Is There A Third or Fourth Allegation Out There?


Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Boys behaving badly usually do it more than once. And so Deborah Ramirez has come forward with a narrative that Brett Kavanaugh exposed his penis to her at a Yale party, forcing her to touch it. How many more victims will sacrifice to come forth in a futile effort to declare Kavanaugh unfit for SCOTUS or the Federal Appeals Court bench he holds now?

Admittedly, Ms Ramirez’s story is more tenuous. There are no eyewitnesses; however, the people who said that they didn’t remember it are the ones named by her as people who were egging on the future judge to perform the act. Still, there are a number of people who heard about it secondhand and the incident was known and discussed on the Yale campus. Ronan Farrow, who broke the story in The New Yorker, said in a PBS News Hour interview that several news organizations, including the NY Times, were chasing the story but that Ms Ramirez and others decided to cooperate exclusively with The New Yorker. He also said that a number of Senate staffers were already investigating the allegations.

The judge’s response was the usual categorical denial. He later added in a Trump TV-Fox News interview that he was a virgin for many years after the purported incidents. Virginity is not a counter argument; Catholic priests are an example of that. Moreover, adult virgins are more often masturbators.

The one thing that has been missing is his position on further FBI investigation. He has made no statements about that. But as a jurist, it seems logical that he would want an investigation to provide evidence of his innocence generated by a neutral law enforcement agency. That would be the most reliable evidence, the one that would most closely resembles a legal defense. He should have been the first one to agree with Christine Ford that an investigation was needed. Instead, he pushed back, saying he’d been investigated multiple times. Of course, if the FBI had not been informed of this claim, it would not have surfaced, since there are no police reports. And yet, that would contradict his handlers and their political propaganda aimed squarely at a proposed Democratic conspiracy. Potentially, it could also undermine his confirmation by extending the process, which McConnell is desperate to bring to an end.  

Virginity is not a counter argument; it’s often the reason for the appearance of hypersexual machismo.

Up until now, much of the Republican defense of the judge is to dismiss his youthful indiscretions. One woman interviewed for a PBS story insisted this was an example of normal teenage boy activities. She and other women interviewed seemed not to know the details of the alleged incident,  one referring to “just a touch”, while holding someone’s arm, as if she thought he brushed Dr Ford’s arm. Perhaps they are Fox Bubblettes. The normalization of groping a woman while silencing her screams is not a standard that most people would subscribe to, particularly in the wake of the #metoo movement. The groping per se should be condemned and prohibited because it was against her will, clear from her screams, and therefore against the law. But a level of aggressiveness that includes fear of death should be a felony. Let’s hope this idea is purely a product of hyper-partisanship where adherents will grasp any defense for the conservative mania to bury liberalism. It an example of Trump Neurologic Rearrangement Syndrome. In any case, it speaks volumes about the perceived worthlessness of women and their bodies in this society. This is a woman giving permission to men to violate other women, possibly her son and daughter. That makes a mockery of “you’ve come a long way baby”.

In any event, the “if he did it, it doesn’t say anything about his character” defense doesn’t actually apply to Kavanaugh. The judge’s defense is that he did not commit the act, period. This defense is an irrelevant talking point, a GOP script to be used by their rabid supporters. This defense actually posits his guilt in a desperate attempt to redeem his character. However good character, sexual assault at any age and subsequently lying about it are incompatible with good character.  The irrationality of the argument would be evident if we lived in a rational world. Not this one where reason has been suspended in favor of tribalism.

Kavanaugh’s evidence for innocence is his calendar from 1983. Even without the FBI, he’s been able to do a little digging. Perhaps because he lacks law enforcement expertise, he hasn’t considered that a calendar is only what you plan to do, not what you did. Last minute invitations do pop up. How can he maintain its accuracy in the face of evidence of his social group’s persistent drunkenness and drug use? And how can he establish that it hasn’t been altered at any time since it was originally written?

Good character, sexual assault at any age and subsequently lying about it are incompatible with good character.

The obvious answer is that he doesn’t have to. It’s a Senate hearing, not a courtroom. A Senate that has no rules of evidence. A chamber where the judge has the most sympathetic audience in the world. One that has no interest in establishing the truth. One that just wants to get to a positive vote. The hearings have been set up to create the he-said-she-said scenario designed to break the assault survivor on national TV. No other witnesses; no objective evidence. Christine Ford has been set up to be a sacrificial lamb. Perhaps the compensation she will receive for her subsequently best selling book will dull some of the pain. Unfortunately, money doesn’t do that.

As an aside, the judge’s supporters often raise the question of his right to due process. Due process doesn’t apply here. There is no right to a promotion to the Supreme Court; it is an honor we have come to confer on the best jurist, although the Constitution states no qualifications at all. At the very least, one would hope that at this time in history it would not be granted to scoundrels as it has been in the past. Due process applies to legal proceedings, which this is not.

A clearer picture of the judge’s social activities during his formative high school and college years is emerging. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages, marijuana use, fraternity parties with a reputation for sexual misconduct were the norm. One could speculate that a virgin in the hard drinking bad boy mania of the 80s would be more likely to engage in demonstrations of hypersexuality, a counterweight to his sexual inactivity. One of his friends pushed back in a Trump-Fox TV News interview, saying that Kavanaugh had told him that he was sexually experienced during those years. Kavanaugh has been quoted saying “what happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at the Georgetown Prep.” Their collusion in secret keeping maybe why he has been able to call out the minions to support his character. They most likely still circulate in the same extended social circles. They are likely also poor judges of character because they have been able to advance their prospects in a cauldron steeped in their white skin tone, their money, their parent’s money, their network connections. This is the elite so often denigrated by Trumpophants. Morality and ethics are rare in such elite circles. Based on his Senate testimony, the judge’s ethics and morals are questionable at best.

As a jurist, why isn’t Judge Kavanaugh calling for an FBI investigation to clear his name. 

Now that the Pandora’s box is open, the GOP is in an even bigger rush to get to the confirmation vote…before another claim dropped. There are rumors that McConnell set that original Monday date for Dr Ford’s hearing trying to complete it and vote before the Ramirez story could be published. That was why he rebelled against any further FBI background investigation. That and a fear that it might turn up some evidence implicating the judge. Likewise, the deadline extended to Friday night. The New Yorker was racing too. Instead of pausing at the possibility of another charge of sexual misconduct filtering out of Kavanaugh’s halcyon days of debauchery, McConnell vows to push straight ahead. Thursday’s hearing, then the vote, confirming once again the theatricality of the whole process. That train is accelerating to the final destination: placement of a misogynist who has lied more than once to the Senate committee under oath on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh not only lied about his conduct in the Bush administration in the current round of hearings, he’s done it in previous ones for his federal judgeship. He’s misrepresented his judicial writings and opinions on hot button issues. In This Corner-Brett, the Manhandler; His Opponent-Dr Chris;The Details Still Don’t Matter In many ways, it’s unfortunate that the issue of his dishonesty has been supplanted by his sexual misconduct.

While conservatives have tried to create a space in which they appear to listen to women and give equal credence to their allegations of sexual misconduct, they are in a difficult position. Fortunately, tribalism has stripped logic from the picture. How can party leaders and the cheering section give credence to these assertions without casting doubt on ignoring 19 allegations against their fearless leader? Those allegations have an associated trail of bribery, cover-up and now a book by Stormy Daniels that establish their veracity. Ultimately they have listened enough to concoct a strategy of denials.

Republicans are worried too about this contest bleeding into the midterm elections. Early  voting is already underway in 5 states including Minnesota, South Dakota, New Jersey and Vermont. They don’t want to be talking about sexual harassment issues and the absurd tactics used in the confirmation process. Worse, their supporters are left hanging over the success of the effort to pack the court. That could spur a reaction to the ineffectiveness of a government controlled from top to bottom by Republicans.

With the second allegation, the GOP narrative, always concocted to roll out from every spokesperson, has turned to a conspiracy theory that the Democrats have invented these charges and used their timing to delay what seemed an inevitable confirmation of the judge. The GOP has sworn it will not be denied. They have also tried to generate sympathy for Kavanaugh, a father, basketball coach, professional mentor and all around nice guy victim as a victim of character assassination.

The GOP can’t cut him loose and withdraw the nomination. Kavanaugh holds the precise mixture of unprincipled behavior and politicized legal opinion that, even more importantly than limiting or overruling Roe v Wade, would expand presidential power into a sealed bubble-wrapped chamber around 45 against any unwanted investigation and potential prosecution, lawsuits or impeachment. The judge would protect a president from prosecution for any criminal act. Kavanaugh posits one recourse, the political not legal one of impeachment. Not a lot of the other candidates on the Federalist Society list hold that view, or at least have it on record.  Kavanaugh is emphatic that he is in the fight to the end. He’s counting on Republican lawmakers to “bring it on home to me.”

Thank you, Donald Trump


Lately, the president has been carrying around a list of his accomplishments. He says it’s 3 pages long. He’s saying he doesn’t get enough credit for what he’s doing. Even the praise from his Fox crew, Janine Perow, Sean Hannity and Lara Ingraham isn’t enough. He is a bottomless pit of raw neediness. There can never be enough applause.

I haven’t been kind. I want to remedy this now. I want to help fill his need, that is as deep and wide as the ocean. I’m adding my appreciation. So thank you, Donald Trump. First, thank you for getting out the vote. You have inspired millions of new registrants and voters. According to NBC, the Democratic turnout was up 89%, Republicans up 24%. That amounted to 20.6 million Democratic and 16.3 million GOP votes. Many are just turning 18. But they are all ages, young and old. And they are all colors, black, brown, yellow, white. Many are voting for the first time in ages or ever.  A lot of them skipped 2016, but they didn’t repeat that this time around. They came out for the primaries and they’ll be back in November.

And thanks for inspiring the hundreds of women who decided to run for office. They too come from all races and ethnic groups. And the candidates who would not have run in the past, without the money or the party backing or because of their religion, or their self-identified gender or their sexual preference. But Agent Orange spurred them to make their voices heard. To want some control over what was happening in their towns and cities, their states and the nation. To become a voice that would represent the people who elected them.

And thanks for the attacks on the press. You’ve made them take a look at themselves. They are trying to analyze how they can go forward, but they haven’t quite figured out. They have their hands full with investigative reporting because there are so many issues that need examining. The attempts of the administration and Congress to hide everything that they are doing has stimulated the press to keep digging. Their numbers are fewer these days so their work is harder and slower, but they are doggedly pursuing their duty to keep the public informed.

Thanks Mr Trump for the attention to Russia and Vladimir Putin. From the maze of his business associations with Russian oligarchs Why is Donald Trump Putin’s Bonbon?Kompromat, More Complicated Than It Seems it’s clear 45 feels that reframing relations with Russia will be beneficial; at the very least he might be able to get a Trump Tower built in Moscow. But now we know about Putin’s intentions to disrupt democracies around the world. To prove that Russia is a global leader with the better way. Putin may have Agent Orange befuddled, but he’s announced to the rest of us that Russia is a declared enemy. Europe is on board. The message hasn’t yet penetrated Republican skulls, but there is still time. The press has been trying to excavate the various intrusions of Russian intelligence in American institutions. And, of course, Robert Mueller will expose as much as he is allowed to. Whether that information will get to the public is hard to predict. The GOP is trying to keep it buttoned up and will shut Mueller down if need be. They soon will have stacked the Supreme Court to assist in those efforts.

And thanks for transforming the GOP into a sniveling mass of toadies. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have ditched an independent Congress. They have abandoned oversight and advice and consent, a significant portion of their mandate. Now they only propose and vote on legislation they think the BullyPresident will approve and sign. Now they will openly lie, cheat and steal to pass legislation that serves the interests of their minority: conservatives, evangelicals, the Koch Klatch, big business and the 1%. Now they have abandoned qualifications for government positions altogether. If Agent Orange wants a candidate, that’s good enough for them. As close to a rubber stamp as Putin’s parliament. The latest example, 45’s remark, “Judge Kavanaugh was born for the US Supreme Court” has highlighted the path. No one is born for SCOTUS. The privileged son of a white judge, educated in all the elite schools is as close as you can get, but still. We should require a candidate for a lifetime position that will set the interpretation of law for generations to lead an honorable life. Well that’s what they like the public to think; history would refute that. But we’re all watching. Although the GOP is continuing to stack the deck through disenfranchisement, gerrymandering and continuing assistance from Russia and perhaps other foreign operations, the ballot is the way for the majority to assert itself and to throw the bums out.

So thanks again, Mr Trump. The struggle continues.

In This Corner-Brett, the Manhandler; His Opponent-Dr Chris


On its surface, a request for the FBI to investigate the sexual assault seems reasonable, before Christine Ford is called to testify in a “he said-she said” contest that is clearly stacked on the side of the darling judge. Why is the FBI refusing? Statements have said it is not the agency’s job to investigate nonfederal crimes. While that may be true, they do perform background checks.  Clearly, they missed something in their multiple background checks going back to the Bush administration. That’s because they probably just update their files from the original one and Dr Ford had not come forward before now. It would seem that the agency, the DOJ, Agent Orange and the Senate would want to have the FBI interview Dr Ford at least, and anyone they could be linked to the incident. Just in the interest of the court.

But D.C. is not a reasonable place. A “he said-she said” hearing with the vote to confirm immediately following sounds like window dressing. Shouldn’t Senators sitting on the fence at least have a little time to consider the testimony? They’re mostly old and need time to review their notes. Maybe not. In the setting of opposing stories, it’s more an intuitive emotional reaction to who seems the most credible? The legally savvy, fancy talking, former government official, federal judge, at home in the setting of legal hearings. Or the emotionally, traumatized professor, fearful for her life, anticipating a grilling that is antagonistic to her and supportive of her molester. I’m betting the former will shine for the TV cameras. If she was weighing the cost of her civic duty against her privacy, the weight is clearly on the side of her personal safety. The reaction of Republicans has shown that the cause is hopeless. Who could blame her if she does not appear?  

It’s a set up. If Dr Ford declines to appear, Kavanaugh would get his final televised spotlight to shine, categorically denying the charge and playing the severely wronged party to the hilt, ala Clarence Thomas. His supporters have already trotted out their rationale. It’s likely that this is a case of mistaken identity. This, by the way, is a GOP strategized argument.

But it is simply not credible. Dr Ford knew Brett for several years, had socialized with him before. One thing is for sure, when you are staring into the face of a man inches away who has his hand over mouth and you think you’re gonna die, that face is burned into your memory forever. You’ve seen it your nightmares. The mistaken identity defense simply defies how the mind works. And to suggest that she blocked the face out of her memory, it just doesn’t work that way either. Either the whole incident is repressed or it remains, if only in bits and pieces.

Will his reputation be ruined? Well, it hasn’t been so far. That’s a strawman. He’s got Senate Republicans lined up in his defense. They’ve believed his denials and concocted the mistaken identity defense. He’s got the Greek chorus, the Federalists Society, 45, Trump-Fox TV.  They’ve said that even if he might have done this, he was 17 years old and he’s led a perfect exemplary life since then. It’s a little thing that can be forgiven, if it ever happened at all. If it didn’t, he is the victim of vicious slander and we should, like Agent Orange, feel sorry for him. He doesn’t deserve it.

Dr Ford has given some other important points to validate her story. She has named a third person in the room, one who ultimately provided the opportunity for her escape. That person, Mark Judge has written about his high school years as the gateway to several years of alcoholism in a novel. Wasted: Tales of a Gen-X Drunk. He has said that he doesn’t remember any such incident, not surprising for someone who has admitted alcoholic blackouts. His high school newsletter and yearbook entries tell the tale vividly.

Why would she invoke a third person in a fictitious account? She has also given partial descriptions of the house, a pool, an upstairs bath at the top of a narrow stairway, and that the parents were not home. These are clues that could jog the memories of others who may have been at the party, or even thrown it. Are they Republicans? Are they Trumpophants? Will they be brave enough to come forward? The atmosphere in the public space is not supportive.

A group of  17 women who have known the professor since high school have written a letter to confirm that she is a person of good character and that as a researcher, she believes in concrete facts. In addition, Christina King, a fellow student at Dr Balsley Ford’s high school posted on Facebook and tweeted that she knew her and knew that this incident had happened because rumors circulated around the school for some time. A couple of hours later, she deleted those posts after a deluge of requests from media and refused to speak with any media outlet. The public space is not supportive.

This is the kind of potential information that an FBI clearance probe could unearth, given the time. It can’t be that difficult to deduce an approximate location, starting with residences with pools and two stories in the areas where the Georgetown prep students lived. Now there is someone who can identify the location. She will have more trouble ducking the FBI than she did on Facebook. There may even be yearbook photos. However neither Agent Orange, the Senate or the FBI, perhaps by DOJ directive, is willing to wait.

And in the meantime, Dr Ford has received death threats, moved out of her house, hired security and effectively gone into hiding. All that is what she had to gain from making her story public. Why would she make a false accusation when she anticipated that this scenario would become her life? Unlike the judge, her life is being ruined. She agreed to the Washington Post interview to be able to control her story. That didn’t happen. She doesn’t deserve any of this.

It’s difficult to understand how Judge Kavanaugh can be so adamant, unless he is innocent.  That’s the image he wants to project. But there is too much of the story that rings true for that. He’s said he was never there, but how would he know that? Dr Ford is not sure exactly when or where the party happened. Did he never attend a party in Montgomery County while at school? There are others who will at least corroborate his drinking phase while in high school, so his being blind drunk is credible. And wouldn’t a summer of blind druggeness cloud your memories? His defense would be more credible if he copped to drinking and the boys will be boys defense that could put him at the party but support that he is constitutionally incapable of rape. Perhaps he will present that in his defense in the Monday hearing.  

Consider this. Kavanaugh may have become the gentleman and supporter of women’s equity because of the “horrible incident.” What if he was so shocked by his own behavior, that he was capable of the type of violence that would cover a woman’s mouth with the threat of asphyxiation that he vowed never to be in that position again. Perhaps not during that summer when he continued to drink heavily, but later as the nightmare reoccurred that he had been monstrous. Then the Greek chorus of women colleagues would be right. What they have seen since is a ferociously reformed molester who refuses to get near the brink again. In actuality, the judge doesn’t seem to have that much integrity. He’s a player of conservative political games. He has liberally used misrepresentation of his activities in both his recent and past Senate confirmation hearings. The Details Still Don’t Matter, Day 3: Cavanaugh’s As Slippery As a Greased Pig ,  Much Ado About Nothing 

By next week, the Kavanaugh train will be pulling into the SCOTUS station. The GOP has been backed into a corner. They are desperate to make this happen in the next couple of weeks. If they can’t, Kavanaugh will not be on the bench when the new court calendar resumes in October. If they can’t, they risk losing their Senate majority to confirm their nominee. Of course, it’s not above McConnell to try to ramrod Kavanaugh or another nominee through in the lame duck session before the new Congress convenes in 2019. If they have to begin a new nomination process, a new nominee might not be able to join the bench until well into 2019.

Oh well, Democrats will have a campaign issue after Kavanaugh is confirmed. Perhaps the rabid supporters of Supreme Court control on the right will feel their mission is accomplished and stay home from the polls. Christine Ford’s ordeal was not worth that.

The Details Still Don’t Matter


#metoo will not derail the Brett Kavanaugh train chugging toward overturning Roe v Wade and protecting 45 perhaps from continued investigation, but certainly from impeachment. Much Ado About Nothing, Day 3: Cavanaugh’s As Slippery As a Greased Pig. Republicans don’t even need the race card handily played against Anita Hill to confirm Clarence Thomas, who was probably less qualified.

Conservatives have their partisan card. That and their tone deafness to the safety of women’s bodies. They never believe the woman’s story and set out to destroy her character or the circumstances. In this case, the woman had chosen to remain anonymous about a sexual assault from high school without a police report and no corroborating witnesses which for all intents and purposes means it can be ignored. The statute of limitations has long since expired, all making turning a blind eye even easier.

In response, Kavanaugh has trotted out a greek chorus of women to testify to his gentlemanly conduct, bolstered by his record of hiring women and other minorities in his courts. He’s been an active recruiter to the conservative cause, trying to fill some holes in the movement with a little color and more skirts.

Sexual misconduct isn’t abhorrent to Trumpophants either. They went crazy for Roy Moore in Alabama after all. They harken back to the time when boys could be boys and men should be allowed to have their way with women. Betsy DeVos, ever responsive to the base, has created new regulations to elevate testimony from men accused of sexual assault and misconduct on college campuses to a higher plane, faithful to the myth that women fabricate tales of rape when they regret consensual sexual encounters. Most importantly, they love and adore the Misogynist in Chief, even as he’s become embroiled in campaign violation scandals trying to silence the Playboy bunny, the Apprentice contestant, and the porn star.

We have seen that conservatives care little about character either. Republican senators confirmed a gaggle of corrupt cabinet members, easily discernible from their hearings. Tax Reform’s Comin’, Alligators In The DC Swamp,  Cabinet of Liars. And then there is the obviously amoral, misogynist, white supremacist Chief Executive, whom they follow around like lost puppies. Congressional and local candidates are popping up across the country, casting themselves in his same mold, worts and all.

Have conditions changed, now that the unanonymous woman, Christine Blasey Ford has decided to manage her own story? Beginning with an interview with the Washington Post, she presents what details she can remember and talks about the toll it took on her personal life, including symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her case of PTSD was likely compounded by burying the story so deeply she told no one about it until she told her husband that she had experienced sexual abuse without giving any details and later in 2012 during a couples therapy session.

She felt compelled to come forward as her letter was leaked and reporters were trying to contact her. Unfortunately, this is the landscape she hoped to avoid while feeling some civic responsibility but furiously trying to protect her privacy. She was terrified that disclosure would result in a furious onslaught of derision and invasion of her privacy which often includes death threats. Survivors often feel shame, having matured in the societal narrative that a woman did something to “ask for it” and guilt over her indecision about coming forward. 

Sexual assault can not be refuted by a Greek chorus of female colleagues who met him decades later, when he was more mature and outside the privileged preppy school-boy- group-think. No doubt, he continues to travel in those privileged prep school alumni circles, but adults are generally more discreet. Just because any one individual hasn’t had a similar experience does not mean that Kavanaugh did not sexually assault Christine Blasey Ford.

In an uncharacteristic move, the Senate seems to be backing off from its furious pace and has called another hearing to investigate the allegations, featuring the two participants. Interestingly, Kavanaugh has already repeated his categorical denial, saying he never went to any party at that home. It is an interesting statement, made before he even knew the location which Dr Ford did not know. It is equally fantastic to assume that a kid who was often blind drunk, according to his peers would have such clear memories of an incident he apparently dismissed. This is in contrast to Dr Ford, who admits there are large parts of the story she can’t recall even as it has scarred her life.

The GOP about-face suggests that the reactions of some Senators is threatening the approval vote. Even more uncharacteristically, the administration has tried to appear even handed; Agent Orange has not vilified Dr Ford; nor has anyone else so far. He even seemed to approve of the additional hearing. Of course, they have Trump-Fox News in reserve, to spew its own brand of venom, independent of government officials. However, the questions and attitudes in the hearings have yet to happen. More importantly, it may be just window dressing. McConnell is hoping the vote will take place immediately after the hearings close. That suggests a foregone conclusion.

But these are not the only problems with Kavanaugh. During the theatrics of the Senate hearings, several other problems failed to get the attention of the public. An opinion piece from the editorial board of the NY Times details the number of times Kavanaugh misled at best, flat out lied at worst  in his testimony during his confirmation hearings. All wrapped in a package of verbose obfuscations. Assisted by partisan combings of documents by the White House and Bush’s personal lawyer, refusal to release hundreds of thousands of documents, and last minute document dumps, Kavanaugh denied his involvement in reviewing illegally obtained documents in vetting judicial nominee, William Pryor, controversial for his characterization of Roe v Wade as “the worst abomination” despite documents that showed otherwise. During his 2006 confirmation hearings for the federal appeals court, he told senators that he knew nothing about the Bush warrantless wiretapping program or detainee treatment policy when recently released emails show that he knew about both long before the policies were made public. Times editors summarized “He misstates facts under oath, and Republicans cover for him by making it hard, if not impossible, to get the documents proving it.”

FILE PHOTO: Police officers stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in WashingtonIdeally, we should hold our Supreme Court Justices to a higher standard. Historically, this has not proven to be the case. Clarence Thomas is the most recent example and yes, he did sexually harass Anita Hill. The Senate simply browbeat and insulted Hill in a rush to discredit her. And then Thomas called the accusations a public lynching and liberal politicians retreated into their guilt. For a refresher, see a recent TV movie, Confirmation; it is painful to watch.

Some Senators are now saying that they believed Hill, an admission that uncategorically states that sexual misconduct was not then seen as unacceptable conduct. It doesn’t seem to be enough to disqualify a SCOTUS nominee now. Perhaps it’s semi-acceptable when it was a long time ago, he was 17, he was drunk, he doesn’t remember it and he’s made the kind of judicial rulings that the GOP likes. The Federalist Society has an ample supply of names on its list who probably are not burdened with this kind of baggage. Doesn’t it just make sense to select one of them? Remember, the judge still has a lifetime appointment to the Appellate court, even though his conduct during this saga should be enough to consider impeachment.

For Kavanaugh, this is not new bad behavior. The nominee, clearly ambitious, has honed his skills to reach the pinnacle of the Supreme Court. He has proven himself to be able to bob and weave through numerous judicial appointment hearings, not only by dodging questions but being loose with the truth. He’s scaled the rungs of the judicial ladder with artifice, in tune with his party and the president who nominated him. He fits right in with the whole corrupt Republican enterprise. He is yet another lizard to emerge from the swamp Alligators In The DC Swamp Why is Donald Trump Putin’s Bonbon?, only he’ll be there years after hopefully the rest of them have been booted out. He’ll be faithfully carrying out their agenda for corporate favoritism and sovereignty of a reactive conservative minority on into the second half of the century.

Corruption Is In The Eye of The Beholder


In an interesting piece in the Atlantic, Peter Beinart explores the idea that Trumpophants don’t care if 45 is corrupt because they have a very different idea of what corruption is, Even if they do happen to hear mounting evidence of that those surrounding their fearless leader are law-breakers and unethical opportunists, their support hasn’t wavered. The devotees of Trump TV, Fox, Short Takes: Trump-run TV, No Plastic Bags At Krogers haven’t heard about it except in conspiracy laced propaganda that denies the truth of what any reasonable person has to concede is pretty conclusive. The guilty plea of Paul Manafort is yet another shovelful to add in the bucketAnother Domino Falls: Manafort Calls Uncle.

Many of his political allies say simply that they knew who the CelebrityPresident was when they voted for him and they don’t care. Of course they lacked the specific details we now know, but they had enough to understand that the shadowy contours of the man were less important than reversing Roe v Wade or SCOTUS picks or lowering taxes. Americans have made a pretense of wanting honorable leaders in the past, but haven’t voted that way when the rubber met the road. Remember that Richard Nixon was re-elected by a large margin after the Watergate break-ins were already being investigated and it wasn’t until John Dean dropped his bombshell about the tapes and what the tapes revealed that Nixon’s popularity took a nosedive.

Beinart finds one explanation in Jason Stanley’s book How Fascism Works. “Corruption, to the fascist politician, is really about the corruption of purity rather than of the law. . .the fascist politician. . . evoke[s] corruption in the sense of the usurpation of the traditional order.”

In this context, the CelebrityPresident’s payment to Stormy Daniels is seen as reaffirmation of male hierarchy and class dominance. Husbands have always cheated on their wives and the powerful among them have used their clout to evade the consequences. Bill Clinton comes to mind these days as the #metoo movement has had to grapple with his sexual transgressions (not just as president). Media interviews of Trump supporters have them giving that very response. Their fearless leader was only protecting Melania and his family from embarrassment which is what men are supposed to do.  

Many in the Trump camp are more concerned about the corruption of what they see as the “traditional order” and American values than about corruption as a violation of law. Another news story, featured prominently on Fox News instead of Michael Cohen’s plea, illustrates what Beinart calls the inversion of the traditional order. That story featured the murder of an Iowa girl by an undocumented immigrant, Christhian Rivera. Seemingly, if she had been murdered by a regular white guy, it would be no big deal. That he is undocumented and brown is important; a basic American tenet is the obligation of white men to protect white women against nonwhite men. Just the accusation of approach has been a long standing excuse to lynch/crucify men of color. Rivera violated racial and ethnic norms.

Agent Orange has no respect for the rule of law. He is waging a derisive campaign against law enforcement agencies, lawmakers and the courts in order to preserve his reign through popular support. With the help of Trump (Fox) TV, 86% of Republicans do not believe that he is corrupt. He has skillfully manipulated Trumpophants’ touchstones, generating and simultaneously soothing their anxieties. He is their bulwark against corruption, understood in the fascist sense of the word.. If he has surrounded himself with dishonorable men and lawbreakers, it has been in the service of a greater good. If the law must be violated, so be it.

While they may not understand it, GOP politicians and candidates feel it and they are scrambling to nestle themselves into that pocket of Trumpdom, hoping that it can get or keep them in office. So California Congressman Duncan Hunter first cried fake news and political witch hunt when he was indicted for misuse of campaign funds. And after Representative Chris Collins, an early Congressional supporter, was indicted for insider trading, his defense was that he hadn’t actually traded any stock, even though the fact that he provided the information makes him part of a conspiracy. These are crimes related to untempered money-making, which is also thoroughly embedded in the traditional order. They can and probably will be forgiven by their party as well.

45 has already castigated Jeff Sessions for prosecuting the cases, so close to the November elections, predicting the loss of those 2 seats. Apparently, in his view, the US Attorney General has an obligation first to party rather than the Constitution and the law. 

Another Domino Falls: Manafort Calls Uncle

addiction deck dominoes gambling

Photo by Pixabay on

Today, Paul Manafort plead guilty in court to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice avoiding a trial scheduled for this month. As detailed in the Washington Post, the newspaper quoted Max Bergmann, head of the Moscow Project at the Center for American Progress, “Manafort is effectively admitting to being an instrument of the Kremlin – something that didn’t stop when he was in charge of the Trump campaign. This is what collusion looks like.” In exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop 5 other charges encompassing money laundering and violations of campaign disclosure law.

By pleading guilty, Manafort has once again validated the direction of Mueller’s investigation. Rather than being a witch hunt, it has produced solid legal evidence that has resulted in numerous pleas and verdicts to over 187 crimes that tie the machinations of the CelebrityPresident’s campaign to shady dealings which transgress legal limits.

To be clear, Manafort admitted to cheating on his taxes, hiding money in offshore accounts while documents detailed his lobbying efforts on behalf of the Ukraine to influence the federal government and American public opinion toward Ukraine. For the most part, these events occurred before he joined the campaign as an unpaid campaign manager, desperate to lower some of his enormous debt.  

Manafort has managed to continue to support his former boss while trying to spare himself an effective lifetime of imprisonment. While he will forfeit 4 properties, 4 financial accounts amounting to $46 million, he has preserved some financial resources for his wife. The deal would come with a possible 10 year sentence maximum in addition to whatever sentence he faces in Virginia. His agreement does not require him to cooperate with Mueller on matters related to the campaign, preserving his loyalty for a potential pardon for at least his federal crimes. The president has no power of pardon for state crimes, like tax evasion and fraudulently obtaining loans that he was convicted of in Virginia a month ago. It may not work, because Agent Orange is as extreme in his broad vindictiveness as the defoliant was devastating to Vietnamese forests and the people in them. But he has at least taken his best shot.

While the deal does not require Manafort to cooperate on campaign related questions, it doesn’t preclude them either. It states that Manafort will cooperate with Mueller’s inquiry, but he has long contented that he doesn’t have any information relevant to the question of collusion in the Trump organization. Whether the plea agreement invalidates a joint Trump-Manafort defense agreement that allows the legal teams for both to share confidential information about the Russia investigation with the protection of attorney-client privilege is unclear. These agreements allow defendants to coordinate their narratives. Such an agreement put Manafort squarely in the Trump camp. What information he shares with Mueller will no doubt depend on what favor it buys him and what price he is willing to pay for his silence. There’s probably a lot of room to “not recall” but he can’t lie outright unless he invalidate the agreement. The Mueller team clearly has amassed a large volume of evidence which could box Manafort into coming clean or committing perjury, not that he hasn’t lied before. But stakes are higher than they ever were, including an orange jumpsuit for his remaining years.

There are many questions Manafort can weigh in on. Importantly, he has voluntarily agreed to be interviewed without legal counsel present for some parts. There is the infamous Trump Tower meeting he attended with Don Jr, Russian lawyer/agent and Jared to get dirt on Clinton. And what did the upper level campaign team know about George Papadopoulos information on stolen emails and his attempts to arrange a meeting between the Russian dictator and our wannabe dictator? Sessions has testified that he wanted to squash work on that, but Papadopoulos left the meeting thinking he had the ok to proceed, which he did. There is his offer to Oleg Deripaska, the Russian aluminum oligarch to whom he owed billions, to provide insider information and access to the campaign and how Manafort manipulated the GOP platform to change its position on Russia and the Ukraine Why is Donald Trump Putin’s Bonbon?. He can comment on the myriad contacts between campaign associates, large and small, with Russian associated folks across the campaign. Beyond his short tenure with the campaign, he remained advising Trump and his team during the transition and probably stayed in contact during the early administration about which he may also have tidbits to tell. And now there is a new hook; he may be able to shed light on 45’s strategizing to cover-up and obstruct Mueller through the Trump-Manafort defense agreement.

In spite of all the difficulties this situation may present for an increasingly less robust 45, the advantage for the GOP is that leading up to the midterms, details of probable Russian collusion will not be streaming daily out of the courtroom. That may have no effect on Trumpophants, but a growing number of independents and disaffected Republicans are sure to be paying close attention and voting accordingly against what is essentially treason.

Unsurprisingly, Sarah H issued a brief statement that insisted today’s events had nothing to do with the Chief Executive’s election victory in 2016 or his administration. “It’s totally unrelated” she repeated for the umpteenth time. So what else is new.

Short Takes: Trump-run TV, No Plastic Bags At Krogers

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Photo by Burak Kebapci on

Trump-run TV emerged full bloom on September 7 when the routine realtime broadcast of a MAGA rally added a new touch. Agent Orange seldom grants TV interviews and most recently, they have been exclusively for his own Fox News. But for this broadcast from Montana, the CelebrityPresident folded his network seamlessly into his administration. There, he stood on stage being interviewed by Pete Hegseth, a rumored future addition to the administration in some position or other, in front of the crowd with the interview blasting over the speakers for the pack to respond to. Hegseth was pitching softball set-ups for the chief executive to knock out of the park. “What was Trump’s message to his supporters about the silliness in Washington?”, serving up a platter for the charge of treason against the NYTimes. Hitting another prompt for a signature Agent Orange divider, Hegseth turned to the NFL. He closed with a question, more statement than inquiry, that named the local opponent and seemed to remind Trump to talk about the VA later in his speech.

Fox found itself in the midst of campaigning for the Trump-anointed candidate. Well not really, the rallies are all about Agent Orange with an afterthought mention of the local candidate and sometimes his opposition. He was able to roll out his sure-fire narrative for 2018: failure to vote for the candidate will result in his impeachment! That should fire up the base. For the narcissist, the threat of firing up the opposition is a mere trifle. Someone may have told him that there are more registered Democrats than Republicans, with their number dropping as the administration proceeds, but no doubt he’s forgotten.

45 now need only envy the number of media outlets Vladimir Putin has under his state control, for the transformation of his own is complete. Just as Putin’s state media serves the dictator, rather than the Russian government, the RealityTVPresident’s is his alone. Putin would never attack other government agencies, for his absolute power allows him to simply eliminate them at will. But Russia is a dictatorship after all, flimsily disguised with rigged elections.

Here, in another historic first, the RealityTVPresident, has managed to create a Trump centric network which is not separable from the man himself. In contrast, we have had, at least for a century, a free and independent press untethered to any chief executive, even as some outlets have had a propensity to show bias to one party or another. Although he has access to the full range of federal government information, he relies steadfastly on his network as his main information source, for both global and domestic information. Once grasped, the discourse that informs his Twitter pronouncements and speeches, and likely policy discussions, in whatever form they occur, is designed to confirm and expand Fox TV’s broadcast reach. The cycle is completed as Fox broadcasts and editorializes on 45’s activities, as well espouses his defense through fantastical speculation about “Trump enemies”.  


Kroger To Phase Out Plastic bags

Kudos to Krogers for phasing plastic bags out of its grocery stores. As a frequent Kroger shopper, I hated all those plastic bags. They double bagged for people who are walking with groceries. They stuff individual meat packages in an additional plastic bag before they put it in another plastic bag with other groceries. They seem to put as few items in a bag as possible;  half full seems preferable to stuffed. All these bags for a short trip in a cart across the parking lot. Are these the preferences of baggers or some directives from upper management?

Kroger which includes major chains like Ralphs, Harris Teeter, Food 4 Less and Pick ‘n Save will begin eliminating single use plastic bags first in the Pacific Northwest and complete the process by 2025. Just as encouraging is Kroger’s commitment to keep 90% of their garbage out of landfills by 2020.

Short Takes: Anonymous;Tinkering with Social Media

Could it be a Hoax?

There’s something that’s not adding up with this NYTimes Op-Ed from the anonymous Trump official. Could it be an administration plant, to ultimately embarrass the newspaper? Or as a pretense to more aggressively attack it. TREASON! is a big charge. “In the name of national security” the newspaper must release the author is a signal for a potential DOJ assault in court. Agent Orange has called Sessions out and he needs to chip away at his trust deficit. Or, it could be a tossed off remark from 45, all Trumpophant tough guy with little substance; one never knows if his inside guardians will counteract the impulse. Man, talk about a deep state. Only this time, it’s the conservatives hating on Agent Orange.

Still, the inevitable swipes at the NYTimes from Agent Orange is bound to help pump up the base, a topic for every future BullyPresident rally until November and probably beyond in the ritual of perseveration that is Trump. In this, Anonymous is serving the master well.

Why the NYTimes? Yes, it is perhaps the best known newspaper in the country. It is also an obsession for Agent Orange, who from his early days in Manhattan wanted to be lauded in its pages. He still wants that, but is daily disappointed by their constant criticism. Wounded afresh, he strikes out at the paper with a fury reserved for his enemies list. They are the epitome of the press as enemy of the state. Did anonymous want their Op-Ed there to grab 45’s attention and add insult to injury?

What was the purpose? To divert attention from the Cavaughn hearings? To reassure wavering Republicans that their agenda is safe, even as the CelebrityPresident seems to be running amuck. After all, they say they stay because they believe in the mission and they want to make sure it continues. So why say anything at all?

Was it to improve job prospects post-Trump administration? If all goes well, all the employment around how to deal with those people will transition to how to deal with a Democratic administration. If they are booted out before the end, they still will be a valuable commodity. Perhaps it is to assuage their conscience over the morally bankrupt position of backing away from the 25th Amendment knowing full well that the Chief Executive is mentally unstable and incompetent and unlikely to improve as he continues to age. A Dorian Gray bargain where they sacrifice their dignity and humanity for an expanded piece of the pie (staying comfortably in the 1 percent! unlike Manafort and Gates who dropped out big time). It can’t be that, because these people know no shame.

If it’s real, it was incredibly stupid. First, it set them up as a conservative target. Of course they can gloat that the accusations of being gutless and cowardly can’t hit them anonymously. The criticism from the left would sting if they thought they would be recognized for their bravery and the guardrails they provide. But no, they understand liberals well enough not to have expected that.

Secondly, they put the Trump administration on alert. Perhaps there is a cadre of resistance that can shield them. The administration hasn’t been particularly adept at squashing leaks, perhaps that’s due to resistance operations. 45 is certainly gunning for the culprit.

But more importantly, they set the press on the trail to ferret them out. NYTimes reporters have first dibs, unless forbidden by their editors from pursuing it which is entirely possible. But every other large news organization is out there scrounging. And they’re good. Of course, Deep Throat remained undetected for decades but resources are so much more extensive these days, what with traffic and ATM cams and surveillance and internet location tracking. Still there are ways the knowledgeable can stay off the grid. We shall see. The furor may die down as more important stories rise and the elections season gets in full swing. On the other hand, campaigning could keep reigniting the question.

Maybe they’re just tired and looking for a way out.


Alex Jones is Gone From Twitter; Will It Hurt His Product Sales?

The unfortunate truth is that Google, Facebook, Twitter can tinker as much as they like, but they can’t fix the problem. As long as there are folks out there who love conspiracies, who traffic in gossip, who are titillated by hate, who believe whatever they see on social media, the Alex Joneses and Russian bots will be influencing popular opinion. It’s the American people we need to change. People need to question what they see and read. They need to ask if it makes sense. They need to accept that they may have been wrong. They need to reframe their thinking as new information emerges. And if they do, the crap on the streaming apps will become less popular and fall down the algorithm limiting their spread until they disappear from sight.

But that’s a tall task. It’s not the way our brains work It’s Time to Ditch Facebook. The human brain is lazy and takes the easiest route whenever possible. It resists ideas that challenge a person’s overview. Brain activity on fMRI scans show that when presented with new ideas, the areas of the brain associated with fear and anxiety, not intellectual activity are activated. The brain reshapes the idea so that it can be integrated into the old framework even if it is the exact opposite. And this all happens on autopilot in the blink of an eye, without our even knowing it.

THE ONLY WAY to counteract the autopilot is pause for a moment to think through it; that is to say activate the intellectual thought areas of the brain. Unfortunately, there are many who don’t have that type of counterbalance. That is not to say that there are a lot of stupid people out there. What it does say is that in our system of education geared to test performance on multiple choice questions, we have neglected to encourage analytical thinking. We have not been encouraged to question, to investigate, to study. We’ve indulged in rote memory instead. This is as true now as it is for the population educated decades ago, the majority.

This has made internet literacy a real problem. What is the source and how did they get the information is the first question to ask in these days of partisan slugfest. Fake organizational identities, false information, unsubstantiated claims, manipulated statistics, pure fiction masquerading as fact abounds. Sometimes, even the best sources are wrong. Sometimes the author’s approach is biased by picking information selectively, a common complaint against the mainstream media from the conservative right. But there’s none better than Trump-run TV, Fox News for bias. We have to find the bias and examine how it shapes the information.

THAT’S A HUGE undertaking, given the barrage of information that passes across our screens daily. We should try to control the drive to join what’s trending to meld into the popular. Less information from a few good sources is probably better than trying to take in the full scope. That calls for filters, which is almost as much hard work.

It’s a lot like the solution to drug trafficking; if there was no demand in this country, there would be no need for a supply. If people didn’t scarff up internet garbage, no one would create it because it would no longer be driving advertising dollars. Maybe smoking is exemplary of a success story, even if it took decades. Cigarettes were everywhere and now smoking is unpopular, banned from most public indoor spaces, aided by taxes that increased the prices to make them unaffordable. Although this is a seismic change, shifting perceptions about cigarettes is probably easier than training our brains to recognize biases and counteract them.

This is a global problem and the battle is being lost. We can’t clean up the internet without clearing our thought processes. We have to start thinking rather than reacting.

Day 3: Cavanaugh’s As Slippery As a Greased Pig


Day 3 of the Cavanaugh hearings proved that he’s slippery as a greased pig. He bobbed and weaved through a lot of legalize. He couldn’t commit to nothin’. Democrats tried to smoke him out with leaked emails on affirmative action, abortion and the all important question of the scope of executive power. And yet, he provided an interpretation of his remarks that seemed to indicate he really didn’t mean that Roe v Wade was not “settled law”, he was just pointing out that some legal scholars didn’t think it was. That “some people think” device is familiar to his boss, oops, his nominator, a master of innuendo suggesting there’s a general idea circulating out there but may not be his position. He’s just letting people know it’s out there. Cavanaugh was floating like a butterfly.

His interpretation of the law is thoroughly vetted in the cauldron of conservative retrograde when men were white only and women were an afterthought.

Despite an extensive body of legal decisions and documents on political policies, he keeps saying that he wants to remain open minded. The “each case is individual” approach. His neutrality is grounded in the law. That’s a misdirect. His viewpoint is grounded in his interpretation of the law. His interpretation is thoroughly vetted in the cauldron of conservative retrograde when men were white only and women were an afterthought.  According to him, he doesn’t have a political agenda and his practice of the law is free of political philosophy. Meanwhile, Republican senators continue to withhold a large portion of Cavanaugh’s record or dump thousands of pages on committee members the night before the members are set to question him. The volume of documents is so large that they couldn’t know all of what’s in them, but they must be afraid there is something in there that will expose the quintessential Cavanaugh. They can rely to some extent on the procurement process. Documents from the National Archives have been prescreened by a partisan Republican lawyer and then by the rabidly partisan administration.

This is what we know. From the campaign trail until the recent past, Trump has hammered the theme that he would appoint a forced childbirth justice to the court who would overturn Roe v Wade. Is there any way that the Federalist Society didn’t provide him with that choice? Cavanaugh doesn’t want to say that, but he could, because the Republicans all want that and they got the Senate votes. In that, he is a perfect reflection of the duplicitousness that has for decades characterized the GOP. They thrive on dishonesty. Like 45’s hero in Russia, the lie’s the thing. It doesn’t even have to be a good one. It can be contradictory to what is right in front of one’s face. “Don’t believe what you see and hear.”

We also know that Agent Orange is obsessed with the Mueller investigation and it’s potential to unravel his fiefdom. The Federalist Society provided the added bonus of a candidate in Cavanaugh who has written that he buys into the bulletproof Chief Executive, who can only be toppled by the political device of impeachment. He can’t be compelled to testify. He can intimidate witnesses at will, firing anyone likely to expose the cover-up. Those things can keep the GOP agenda to destroy the institutional basis of our government going. And yet, Cavanaugh won’t cop to nothin’.

As I said before (Much Ado About Nothing), it’s pure theater. Brett Cavanaugh will be the ninth Supreme Court Justice. He will reveal his true activist political self from the bench, no longer in need of pretense. The politicization of the Supreme Court will be complete. And the tenuous level of justice in this country will melt. Roe v Wade doesn’t have to be overturned; it will simply be whittled away until abortion is unavailable in this country. There are currently laws being proposed against medical abortion in first trimester which is essentially reaching again into women’s very homes, much like anti-sodomy laws. And the number of maternal deaths, already the highest in the developed world, will rise even higher. But female lives have never been a high priority for conservatives.

A Constitutional crisis will certainly be precipitated in the coming months as Americans are finally confronted with the full scope of collusion of the Trump campaign (administration?) with Russia and the attempts at cover-up. Donald Jr has already established that much (Unindicted Conspirator ;Can It Be He’s Just Stupid). Will Cavanaugh and cronies be able to salvage the administration? Will Pence, maniacal Christian ideologue who believes he must serve the president’s every whim in service to his God, in contrast to his amoral boss; will  Pence become President.

Goddamn you nonvoters in 2016! You screwed us bigtime! It’s too late for the federal court system which could string up the country in a far right conservative noose for decades.  There are more moderates, progressives and liberals out there than conservative retrogrades. You better get your ass to the polls in November 2018 and 2020!

Short Takes: Trevor Noah, Nike, Polling Places Saved


Trevor Noah, in a recent rebroadcast of an interview with Terry Gross of Fresh Air had some wise words on the president and language. He offered the thought that the BullyPresident took a page from African dictators who use the simplest language possible. Noah suggests that that kind of language, where things are either good or bad, or great or terrible, allows even the least literate to feel like they understand every policy a leader presents. 45’s positions are always simple, easily wrapped up in a slogan; his policies are simple because they lack detail. The trade deficit is simply described as money owed to the United States rather than a system of exchanges of goods and service between private entities which don’t involve the government at all. Immigrants are being sent by their countries rather than individuals who have made their own personally difficult decision to give up life in one place in exchange of the unknown. For 45, it’s short, sweet, uncomplicated even as it is almost always untrue. Yet it allows many who have felt confused and ill equipped to participate in the electoral process to feel fully informed and grasp it all. And once he’s found the phrase that rocks, he repeats it over and over and over again. Already, his comment on Bob Woodward’s new book about the administration,” the book is a work of fiction; the book means nothing.” has come up several times. It’ll be back.

In contrast, a recent tweet celebrated Obama’s eulogy at John McCain’s funeral as a triumph of complete sentences in contrast to the language of Agent Orange. Those of us who read newspaper websites celebrate the glory of soaring rhetoric and a clever turn of phrase. We understand that the issues are complicated and policy nuances are important. But as we’re gearing up for the November elections, it’s worth thinking about using language that simplifies and clarifies but rocks with enthusiasm. Our phraseology should aim to be inclusive across the literacy spectrum.


kapernickKudos to Nike for the Colin Kaepernick advertising campaign. For the idiots burning those Nikes on the internet, you already paid the big bucks for them, so Nike don’t mind. Nike has figured out that Kaepernick supporters, including Black people, have money too and they love the Nike products worn by the famous and the popular. Let the others stock up on Infowar and NRA products.


A victory for voting rights in Randolph County Georgia as election commissioners voted  No on a plan to close 7 of 9 polling places. The county has more African American voters registered than white and is run by Democratic officials, a rarity in this red state despite a significant number of African Americans and other minority citizens. A consultant, Mike Malone, who says he was following suggestions from Brian Kemp, currently Secretary of State and Republican candidate for governor, proposed that the polling places be closed because they didn’t meet ADA guidelines and it represented cost savings. Oddly, these were not concerns during the primaries just held; suddenly they needed urgent implementation before the general election which just happens to have an African American candidate for governor. Kemp disavowed any connection with the proposals and denounced their implementation. It seems a bit duplicitous, since Kemp recommended Malone to the elections commissioners, but maybe he’s seen the light now that potential voters seem upset about it.

vote-hereTiming aside, it also seemed strange that the polling place where over 90% of African Americans voted was among those slated for closure. If the objective is to have the largest number of citizens voting, as is their civic duty, it would seem that that would be the one place the board would want to keep open. All of the proposed closures were at sites that are being used and can anticipate higher numbers in the general election.  

Fortunately, Malone has gotten his pink slip from Randolph County, but we need to stay vigilant for his name to pop up in other communities, even after the 2018 elections, because 2020 is just the blink of an eye away. Would that county funds could be refunded for a job poorly done.

Kemp seems to believe that a can of spray tan can make him a carbon copy of Agent Orange and that will be enough to get him elected. He doesn’t believe that there is anyone else in the state worth considering and for that matter representing. Do we, the majority, really want to sacrifice hard won gains in jobs in the state, often at the cost of business tax revenue, to the absurdity of a religious freedom bill’s license to discriminate? Do we really want to turn back criminal justice reform for the hardline indiscriminate contours of a war on gangs and immigrants?

Next up: getting Kemp to step down as Secretary of State before he has time to finagle any of the counts in his upcoming race for governor, clearly a conflict of interest. He’s pretty set on staying put. Let’s see if we can dislodge his ass.