jonathan has written the book “(((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump. When you’re brainwashed, you’re brainwashed. They don’t ask questions; they can’t think.

It seems mind boggling after the largest massacre of Jewish citizens in US history. Jewish communities are well aware of their long history of torment and yet at times seemed to lack an understanding in real time. Jews in Nazi Germany were saying long after it was too late that they were Germans first even as Hitler was plumbing family trees. As rumors circulated about death camps, some refused to believe in what rightly seemed unbelievable. And when they looked to the US for escape, FDR staunchly refused to allow them to emigrate here where laws severely limited their number. FDR feared anti-Semitism at home is perhaps the most generous thing that can be said about him. And yet, there are Holocaust survivors and their children in the Trump camp, even after he politically supports people who promote genocide in a synagogue while people were praying. Go figure.

Voting is the start to turning this around. We can’t legislate away anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, white nationalism. But we can drive it underground again. We can enforce laws and take legal action against those who propagate those ideas. The DOJ can return to Obama era policies now abandoned on tracking and prosecuting hate groups and domestic right wing terrorists. They can resume programs to reorient white supremacists. They pose a far bigger threat than any misguided ISIS killer or the unarmed caravan of primarily women and children walking hundreds of miles away in Mexico. We can restore the protections to groups, most recently those in the LGBTQ community that are being threatened.

We can halt the new attacks that coming. While the White-Nationalist-in-Chief is threatening to erase birthright citizenship, we don’t know if its a base building electioneering ploy or as some substance. We do know that Steven Miller is chomping at the bit to implement new ways to whiten America. Perhaps in pushing back, we can begin to break Trump’s spell. VOTE early or on  November 6.

Goodbye, Megyn Kelly


Megyn Kelly is gone from NBC. With her big severance package, she’ll have time to seek greener pastures. The reason: Megyn wasn’t ashamed to admit that when she was a kid, it was perfectly acceptable to wear blackface in a Halloween costume. Halloween was a time Americans could blithely continue their insensitivities. She wasn’t quite clear if it was acceptable now. Maybe if you’re a Kardashian. She probably thinks they get a pass because Kanye married into the family.

Maybe blackface was okay at her house when she was growing up. BLACKFACE WAS NEVER OK AT MINE.  Blackface was always racist pantomime, from its inception until today. It began in the antebellum South as a cultural rationale to support slavery.  The first well known figure was Jim Crow, a minstrel figure who exemplified the ignorance and laziness that made coons happy-go-lucky. It may have been at one time the most popular entertainment in the country among whites. American History Month But it was never ok. In the great reckoning, white Americans should come to feel ashamed.

Megyn slipped up. Among her mistakes was tackling the question of blackface without having a Black person in the mix. This omission is an indication of the general failure to have people of color “in the room where it happens” as Aaron Burr sings in Hamilton. When African Americans can not bring their perspective to decision making, white people, like Kelly and show producers, just forget about them. Or rather they think about them from the limited perspective of those who shape their own views in ways they think represent the perspectives of people of color. Not that they have any particular interest in valid presentations of nonwhites. They don’t respect nonwhites. They want only to find a space where they do not offend and in doing so, threaten their viewership and advertising income. Perhaps, Kelly was freewheeling and they had not anticipated she would go in that direction. And yet, given her history, it could have been anticipated. You can’t keep a good racist down; they quietly let it slip out.

Kelly apologized pleading ignorance. She wants to call herself a journalist. But clearly she isn’t. A quick Google search illustrates the history of blackface in the first couple of links. She must have been hiding under a rock for her 47 years not to at least have an overview. They say she’s smart; how is it possible for her to be so uninformed?

Kelly spent years spewing out filth in her role as a so called “journalist” on Fox News. When she infamously looked straight into the camera and emphasized that “Jesus is white”, she was defending her savior. Granted, she has centuries of European artists who drew their god in their image, just as they believed God created man in his image. Granted, religion is a sacred place unhinged from reason. Still, in the absence of her sense of privilege, a better comment would have been “I believe Jesus is white.” But that is not how things get done at Fox News.

It defies reason that a Jew living in Palestine would have pale white skin. He might have had blonde hair, but he would have perished in the desert sun from sunstroke if he was as pale as Europeans would have you believe. It might have been another one of God’s miracles but more likely he was pretty tanned from the sun. Given the historical timeline, the Jews in Palestine were unlikely to have been naturally pale; only those people who lived in northern climates, like the Britons and Nordics were.

Equally insensitive was her assertion that Santa Claus is white. Kelly’s Santa Claus might be, but any Santa Claus doesn’t have to be. He is, after all, a myth. He is not real. As a “journalist” she no doubt knows about Zwarte Piet, the Dutch helper to St Peter. While he is not technically St Peter, he is integral to the Dutch Christmas celebrations. He has dark brown skin because he was a Moor. In Dutch celebrations, his character is played in blackface.

But Zwarte Piet is in Holland; it is their only instance in a history free of racism, at least until recently. It is not a denigration but an elevation of a Moorish character in their folklore. It is not American blackface grounded in racist misrepresentation of African Americans. It is a uniquely American creation.

There is no rule that Santa characters have to be white. African Americans can celebrate their holidays in any fashion they choose. Nor do the thousands of volunteers who deliver gifts at parties and hospital wards have to be white; any color or ethnicity can step up as they wish. But Kelly’s role on Fox was to engage in the culture wars. It was her job to spread misinformation, blow the racist dog whistle and insinuate minority inferiority through editorial bias. She defended whiteness loudly and proudly, night after night. She was either a brilliant actress or believed that bullshit. What she was not was a “journalist”. Does that make her a racist? All defenders of white supremacy are. And that is not a costume you put on at work and leave it there when you leave the office. You eat, sleep and breathe it in this America where whiteness is presumed superior in every aspect of life.

Here, I don’t use the term racist as the flippant insult that people throw around these days to shut people up. I mean a person with prejudice against someone because of their race when those views are reinforced by systems of power. This definition, from @Ijeoma Oluo in So you want to talk about race , best encapsulates racism in the US. Meghan fits neatly in this space as she peddled time tested myths about African Americans and immigrants on Fox News, like they make up the majority of welfare rolls; like they commit the majority of crimes, the standard stuff that defies statistical data. It is literally impossible for a minority that makes up only 13% of the population including men, women and children, could form the majority of those on welfare. But, I digress.

NBC took a chance. She’s beautiful, engaging, well-spoken. She had a Fox following. So when she was scouting for a new home when the Fox gig was collapsing, she, or rather her agent, sweet talked them into taking a chance that her Fox following would come with her. But to put her on NBC, her image would need a complete whitewash (pun intended). She laid low; changed her looks; then emerged as a roving pinch hitter. The revamping was a bit randy. When she made her big debut in a special interviewing Putin, the big brass at NBC must have been a little nervous. A hard hitting interviewer she was not. She was eating bullshit out of Putin’s mouth, just like Agent Orange.

NBC was scrambling to find a place for her. They couldn’t admit it was an expensive mistake, they had to push forward. They were going to have to pay her no matter what, so maybe they could get some advertising revenue out of her. They threw her into the 4 hour morning show soup. Audiences liked the raucous bunch, full of laughter and good humor. Perhaps they could smooth her rough edges, show her softer side. Sufficiently joyous, Kelly moved on to carve out her hour talk show. But you just can’t Liza Doolittle racism out of a racist. It slips out when you least expect it.

It turns out it wasn’t Megyn’s intelligence or pretty face the Fox audience liked about her. It was the content. Her face was easily replaced with another pretty blond, or a wisecracking judge or some other fantasy character. And the audience stayed put. People like me weren’t fooled by the new look; I knew what was in her heart. You would have to pay me to watch her. So her ratings were poor.   

NBC made a stupidly bad investment. And they’ll be paying for Kelly’s future for a good little while. Goodbye, Megyn Kelly. Nobody’s gonna miss ya.

We’ve Cooked Our Own Goose

abstract art blur burning

Photo by Juan Pablo Arenas on

The recent indictment of a Russian woman, Elena Alekseevana Khusyaynova who works as the accountant for a Russian firm refocused attention on Russian meddling in US politics. She was accused of managing the finances for the Russian social media effort in the US. Khusyaynova worked for the same troll farm run by the several individuals that Mueller had indicted earlier in the year. They got their big result in 2016; now, they’re here because they can be. And they’re already established.

The Russians have no skin in the campaigns of candidates in the midterms. Putin has admitted that he wanted Agent Orange to become the 45th president and helped. Yes his interpreter said “help” in an answer to a question at a Putin-Trump summit. This was the first outright public admission.  But Putin’s attention does not extend to the Senate or House of Representatives. He’s comfortable that now his protege is the chief executive, 45 will do everything in his power to corroborate the Russian dictator’s propaganda. Russian kompromat will assure that 45 will continue his favorable support of Russian foreign policies, even in the face of Congressional opposition Kompromat, More Complicated Than It Seems,  Why is Donald Trump Putin’s Bonbon? Antipathy toward the EU and NATO will go forward in both words and policies, as will subversion of international organizations like the UN and international courts. Trump has presented his actions in another context, his own anti-globalist initiatives, but each is helpful to Russia as the US relinquishes its world leadership role. Putin need only sit back and spectate. As Trump denigrates the position of the US, he elevates Russia’s international position without Putin lifting a finger. Agent Orange grabs all the credit he craves so constantly. Putin, sitting pretty, just smiles.

So why is Russia still meddling in our elections? At first glance, it’s tempting to say it’s just habit; all the infrastructure is in place. No, it’s part of a larger Russian foreign policy strategy. For Putin, the US has been knocked off its exceptionalist perch; it’s now like Europe, both East and West and the Middle East. This time around, the meddling is simply an extension of the active measures Putin is employing around the world to destabilize democracies in an effort to discredit the principles of democratic and social democratic government. His ultimate goal is to present his style of oligarchy as the best form of government.

Putin’s quest echoes the Cold War and the simultaneous battle in Europe between social democracy and communism after WWII completely discredited fascism as the other principle  alternative form of government. Now that Putin has shed communism in favor of capitalism with a capital C for cronie accumulation of wealth with a touch of mafia thrown in, he’s built his philosophy of government on a nationalist message that restores Russia as the predestined center of an empire that will stretch from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic.

Russian meddling has been extraordinarily successful. Partisan politics has the elephant and the donkey slugging it out. Partisans attacking government officials in restaurants, both left and right. Partisans are clobbering each other on Twitter; thankfully, it’s verbally for the most part. There is rancor in the air and its ugly. There are no conversations between those of opposing points of view, just shouts. People have stopped talking to or making friends with “the other guys”. No matter, they’ve lost a shared vocabulary so they are only talking past each other. Each has its own sources of information; their own realities, one unhinged from facts, the other trying desperately to gather as many as they can. The Russians didn’t start that; the Republicans did, the efforts consummated after their horror at the election of a Black man to the White House. It was the GOP’s calculated political strategy to land the country where we are today. Agent Orange simply turned the dog whistle into a bullhorn with the resulting uptick in the viciousness. Democrats smuggly fell asleep at the wheel; they didn’t see it until it overwhelmed them, from outside the Oval Office windows looking in.

Now the Russians are just nibbling around the edges, a nudge here and a nudge there. We are capable of managing our own destruction of democracy. Truthfully, democracy has been an impediment to the societal supremacy of whiteness for some time now, so the powerful seem happy to shed bits of democracy to remain comfortably in power. They still talk like they support democracy unless you look and listen carefully for what it not being said.

For example, Mitch McConnell is jettisoning Senate rules and customs left and right. Just last week, he moved ahead with Senate confirmation hearings to confirm 4 federal judges. The Senate is out of session, while members scurry around the campaign trail. This is an historic first, confirmation hearings when the Senate is not in session. There were 2 Senators present in the room, conducting the hearing. And yet, in 19 minutes, they recommended 4 judges, 2 without legal backgrounds. Wrapped in the American flag, the GOP has ripped a page from African dictator playbooks. Their democracy is designed to leave out many of the people now included. Gee, that’s the entirety of American history wrapped in a bow.  

Conservative Americans have taken up Russian tactics with bots and fake Twitter accounts. Twitter and Facebook are deleting as fast as they can, but the whack-a-mole approach will never be enough. Nothing will, as long as Americans are willing to go charging off half-cocked armed with misinformation that they have no interest in verifying. From the lips of Sean Hannity to 45’s lips, like he’s slipped a straw in through the CelebrityPresident’s cranium.

Behavioral scientists describe the ancestral origins of social behaviors. Organized in small social groups, early humans depended on visual cues to determine the character of others. Our eyes are attuned to facial features, particularly the eyes. In other words, the eyes are the window into the soul. In determining community leadership, they were personally able to observe closely the attitudes and behaviors of leaders; to assess their reliability,  their honesty and truthfulness.

As communities grew in size, the direct connection was lost. Still, in democracies, there were opportunities for citizens to meet and see leadership candidates in person at campaign events. These were opportunities to see and hear what they had to say and the way they said it. Tone of speech and intonation filled in where direct eye contact could not. The quality of information was perhaps not as good.

The advent of TV in politics brought the illusion of intimacy without the substance. We believe we are looking into the candidates eyes, but we are not. Our impression of the candidate is manipulated by lighting and staging. The Nixon-Kennedy debate is a perfect example. Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow made him appear shady in contrast to the bright fresh face of the youthful John Kennedy. It made the difference that brought JFK to the White House.

What of the audience at the Trump rally? Can they not see Trump’s mendacity? They come with cataracted eyes. He is, after all, a practiced celebrity. He’s been fooling people for years with an image manufactured on the small screen. In a self fulfilling prophecy, they see what they expect to see. They have been so conditioned to dismiss his prevarications, to reinterpret each word into what they want to hear that they can follow him through each false corkscrew. They have absorbed his spirit in their blood and that dictates what they see and hear. The mind is capable of extraordinary acts of denial.

We are now stuck in cement. The worms of racism and xenophobia have drilled deep into American brains.

As the new mail bomber demonstrates, people have taken on their politics as their identities, their religion. One can not refute one’s identity without a mental breakdown. Who am I if I am not a Trumpophant, they ask? It becomes an existential crisis. Similarly, for those whose identity is encoded in the Resistance. How do they transition to governance through compromise?

Compromise is the only way our system of government can work. Now we have government based in party control, not popular consent. The party that controls the reigns of government will impose its agenda concocted from what the party funders want. Undermine has replaced compromise. Make the opposition the enemy; discredit their ideas through lies, misdirects and conspiracy theories. Call on your supporters to destroy them and not just with votes.

Beyond the mail bomber, there was the white man who shot 2 African Americans in a grocery store when he couldn’t get into a nearby church to shoot the Black congregation. And the shooter who killed 12 people and wounded more, including several police officers in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

The response: It’s Trump’s fault, it’s the Democrats fault; it’s a conspiracy the Democrats concocted to knock Trump’s message out of the news cycle. It’s a hoax, like Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas shootings. GOP spokesmen have gone with the “crazy guy” defense. This has nothing to do with the White Supremacist in Chief spreading hate and lauding violence. One Congressman said the mail bomber had denounced Trump as a globalist. Seriously? His is a brain that’s locked in the denial vise so strong it can’t help but spin out bullshit. And nothing will change except that more bodies will be stacking up somewhere in the near future.

No. We don’t need the Russians to help us along any more. We’re doing very well on our own. In the wake of the recent mail bombs, some politician said that this is not who Americans are. That person has not held the mirror up to the nation or its history. Events of the last 2 weeks are testimony to the cruelties Americans visit on the people they believe are undesirables. African Americans and Jews can consistently bear witness to that.

This is exactly who Americans are and what they do. Kirsjten Nielsen, Homeland Secretary, recently warned that border agents have a right to defend themselves. After the army  arrives to defend our national security and in 6 weeks or so, when what’s left of the caravan straggles up to the border, it will not be at all surprising if a random unarmed immigrant or two gets shot, much like the police shoot Black men and boys monthly. Or it could be a border vigilante like George Zimmerman who shot Trayvon Martin for being Black. Those vigilante groups are already on the move to the border. It’s not likely to be in full view, but maybe a cell phone will capture the video. The question is, what will be done about it? Sadly, the answer is usually, essentially nothing.

Faith and Change

hands people woman girl

The commercial mainstream television seem trapped in pushing a message that people vote on pocketbook issues. Because, perhaps, it’s what they’ve always said and they haven’t yet jumped into the new realities of encrusted partisan politics sandblasted in place by a would be American oligarch. The fact that the CelebrityPresident has falsely constructed his reputation as a self made billionaire is unsurprisingly ironic. If he is unable to resist a falsehood-a-minute each and every day, it didn’t blossom suddenly; it is the foundation of his whole career. In all likelihood, he isn’t actually a billionaire either, the rationale for hiding his tax returns. He may be hoping to increase his net worth as president so hecanget into the billions, then reveal his returns. He is in every way a pretender to the title and the club. That could be why he so adores the real foreign autocratic oligarchs.

Despite interview after interview with Trump supporters, the media continues to marvel at people talking about cultural values. They may start with “Trump said he would increase jobs” but they wind up with something about “He is speaking for us” or “He represents our stories”, said with reverence. The media commentary then inserts how Trump has failed to deliver on his promises on economic betterment, except of course for people who already have a lot and only want more. They fail to acknowledge that he has delivered on the big promise on whiteness. Perhaps because they don’t want to admit that the whiteness narrative is firing today’s politics of post-racialism. That admission would say something about the white superiority foundation of the culture.

Their editorial choices about who gets interviewed gives the impression that there are a lot of people out there lassoed with 45’s rope. And then they throw up a lot of statistics to say how limited Trump’s base is. One has to ask, if their numbers are small, then why is the media chasing around Trump voters to monitor if they’ve changed their minds? Then they round it off with interview after interview with administration lackeys spouting their propaganda. Why does anyone talk to Kellyanne? She never uttered a truthful sentence. She’s never provided anything other than misinformation. She’s a fidget spinner, whirling as fast as she can to throw off “alternative facts”. She’s got a ton of other outlets, including Trump/Fox TV; she doesn’t need mainstream media to get her message out because she’s got a direct feed.

Unlike previous administrations who needed their messages amplified through commercial media, nobody listening to TV news needs more of Kellyanne’s crap. Let the comedians handle that. It’s almost like commercial mainstream media, in trying to find its way to preserve revenue, is desperately trying to insert itself into relevance. It does have a relevant role, to investigate and expose the truth. Regurgitation of obfuscation, in the guise of “objectivity” is false equivalency. Yes objective truth is still a real thing.

As Trump tweets suck up all the media air, what are some of the news stories that aren’t being told? The 17% increase in the national debt in just the last year is one. The $779 billion for 2018 is almost double the $439 billion in 2015, when reducing the deficit was an integral part of the GOP message. Because of the tax cut, federal revenues have remained flat but spending shot up, primarily due to a $65 billion increase in defense spending and $62 billion hike in interest on the debt. In an economic boom that normally would increase tax revenue,  business tax revenue has fallen sharply. Revenue from corporate taxes fell a whopping 30%. Here, 45 may be trying to make up lost ground with revenue from tariffs, a move that inserts the federal government into what used to be commercial transactions between businesses.

How many Americans know something about the rest of the world except for acts of violence in random locations? Brexit will be a sentinel event in European history with implications for disrupting global trade and perhaps unsettling the world’s economy. Earthquakes, floods, famines suggest we are living with God’s wrath in Sodom and Gomorrah. We are rapidly approaching a monumental change in the earth’s climate that could signal the end of our way of life. Other countries are instituting carbon tax plans in response. We’re not talking about that. And yet, we’re honing in on horse face, an insult that Agent Orange tweeted @Stormy Daniels.

Mitch McConnell has already started the whisper campaign that was the objective when the tax cuts were passed; gutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They call these “entitlements” as if we haven’t all contributed to Social Security for our whole working lives. They’re more like savings accounts that the federal agency has administered. The politicians are getting the interests on their investments, shouldn’t everyone else? It is true that these programs and the debt service are a large chunk of the budget; both will increase because the population is aging and rising interest rates will grow the debt service which for the most part is owed to foreign entities. Why do Republicans always want to exclude people from their just deserts while their leadership revel in their own fortunes?

But contrary to GOP talking points, our government benefit programs are not the reason for the leap in the national debt. The tax cut sacrificed $165 million in revenue and the deficit increased by a remarkably similar amount of $113 million. The solution is that having made these commitments, our government should raise the revenue to cover them i.e. raise taxes with the bulk coming from those who can most afford it.

Concurrently, we could be curbing the spending excesses of 45’s administration. The misspent dollars by Cabinet members, the cost of security for the travel of the Trump children and grandchildren for business and recreation, expanded security for Cabinet officials and secret service payments to Trump properties are just a few examples. Their sum amounts to a billion or two dollars. There are new allegations against Ryan Zinke, the Secretary of the Interior; this is his second go round. No doubt, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

These practices will continue as long as the administration can obscure what is happening in its agencies with BullyPresident twitter blizzards. Of course, these are small economies. But Agent Orange campaigned on the idea that he would run the government like a well run business and drain the Washington swamp. Contrary to myth, he’s had very little experience with well run businesses. Instead, he brought in a crew of ignorant or partisan loyalists who are running a sloppy undermanned operation that’s picking our pockets. Which is better, paying security for Donald Jr’s trip to shoot big game in Africa or funding children through UNICEF. Oh, I forgot. 45 stopped funding UNICEF.

One thought is that the administration’s policy is to reduce expenditures by emptying out the federal bureaucracy. Their tactics include purges of those deemed unloyal to Trump, politicizing policy, demoralizing personnel until they resign, presidential attacks on agencies, undermining career personnel and leaving positions unfilled from the very beginning. Think of how different the response to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi could have been if we had ambassadors to Turkey and Saudi Arabia who could have been useful in both investigating and establishing communication with Saudi officials. Instead we have frequent Whatsapp chats between Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Jared; a master politician leading the blind, a naive, corrupt real estate mogul. Their missives could have been counterbalanced by a knowledgeable expert in diplomatic relations who understands how to leverage those billions of dollars in military equipment purchases to persuade the Prince to stop eliminating his opponents or at least to do it in less obvious ways. After all, replacement parts are only available in the US. And you can’t strap Chinese bombs to US jets. Where else are they going to go?

Transactional Don keeps thinking he’s gonna lose a sale to other competitors, untethered to US-Saudi historical and political positions and those of the other guys. Without vision further than tomorrow, he’s unable to grasp long term implications. He hasn’t figured out that his words last on video forever. He just tells his followers not to believe what they see or hear. Unfortunately that doesn’t work with other world leaders or those outside his orbit here at home.   

If people vote on economics, why are all the GOP political ads designed to scare people over threats that Democrats will strip them of their guns, their “religious freedom”, the privilege to pack the courts and the voter fraud boogie man? Democrats will fling open the borders to allow horde of terrorists, drug dealers and job thieves to pillage the country. There’s a caravan from Honduras moments away from our border. Well, they have to travel over the 2000 miles of Mexico, but that’s a mere hop, skip and a jump. Wait, isn’t this an election for state and local officials as well as Congressional representatives and Senators? Where are GOP plans for health care, stopping the flood of opioids from pharmaceutical distributors and improving schools, or ensuring that every voter can cast a ballot and it will count? Scratch the last one; the GOP doesn’t do that.

So why has the CelebrityPresident committed to campaigning 6 of the next 7 days, besides the fact that he loves the adulation? He’s said that he’s so important, if he doesn’t make the election about him, Republicans won’t come out to vote. He may be right. In truth, Agent Orange is the conservative’s Hope and Change. They are stubbornly clinging to the rhetoric, hoping that they will see the change around them, where they live. And that requires faith. Not the faith of evangelicals who have cast the amoral Chief Executive as an anointed instrument of their Lord. Wrap anyone in a biblical phrase and they snap to.

Trump voters believe that economic growth is happening somewhere and it will get to them where live eventually.

The other Trump voters are still looking for the evidence in their neighborhood. Most of them don’t know anyone who’s gotten a high paying job. They haven’t seen any new or reopened factories in their area. They haven’t seen any new affordable housing going up. But they believe it’s happening somewhere and it will get to them eventually. They just have to hold on while last year’s bonus after the tax cuts and that tiny increase in their income tax refund was nibbled away by inflation. Wait while their wages stay flat and their purchasing power shrinks. They have their fingers crossed that the tariffs will work out for them; that a minimally revamped NAFTA, now the USMCA(US-Mexico-Canada-Agreement) will bring jobs to their location before the prices go up at their local grocery store and Walmart. Soybean and hog farmers have to believe that they can stockpile their crops and pork until foreign markets open up for them again before their products rot. They have reason to hope because they don’t really understand the machinations of global trade conducted by international corporations that they believe are actually American businesses. Neither Trump nor Trump/Fox News has told them anything about that.

So they have their faith. It hasn’t been long enough, they think. One can’t take the CelebrityPresident literally. They regularly translate his words into what they know he meant. It wasn’t a literal wall, it’s a figurative reinforcement of the existing one. Besides, the Democrats have been fighting him tooth and nail, even as the GOP controls every branch of government and the Democrats are a puny, powerless minority. He’s being undermined by the deep state. The courts haven’t helped, but they will now, once the poisonous Agent Orange permeates the current SCOTUS session. They don’t even realize his penetration of federal judgeships, where the vast majority of cases are heard and the law is forged, I mean interpreted. It is paying dividends in rulings about redistricting and challenges to voter ID laws in realtime as the 2018 elections are upon us. And the immigration court rulings on asylum and deportation are keeping the Homeland and ICE contractors rolling in dough as they literally shovel people back over the southern border.

The faithful live in a fictional landscape, conjured up on Fox & Friends and Facebook newsfeeds. Many don’t have a contrary view of local events because they have no local newspapers or TV. The heavy hitters like Hannity, Ingraham and Judge Jeanine bring it all home. One hits the grand slam after they’ve loaded the bases. But it’s a comfortable home, warm and cozy as winter closes in. Snugly wrapped in a quilt stitched out of squares like an end to abortion, an end to same sex marriage and the sanctity of assault rifles, Faith and Change lingers in the air.

What Goes Around Comes Around:

tea party

The right has found their new campaign theme for the midterms, even more powerfully anxiety evoking in their rebound from their triumphant packing of the Supreme Court. Agent Orange has found his echo in Trump/Fox News, fear mongers par excellence, who hammer out multiple times a day that the hysterical radical left mob is attacking Republican leadership in their work places and restaurants. These are the same Republican members in Congress that in some previous news cycle they themselves were lambasting. The same Congress that was more unpopular than any other part of the administration. As with all slogans, the mob characterization has rippled across Republican Senators.

Trump/Fox News was inventive enough to offer up a video of Eric Holder saying, “when they go low, we kick em” ripped out of context from a speech where he went onto say what that meant. Holder meant doubling down on efforts to combat the insidious efforts of the GOP to undermine institutions and the standard of living of everyone other than the 1%. He said specifically that he did not mean physical attack. He’s smart enough to know that confrontational  yelling, no matter how much better it makes one feel, is not a substitute for the hard political work needed to take our country back. But Hannity, Laura and Janine couldn’t help teeing off on it in their best rhetoric.

It is typical of the GOP memory lapse, which they hope is shared by everyone, that when their tactics come roaring back at them from the dreaded progressive mob, they are suddenly way out of bounds. They have conveniently forgotten the loss of civility of 2010 Tea Party devotees, capped by one Congressional Representative calling out to Barack Obama “you lie” in the middle of a Congressional address. The disruptions, the lies and shouts against Obamacare and the federal deficit came in both small and large demonstrations. The public efforts were accompanied by social media bullying and death threats against Obama administration officials.

Ironically, Agent Orange is yelling about left wing mobs in front of a real MAGA capped mob, frequently on the edge of real violence but certainly churning out social media and email malice by the bucket loads.

There is no mistaking that the Kavanaugh farce did what McConnell could not do; energize the GOP base. It was a key factor in nationalizing the midterm elections. 45 has said it; “this election is about me”, as he thinks everything is. This has undermined the Democrats fairly successful strategy to make elections local, particularly in GOP dominated areas. We don’t really know how Democrats are pushing back, because the commercial media isn’t telling us. Here the loss of local papers is acute. Those were the source of local news that detailed candidates and political positions.

Most ironically, Agent Orange is yelling about left wing mobs in front of a real MAGA capped mob, frequently on the edge of real violence but certainly churning out social media and email malice by the bucket loads. Let’s not forget that the ultraconservative, raving lunatic Alex Jones encourages his audience to in person physical violence, like the attack on the pizza shop against a mythical sex slave ring run by Hillary Clinton.

Liberals and progressives have been loath to take up the tactics of the conservative right, following Michelle Obama’s advice to go high when they go low. Conservatives have long been about devouring government to tear down institutions. Progressives support institutions because the government plays an integral role in the country’s well being.  But people have been fuming more and more loudly, exploding in anger over the Brett Kavanaugh farce. It came as a surprise that the #MeToo Movement had come to a screeching halt, because it was finally too inconvenient for the misogynists in control to countenance. Hollywood is okay because that industry is crazily liberal, they think, but the business of the country could not be disrupted. The anguish emerged as a full throated wail, fueled by its urgency at the sight of any of the conservative conspirators, in a restaurant or on the sidewalk. We were literally on the verge of losing our minds. It is less concerning that the privileged like Ted Cruz or Sarah H Sanders can’t eat in an expensive restaurant when there are many children across the country who are going to bed without dinner at all.

As for Congressional grounds and members, those are our buildings. Those people work for us; they represent us and we have every right to express our opinions to them in the offices that we’ve provided to them. For that matter when we encounter them wherever they are. That’s what representative democracy is. The increased presence of the Capital police standing in between the citizenry and its representatives being paid to listen to them is reminiscent of a police state. Such limited access is in contrast to the lobbyists, PACs, and business executives who have open access at any time. People are there to talk, not to harm.

Are nonTrumpophants angry? Hell ya and we’re not going to take it anymore. We’re making our way to the ballot box to kick out the bastards who have betrayed us. Granted, we’ve got a mountain to climb because we have to turn out huge numbers to overcome the GOP’s successful efforts to craft the electorate in their image. They’ve used voter roll purges If You Worry About Election Integrity, Look At Your Secretary of State , manipulation of opportunities to vote through poll hours, reductions in precinct numbers, low staffing applied selectively to make voting harder for minorities, youths and poor people. Their most effective tool has been gerrymandering. Our work sits at every level of the ballot, from governor to local school boards.

Agent Orange fouls everything he touches. We recoil at the mention that he will visit the site of a natural disaster. We hold our breaths in anticipation of some action or comment that exposes his lack of empathy on his way to further divide us. Does an African American living in a flood zone believe that the administration has his interest at heart, in contrast to the boat found on a lawn that Trump wanted to claim for the property owner?

Trump has intensified his efforts on the campaign trail to gin up his mob of Trumpophants. At an Ohio rally, 45, surrounded by a sea of white faces, appealed to Black voters. This was in the abstract, of course, since few people of color can survive the security screening process. Frankly, they would be taking their life in their hands to attend. “Get away from the Democrats,” he bellowed, “we have the best numbers in history.” Without batting an eye, this was moments after he praised General Robert E Lee, as a “true great fighter” and “great general” in a fantastical anecdote about the Civil War. This is the President of the United States praising a traitor who made war on the nation in defense of slavery. This is not merely a tale of insincerity but a lesson in tone deafness.

And yet the mainstream media continues to cover these misadventures verbatim, obedient to the revenue generating model that brings us news as entertainment, not as information. It’s a goddamn campaign rally of one party which would have gotten a mention and a small sound bite before the CelebrityPresident burst on the scene. When did commercial media ever cover the arc of an Obama campaign speech? Moreover, the media only highlights GOP rallies cover to cover since they deem Democratic ones inherently less entertaining. They don’t devote reams of articles to KKK or white supremacists rally speeches that quote their propaganda ad nauseum, although they have much in common. Their articles don’t even call the GOP propaganda out as such, instead of presenting it as objective information. Bullshit!

Is there a radical left mob? We’ll leave the mob to your#not my president, who has committed tax fraud, conducted fraudulent businesses like Trump University, engaged in money laundering, traffics in rumors, drops a falsehood an hour, sometimes more and is a serial adulterer. This orange snake has the audacity to stand on a stage and call Democrats “bad guys” and accuse them of doing “bad things”. “We learned how to live with them [Democrats]. We don’t like it, but we’ve learned,” the BullyPresident crooned to his chanting mob, throwing the implied threat out over the arena. At another Ohio rally, he said of Richard Cordray, the Democratic candidate for Ohio governor and former head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, “He was hurting people and I think he enjoyed it.” That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Our current predicament is reminiscent of antebellum politics when slavery spread over every political and social discussion of the day. Politics became the battleground of good and evil and thus uncompromisable. Slaveholders were sinners because the immoral institution violates God’s love for all of his children. To enslavers, abolitionists were evil in their desire to destroy God’s mandate to care for nigras incapable of taking care of themselves. They were loyal shepherds of the Lord’s black flock. The battle lines were drawn. The result: over 600,000 dead Americans. If there’s any violence to come, it is from the relentless conservative right wing. They’ve already got their storm troopers: militias, white supremacists, the KKK. And they are armed to the teeth.

Kanye Drank the Koolaid


One might think that Kim has been whispering in Kanye’s ear, as they sleep in their mansions locked away by security from the rest of the world. Oh wait. She’s not that bright. But you don’t have to be smart to regurgitate the conservative dog whistle propaganda that is unencumbered by fact. You just have to repeat it, wearing a MAGA hat.

Kanye has clearly lost his way. His ego got the best of him while he navigated around his designation as a genius, the buckets of money, his elevation to the Kardashian clan, the ton of cash, the adoration of fans and yet more cash. In his Oval Office meeting, he flitted between a chair and Agent Orange seated behind the desk, grabbing his hand in a double clasp, so Black hip and unfamiliar to the White Supremacist in Chief. After all, n**gers don’t normally get to touch the pumpkin spiced executive. Kanye rambled and ranted, generally unintelligibly, no doubt an expression of his unhinged “genius”. By the end, the CelebrityPresident was left speechless, a seeming impossibility. It may only have been recoil from Kanye’s touch and the audacity it held.

Somewhere in the middle of a rant where Kanye explained that a MAGA hat had somehow transformed him into a superhero, he revealed his metamorphosis. Now seated across from Agent Orange, Kanye rapped the usual conservative bullshit, stuff like Black people are poor because men abandon their families for the luxuries of welfare. We’ve heard it all before, blaming the victims of the racially stacked deck for their plight. He was scheduled to be talking to 45 about racial justice, but I guess he’s unable to connect the 1 in 9 Black men ensnared in the justice system by jails, bonds and probation with fatherless families. Or the limited job prospects of ex-cons in places where there are no legitimate jobs in communities where businesses refuse to invest, even in grocery stores. Entrepreneurship is limited to drugs, guns, stolen goods or unlicensed activities, because licenses aren’t granted to ex-cons, even if they have the money.  

Overall unemployment may be 3.7% overall, but its still over 5% for African Americans in general and 17% for Black youth. These statistics don’t show the pockets where overall unemployment is higher, like Akron Ohio and other Midwest former manufacturing towns. Or the millions of people working 2 or 3 jobs just to get by and those working as contracted employees or consultants with fluctuating incomes. Or the overabundance of low wage jobs that have replaced jobs that led to the middle class. But no one in the Oval Office sees that; they’re too busy winning for themselves.

Given the MAGA rapper’s new conversion, his spiel on the Justice system is likely to be “Lock people of color up!”. Think of all the new opportunities that can open up for the power couple to generate more publicity–wait they don’t need any more of that. It’s magnanimity they’re after because that affords more trips to the Oval Office to plead for pardons.

In the intervening decade, life has swept Kanye far away from his comments about the Katrina debacle in New Orleans. His head is in a different place today. Black skin is no predictor of political philosophy. We all have the freedom to develop our own mantras, even Black people. Some construct their own; others just parrot others. Many would have thought that Kanye’s ego would have shielded him from the pull of the cult of someone other than himself, but apparently, he’s fallen prey like so many others. Not many of his fans, even the most ardent ones, are likely to follow.

minstrel song bookBut will the MAGA crowd welcome him into their bosom? Would Kanye be welcomed to their rallies, granted, an unlikely possibility because Agent Orange shares the stage with no one of any importance? It’s a tough sell for the evangelicals; there is only so much room in their hearts to forgive transgressions. And MAGA West doesn’t match the skin color of their Lord Savior. Law and order guys won’t go for a gangsta rapper (they can’t distinguish); it’s a snub to their war against Black folks.

Kanye imagines himself above it all. He’s got his own huge platform for his shuckin’ and jivin’. Look, we’re all talking about him.

If You Worry About Election Integrity, Look At Your Secretary of State

wasn't allowed to vote

Often, the position of Secretary of State in any state is overlooked when people go to the polls. Now that attention has been focused on election interference by foreign powers, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Secretary of State is critical to voting. They are in charge of the voting machines, the polls, the polling personnel, the ballots, and the voting rolls. They make the policies and procedures that govern who votes, when we vote and where we vote. As it turns out, they have been essential to Republican strategies designed to ensure that fewer people who traditionally vote for Democratic candidates would be able to vote. Republicans understood that there are fewer people registered as Republicans but rather than try to win more people over to their candidates, they set out to lower the number of people who could potentially vote against them.

GOP efforts at disenfranchisement were underway in 2000 in some states, notably the Florida battleground that devolved into hanging chads. Those efforts expanded with Bush administration legislation mandating electronic voting machines. As their efforts proved increasingly successful, they won more state offices, legislatures and governorships, which in turn improved their ability to craft the electorate they wanted to see through gerrymandering.

An important component of their campaign to convert voting from a right guaranteed to every citizen to a privilege enjoyed by a more select few, has been the boogey-man of voter fraud. There are no facts to support voter fraud is a threat to the integrity of elections. In a study of over 1 billion votes over the last decade, there are 31 cases of in person voter fraud. And yet, the GOP has continued a nonstop narrative of voter fraud to erect barriers to voter registration, primarily government issued ID, and to rationalize massive voter roll purges. Georgia instituted voter ID laws in 2006.

The office of Secretary of State is very low profile. Much of its works takes place out of sight of the public; it seems so mundane, it doesn’t have enough flash to merit news coverage. The death of local newspapers hasn’t helped; in most locations it means that no reporters are investigating and no public announcements are being made. Secretaries of State are not likely to make public statements about their quiet work of disenfranchisement.

In Georgia, the current Secretary of State, Brian Kemp is running for governor while still holding on to his office that can affect his race against Stacey Abrams, the first African American woman to run. He sees no reason to step down because that would interfere with his efforts to lower voter turnout. Some have been unsuccessful, like the effort to shut down the majority of polling places in Randolph County. That county has a majority of registered African American voters. Making Voting Harder in Georgia , Short Takes: Trevor Noah, Nike, Polling Places Saved. Others have been much more effective.

 Since Kemp became Secretary of State, county officials have closed over 214 or about 8% of all precincts across the state over the last 5 years. The secretary’s office does not track such closures, which have been the direct result of the Supreme Court decision to invalidate the monitoring and preclearance of changes to voting processes under the Voting Rights Acts. One-third or 53 of Georgia’s 159 counties have fewer precincts now than in 2012, the year before the Court ruling. Poverty rates in 39 of those 53 counties is higher than the state average and 30 have populations that are made of at least 25% African Americans.

GA deleted over 591,000 registrants from its rolls in what officials called routine maintenance in addition to 732,800 purged after 2014.

In July, the state deleted over 591,000 registrants from its rolls in what officials called routine maintenance. These voters were on the “inactive” registration list; people who haven’t voted or been in contact with local election officials since September 2014. That coincides with 2 election cycles, the general elections in 2014 and 2016 as well as any primaries, special elections and runoffs. There are about 6.9 million registered voters in the state. These 591,000 are in addition to the 732,800 people removed in the last round of purges since 2014. That’s a total is over 1.2 million registrants in a state with 6.9 million voters, or 17%.

The process for purging is that local county election offices send postcards to voters to confirm their address or submit a new one. There is nothing distinctive about these postcards, making them easily overlooked. If the registrant does not respond, they are placed on the “inactive” list. Then the countdown clock begins; if the person hasn’t voted or answered a postcard in the next election cycle, then they are removed from the voter rolls. Once a registrant is declared inactive, they can still vote, which means they can vote at the polls but candidates will not know who those people are before the election. That means that the candidates will not be able to direct on the ground campaign efforts toward those people.

Against this background, Stacey Abrams founded the New Georgia Project, an organization that has registered over 250,000 Georgians. Abrams, as part of an effort to enroll people in Obamacare, discovered that 800,000 people of color in the state were not registered to vote. That number is equal to the population of South Dakota.

In 2015, Kemp’s office disclosed the social security numbers and personal information of more than six million voters, in a election system data breach. This was after another data breach  was investigated by the FBI. Still he contends that Georgia’s antiquated voting machines and associated software that maintains the registration rolls is secure. Can We Trust Our Elections? Maybe Not? The systems can’t be updated because they are too old for that, running on operating systems that have long been abandoned by their manufacturers. He refuses to acknowledge that election results can’t be audited, not just because there is no paper trail but because there is no independent way to validate that they are functioning correctly. Current audit procedures simply ask the machines to say they are ok. Unfortunately, they are not equipped with artificial intelligence but given their age, their only possible response is yes. Numerous voting machine experts have pointed out the security flaws in the machines and their software, which Kemp has steadfastly ignored. Instead he was one of only a handful of states who provided voter information to Kris Kobach’s federal election fraud commission. In doing so, he made all Georgia voters complicit in perhaps the largest conservative voter scam in history. Kobach created Crosscheck, a system that supposedly matches voters across states to identify supposedly fraudulent voters.

The system has a 90% error rate, the result of matching only one or 2 parameters for each name. Most of its data lacks social security numbers, a very reliable parameter. Kobach’s idea is to find voters who may be voting in more than one state simultaneously. CrossCheck was purposely constructed to disenfranchise minority voters using seemingly non-racialized variables to generate the largest list of potential voters to be removed from the rolls of the several states that use the program. For example, African Americans are far more likely to have common names like Brown, Green, Williams, Jones and Lee than whites. Latinx names like Garcia and Dominguez are also common. Any system that matches primarily on sir name, often in the absence of a first name will generate lists disproportionately heavy in minorities. The advantage of the name Lee is it garners Asians as well. Imagine how many people named John Smith or Robert Williams are registered to vote in several states but all of these men are individuals, not secretly fraudulent voters. Ironically, it is Republicans who tend to be wealthier and own vacation homes across state lines who seem more likely to vote fraudulently in more than one state. But those people never appear in conservative propaganda. Kemp has used CrossCheck to purge thousands of voters from Georgia rolls, all without their knowledge. He has only recently discontinued the use of CrossCheck after the last round of voter roll purges.

Kemp has done what he can to help his party’s candidates. A District Court Judge ruled that Kemp violated the Voter Registration Act when he set the early voter registration deadline for the special election in the 6th Congressional District. His deadline of 3 months before the runoff election violated federal law which stipulates that a deadline can not be earlier than 30 days before the election.

Under Kemp’s watch, local county elections officials have carried out microaggressions against small numbers of voters, primarily attempts to intimidate Black voters. In 2016, Macon-Bibb County moved a polling place in a predominantly Black neighborhood from the previously used gymnasium to the county sheriff’s office. A petition drive legally forced the board to move the polls to a church. In Hancock County, a majority white county, the election board focused on some 20% of registrants in Sparta, 180 African Americans. They dispatched deputy sheriffs to deliver summons to them, stopping some in the street, demanding that they appear in person before the board to prove their residence or be removed from the rolls. All this was in an effort to help elect white municipal candidates in an election that the white mayoral candidate won by a narrow victory. The net result was that a number of registrants actually called the board to say they wanted to be withdrawn from the rolls because they no longer wanted to vote. Jim Crow hasn’t died in Georgia.

In Hancock County where 75% of residents are Black, disenfranchisement efforts were even more expansive. In 2016, the predominately white election board first proposed closing all but one of the county’s 10 polling places, similar to Randolph County. That effort was thwarted and only one in predominantly Black areas was closed. Instead they ordered one aide to individually compare addresses on registrations with those on driver’s licenses to locate voters who might have moved since registering so that they might be purged. This led to the pursuit of the Black voters registered in Sparta.

All of these actions must be seen in the context of a broader conservative Republican movement to disenfranchise potential Democratic voters across a number of states that resulted from the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v Holder in 2013. Many states responded with stricter voter ID laws, restricting access to DMV sites where IDs could be obtained, manipulation of precinct distribution, shortening early voter periods, etc.

VoterIDKemp has investigated voter registration drives by Asian American and predominantly Black organizations. A 2014 criminal investigation into a group that registered 85,000 new voters, primarily minorities found problems with only 25 registrants and no charges were filed.

While Kemp retains the Office of Secretary of State, he may have more tricks up his sleeve. Perhaps its a coincidence, but as registration days neared an end, automatic registration through the DMV collapsed from a computer malfunction for almost 2 days. Kemp’s office was quiet, making no effort to make general announcements broadly about alternative sites to register. Judges’ rulings have turned back several lawsuits to institute paper ballots or replace the outmoded voting machines in this upcoming election. Still, election boards still have on the ground steps to “discourage” minority voting through setting poll hours, low staffing to lengthen lines, processing “provisional ballots” and counting absentee ballots, which are only counted in Georgia in close races. There are also Republican organizations, particularly in rural counties, who send “volunteers” to the polls to intimidate African American voters.

If this is distressing to any Georgia residents, the choices are clear. One is to vote for Stacy Abrams because Kemp has performed his current job badly with obviously documentable racial and partisan bias. The damage he can do across the state as governor is near catastrophic with religious freedom and bathroom bills or executive orders, just to name one issue. Also vote for John Barrow, the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State who is a proponent of new voting machines using paper ballots. And vote for Charlie Bailey Democratic candidate for Georgia Attorney General because as a former prosecutor, he has actually tried a case in court while his opponent, Chris Carr, an incumbent appointed by Nathan Deal has not ever tried a case. Early voting begins October 15.

If you live in another state, check that you are still registered to vote and then vote. You may also want to vote for a different secretary of state if they are using CrossCheck or have been purging large numbers of voter from registration rolls. If you are a principled Republican, you too should be interested in fair elections where all citizens are free to cast their ballot. Talk to others in your party about the false narrative of voter fraud and urge your state elections officials to secure your elections against cyber-interference from foreign and domestic actors. If you are a patriot, you should stand up for making voting a right that every citizen can exercise, not the privilege of a few. We must reach for the ideal of one citizen, one vote.

The Deed Is Done


As expected, the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as the 9th Supreme Court Justice, by a vote of 50-48. Interestingly, according to the Washington Post, the senators who voted for the golden boy represent 44.2% of the population while the naysayers represent 55.8%. Similarly, polls show that over 50% opposed the nominee. In sum, Kavanaugh assumes his seat on the bench despite being viewed unfavorably by the majority of Americans, being nominated by a president who has the disapproval of the majority of Americans after being elected by losing the popular vote in an election where less than 50% of the electorate voted. The tyranny of the minority persists.

“The play’s the thing” said Hamlet. We have had the play and it has ended badly. Hamlet was trying to expose his uncle’s conscience over the murder of his father. Here, the play served to obscure the fact that Brett Kavanaugh and the GOP Senate leaders are bereft of conscience. Theirs is an outcome-based sense of ethical conduct. They will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Lie, cheat, steal, trample on established traditions, etc. Their eyes have been blinded by cataracts of partisanship. Their ears have been stoppered with power hungry wax. Their minds have been poisoned by Agent Orange.

You can’t find what you’re not looking for. Jeff Flake can be proud of one of perhaps the best constructed ruses in history: a week for an FBI investigation. (We have borrowed here from one of 45’s favorite descriptors.) First, the public was under the illusion that this would be the kind of FBI inquiry they see on TV to solve crimes. It was not. It was a background check, used to vet federal employees. A background check is not meant to examine a life span; they are always limited in scope. There are no crime scenes, no fingerprint or DNA analysis; there are only document diving and interviews.

Second, background checks are always classified. There was no chance that the public would learn the results in real time. Maybe when it’s declassified after Justice Kavanaugh is dead. But in this case, even the Senators couldn’t access it. There was one copy which could only be viewed in a vault by a single Senator from each party for one hour at a time. There were not even a hundred hours between the report’s release and the scheduled vote. Of course, core 45 blow jobbers, led by Lindsey Graham, didn’t want to see it. They knew there was nothing in it because there wasn’t supposed to be because that’s what the investigation was designed to deliver.

Third, under direction from whomever, the FBI’s investigation was limited to only 9 individuals. The New York Times reported that the report was 41 pages long. Nine of those pages were devoted to Mark Judge, a self confessed alcoholic who spent his high school years blackout drunk without implanting any memories in his amygdala. Republican Senators felt no need for new interviews of Christine Ford or Kavanaugh because they already had their own in-depth information and had extensively (their words, not mine) interviewed them in their hearings. Is There A Third or Fourth Allegation Out There? , In This Corner-Brett, the Manhandler; His Opponent-Dr Chris. No need to cover old ground when you’re in a rush to confirm your golden boy and you don’t want any contradictory information to surface. They saw no reason to pursue her lie detector test or evidence from her husband or psychologist. Agents had no interest in the scores of others who contacted them with what they thought was relevant information. Republicans dismissed it as hearsay fomented by the Democratic conspiracy that Kavanaugh had exposed as a plot to revenge Hillary and Bill Clinton, as payback for his role in Clinton’s impeachment. The GOP Lock-stepped Away From The Kavanaugh Hearings. The FBI was not  tasked with disproving Ford’s narrative. Their mission was to misrepresent Kavanaugh as truthful. You can’t find what you’re not looking for.

There was nothing new in the report because there wasn’t supposed to be.

So it was not surprising that Grassley could state confidently that there was nothing new in the report. More accurately, the report was only notable for what wasn’t there.

Apparently, Senators are completely removed from the world outside their chamber. They don’t read newspapers or listen to the news. Carried away with their access to classified information, they seem to believe that the only information relevant to their mission to represent the American people is what they themselves generate. This is particularly convenient for Republicans who pass through the world with blinders on, having long ago lost interest in the truth or the residents in their state who didn’t vote for them. So despite the fact that the media was swarming with people who knew the future jurist, it failed to penetrate the Senate fortress. The press was doing its best to inform the public, to reveal the orchestrated Republican cover-up and they did, presenting their sources and work process.

Flake’s compromise was designed for 3 or 4 Senators, a dodge to take their assertions to their electorate that they are “voting their conscience” to pack the Court. In that, it was wholly successful. Susan Collins, addressed the CelebrityPresident directly as she spun out in her speech her rationale for capitulating to the supremacy of staying in office over any principles. “Hey man, I’m on your side, so Maine Trumpophants vote for me”. And it will be 5 more years before Democrats can generate a viable opposition candidate. God knows what will happen between now and then. On the other hand, hopefully Collins, now 65, may concede that she can abandon Senate privileges for a cozy and lucrative consulting fee.

Joe Manchin fell dutifully in line, thankful for the assist in his race although he was 90% there without it. Democrats in West Virginia have no choice. His opponent is the typical Trump doppelganger endorsed by the man he’s modeled himself on. Manchin is clearly the lesser of two evils.

Flake, who was in the Kavanaugh column from the beginning, was reacting emotionally to the sympathetic appeal of sexual assault survivors and their contrast to Lindsey Graham’s ugly call to other Senators in the Trump cartel to lay on the hyperpartisan rhetoric. After all, Flake wants to represent himself as an ethical man of conscience. How could he appear so callus? He needed to establish his bipartisan cred for his next book.

They didn’t quite rope in Lisa Murkowski, the lone vote against closure on the Kavanaugh confirmation. Of course, that was a throw away. It was only about moving to the counting of confirmation votes. It may have been a compromise to establish her cred as a naysayer before she voted to confirm. She wants us to believe that she is a thoughtful independent, who contemplates before she caves to the wishes of majority party. By the time the vote came around she’d contemplated her way into abstaining; her vote was recorded as present. Maybe Sarah Palin’s tweet that she would see Murkowski in 2022 spooked her. In any case, she worked a compromise to balance her no vote with a yes of a colleague who would miss the vote. That way she wouldn’t have to say it out loud, a political coup. Some would call that dereliction of duty, to leave Alaska’s residents unrepresented in a momentous decision that will impact their lives for generations to come.      

Speaker McConnell is always generous at grafting his own political tactics and rhetoric on to Democrats and then calling them despicable. In that, he acknowledges that he’s far better at it than they are. He is smug and extraordinarily proud that his maneuvers alone have bought the nation to this place. He concocted the tactic of sitting on SCOTUS seats with the brilliant stroke of refusing to engage in the process of advise and consent of Merritt Garland on the off chance that the GOP would capture the White House. Who could stop them? Then when Justice Kennedy retired specifically to open a conservative spot to finally pack the Court, McConnell restructured the Senate’s process to create a breakneck time schedule to deliver a Justice by the beginning of the new Court term October 1. In his outcome-based ethics, these shenanigans are despicable only when used by others. They are despicable unless they are used in service of his own objectives.  

 “It is the most important contribution we [GOP] have made to the country that will last the longest.”

McConnell couldn’t help patting himself on the back. “It is the most important contribution we [GOP] have made to the country that will last the longest.” It will rain down on us all. If, as McConnell says, Kavanaugh represents “the best this country has to offer”, the country’s future is in real jeopardy.

This is a sad day for the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has demonstrated that he is not only biased by partisan conservative politics, but an angry drunk who stays angry when he isn’t. He is also clearly a vengeful person with a lifetime ahead in which to seek his revenge. He’s going to be making legal pretzels, twisting the law in ways to accomplish that…for decades. It is the men and women of this country, among them the most vulnerable and oppressed, who will do the suffering.

Women of America, cherish your pelvic organs for they will be under assault for generations to come. Our bedrooms will be invaded. Workers beware that businesses can ramp up the systematic removal of your defenses from profit hungry businesses. Minorities, prepare for a bumpy ride that will strip us of hard won rights and send us back to the back of the bus, or into the closet or tossed out of the country to a place where you haven’t lived before. And Agent Orange can rest comfortably that his growling bulldog bulwark on SCOTUS will protect his flank. We’ll be teleported back to the completely charted waters that once again confirm white supremacist capitalism as the ruling principle of this country. Capitalism is unforgiving because it is all about profit. It’s the supremacist part that gives it its special American race based spin.

This is the saddest day for the country since December 20, 1860, when South Carolina seceded from the Union. We feel alienated from our government, unheard and unheeded. We have no branches of government in which to trust.  Much like the side of a glacier crumbling and careening into the sea, the nation is fractured. Will we reach the point when the nation simply crumbles?

The GOP Lock-stepped Away From The Kavanaugh Hearings


Inevitably, people unaffected by Trump Neurologic Rearrangement Syndrome must realize that Kavanagh has strained credibility. His statements have changed, as more evidence has surfaced. In the original Senate hearings, he answered  absolutely no to a question about sexual misconduct in his past. In subsequent statements, his description of his angelic behavior in high school and college has broadened. His only interests were in being first in his class, captain of a couple of sports team and church. He should have realized those pronouncements rang false, for typical high school boys, especially athletes.

But the press has been full of stories from witnesses who attended those schools that substantiate the environment and confirm much of Dr Christine Ford’s allegations.

As more evidence of the general social environment at both Georgetown Prep and Yale, he has backtracked to position himself more plausibly, but not too extreme to be seen as a bad actor and sexual predator.

In the meantime, for the first time in history, a Supreme Court nominee has taken to the airwaves to lay out his defense and generate sympathy. This is no doubt the brainchild of Martin Shine, ex-Fox news executive now White House communications director, who enabled the multiple sexual harassers at that network. The judge has been comfortably ensconced on Trump-Fox TV, admitting he was a virgin, disputing the stories beginning to circulate about the school’s party atmosphere. But in doing so, he’s continued to undermine earlier statements, demonstrating his central character flaw, dishonesty.

The GOP septua- and octogenarians of the Senate are from an era when women were even more denigrated and ignored in society than now. Their remarks show that their attitudes haven’t changed, they just don’t want the public to know. They have been carefully briefed on the right words to say and not to say in order not to offend women in the electorate. They want to give the impression that they acknowledge a woman’s right to be heard in charges of sexual misconduct and believe they should be heard. The problem is, they’re not listening. They already have their minds made up: the charges are usually false, they have some ulterior motive, it’s too long ago; why didn’t they report it then. A man’s career should not be derailed by gossip. Agent Orange gave his perspective: because he’s had so many false accusations from gold diggers, he knows exactly what‘s happening to his golden boy. That and the Democrats are still trying to undermine him. Because everything is always about him after all. Kavanaugh is just roadkill.

They know perfectly well why it wasn’t reported in the 1980s. It would have gotten even less acknowledgement then with more slander hurled at the accuser. Most Republicans have been clear. It doesn’t matter if an FBI investigation had taken place. It doesn’t matter what Dr Ford’s testimony is. It doesn’t matter how many other people come forward. Lindsay Graham and other Trump defenders can’t think of anything that would change their mind. Not that they don’t see through the judge. They understand this circle of elites, they and their children are part of it. They just don’t believe it should be disqualifying because, these people are above the rules. They are supposed to rule the world.

The drama is almost over. Senate Judiciary Republicans voted to recommend their Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for confirmation. They are so close to a final victory after 30 years. One tiny hiccup, a slight delay before the final vote.

“Brett Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him” Agent Orange tweeted. That he did. He is a partisan political hack complete with conspiracy theories involving the Left and both the Clintons. During his portion of the Senate hearings, he threw off his impartial jurist mask to reveal an aggressively angry, arrogant, entitled elitist who fits in comfortably with a misogynist, corrupt, dishonest administration. They spout the rhetoric of the rule of law, but only for those who are not them.  

Kavanaugh threw off his impartial jurist mask to reveal an aggressively angry, arrogant, entitled elitist who fits in comfortably with a misogynist, corrupt, dishonest administration.

By the end of the Senate hearing, the tale of the two witnesses was clear. One was honest and forthright. The other gave an honestly effective performance. One was open and helpful. The other stonewalled and avoided answers. One was polite; the other was disrespectful and disdainful attacked Democratic committee members, literally throwing their questions back at them. You can imagine him being an angry drunk, entitled adolescent grabbing pussy whenever he could. One, Christine Ford, told the truth; the other, Brett Kavanaugh told a  series of apparent lie. His lies were complicated and multilayered, carefully aligned with other falsehoods he has told in other hearings and other forums.

In his opening statement, Brett looked angry, almost rabid. His face was distastefully  contorted; his cheeks glowed red hot. He looked like a bull snorting breath from his nostrils before charging. And charge he did. He called the hearings “a national disgrace.” “You have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy.” He reeled off a series of quotes from Democrats that characterized him as a monster, a disgrace, evil. Then, the supposedly impartial, apolitical judge launched into a tirade against a Democratic conspiracy, originating with Clintons, that spawned a reign of violence and terror on him. In fact, he accused them of encouraging or creating subsequent allegations. He called it a process that will have a damaging effect on the country for “decades to come”, much like he intends to do from the bench.

Then suddenly, he flipped masks, from raging bull to weeping willow, a wronged son and father. He tried to shame the Republicans into confirming him, in the tradition of Justice Clarence Thomas’s “high tech lynching” remarks. He hoisted a verbal banner screaming I AM THE VICTIM HERE!

He proved a consummate thespian as he became tearful several times. These moments came as he talked about his daughter praying for Dr Ford, the mention of his father and his friends during his exposition on his diary. His speech was impeded for several seconds, during which he was unable to continue and furiously gulped water in order to go on.

The judge literally screamed his full throated denials: he had never sexually assaulted anyone at any time. He was never there. Then he launched into his record of service to Republican administrations and his judgeship, saying “I have been a good judge.” His was a lifetime of public service without a single accusation of sexual assault. He had promoted women in law professionally, to improve the number of women law clerks. In fact he’s prepared to hire 4 female law clerks when he takes his seat, for the first time in the history of the court. He tried to balance his great accomplishments against  the sexual assault of a 15 year old. After all, she got over it. He asked us to believe that she is inconsequential compared to what he has and will do for the country.

He spoke of his suffering under the destruction of his reputation. He would never again be able to coach his daughters’ sports teams. He would never be able to teach law; he loved teaching law and mentoring new professionals. He is probably disappointed that it would cut into his ability to recruit and persuade women in conservative political philosophy beginning at an early age. That is grossly exaggerated. He still has a lifetime appointment on the appellate court from which he can do all those things. Americans have notoriously short memories, particular for what they consider lesser transgressions, like sexual assaults that haven’t been proven.

And then he launched into his detailed defense. How does he know that he was never there if he doesn’t know where or when?  On the face of it, it seems doubtful in the wake of his own admission that he might have drunk too heavily at a few parties, although that was rare. His answer, a detailed examination of his calendar/diary entries from the summer of 1981, 1982, 1983. He contended that the entries which detailed his entire social life, had not been altered since the time they were written.

“I never sexually assaulted anyone”  he practically shouted into the mic, because he has a close friend who was assaulted, and he understands the pain. Still, he asserted  that while the assailant had to be supported, due process demands that the other side be listened to. These charges, hidden and sprung on him at the last hour, had been refuted by the sworn testimony of the other 4 witnesses; in fact Ford’s friend said she didn’t know the judge and was never at a gathering with him. He said he had not moved in the same social circles as either of them. Dr Ford had said that her friend did not know about the incident because she was downstairs. He said he had never attended any kind of gathering like that described by Dr Ford.

This was unthinkable, he said, because his mother was subjected to sexual harassment when she went to law school in her rise to a judgeship. She was a saint in his eyes. He could never betray womanhood like that. Instead, he’s sought to advance women in law throughout his career.  

He proceeded to lay out his evidence.  He went methodically covered his calendar, day by day for the 3 summers. He was very precise about who was at the events in his calendar sometimes tearful at the mention of different names. Dr Ford’s allegations are inconsistent with his character and his record. He’s trotted out hundreds of those friends with whom he’s still in contact from highschool of whom many are females. Yes, he drank beer with his friends and sometimes he drank too much but never blacked out, only fell asleep.

In pushing back, he asserted that if all men who drink beer can be accused of sexual assault, the world has turned into an ugly place. That sounds like the ugly place where all women who drink beer find themselves; the one where they are subject to sexual assault. But for a woman, that place is real; for men it is imaginary but appeals to every man in the country. Even as statistics show that false claims are as low as 1%, but may be as high 5-10%. In other words, over 90% of reported sexual assaults actually occurred. And that is why an estimated 1 in 3 women in the country are survivors of sexual violence. And that number is based on the low number that are actually reported.   

He sought to diffuse all the attention on his yearbook. He testified that it was not what it seemed. The editors aspired to recreate “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” or “Animal House.” As he’s looked at it now, it makes him cringe, much like a silly Facebook post that comes back to haunt a new job applicant. In reality, it’s more a dick pic, a window into disturbing behavior. He tried to transform the media interpretation of “Renate alumius”, from a reference to a girl boys had sexual encounters with into a phrase that meant she was ‘one of the guys” not a sexual conquest. He turned on the waterworks again when he offered an apology to this dear friend and his desire to repair their friendship. She, on the other hand, one of the signatory to his gang of girls letter has taken her name off the list. Oops, it seems like he might be getting called on his bullshit.

Other terms the media had focused on were “boofed” which according to Kavanaugh referred to flatulence while Twitter streams were all over the term as a reference to some mix of anal sex and drugs or anal injection of alcohol. A yearbook citation of flatulence is really stretching the imagination for seniors in high school. Michael Avenatti has tweeted that the “FFFFFourth July” meant Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them; the judge said it referred to a classmate’s stutter before saying f*ck. Beach Week Ralph was explained as vomiting during the traditional annual vacation week, but he refused to say it was related to excessive drinking rather a weak stomach that any acquaintance could testify to. “Devil’s Triangle” is well known to refer to a sexual threesome, not a drinking game.  He seemed pretty comfortable that he could sneak those definitions by aging committee members and his Democratic questioners didn’t even mention social meanings. Perhaps the FBI could contact the editors to clarify their general understanding at the time. In the judge’s hands they sound so undeniably naive that it stretches belief. And he has already displayed his duplicity. It can only be the FBI with the serious penalty for false testimony; anyone else is unlikely to overcome the influence that a friendly association with Cavanaugh’s clout brings.

He was reticent to admit the extent of his drinking. “I like beer; I still like beer” he said. He denied ever blacking out or drinking too much to remember what happened the next day. Later at one point he challenged Democratic questioners about whether they liked beer or had a problem with blackouts. He admits to trying to hide his sexual inexperience to “some groups” but he was proud of it because it was based in his faith and respect for women. That remark was an attempt to counterbalance TV interviews where friends have said he told stories about sexual conquests. Steve Kantrowitz tweeted that he had a freshman year conversation where the future judge claimed he was not a virgin. Is that an innocent boasting from an adolescent or part of a lifelong habit of misrepresentation that has no doubt been reinforced by his ability to get away with it. Again lying or not?

Kavanaugh has emphasized that these behaviors were to confined to adolescence but according to others, these antics were not limited to high school. To be sure, there is  considerable evidence in the press from classmates at the elite private schools in the area that refute the judge’s characterization of his dedication to his studies, church, his service projects and captaining the basketball. One roommate charged that he was often a mean drunk, which the judge dismissed as allegations from an unhappy roommate. That seems a little spurious from a man who contends often that what happened in high school is long forgotten. Why would the man still harbor the kind of grudge that would lead him to bad mouth a soon-to-be-Supreme Court Justice.  Others say he was not only a heavy drinker, but a mean aggressive drunk. Julie Swetnick alleges that she saw Kavanaugh be physically abusive and that he and Mark Judge would get girls drunk and take them to a room to be gang raped. She said that this had happened to her although not with Kavanaugh.

At Yale, the judge was a member of several organizations known for drinking and misogyny. Truth and Courage, a secret society of athletes that was mostly “organized around having sex with coeds” said one student in a Newsweek article. DKE is another. It is known nationally as a hard drinking fraternity whose house was a den of sexual assault. By the 2000s, the fraternity was banned from the campus for 5 years. It was at Yale that Deborah Ramirez has alleged that during a drinking game, the future judge exposed his penis and forced her to touch it.   

Current Yale students have reacted to the injection of their institution into the narrative with demonstrations favoring a delay in the decision making process as well as protesting the reaction to Dr Ford. The similarities with Anita Hill, a Yale alumni as well, demonstrate how little has changed. The contrast between treatment of elite white golden boys and African Americans and women is striking; all out support for the first, denigration for the latter. Clarence Thomas, is the token exception. Democrats were desperate to seem fair after his lynching remarks and they wanted a dark face on the court. In a word, nonpartisan but sexist. 

Feinstein’s first question to the judge asked if he wanted the FBI to investigate.  He answered that he had desperately wanted a hearing right away and that the delay in deference to his accuser had allowed for a barrage of terrible charges that spread across the media assassinating his character. He continued to use the excuse that FBI doesn’t come up with a conclusion. He implied the FBI wasn’t needed; he had presented all the evidence required; his diaries tell everyone where he was and who he was with and her name wasn’t there. There are sworn statements from Ford’s witnesses that refute her story. By repeating his own assertions he was eating into Feinstein’s 5 minutes. He refused to answer in any way other than to say he would do whatever the committee wanted, but the delay was hurting his reputation.  Unfortunately, she did not hone in on the point that the FBI could uncover more information about timing and location, could gather up some testimony from all the people who had been interviewed by the press. That Senate chamber seemed completely divorced from the media that is informing the general public.

He bobbed and weaved again in response to questions posed by Senator Leahy, filibustering into an exposition about his high school accomplishments but never answering if he wanted Mark Judge to testify or address his yearbook page. He was combative when Leahy tried to push him to directly respond and not pontificate again. The judge comfortably mounted that partisan political high horse and tried to undermine Leahy by charging that he was making light of Mark Judge who was stricken with severe substance abuse problems that almost ended in his demise. Grassley freely intervened with Democratic members, supporting the judge’s endless repetition of the same phrases, by scolding them for not being as courteous to him as they had been to Dr Ford.  

Kavanaugh bobbed and weaved through questions as well as Muhammad Ali ever did. When it became too obvious, Lindsey Graham led a full throated rebel rousing attack on Democrats.

And then, all hell broke loose. While his colleagues had deferred to the prosecutor’s questioning, Lindsey Graham broke ranks and seized his time for himself as the prosecutor’s questions were honing in on details of Kavanaugh’s drinking problems. He was still bobbing and weaving as well as Muhammad Ali ever did, but it was becoming more and more obvious. The judge was looking petulant and obstructionist. Graham gave an impassioned political speech to support him, attacking Democrats for orchestrating a conspiracy, echoing some of the themes from Kavanaugh’s opening statement. He cited Chuck Schumer’s remarks that Democrats would do whatever it took to oppose this nomination. Jabbing his finger in their direction, he practically spat out a curse on Democrats for all time.  Graham put GOP fence sitters on notice from the administration that if they vote no, they will be suborning Democratic conspiracies which sounded like an RNC threat to organize opposition against them.

Graham had launched a rallying cry and from there, the rest of the pumped up committee Republicans took up the cudgel one by one to pontificate on classic GOP anti-Democratic Party messages combined with commiserating with the judge in his suffering. They attacked Democrats’ role in the committee process. Republicans insisted that this is not a job interview, but a trial, where their golden boy has been forced to defend himself when the burden of proof should be on his accuser, not him. They say he’s been accused of real crimes that will reverberate throughout his whole life, while the Democrats are the real criminals in this.

For their part, each Democrat in turn appeared to have no strategy other than a request for an FBI investigation. They appeared foolishly ineffectual because each time they said the word investigation it provided a platform for Republican speechifying about the adequacy of the investigation, remind that the FBI did not reach conclusions, etc and to charge the Dems with delay. If the country is hoping any of these people will lead us out of the wilderness, we may be lost.  

The afternoon fireworks were in sharp contrast to the quiet, respectful mood of the morning events. Republicans had set out to tell the public that they are respectful of and listen to survivors of sexual assaults. They wanted to prove that they are better than the henchmen who took out Anita Hill. So the 70 and 80 year old white male Republican committee members took a backseat to a kinder, gentler female prosecutor, Rachel MItchell.

Grassley opened the hearing praising Kavanaugh after which he presented a timeline of events, trying to show how thoroughgoing the process had been; while simultaneously lambasting the Democrats for subverting the process and in his words, their blatant attempt to delay the judge’s assumption of his ordained SCOTUS seat. Grassley insisted that investigations had been conducted in the customary manner. He scolded Democrats for not participating fully  in the committee process. He criticized Feinberg for her handling of the complaint. His was the first opportunity to insist that an FBI investigation would not have made any conclusions, only provide evidence from which the committee could draw conclusions. In a direct strike at Dems, he quoted Joe Biden’s comment that FBI investigations would not make a difference and never had. He reported that persons named by Dr Ford as party participants had denied her claims in sworn statements.

Feinberg matched Grassley’s partisan opening statement and raised him one. The two were like ships glancing against each other’s hulls while passing in the night. They shared some basic structural elements but their detailing was like night and day. Feinberg’s version described her actions in the process and interactions with Dr Ford and went on to introduce Dr Ford, presenting her credentials and an overview of her allegations as well as a description of the aftermath of her voluntary and brave decision to come forward.

Democrats took their time to repeatedly denigrate the lack of FBI investigation and the refusal of the committee to call Mark Judge as a witness and also allow him to remain in seclusion, carefully tucked away from prying eyes like the press and law enforcement. Dr Ford received no such protection. They also provided background statistics on sexual assaults and their aftermath. Their minutes of questioning allowed her a space to relax from the relentless effort of the female prosecutor to poke holes in her story. For his part, Grassley responded each time the process was mentioned with a repeated timeline of GOP efforts, as if repeating it would make it seem thorough. This is a reflexive GOP device, repeated words will become true, much like wishing upon a star.

For her part, Dr Ford, she was cooperative and detail oriented. She was clearly nervous, but clear headed. She sounded like an academic professor, always trying to be helpful. At one point, when she asked if something was convenient for the committee, she commented that she was used to being collegial. There were moments when her voice shook with emotion as she talked about the vivid memory of the laughter between Judge and the future judge.

The prosecutor’s questions highlighted inconsistencies, no matter how slight, in details she had told to different people. She poked at the fact that she could not remember how she got home and even used a map to show how far away her home was from the swim club. She tried to insinuate that Ford’s excuse for not wanting to come to Washington, that she feared flying, was a lie because she has travelled extensively to several continents for both work and recreation.

Ms Mitchell, honed in on details for Dr Ford’s documents, asking for verification and corrections on text messages and handwritten statement, the Post article. She went on to pick apart details of the day of the assault, alcohol and use of medications, atmosphere of the party; Kavanaugh and Judge were extremely inebriated and the others weren’t, it was not a party but a small gathering which she assumed would lead to a party later. The prosecutor’s last question involved a description of the best technique to elicit an accurate description of a sexual assault, a forensic interview, done by an expert. After first raising a question of why this had not been suggested to the witness, she seemed to imply it might well change her account. That may work with a stranger assault, it’s a hard case to make in an acquaintance assault when Dr Ford had known and socialized with him. But it’s a sliver for the conservative propagandists to build on. Indeed, it seems that the only purpose of her questions was to graciously scoop up details to sprinkle over Trump-Fox TV and conservative media outlets conspiracy and pundit comments. Her other purpose was to shield the aged white male Senators from appearing to beat up on a woman who is competent, professional, forthright, and increasingly sympathetic, particularly about sexual matters. That had been completely disastrous with Anita Hill. No doubt a Trumpophant won’t catch any of it, most of them are being tutored by Trump/Fox News to interpret it “correctly” if they watched it at all.

It is impossible to determine the prosecutor’s strategy or purpose. The 5 minute questioning format quashed any rhythm for information gathering. Was it her intention to build to her summation? There was not a chance that the old white guys in charge would have allowed that. And once she was thrown overboard in the afternoon for old fashioned GOP explosive rhetoric, her sound bits were drowned in a storm of so many more fiery words.  Thank goodness, she probably made a hefty chunk of change as some form of compensation.

After Ford’s testimony, Lindsey Graham previewed the declaration of war on the Democrats to reporters. He said he was convinced that this is a Democratic plot to delay the judge’s confirmation until after the midterms in the hopes of gaining a majority in the Senate to keep this seat. He sounded really keyed up, using his rage to camouflage his deflection of questions about further investigations. While he kept saying this could have been investigated when it was raised earlier, he neglected to say why it couldn’t have been investigated in the last 10 days. He insisted that they don’t know when or where so how can they investigate. One obvious answer is that the FBI could help answer that. Ms Ford herself testified that she would have a better idea if she knew when Mark Judge had worked at a neighborhood Safeway. Judge has submitted a sworn statement taken by Senate staff members saying he didn’t remember, but he’s also a person who has admitted to an extended period of alcohol abuse during which he had blackouts. He probably doesn’t remember. In addition, as a participant in the assault, he must fear exposure as a sexual predator. The GOP‘s refusal to allow him to be questioned either by the FBI or the full committee or to submit to a lie detector test is curiously obvious. There is a vast difference between prosecution for perjury to Senate, which almost never happens and to the FBI, which happens slightly more often.

Republicans were stunned by Dr Ford’scredibility. How could they save their golden boy and dismiss her when so many people would believe her?

Republicans were stunned by Dr Ford. She conducted herself beautifully, gathering credibility. How could they save their golden boy and dismiss her when so many people would believe her? Would this sink them in the midterms? The recess between the two hearings called for a strategy reset. No doubt, Kavanaugh revised his testimony and pumped up his anger. Angry white men make good crusaders; society not only allows men to show outrage, it anoints it heroic.

When Kavanaugh went a little overboard, Graham seized the opportunity to redirect and inject some partisan rebel rousing, allowing the judge to calm down, and relieve him of the pressure to carry the conservative torch alone. Other Republicans joined, perhaps as part of a plan B.

Republicans had the winning strategy. They snatched the hearings that favored Ford’s narrative from the jaws of defeat. The committee orchestrated the schedule so that it would showcase the judge last. His testimony would inevitably find its way into prime time when a much larger audience would be watching. Led by their golden boy, they reconfigured the strategy into political conquest, full of media soundbits to churn through the conservative mediosphere. It will sustain their confidence in their vote to pack the court.

Anyone not locked in the grip of Trump Neurologic Rearrangement Syndrome, saw something very different. They saw a party pretending to listen to a sexual assault survivor while at the same time supporting the man who assaulted her. She sounds credible they say, but so does he. You can’t have it both ways. Or you can, if you believe that integrity, respect for rule of law, honesty and truthfulness are less important for a Supreme Court justice than your party’s political agenda. Clearly they do. Kavanaugh has repeatedly misrepresented legal and political positions and during this hearing, misrepresented the meaning of terms he used in his yearbook. He has refused to answer many questions, including his drinking. And he consistently filibustered his answers, using questions as opportunity to repeat his own talking points and taking up valuable time during which more questions could have been asked. He showed his thorough immersion in the partisan politics of the day, without fear of using them to achieve his ambitions.      

Kavanaugh gave a performance that was masterful enough for the GOP to run with it, right to a solid partisan vote on Friday. Jeff Flack may not be running for re-election, but he’s got to worry about any future electoral contests and perhaps, lucrative jobs in the conservative consulting/lobbying sphere. And thus he announced that he would cave, as he has done consistently on every vote, after he gives an abstract speech about ethics. He would vote for the golden boy.

Surprisingly, Democratic Senator Coons and Flake were able negotiate a bipartisan compromise to request a delay to accommodate a limited FBI investigation. In it, Flake could still vote with his party to recommend the confirmation, still his most important consideration but get Grassley to take the request for the FBI up the chain. So far, the agreement has held. 45 has ordered the FBI to proceed. And McConnell has announced a vote next week. 

Here are some other lessons:

  1. Graham has been working his way from lukewarm Agent Orange defender with occasional criticism to a 45 sucker. Could an anticipated promotion to a soon to be open position in the administration, perhaps attorney general, be in the balance? He would be relieved of the 6 year election cycle, he could set his sights as well on lucrative policy and lobbying jobs before returning home for a governorship run where the BullyPresident’s party will reign.
  2. Republicans have clearly suckered Democrats into basing their objections to Kavanaugh on a complaint of sexual assault. The more general grounds to keep the judge from a promotion to the Supreme Court is his dishonesty. There are so many examples now that it can only be denied by those who are trying to hide it. The ABA, in 2012, rated the judge “qualified” rather than their highest rating because of information that he had shown conservative bias in rulings and that his opinions were stubbornly immutable. A very close vote by the board kept the ABA from not recommending him then. This happened as part of a three year delay in his approval for the federal bench. In the intervening years, the ABA changed its mind, but even now they are calling for a delay FBI investigation.

Lindsey Graham’s curse will come true: these hearings will have a detrimental effect on America for years, not because of Democratic Party conspiracies but because of a gang of sycophants who are firmly attached to the Pussygrabber in Chief’s ass. He brought destruction and dismantling of government and institutions. Advice and consent has become receive and genuflect. In that, they are betraying the very institutions that sustain democracy.